T~HE MICHIGAN DAILY ' _ _._,:_ FIE THIW ICOLUMN pCLOSES AT 3 P.M. I ADVERTISING TYPE WRITING ALL MAKES. Agency- Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Tige 'copy holders, rubber stamps, 0'bto-is. cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 86, downtownj No. 9 Ann Arbor Sav. Bank Bldg. TYPE~WRITER REPA111I:;M FOUNTCAIN FEN~S Havo your name enraved on ya-Ur pefn or pencil, price 25 cents Buy na- 'iio alty known fountain pecns 4:211 ink BOARD WELL SEASONED SUBSTANTIAL11 HOME COOKING $5.75-2 meals' $7.00-3 meals. TEET'S DININGI ROOMS, 805 E. Huron. M1USICAL ! i . 9:12 AXMINISTER rug; 8 ft. Oak ex- tension table; mahogany leather settee, drop leaf walnut table etc. Call at 211 So. Division or Phone 1199-W. '.rWrn" " r r. FURNITURE Steal' Coats Fr( Denltal au DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES 'Charged at the rate of 12c per reading tine for one or two insertions, lec per reading line for three or more insexrtiont. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about c ntracts .for classified advertising. 10c per reading line- for one or two insertions, 9e per reading line for thiree or more insertions, cash, in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion Classl~i^d Coluiin Close% at U~ o'Clock Noon, Saturday. I A "T1'r f P'C. ISAE r Th TYPEWRITERS of all makesf Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchan ed, Cleaned & Repaired 0. D. MORRII1L, 17 Nickels' Arcade le Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: Corona & L. C. Smith- 0. D. MORRILxL 17 Nickels' Arcade, j and forget you,- troubles JEWELRY ME N We haw-e a fine selection of men's wrist waties--all shapes .- $45 Watch Repairing 30l2 S. State REED'S NOTELESS PLAYER for ekes, banjos, etcv. Learn 'to play your instrument in ten minutes. Schaeberle & Son, 110 So. Main. TAILOR YOU'TAKE no chances on complete satisfaction from INTERSTATE SUITS at $26.00 and $31.50. Call at American Hotel or phone 123 this week. Mr. Mcljnerney. (Lo- cal tailor guarantees perfect fit). "From a thoroughly -reliable Cin- cinnati House." ~AN EXPERIEINCED insurance solic- L4itor. Reply hiving p~hone nuamber f or appointmcnt. Box 4 care of The Daily. TfYPING DONE at reasonaible rates. Mrs. Hirsch} 551 Chuirch St. Phone 885-m. STUDENT WA ,NTS single room wvith private family for rest of semester. .Daily Box 13.~ SALESMAN WANTED with Ford.1 $2 Daily. Why work hard? Our article sells itself. Apply J. H., Bell ,Hoorn 25 Whitney Hotel. Five coats were reported stc from the dental school yesterday the Ann. Arbor police. Neither po nor University officials were abl( throw any farther light on the mat Read the Want Adst WILL SELL or rent large house with accommodations for 24. Suitable for either fraternity or sorority. Splendid location. Phone Mrs. Marksman, 1680-U-. BEAUTIFUL hand knitted sweaters. A selection of latest styles and col- ors. Prices reasonable. Call at 92.' Greenwood. FOU)Zrr'EEN YARDS Fili pino gauze white, for evening gownl. For Sale cheap. Tel. 2948-3. I CAK ]Ci S--ddMaplin-Uing coDe a d MarcstWarighofthe dl CAKEICIGS-dd apelne-~sig Idents are provided with lockers your favorite recipe. that any thefts could only have k effected through carelessness in In; the course of,, the last 50 years, it placing coats in the lockers, un is estimated that the people of the Un- the victims wrere patients who iac ited States have spent substantially their wraps lie in some conven $1,000,000,000 for diamondls. place. i.r"I".O«!.l . '1f r '1O I/1l/ I~ .OO" 6/.FFlI///I."...,,.~ ft hitney Theatre Thrsda, April 10 AROUND THE WORLD TOUR 7 Rooms- -$1,000.00 Here IAA one of the best seven room houses offered for sale this spring. Just off a paved street and very con- venient. to the campus. The hall and the three rooms on the first floor are ,o11 lnrr tn .- ~. ..7 I._. SMALL OR PORTABLE victrola. Call 1068-J after 5 o'clock. LADY WOULD like sewing, mending, or care of childIren. $2.50 per da3y! Enna car fare. References. Calld WANITED HELP l.NEY TJO lNI7S'H SCIIOOL T1IJ S SPINO,%A $)0.0SpringVacTidon t (Call 233-,1 and 4'e4H Ti i You fhow t,. B. AR.BO1T R . 11. CIHCJ( 3336 so. Idssion 'WANTEiDIA)ROOMS ROOM FOR TWO students close to the campus. At once.. 1012 Forest 1767-J. LINK CHAIN BRACELET set withi brilliants and blue saphires with ini- itialson ,inside R. M. I., somewhere near Majestic and Forest Ave. Re- ward. Call ? 