THE. MICHIG.A N fDAILY - W1 , '' CHECKERBOARD INN WILL MPEN TODAY Women's League Sponsors Tearoom Located at Betsy Barbour Dormitory SALE 01? BRASS FRO~l M1W YORK CITY WILL BE HELD ) "Checkerboard Inn" the tea roomI 4sponsored by the Women's League opens at 12 o'clock today in Betsy B~arbour house. Luncheon will be served at 12 and dinner at 6 o'clock. Men and women students, faculty,, townspeople, and visiting schoolmas- ters are invited to attend. Some reservations for tables have already been made but the serving committee; expects to be able to serve all who come whether they have made reser- vations or not., Decorations for the dining room: of1 Betsy Barbour house will. carry outl the checkerboard scheme with' black and white panels on the walls and centerpieces. Red and green parrots on the curtains and red and green~ candle sticks will furnish the contrast 1 in color. The waitresses will serve inIt black dresses with white aprons. During the meals at te Inncab- I 1 dscuss social stanards~ from thir (women was the theme of the faculty (l. ent point of viev. At 6 o'clockthe c unt, with every faculty member tak- IRVINGi WAlMOLTS, D, S. G. 11Rulu T oo $c OA V r eans and the student r preentatv P 'ig part The spirit which prevailed{1 R un t~pL dined together at the union whert' jthroughout this stunt period was rep- Chiropodist and $190 ROun trl they were address ed by Miss Gxene- imse~uttix' of the genuine W. A. A. Orthopedist >2O Ro inadtrlp G' teve Rowe and Miss Helen (ornelits sirt of good fellowship and sports- i°7 North Uiarty Phone 262 136dayour E r glaid,Ft of Detroit, on the subject of "Dressms hI_______________________E U B E Stde tsExhibit uhO NlE ini and Social Standards." More thn 300 women attended the' Steamshp Agt. wiLL I tE bu I This conference of teil~ignsra and all took active part in te Patronize Daly Advertsers.-Adv. Gymnastum W ork OFW M N IJDSHR deans is the second to be held in con - cheers and songs led by two aciv___::r..,____..__...... _____.a.,.x. ______MXichigan j memnbers of the association. Dr.~ ._- Novel clogging steps, captain bask- ~~~~Schoolmasters' convention. lAn o edrcat ihado tp hyiar____________________________ Noecogigsepcatinbs__NVOES Iganizationwsimilar to the rsn n dcto epartment, rsetdoh etball, gymnastics and a dance fan- existed before the war but has incc ninerals to the women aeatet rsntd gave . tasy, made up the program for the A n rb rnho h a benn reorganized. having the studen short talk on the aims and ambitionse# physcal ductiondemostrtionbe ion League of Women voters will be representatives consider their own ? of the association. fore a large representation of the r; ganized at 3 o'clock today in the problems at the same time is an in-}Als Miciga Scoolasers clb yste-ipper- room. of Lane hall, The ob- novation. The student r lresentati e da i Brburgynaiu.j et of the league is to enable women (awere guoetsf the various dorinitieyN ti e daInBror ynsuto use intelligently their voting priv- adsritslstnght l__ Thlac ats hc rm-ilege. university women, as leaders 'Life mnemb~rship subscriptions for tized the play of a little boy and girl oftogthv1 pcilrsos-f ~ whortnft ekn ad en btyoinht hse dir eci )osiArl are now due and are payable toNO mentionobecausedofo"AOeIIIng andlhIeiI HOING bility n this d recti n. O Pfl ( Charlotte 131:gd n, 602 M onroe street.dO.erv s p ci l m n on b au e fp og mI craThe mber o s v tesfom4 'f Pnrr in- the' perfect interpretationi of the crathe immdber o ors fomin- Tie casL0of hank You, Madamu teeth naua grc oftepercent of the population who voted 11 II II RL 1VV91 II Sriiiwill meet at 4 o'clock today a dancers and the beautiful combination in the IP20 election, to at last 751! Foster's tea room. or colors which completed the picture. percent in the coming ,election. With the presentation of numeravls1 - -js The gymnastics were presented by Mrs. Craig Minler, of Marshall, state to all of the teams in the major sports' ---- --- -°--°-rM the major students in the department president of the organization, will ar-, and of the basketball trophy, the siiv'- A Ail and the freshmen and sophomores ex- rive in Ann Arbor today to assist in er loving cup to the ier-house a nd f I IN hibited the clogging, including suchi the formation of a new branch. inter-class champions, came as the' 1.I l, T. W . T. . S steps as Old Man, Yankee Doodle and Mrs. Miller will be the guest of Mrs. climax in the atheic program of the 1 2 $3 t4 55 the Georgian male quartette. George Patterson. The second speak- University women at the W. A. A. 10 7 S s 10 Ii 1 er will be Miss Fdna Wright, of Sag- spread yesterday in Brbour gyinas-f 13 l4 Th10 i1n 7 IS 19 ti~ 21 2 23 2 - 2 '24, chairman, Margaret Dixon, '25, mw sae ranztinchiman . ; FE 2s 4 3 EliabthLeeran, '5,Ruha x edteorgaheiSateonthyibulletinof Supper wes served in cabaret - ____________ kin, '26, and Ada Mulholand , under- theto Natihonal league. lageoMiss Wright nar- style 'While the gests were enter-: 'I"1 (A HIAT 1READY I graduate campaign secretary, is cbn- rived yesterday -and, i& the guest of ( tamned by the Mandolin club and the svli 1)a olar or More at 0or ____________________________ ducting the inn for the Women's Lea- Mrs. Louis Warfeld. the orchestra furnished. for Gio, dane-k . tnre gue while the committee chairmen are lug which followed th e initiatioin ,h lClasslVork In Cleaning ; } ielien Loacke, '24, brass sale; Margaret ~a~r~ ceremony, and stunts put on by tlies ndI~lebloeiIg "COMING SUNDAY WM Mffnger, '26, stunts; Elizabeth lien-f~IIL faculty and members of the various; ,VA'1 )iY ]LIT STOVE d.