THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ no-oft +rr..r . /' 1 i F IiJYJ 0044L , T i u '1 AMAUER CHOSEN CAPTAIN V IE Urbana, Ill., April 5.-Johnny Mau- er, speedy sophomore forward on the umn 4 Illini basketball team which tied for I first honors, was chosen captain of N next yearfive. Mauer earned N.his IVarsity berth after the 'season ggam' rst Stringers Win 10 Inning Game under way, developing rapidly with First Matcn Scheduled for April 19E By score Of 10.2 On competition. Mauer will be the first When First Four Men Will Big jiamond junior to captain a major sport since Meet Indiana Tem -,.1918, when Ingwersen Iead the foot- URLFS MORE EFFECTIVE ball eleven as a junior. CAPTAIN RORICH IS ONLY, THAN IN FIRST ENCOUNTER VETERAN REMAIKING FROM 192:3 Using the big diamond for the first left the scene and also kept the After two weeks of elimination play,I ne this season, Coach Ray Fisher's opposition away from the platter. The i the first cut in the Varsity tennis trsity baseball squad held another regulars got to Jablonowski with some squad has been announced and theres 'actice game yesterday afternoon, regularity, but "Pete" had consider-R remain on the net roster 18 men from hich resulted in a 10-2 victory for able "stuff" on his offerings. Rein-f whom four will be selected to crossa e fist team. The game went ten ert pitched good ball except for his I rackets with the University of Indianas T inability to locate the plate. squad at Bloomington on Saturday, The battle estarted with Gillman The fielding was fair. The first April 19. tching for the regulars and Torrey string infield pulled off some fast The squad as it now stands consists rt the yannigans. The scrubs drew work, but the scrubs gave their pitch- of Captain Rorich, Brick, Crane, t blood ithen tchmad drew aWbaseters poor support. Their throwing was Goldsmith, Creiner, Guenin, Hartwell, balls in the third inning. Weitzel decidedly off, and failure to peg ac- Hodgman, Holland, Merriam, O'Brien, t safely and Bachman went to third curately between the bases put them Schaefer, Segall, Slowinski, Tracy, e completed th trip by stealing in many holes. The regulars came Vose Walbridge and Wright. Of Sand lst run gans fourth. Par- through with a double play in the these men Captain Rorich is the lone; r- wvalked, went to second on' Har- ninth.aeitnelgot anptseandNev i- -J wearer and from present mdi- ~' sacrifice, took third when Shaugh- poled a long one in the general dir- 'ain h erh fvtrn il F3r' ce okthr hn huh ection. of* Herb Steger in cen1ter field, . cations' the dearth of veterans will t ssy was thrown out, and scored on Steger ine and field, make it tough sleighing for the coach-I passed ball. The regulars came Stegzrespetredntse'bal and tht es to turn out a team to compareI Weitzel between second and third. A Ek in., their half of the fourth and nice throw to Wilson beat the runner favorably with last year's net squad. ored once. Wilson worked Jablon- to first In order to insure the certainty of raki, who replaced Torrey, for a In spite of the necessary absence of giving every man a chance, to prbve i ss. Hits by Giles and Dillman Jack Blott and Harry Kipke, the win- his worth and to grab off every possi- shed the first-sacker. ners came through with some effect- bje prospect, another opportunity will I The regulars forged ahead in the ive hitting. Dillman was especially be given those men who have been xth when three hits, a walk and vociferous with the stick, hitting safe- cut to make a second try for the squad.a ree errors brought Dillman, Hag- ly on three occasions. Wilson, who The men who failed to survive the rty, and. Baker across the platter. had a peculiar day at bat. He walked first cut and all other prospective d more counters came in the next four times, got on base once on a tennis players, will have their oppor- e. Dilianuedy Haggerty force and another time on a fielder's tunity on Tuesday, April 22.f gled, and a squeeze play with Baker choice. ihgns or-cedl o h tnting the ball brought Dillman in.cIce Michigan's court schedule for the { ggerty went to second and cashed After the game, Coach Fisher gave coming season