THE WEATHER WARMER AND PROBABLY RAIN TODAY A61F 46F aiI ME MB] ASSOCIATED and WESTERN CON EDITORIAL AS| VOL. XXXIV. No. 140 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5. 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE EVIEWS STATUS r CLO'SES WASHINGTON ECONOMIST TELLS -01F WAR'S EIFECT Oi WORLD ThADE a SOCIETY RESOLVES TO PRESERVE OLD RELICS Sclenthts Elect iheigan Professor As President of Acadeny Dr. Harold G. Moulton, director of the Institute of Economics in Wash- ington, D.- C. delivered the final ad- dress of this year's meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters yest'erday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Dr. Moulton spoke on "The European Eo- onomic Situation." 'lhe speaker was introduced by Prof. E. E. Day of the economics de- partment. Professor Day spoke of Dr. Moulton's work in connection with the Institute in investigating economic conditions in Europe and spoke high- ly of his book, "Germany's Capacity To Pay" in the introductory speech. World Suffers Slump Dr. Moulton opened his address with a review of the fluctuation of econ- omic conditions since the signing of the armistice. Stating that all things economic find their reflections in gov- ernmental budgets,. he went on to give the reasons for the reduction of the value of currency in the past and at present. The real effect of the war on econ- otic conditions was the poit most stressed by Dr. Moulton throughot the body of his ad dressi He showed that; the entire world w,s vitaly ef- fected by the slump whch ntturally fMllowe( the treipendous espenditut'e of capital goods ad lives in the con- flict by d qonstrating ho* the cap- acit y of the indeted nstitois to buy goods stopped the tra4e of the nat- ions not otherwise harmed, Of all, the nations inolvexcep the Unitet States, GreAt Britain bas been the only o to keep It Udliet bancig~ t. Mutl sal.Te lack of tade itxh Gernany as ser- iously effected tie omne cs of th empire dea~lte .its vast etent. Even' the agricltural nations could not c-=I cape. Ini is concluaiif,thne speaker stated ' that the trade and business losses since the signing of the armistice.have been greater than those during the war period, and that more lives have been lost through starvation and dis- ease resulting from lowered financial conditions since 1918 than there were in the four years preceding that time As the closing words of his address, Dr. Moulton quoted a verse of xip-~ ling's "Recessional.", A resolution declaring that "it is the sense of the Michigan Academy of Science, Art and Letters that the anci-. ent relics, mounds, earthworks andi other prehistoric remains and records 1 of Michigan should be preserved and that a permanent state organization should be created for this purpose" was passed at the last business meet- ing of the organization yesterday. It also approved of "the movement to preserve the areas of natural scenic beauty and recommended that delegat- es be appointed to the sessions of the Friends of Native Landscape to be held May 30 to June 1 at Big Point Sable Dunes. Bartlett President Professo'R Harley H. Bartlett of the botany department of the University was named president of the academy. Professor Everett S. Brown of the political science department was el- ected vice president, and Lee R. Dice. curator of mamals in the university museum, was re-elected secretary- Girlies Aspire To Become KuKiluxers Fiery crossing seefss to be devel- oping into a regular game in Ann Arbor at which anyone can play. Last night at 9:30 three carloads of girls drove up to the triangular park' formed by the interaection of Packard and Dig ision streets, lit a fiery cross of the kind always attribued to the denizens of the white sheets, and de- parted in haste via their autos. Whether the Ku Klux Klan has started to receive female members or the girls were simply seeking ex- citement could not be determined at a late hour last night. BADGERSIFIL :TO SUPRCOI6 Wisconsin Weakens in Two gates for President at Convention [)ele- LA FOLLE'TTE CONGRESSMAN LEADS RIVALS BY MARGIN Milwaukee, April 4.-(By A. P.)