= '26, decoration; Elaine Scherer, '2, i I j IIPIIInaw Ainock wedding, of the Woam ...s' 1here 1). r',I. Stops at State) C u thp o \IlsSa ds ables and chairs; Muriel Fox, ='256 r ~ tr iII tIVtritAthletic assocation to, te i ehliga ________________i h' 4 p I,, area stunts will furnish entertainment,.witeses-Kthyn W1lsn, -2,I Ann Gale, '26, will dance to the ac -cashier. companiment of Mary Lou Miile', '26, , ___________Stu dent at the piano.; Ruth Vermilyea will Michigan also dance. At dinner the special i eberry residence to (ive -Tea f and high feature will be a clog dance by Maude A tea will he given from 3:30 to 5 Michigan Corey, '25, and Will Ella Starke, .'25, o'clock today in the parlors of HelenI Arbor yes who performed without music in theI Newberry residence~. It is given by for their Junior Girls' play, "Thank You, Madi-J the women now residing there for the I While tU am." Miss Gale and Miss Miller will women on the campus who formerly; 4 o'clock repeat their number at dinner. lived there. Invitations have been ex-E A. M. Bar, A sale of brass articles purchased tended to many of the guests Alli pathic ho; in New York City will take place fol- former residents who did not receive lI ems, the lowing the luncheon and in the after- I invitations are urged to attend. in the offli noon. The pieces include fruit bowls, _ vases, candlesticks, tea sets, door knockers, dinnerbells, and firesidej forks, and are w orked in both ham- mered and plain copper or brass. The brass will be sol by women dressed l If -yout Want a goSIod in Rusisian costumes. job 'withi ser'i "Cekeroa r n" is beng spont-1at chd omEt sored by the Women's League as oneatahdc e of its large projects this year for rail-'frr" ing money fo e lU niyertity of Mich-! ervice "M ,ftM , igan~~~~~~~~~ beg~ 4i x~. Ilh ln '~~ r Better impresstons for it were wored ~ outfrmthe prize Ym ; suggestion made by Wstminster;Drp" p"a d E house an'd haveIbeenmade possible1 r p ""jn S only by the co-operation of all the vr A cd h womien on~ the campus. The under'graduate campaign fund committee, consisting of Doris Crouse, _________________________ III 1!i1i U IIU5 ULUIEUV representatives from 24 colleges, normal schools, Lschools, accompanied the dleans of women to Ann sterday when the deans met annual conference. be deans were in session at' at the Union to hear Dr. rett, director of the psycho- spital, discuss social prob-' student representatives met ce of the dean of women to sI r I Lneat ceu eater I , ~ -I atrJI, w" i RUNNING T NEWFAN( '{ ENTIRE OCTAVE OF ZIES WITHOUT A DISCORD IN THE WHOLE SCALE SPRING STYLES INA. Suits anid Topcoats, Cur display of spring styles this season is such that it will fulfill the wants of men who like to appear well groomed. Every style conception is here for your inspection. The range covers the looser m odels favored in the style centers of England and the American adaptation of the En lsh styles favored by the more. conservative men of this country. Z2. " . A-- 02 rARK / As a special favor to us-'-and after oondiderable effort on. our, part--Metro has agreed to make a trial exception'' in the Ann Arbor engagements of "WTHE WHITE SISTER' I and 0"9SCARAMOUCHE' '. In brief, it means that if, the "Ann Arbor engagement is successful, other theatre-managers and the theatre-goers in other towns will get the benefit, for Metro expects ONLY an adequate revenue. If; we're succes-sful with our engagement at 55e prices, the day of the HIIGH PRtQOD PICTURE. attraction IS DOOMED. If -we fail., i'sl.-* Producers of motion pictures insist that Athey can never realize their original investment unless they ''rroad.-show'' BIG PICTURES. In substantia.tion of such a claim they point to ''The Covered Wagon"", 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' ' and " The 10 Command-, ments'" all of which area now shown nationally at $25 to $55 The fabrics and wborkmanship are such -as to -win your instant approval. The colors and patterns are those mostly favored this Spring and the variety gives you an ample selection.' When you come in you will agree that the prices warrant the best pos- sible value. We cheerfully paid $1..65 to see O"THE, WHITE SISTER'' and c''SOARAMOUCHE''a at the Woods theatre in Chicago recently . What's more we enjoyed them, and felt we had gotten our money's worth. You will be afforded the opportunity of witnessing these same gigantic productions at 55c. If Ann Arbor responds en masse, and the way the production justifies, good for Ann Arbor and all concerned. If Ann Arbor fails, watch the Whitney show all the BIG ones at road show prices. This frank statement of conditions as they actu- ally exist today is written in the firm bel ief that Ann Arbor will not fail nor fall short of the trust we ...