has been announced on Coleman's single to center. ers sti rkout. Wil and will have the Wolverine racket onClmnssnl ocne.json, Giles, Dillman, Haggerty, and welessrigihmu o w inert entered the box for the losers DeView were the ones included in the Eilders serving hem up for two the eighth' and was afflicted with a session, ant showed excellent form. Eastern aggregations besides the us- eak of wildness. Four walks, a The play of the first string for ual Confrence schools. An attemptl ,is being made to book matches.wt ider's choice and a sacrifice fly liner indicates that the Varsity nine. ve the first stringers three tallies. will be well equipped defensively. M. A. C. and the Saginaw Tennis the ninth, Wilson forced Sheehan, I Bachman, Sheehan, and Coleman shag- club and if these proposed matches nt to second on an error, and scored ged flies when the infielders had fin- materialize they will be played on en Dillman drove a single to left. ished. April 28 and May 3 at the Ferry field either team scored in the 10th, l op FiAer will name the men courts.6 Yesterday's game was rodtie ho are to go on the southern trip The 'balae 'f the 1924 schedule better pitching than in Thursday's after one or two workouts next week. follows: counter. Torrey held the regulars May 7-Notre Dame at Ann Arbor. oreless during the three innings, he!- is'r,' th ehill, 'wh5e ethe eamiiRansItua i g pVsit $egin 'Ma17 '-Wisconsin at Madison..} re unable to cross the plate after Brussels, April 5.-A n official invita- Ma 1M-Penn' State at Ann Arbor. e fourth. Walters gave them one ,"tion l s4bgen e4tpde4 Kgg.egdi- May 23-24--conference championships. n in the fourth, then shut them and and Queen Marie of Rumania to t hlicgo. visit Brussels. Their arrival is ex- May 26-Chicago at Chicago. SHs'undehand delivery eviden .P ed e!'xt nottl . -.Ma3y 29 Colgate at. Anh Arborn had the hitters guessing. Stephen May' 0 -Iowa af Ann Arbor.' )k up the hurling after Walters had Patr'nie Daily -A't ised. Adv. May 31-Ohio State at Ann Arbor. a..." , MAT TOURNEY BRINGS FORTK GOODMAERIAL Freshmen, most of them inexperi- enced, were mostly victors in the all- campus wrestling tournament staged by the intramural athletic department. Many good prospective Varsity wrestlers were brought out in the meet, and most of them will report to Coach Dick Barker for the tryouts next winter. A freshman, Harry Sinclair, pro- vided one of the tournament surprises when he felled Cletus Galloway, '25E, an experienced member of the Varsity; squad of last season. They wrestled in the 158 pound class. John Davis, '27, won the 115' pound eliminations, and Stanley liar- ris, '27E, was winner in the 125 pound class. - Two good Varsity pirospects appear- ed when Adelbert K. Toepper, '27, de- feated Hyman Lifschitz, '27, in the 135 pound class. In the 145 pound class E. W. P'hilips, '271E, was wihiner over The boxing public has a right to be W. Williams. Dexter Greiling, '27E, peeved at Battling Siki. The battling was winner in the 175 pound class. Seng tlese certainly' is giving the pui- In the heavyweight section Louis lie a dirty heal. One of the bestfights Goldstein, '2", defeated Rosenheim. FOOTRALL NOTICE Try-outs .for assistant foot- ball managerships should report j at 2 o'clock, April 22 at the Ferry field club house. Freshmen and men having three years in the University are eligible. SFootbaill Manager. he has staged since crossing the At- lantic recently to the U. S., was put on in Havana the other night and not a ticket was sold for it. Siki took on a stevedore. The con- queror of Carpentier had had four little skirmishes with- lesser lights that night. He went out of his class when he picked the dock husky, how- ever. The stevedore caught him flush on the chin with a nice big sugar bowl. "It sure was a sweet one," remark- ed the lucky bartender who wItnessed the mill. Doc May Holds Gvm Tournament An all-campus gymnastic tourna- ment was held yesterday afternoon in Waterman gymnasium under the 2upervision of Doc May with tl:e fol- lowing results:. side horse, Felver, first, Ireland, second; parallel bars, Cranage, first, Tierson, second; hori- zontal bars, Tierson first, Netzler, second; tumbling, Schouten, first, Smith second. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING '. BIG RESULTS- ON LITTLE INVESTMENT FA z .S Fe CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. RAIO IMPORTED radio sets, detector and two stage amplifiers, best of mater- ial and, workmanship. Complete with batteries, bulbs and phones, $75.00. Wahl, 1137 Forest, 792-W. FOR RENT SPLENDID FRONT room for girl. 418, Thompson. BY BUSINESS GIRL: furnished lightI housekeeping apartment, one or two rooms near campus. First floor preferred. Call 1555-R. AN EXPERIENCED insurance solic- itor. Reply giving phone number} for appointment. Box 4 care of The Daily. LADY WOULD like sewing, mending,' or care of children. $2.50 per day and car fare. References. Call 1363-W. ROOM FOR TWO students close to the campus. At once. 1012 Forest' 1767-J. WOMEN to know you can buy dishes, kitchen wares, and notions at your own figure. Visit our Sale to raIn all this week. Closing out all goods bought up to March 1st. HOME SUPPLY STOR E 209-211 East Washington St. Ann Arbor MEN to know we are closing out ourj entire stock of mens waves dnf furnishings bought up to March 1st. 29-211 E!;,Wsington St. Ann Arbor, FCR SALE DRESSMAKING & TAILORING Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needle vork of all inds. Experienced wt rkmanship. MRS. R. T. ?LEAH 411 Thompson. Phone 2768-,W. WASTED HELP SALESMAN WANTED. Guaranteed salary and commission.. Experienc- ed preferable. Permanent position, Apply 708 First National Bank Building, Saturday morning. STUDENT WITH sales experience to sell a high' grade electrical'outfit in Holland during the spring vacation. Address particulars to F. Bauer, 153 W. Western Ave., Muskegon, Mich. SALESMAN WANTED to call on Ford owners. $25 daily. Why work hard? Our article sells itself. See J. H. Bell, Whitney Hotel. GEORGE BISCilOFF Choice Cut Flowers and Plants Phone 809 -F-i 220 Chapin St. CGARAGE FOR rent. 1339 Washtenaw Call S52-J,' SINGLE ROOM in new house. Call Sunday, 334 E. Jefferson. 11 FORDS Tourings................$40 up Tourings with starters ... $110 up See Buffington 620 Monroe Phone 1118-J FINE SET of law books, The North- western Reporter, Price $200, at your own terms. Mrs. Geo. H. Morrison, 127 Delaware St., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. TWO MAY FES.IVAL coupons. Call 339J2-M. A FOUR ROOM apartment, nicely furnished. 607 E. Williams. I'hone 129-R. SINGLE ROOM, new house, someone who wishes a room for the summer. t 334 E. Jefferson St. SINGLE ROOM, attractively furnish- ed, well lighted, inprivate family, price reasonable. 1018 East Uni- versity Avenue. Phone 1238-J. A :TT Erfl' o r ant fn--- -4---- . -Y EXPERIENCED male cook for boys summer camp. Inquire at Lane Hall. Phone 1693. (Continued on Page Two) SCHILLER PIANO, excellent $150 cash. Phone 2522-W. tone. . I . WILL SELL or rent large house with accommodations for 24. Suitable for either fraternity or sorority. Splendid location. Marksman, 1680-R. Phone Mrs. .,. a -- SL _ i;;b.. - I 11 A ; . 1 . I i I , - - . E A A 9 ; I 1 11 11 - I " . I I , 14 , -, ., , I , . , I I I I - -'1 ~ I ii 'I( a X . ' ... ,. '. ~ I. 1 4, 'I 54110 0LfTMi l ,, S pR baC Call 233-.1 and We Will Teil You llow L. B. ABBOTT it. J. CHICIK 336 S . lohision TYPEWRITING XLL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time cop) holders, rubber stamps, r ibnons cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPE1WATITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown No. 9 Ann Arbor Sav. Bank Bldg. SBElAUTIFUIJ hand ktd swAers. A selection eflattist kis, s and ol-E ors. Prices rcasonable. Call at 923 Greenwood. FOURTEEN YARDS Filipino gauze { white, for evening gown. For Sale! cheap. Tel. 2948-J. IANAN SHOES, oxfords, black calf size 4 1-2 B; and brown kid, samne size. Tel 2948-. SPECIAL RIDING boot for ladies or Cents for a few days only at $15.00 made to your measure. ANN ARl- BOR CUSTOM SHOE FACTORY. NOTICE TO Fraternity in the best building site to be had, only six blocks east of ca mpus. 132 foot frontage on Oswego, Paved street, between Hill and Gedde;,, ov(',look- ing the .Huron Valley. See this be- fore you buy. Herman Polske. Phone 312-M. . gut A'' to ren t for tw o or three _f boys. 417 E. Washington. RQOMS FOR transients" by day or EASTER week. $1.00 per day or $5.00 per week. Ralph T. Swezey, 509 Thom-~~ CANDIES pson St. Phone 2970-W.