- + Hope of President Calvin Coolidge to obtain at least two Wisconsin dele- gates pledged to him at the Republi- can national convention at Cleveland appeared shattered today by the Vic- tory of Congressman H. A. Cooper, La Follette delegate in the first dis- trict, who defeated the Coolidge dele- gate J. F. Craig as shown by complete official returns. The sole Coolidge Wisconsin dele- gate as shown by official return is Thomas Scott, first district, who poll- ed the second largest vote. The vote; between Craig and Cooper was close, less than 600 votes separting the two, and there still remains the possibility of a contest. J. B. Cristoph, the other La Follette district delegate, ran ap- proximately 2,000 votes behind.Craig.' In the remainder of the :state, late official returns failed to change the previously reported showing of com- plete victory for LaFollette delegates and the comfortable leads of delegates at large pledged to support Gov. Al Smith at the ;Democratic national con- vention over the delegates supporting W. G. McAdoo. B ISHOP :TO OFFICIATE, AIT CHAPELDEICTION% BEFORE COMMI TFEE NEW WiTNESSES INTRODUCE WIDE VARIETY OF EVIDENCE IN QUESTIONING QUIZ WILL NOT HOLD 'RECESS UNTIL MONDAY Commission Authorizes Investigation Into Busine's of Former Attorney's Brother Washington, April 4,--(By AP)- A wide array of new charges wereJ thrown into the already crowded rec- ords of the senate Daugherty investi- .gation committee today. Witnesses spoke of drug selling and paroles from federal penitentiaries re- ferred to bootlegging investigations in New York, crossed the continent to tell of munitions being furnished re- volutionists in lower California, and came back to relate alleged instances of liquor supplies being brought to "the little green house onbK street" in Washington. mentioned many times during the progress of the investi- gation as a rendevouz in recent years of high governmental officials. Faced with the mass of material the committee, already deeply occupied with executive sessions, inquiry into war contract questions, decided upon no recess until Monday. "The investigation is directing us, rather than we directing it," Chair- man Brookhart remarked. During, the interlude In the examination of wit- nesses, the committee decided to send two of its members, Senator Wheeler, Democrat, its prosecutor, and Senator! Moses, Republican, to Washington Court House, Ohio, with power to hold either open or executive investigations into the affairs of the Midland Nation-I al Bank operated by M. S. iDaugherty,I brother of :the former. attorney gen- eral. . Two letters were received by the committee today, one from Secretaryl Weeks, transmitting war. dpartment records iof investigations into war I contracts for the air service, which was examined behind closed doors. and one from acting attorney .general Beck asking delay in complying with! requests for files of, the bureau of investigation bearing upon .records ofl drug investigations at the. Atlanta, Federal penitentiary, and saying that S President Coolidge desired first to ob- I tai the opinion of his new attorneyr general on the question, I' LOAL HIGH SCHOOL WINS IN ORATRICL CONTEST COLLEGE STUDENTS A RE MORAL, SAYS SHERMAN Morality of American college students is at least as good as J, that of the country in general, Professor Stuart P. Sherman said in an interview immediate- ly after his convocation speech yesterday. "College morality is all right in spite of all we hear to the contrary," he averred. "The college student if anything is a little better than the aver- [ age in the matter of ethics be- cause he is capable of deeperI thought." TO ASSU9ME CGHIR COMMITTEE PLMS LNSI REVENUE DEFICIT COOLIDGE WILL APPROVE LEVIES ONLY WITH NEW Attorney General English Poet Laureate Makes Public Appearance at Convocation First VIEWS "CAPTAIN APPLEJACK" PERFORMANCE DURING EVENING Dr. Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate of England, who will hold the fel- lowship in creative art in the Univer- sity during the remainder of the aca- demic year, arrived in Ann Arbor yes- terday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Bridges. The distinguished visitors were met at the Michigan Central depc by President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Burton; whose guests they will be for a . few days before moving into the home provided for them during their stay. The Laureate permitted himself ,to be photographed at the station, but declined to grant an in- terview to the reporters present. . Dr. Bridges' first public appearance REVISED SYSTEM1 SENATE FINANCE FACES I INCOME LOSS PROBLEM IPresident Announces General Pol. icy of Opposition to Any New Taxation Washington, April 4.--(By A. P.)- While the senate finance committee, warned of a $75,000,000 deficit as a re- sult of the reductions now being car- ried by the revenue bill, turned to means of raising new revenue, Presi- dent Coolidge today announced a gen- eral policy of opposition to any new taxes. - Mr. Coolidge, while not 'expressingJ any specific attitude of the new taxes, voted last night by the committee on radio and mah jongg setS, indicated he would approve new levies only if designed to shift the tax burden from a class or interest now heavily taxed to a class or interest which might without injury bear additional taxa- tion. Before taking up the remaining ex- cise, and miscelaneous tax rates in the bill, Chairman Smoot called the attention of the committee today to es- timates which he said showed the bill as now framed would fail by about $75,000,000. This did not take into account the $3,600;000,000 in special appropriation bills which have been introduced in Congress, and of which about $600,-j 000,000 already has been approved by one house or the other. v.. i I zrmy oeneve t iai nhs sat and soul-searching mood thro I which the country is passing at pr ent is tremendously good for it, harlan Fiske Stone going to be a step toward its sa Harlan F. Stone, for many years tion; but its effects, like those of c dean of the Columbia Law school, and ta powerful medicines, are rat one of the most prominent lawyers of disturbing while they last," decla N he mrkwstrnentlays Prof. Stuart P. Sherman of the I dkty apinted pointarby Eversity of Illinois in speaking yes President Coolidge to succeed Harry day morning in Hill auditorium M. Daugherty, recently resigned as fore a convocation of the Univer Attorney General- and :Michigan Schoolmasters' clu "The Tolstolan unrest from wh this country has suffered since I great war," he declared, " is to -nanifested in the derisive picti presented to us of 'things to which used formerly to point with prid the church, the University, polit the constitution, the American b ness man. and the middle class. Calls Reaction Obscurantist Premieastew overn ent Exhibits "During the administration of P reatrredetssor ident Harding," he continued, "th began a counter-revolution of poli Aand morals and in religion. Hithe ATTACK UPON PENSION BILL I don't thin that counter revolu ENDS AFTER FAVORABLE VOTE has beenveywlmagd.I has eenvery well managed. Itl been allowed to take the form of Paris, April 4.-(By AP)-Premier obscurantist reaction. The atte: Poincare's new government, evidently to tighten up has been too much r AMERICAN IDE I UTR SHERMAN C[ FLAYS SUPPRESSION OF TR IN ADDRESS BEFORE CONVOCATION "PRESENT DEMOCRAC NOT JUSTIFYING ITSF Cites Contempt Of Prohibition And Type of American Nove As Evidence " firmly h llai th thiqct 'N1 r1 was at the convocation in Hill audi- torium yesterday morning at which he sat on the platofrm with President Burton and Professor Sherman. 'He was greeted with prolonged applause by the huge audience when President Burton introduced him and express- ed the pleasure of the University in receiving him. He did not speak how- eve-. President Rurton having made it' clear that "he. fulfills.all obligations. of -the fellowship _merely t-by' being here." Last night Dr. Bridges and :Mrs' Bridges :were in- attendance at the T special performance:" of "Captain Applejack" given by the Comedy club An honor of the visiting choohnasters. Mr. Robert Frost and Mrs. Frost andI Prof. Stuart -1P. Sherman were also; present - as - guests of the Burtons. TO START DRAPER BOX' S Holds Separate Meetings r much stronger in the chamber of De-in the hands of stony-eyed stand Republicans andrDemocrats of the puties than the old one which fell ters in politics