77-M. COLD FOUNTAINpen without clasp. Reward. Call 2085-R or call 516 E. Cathlerine. SPECIAL RIDING boot for ladies or Gents for ,a few clays only at $15.0 S1'te o our mauro. AN AR- ; W STOM. SHOE FACTORY._ C0.ltSETIC SERVICE Sperfluou~s , . ~FACEIAL h AIRtS { EE CTROLY 515 ELEIP CTRO-COSMET'F'IC SERVICE By appointment only Phone 1167-R. L c trge, and all in oak~. HANAN SHOEiIS, oxfords, black calf. size 4 1-2 B; and brown kid, same Four fine bedrooms on the second Esize. Tel 2948J. floor finished in white enamnel. Good O N JLEMEN Jattic. All jokes aside come in -and get a Liharybsmnwthaud. real Honest to Caoodnei~ss pair of shoes Liharybsmnwthlud, made to your order. From $8.50 and Ti sara oe o illk upANARO CUTMSO I 8Rooms, S. E. Section All rooms on the first floor, in- cluding den, are large and modern. Most beautifully finished fir-,t floor has such excellent feature., as IFrech dloors, excellent fireplace,, built-in buf- fet, built-in bookb(cases with leadedf glass doors, paneled dining room. Four excellent bedrooms on the sec- ond floor. Modern bath, large closets clothes chute and dusting porch. The third floor would make a fine billiard room, (lancing floor, or three good rooms.I Hot water heat, luandry in the base- ment. On account of age of the owner, hi;; place is being sold at a big sacrifice and on the most reasonable of terms. i1 FACTORY ArISCEILANEOUjS it. Can be had on reasonable termns. GORTON REAL ESTATE AGENCY Read the Want Ads Mode Shoppe 711 NORT1R UNIV. Above Arcade Street and Afternoon Gowns and Blouses For All Occasions A lso Hemstitching M. M. SCHALLU3ORN Let us relieve you of all your flower worries. Phone 115 Cousins &.lball 611 E. University Ave. THE PLAY THAT BROKE E-A THE WORLD'S LAUGH RECORD Risk A nything Rather Than R isk M issing This Wonder- RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. SEDE (OU11NEWPICTURES in tapes- tries just received at THE JAMfES FOSTER HOUSE OF ARTj SHOE REI'AIRZING Full soles a Specialty. Put on lasts and treed into shape. Made to look, like new. Give us a trial. Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Factory 534 Forest Ave. JANE SriNCIJElTON SHOP PHONE 2438, Gf I- , or 617 EVENINGS La P- -Tl f . r a ,, c l i l /rr t 1 'J BEN + . ful Pla". SENIORS! Place Your Orders for CALLING CARDS NOW Engraved or Printed ANNOUNCEMENTS ! his much discussed attraction will play a return engage- ment for the entire spring and summer season at the La Salle Theatre, Chicago. Price $1.10, $1.65. $2.20, $2.75. Mail N°ow. All Seats Reserved Wome~n's HaberdIashery F Nickels Arcade REAL STAT 7 Room House Large living room', (dining room~ and l 4 tchen on first. fl oor-with sc:reened porch, four fine bed rooms and bath. All furnished in odk. Modern in every respect. i t Lw ' . .D:oo i'.rs@ ' od.r/ 112 S., MAIN ST.'f PHONE= 1404 THE COMPANY Just [The LGtIsM Iierything 1in1the 116 S. 1' J.KRARL MTALCOLM Stationers; Printers, Binders and E ngravers I 602 E~ast Liberty St. J "W4ere a. little bucys a lot" _________________________________________ FO l ' 41~ E 'IT i kf il f9DfDf lDI fD D .Df llDffD fD bfDD' D1 fffllD'ff[D: .dfD Pit, SINGL ROOM, attractively funish'- 1 ed, well lighted, in private family,_ price reasonable. 1014 East Uni- versity Avenue. Phone 1238-J.3 II Bros4= Y Realm of Music ,- Vlain St. V You'll Want Both of These New Diance Vic to er Time _ ConfectioneryT Tr o day! pcate ~'oxTro Pal Witemn ad Och.Out stock and assortment of Easter Candies Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra is the most complete in Ann Arbor. We can xTkot B~rooke Johns & His Orcit. offer candies of the animal variety in form for rooMetJhls s Or. the children; for the whole family we have large. er M tc ls pure chocolate eggs with appropriate candied the New List ! titles on them. Wner, Kreisler, and Ponselle- a Wendell Hall, Elliott Shaw _ We have made special arrangements for the solos and there's a duet by mailing and sending of candy and will be glad- - to assist you in sending your Easter token home. rtet selections by the Trinity W We are able to send the most delicately made rreduets cnoplet a wlalrd candy animals and Easter tokens with a surety reors n urVitrlapalosof their safe arrival.. - Fraternities and sororities let us supply your house with a candied house insignia. - r~Ij/tP' C uia'iqr [D1- l 19284 7 5c Out Ain't You Ashamed-F )faybe-Fox Trot7 No, Yet, Suzette-Fox Lonesome--Fox Trot b W Ys r r ws s A r r w r r w s M k 4 A R l M Y 1 i ,, ® t 1 I A Ne W Hat. for Easter 1'1 Fourteen Oth Recordings In Rled Seal numbers ,by Horr new Victor artist! Henry Burr, contribute splendid light vocal Campbell and Burr. Two pleasing sacred quar Choir: and two Hawaiian Guitai ed list. Don't fail to hear these ' TODAY. Victrclas, $25 up. The delicate charm of this Spring's Millinery is expressed i the latest color arrangements and .sport shapes. There is the comfortable sailor for the tailored suit. Another, the small turban, is very appropriate for these windy spring iays. A popular little portable model Glad- to Show them to You VICTROLA I