= $55.00 MONTHLY. Furnished, first Se our splendid assortment o floor, light-housekeeping rooms. s Near H igh School, Will rent eggs and rabbits, Seect- yours furnished if desired. Phone 2970- en. . Rai1ph . Swezey, .ealy.Sendsme home., FOUNTAIN PENS . FOUNTAIN I'EN INSUJRA:CIE. have your name engraved on your )(n or pencil, price 25 certs Buy na-. =C tioytally known fountain pens an pink ' O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade,7n and forget you! troubles 749 N. University REAL ESTATE l tllIlll tilJIIltIliiI.lilliWJ;tt ' NE.RLY ONE ACRE West Side Price is right L. '0. Carr & C. J. Tremmel- 17 Sav. Bank Bldg. Phone 441-F-1. TYPIS2 with YEARS of EXPERI- ENCE give the most satisfactory re- sults. Bring your manuscripts to us. BIDLEIS BOOK STORE, No. 11 Nickels Arcade. MISCE1A4NEOUS Vie Place Where You'll Be Satisfied HOSPITAL SUPPLY CO. Geo. Glitzenbirn3, Mgr. Makers and Dealers in Surgical and Scientifical Instruments Abdoninal Belts, Artificial Limbs iraces, Trusses, Arch Supports Experimental Work of All Kinds Microtome Knives Ground and Other Fine Grinding Plating and Repair Work 216 E. Washington St. Telephone 2961.- GENTLEMEN All jokes aside come in and get a. real Honest to Goodness pair of shoes' made to your order. From $8.50 and up. ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FACTORY LET US PUT your yard in shape for spring. Nursery Stock and Land- scope Gardening. Call 2842-W. Ann Arbr LandĀ°cape Co. RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. THE GRAND Piano now being used by Thle Matinee musical Society.I Price $500. Write Box No. 14 care of the M',ichigan. Daily. ONE SINGLE tube regenerative radio set of 1000 miles receiving radius. Receives both coasts under favor- able conditions. Complete with dry! cell vacuum tube. Jessup, 920 Greenwood, Phone 2959-M. FIVE FULL blooded airdale dogs. For information, phone 197 ring-2, 2 or write Fred Kleinschmidt, Sal- LOST PARKER FOUNTAIN pen Thursday i afternoon between campus and M. C. Depot. Call M. Walker, 217. PEN PART of gold Wahl pen. Lost between Newberry Hall and Memor- ial Hall. Call Doris Wheeler, 1934- R. GOLD EVERSHARP pencil Friday night. Finder phone 863-J. Valued as keep sake. Reward. THETA CI fraternity pin. Finderj call 30-M. THE PROCKNOW GARAGE USED CARS 23 Buick 4 Touring, mnechanically perfect. 23 Durant Touring, driven 6,000 miles, looks like new. 22 Oakland 6-44 Touring, a fine run- ning car. 24 Chevrolet Coupe, 3 months old, looks like new. 20 Oldsmobile 6 Touring, iotor re- built. Good tries and new paint. 19 Reo Touring A-1 shape. 21 Ford Sedan. 19.Oakland Sedan, five good tires and in fine running order. 17 Buick D-45 Touring. 18 Reo Touring. 18 Studebaker Touring. Three 19 Oakland Touring, in good shape. 17 Oakland Touring. 19 Ford Touring. 16 Ford Touring. SAVE THIS AD. WORTH FIVE DOLLARS ON ANY USED CAR YOU BUY. THIS WEEK ONLY. Staeble & Sons s ?' z .J ... t. WELDING BRAZING Auto Repairing a and CUTTING Specialty can fix it' "if it's broke we Garage 211 S. Ashley St. An attained ideal ethe finest of clot hingq( f : CLOTHES Phone 2519 312 S. Ashley St." Phone 686 TWO FAMILY FLAT LADY'S PIN, white enamel engraving Liberal"reward.. Phone 1797. EAR RING. Black onyx with mosric rose set in gold. Reward. IT. 0. Potter, 530 Linden St. Phone 2003- M. 5 rooms each modern in every way, private baths, 2 extra houses on this lot, in irst class condition and rented. Three gagarges, Io- cation first class. 'Within two blocks of campus. S. E. .Section.. This is a good income property and a nice place to live. Price $181000. $45 to $70 TOPAZ ring, Friday. Return to 10-6 Thompson, phone 1902-J. Reward. Valued as a keepsake. MABEL A. TOLFORD 712 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones 1516--2387-R-467-J BOARD Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Termatnently by ELECTROLYSIS TYPEWRITER REPAIRUG TYPEWRITERS of all makes I i