and the small p committee held separate meetingsthis'lasthweektoday vigorously withstood historic element among the cle afternoon, at which was consideredI a determined attack on the pension The recent labors, for example, , hihdrd bill high causedits predecessor's ;William Jennings Bryan in this f the problem of where to place te ll hc ase t'rdcesrsbentoeo- amunth 'frobeduon hnexcisetaxesh'downfall. The vote was 327-201 in ihave prehistoric c amount of reduction in excise taxesI favor of the government. gyman. Mr. Bryan wVants to put already approved by the house and Ta higionon its feet. How does he p the necessary increase in taxes. } The offensive was launched with the goonisfe. owdesh ty ssame weapons, along similar lines and pose to do it? At -the earlier session the committeehnder the same conditions as that of "By calling for the legislative E upon request of Senator McCormick, last week. As was the case last week, pres4, on of the not friutful ecien .Repuhltcan,. lllnois, and Representa- Prem'fier Poincare was abet'from t !theor, ,, nioden t-fa.unes.landthe,., tive Madden, RepublicaI1, Illinois, did chamber, minister' of finance' Frat' serto that, call.takes tbel; shap .-gree to the' house action in cutting I coise Ma'rsal assuming the burden lofbmas..nietinms fof,,6000 benign ii half the tai on pioduced exchange responsibility, as had M. De Lastey- Bihl' us-udent passp -,resQ4i( ale Thamounting to 2 cents for each ' rie in the previous crisis.. Ho, isa, g inet< th( : 4_ctri-e, ot' .evo)lut $100. adopted'the samie uncoinpr nisitjgg ts "ioeve .in this _cuatry _tenlpts titude,drefusing to yield ven on- Ioldcharacter by clamping a lid fatter of detail,-and was evidently e- the holest. s(mscjon of-kn9wle RR 4 ~~~sirous! of eithier mshn';h pposit- and opinion. ;Aeatroy, .th.m .i.olcis p CO 1 MPERS.AIDES REFUTE ion or oing downuain efeat.character. -.- .----*- The new cabinet- emerged from the - )eplores Snprtession fight apparently strengthened and it " A church or a university, if 11 SICKNgSS now appears certain thatitd will be any such. which attempts to s carry on until the dissolution of par- press truth by a majority vote is New York, April 4.-(By A. P.)-- liment tentatively set for April 15. molding characters but nursing Samuel Gompers aged president of ; pocrites and imbecil-es. A relig thme mer Fedriof Lboi movement of that sort multiplies the American Federation of Labor. vl hc ti neddt ue who was reported to have been strick- do 101LET Qe rnDn I evils nothi it is intended to cure. en with vertigo during an address be does nothing towards national int fore the conference board of physi-I e dration. On the contrary it mak clans in industry declared through his SITE IUIMIUINI' prehistoric minds on one side and secretary tonight that he had not been rest of mankind on the other." ill, that his throat had merely be- Professor Sherman opened his AL4-a h ,-,.7 inco eeu g.,5, t i Poesr hra oeeui The Right Rev. Micheal J. Galla- / gher, Bishop of Detroit, it has been announced, will officiate in the lay- ing of the corner stone for the new St. Mary's Chapel for Catholic stu- dents at 3 o'clock tomorrow after- noon on the northeast corner of Wil- liams and Thompson streets. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. John McNichols. president of the University of Detroit. In respect to the occasion, priests from many parts of the state and Diocese will come here to participate in the ceremon- ies, and Catholic students who are to take part in the services are asked to assemble at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The ceremony, which will be mark- ed by the Roman Catholic ritual is one which is many centuries old. The corner stone will be prepared with a. cavity into which a metal box will; be fitted containing current coins,J medals, a historical record of the cere- niony, and a copy of the The Daily. Following the ceremony, dinner will be served to the Bishop and the, visiting clergy. The chapel is to be constructed on modern Gothic lines with a seating capacity of more than 600. The work of construction was begun last sum- mer, but the building will not be com- pleted before next fall. I TOMORROW'S ISSUE WIL 1 FEATURE ENGINE SCIIOOL The bai y will ipublish a special 20 page Sunday ' (di- tion tomorrow morning, feaLur- ing college, the coming Presi- dential campaign with the chief ' fact concerning each aspirant And the Chicago Drainage canal I in an addition to the regular de- I partments.. I It will also contain the fir st# I of a series of seven articles' that Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science depart- ment has consented to write forI The Daily upon practical poli- I Representatives of Ann Arbor high 0FFICESALE MONDAY school won first honors in oratory and declamation at the annual sub-district contest of the Michigan High School Box office sale of tickets for the ; Oratorical association, last night in performance of Ruth Draper, the no- - Pattengill auditorium..{ ted character artist, will open at 9' Eleven schools were represented in o'clock Monday morning in the Whit- declamation and seven in oratory. Al- I ney theater. Miss. Draper, who will Bert Cain, of Ann 'Arbor, speaking on appear Monday night, is being pre "America's Debt to the Old World." sented under the auspices of the Ann won first place in oratory, while Carl Arbor branch of the American asso-j Forsythe of -Milan, whose 'subject, was Iciation of University women., "The Responsibility of American Cit- 4 Ruth Draper scored a marked suc- zenship" took second honors. In de- cess- here last spring, and her com- clamation first place was again ing program, composed of entirely.- awarded to Ann Arbor, represented I new numbers, is creating even greater by Franklin Forsythe, whose declam- interest. Among the numbers to be ation was Thurston's "The Union offered are "A Scotch Immigrant," "A Soldier." eta' Barbour - of River Southern Girl at a Ball.'' "A Dalma- Rouge, giving senator William Hor- tian Peasant," "At a Telephone I ah's "Plea for the Prosecution of Hay- Switchboard," and "The German. Gov- wood" won second place. erness."s The winningcoration was a plea for Tickets for the performance have the reconsideration of the Bok pea^e been selling rapidly, so that only a plan. the supression of the J::a Klux few desirable seats are left, and all Klan, and the adoption of .:ther poli- s the boxes are taken. Mail order ap-j cies necessary to the payment of our plications may still be made to Mrs. obligations to the world. Four of the # Edson Sunderland, 1410 Cambridge' orations concerned the Ku Klt. Flan. Iroad. CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY EDCTOA SOIY { TO CLOSE NIGHT SCHOOl O NIIAE ELEVEN' treasurer. Librarian William W. Bishop was re-elected librarian and Prof. Paul S. Welch' of the zoology de-! partment was named editor. Profes- sor Peter O. Okkelberg of the zoologyj department was appointed'-chairman of the local committee. Chairmen;of the various sections are: mathematics, E. R. Sleight, Al-- bion college; zoology, H. t. McCurdy, Alma college;, anthropology, E. S., M,;- Cartney, Michigan; history and pol- itical science, Arthur S. Aiton, Michi- gan; botany, J. B. Pollock, Michigan: language and literature, Oscar J., Campbell; .economics, Z. C. Dicken- son, Michigan; geology and mineral- ogy, L. M.-.ould, Michigan. Chair- men of the psychology and sanitary and medical science sections will be announced later. Alumnus Donates come husky and that he wanted to save his voice for a speech next Sun- day. Teachers ,Dumb At Sight 'Of Colteger "Gosh!" Only this single and most unpedan- tic . word saved two visiting lady schoolmasters from complete mute- ness yesterday in Lane hall as they gazed upon what they. undoubtedly believed a typical Michigan man. The typical Michigan man had just come out of Chubb's and was taking a few puffs at his "good ole jimmy pipe" before hopping into his Ford road- ster, (1917 model, slightly used.) He h-ad a natty college cap pulled rakishly over his left eye. A patch of silken down beneath his straight little nose was gallantly seeking acceptance as a bona fide mustache. He had on one of -these doggy slip-over gray sweaters, with a red-green-yellow neck fringe. He had on gray plaid knickers, doggy Scotch heather socks and brown-and-white sport shoes. "Gosh", said the visiting lady schoolni-aste -s. - CAN YOU IMAGINE All this in eight'-pages-tlie fea- toiues that were diselosed in the Engineering School - Upon- Re- search; The Wet Situation in Chi- cago and Its Solution by Drain- F,.[ At a combined meeting of the MViciidrs.,b otatnghe"cali iganAssciaton f MdernLanuh- dress by .contrasting the "social a igan Association of Modern Language ;oltical and - moral corruption a Teachers- andthe Modern Language disintegration- rampant in our gre Conference of the Michigan School- cities" with-the, "relative peace a masters Club the following resolution order and .sobriety" of a, univers was passed:;community. In: endeavoring to co "Resolved: That the Michigan As- municate this enthUsiasin to aco sociation of Modern Language Tea h u aet enhe wasmpto a i eague,-however, he was .repulsed wi ers and the Modern Language Con- douibt; - and . cynicism. : His colleag ference of the Michigan.Schoolmasters told.hint in:words which seem on Club hereby condemn unqualifiedly a hight eaggeration of Profes the attitude of the Michigan depart Sherman's avowed beliefs: ment of public instruction toward modern language teaching as express-- '"Today we :have -no- models and ed in its 'Manual and Course of .Study molds for creating an American ty or Hg , prepared y C. We have discarded classical culti Goodrich, assistant superintendent of and are teaching salesmanship in i public instruction; J. B. Edmondson, place. That mold is broken. professor of secondary education and don't dare apply Christian disciplin i inspector of high schools in the Uni- versity of Michigan; and H. Z. Wilbur< we are educating Jews, Hindus, Ja proessr f euctio ad dretorofanese, Buddhists, Confucians a' professor of education and dimector of thousands of scientific free-thinke 4 college extension at the Michigan fWe don't accept the code of the s State Normal College, from whose sug-' iety of gentlemen. We don't kn gested course of study modern Ian what it is. We haven't the means guages have been completely elimin- keep it up; we work with our han ated.U .v- we~~ ~ liyuuv yW L ' Omaha, Neb., April 4.-Creighton' University's Night Law. School which, has existed for more than twenty years is to be discontinued and no new students admitted. Owing to the ruling of the -Association of . Law Schools that only those schools requir- ing two years preliminary college work ca-n rank-in-the-Class A division, officials have decided- to discontinue the Night course in order to mnaintain their former standards- State College, Pa., April 4.--M.Hen- Eleven prominent educators in this state will be initiated into Phi Delta Kappa, honorary -educational. frater-, pity, at the initiation -ceremony held tomorrow night in the Union.! Dean alaw of the University of the Philip- I pines who is - teaching.:here - for the present semester will give the prin- cipal address on "Education in- thel Philippines." Those included in the :list of i n- tiates are: State- Superintendent C Thomas E, Johnson; C. L. Goodrich, inspector of schools for the state de- PERNMIMS INI WEST WITH_"ITHA "That's that," 36 annual ipri of the ,Mask, and Wig clib of. versity of Pennsylvania, will sented in Orchestra hall, De Saturday night .Anril 12th Wiggers," as the club is, f known, corresponds. at. Penn to the Michigan Mimes here,, their first trip as far west as Elaborate costumes and are said to feature 'That's t we nay our way, we s ruggier existence: men and women togeth in a hard fight where courtesy a chivalry are, impediments to survb and the behaviour of-a. lady is-r.ega T I ed as an affectin -and .the honor IA ,gentlemnan --as an, old-fashion ui~ece of snobbishness, -I We have br en the QId molds. -We have found 'oducton effective new ones:-and the only tr the. Una- typelal.- prodvcts of our education be pre- chaos-. are-the flapper, the roughi troit, on the materialist, and the -igupramus. h. 'The - IProfessor-Shernan-said hi.thoug amiliarly his-co'ile'giue- was painting thin isylvani.a pretty black until he looked abouta and this, found that "from one end of the co Detroit. try to the other you hear nowad settings very much the same story. name hat" and that our democracy is not justifying