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April 03, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-03

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Heads Committee
Probing Charge
Of Bureau Graft

Publication lu the Bulletin 18 CUDAM)trutie W.tic0 to all members of
the University. Copy received b tI'4 Agir't"anx cthLk ?M^dent until
3:30 p. w. (11:30 a. wn. Saturn' a-*
Volume t4,F1tlli(.XY A PR101,:;. 1911 tiNumzl4er i:

---w... ...

iJplrersity (Convocaton:
Thkere will be a conv ocation of the liniversyily. at which [lie iiwv.;r of
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will be the U'niversity's guests,. rday,
April 4 a4 11:00 p. m. An addess will e given by Profssor Sturt Pratt
Sherman,%of the 'Uiversity of llinois, on the subject ..Y'ow ards an Au er-
icau Type".
By vote of the Deans, classes, with the exception o clinic;s, wiul )be i;
missed at the hour of the convocation.
Members of the Faculty may enter ley the rear doors of {lil1 Auioru
and pass directly to seats which will bie provided for them on the til.ge,
11. 7. l usrtrri.
Engieering Students:
There is an opportunity fo two jrnuk il~iegerixlg ^tuiulnta to spen31
twod weeks upon ia'yessel of the UT. S. Nav y for tro irpose of studying ciin
gineering installations. Students who ayre slectt~d l In nulie the cruise will
be assigned to positions in the ship's organization. Trhe rises will prol-
~ably take place between July 1 and~ July 15S. It wilibee ecess.ary for lthe
students selected to meet the expenses of the transport ation to and from
the sip and approximately $1.50 a day while bn board ship. Those who are
initerest d';ire requested to consult Profes;sor II. C. Sadler, head of the le-
psartment of Marine Engineering andl Naval"Architecture. 31. L. urton.
Sit m-1,SeilletnThere will be a special meeting of the Senate Council on TPhursday, Ap-
ri"3, at ,4:165 p.'in., in the President'soffice. 1?. E. RobIbins, Secretary.
Britis~h Assocpltiofar~i the Advancement of Science:
The U!niversity is in receipt of an announcement from t he 13rtish A -
sociationi for the Advancement of Science regarding its meetings to be held
in'- Toronto,.August 0-13 and expressing the hope that American centists
may find-it possible to attend the meetings. In accordance with the recoi-
mrendatiou of the Deans, the University will gladly furnishi appropriate docu-
ments to members or the staff who attend. F. 1. Robbins.
Schloolniaters Club:
Students may procure free ticket s of admission to the various mee~ings
of the Schoolmasters' Club fromn the Secretary of the ('lub in the Rtegistrar's
outer office. Arthur G'. H all.
X1ithigan Section of the 3It le iiatia I As socit ion of Aieriie:
The Michigan Section of the'Mathematical Assocition of America wil
meet on Thursday morning at 9:00 o'cloCk in Room 11441, Natural Sece
building. , Papers will be presented by 11. C. Carver, V. C. Grove, D. azain-
off, L. C. Karpinski, L. C. Emmons, and N 1. Anning. Any one interested
is invited to attend.
r There will be a joint luncheon with the :Mathematics Section of the
Sch oolmiasters' Club at 12:15 P. M. at the Michigan Union.
T. H. Hildebrandt, Chairman.
'Juniior lEngineers:
There will be--an important assembly of the Junior Engineers in room
848 Engineering building, at 10:00 A. M, Thursday, tApril 3rd, 1924. Coach
George Little will address the assembly. C. f.. ITWsisonGlass Mentor
Class 32 will not meet on Thursday the 3rd inst. at 11.
PClass 102 will meet on -Friday the 4th inst. at 11 at oom 17 Aluniani
M4emorial Hlall instead of Room 302 U I11. '. C. Iodson, Col.
Mr. Jaekfii'sas in Public Spcakiiig 1:
Through a mistake' in rooms the Instructor failed to greet this class
yesierdiy. The clans will mleet Friday, with cit her Mr. (Crocier, or nry lf
inhcitrge. lt ,lrnh. uiute!,
S4r. (rCi~i r'6 $s('t~i1 i Public Sppaking:
Air. 6roc kr's >sections in Public " peaking w ill sleet 'rhursday ev elug
tat eight o'olvclm the upper rending room 'of the Union.
{ ~Lionel (rocke.
Mr. P'$t lt'a Ccnversation cla ss undel r the aac pices of the ;ociei'-ad
-llspaniea will meet. tonight at :00 o'clock in 202 S;. C1.
i'tilieu i~ecrso.
Pltyslolelil Ceomistr s
All students who have signed up for the second secion oif the cour~c in
Blood Chei itiy, And others who desire to take ths work, will mueet in IBoomi
327, Medicil Building, on Thursday, Aprl 3rd, at 430 ~I P. al to inade arraw",e
nients fr the course. fl . B. Lws.
Riding Cass-lien's Sctionu
This class wvill not meet Thulrrsday afternoon, April 3rd, bt wil met
Friday afternoon, April 4th, at 4:00 p. n. t Infantry Office, 'Old J ngluer
Shops Bldg., This will be a meeting to organize sect ions for the ontfhoor
riding at the Fair Grounds beginning Saturday aftrnoon I4 to 5 p.n. at i1.'8
Fair' Grounds.
All members who wish to enroll for te outdoor ridng and ay studeni a
whao are interested, whether they have attended the lcture cour:ce or nt.
should be :there Friilay afternoon without fw i, as I ho inber o 1me1n wo
can be accommodated is limited.
Any members who cannot be present shiould arrange to 'have som
other member present to enroll themr, 1. 4C. liolii, C('pa in, Cavalry.
Riho ('IiiPrize:
First year pharmnacy students who desire to take the competitive exam-
ination for the Rho Ch prize should notify tile Secretary of the Collge o
Phiarmacy not later than April 11. )ate of the examination is Aprl G
'-12 A. M. . 1..':12,-eier.

'President Marion L. Burton will
leave Ann Arbor 'Monday for thoe."astt
where lie will meet Michigan alumni
bodies in three of the larger citics.
Stopping first in Boston, the P'resi-
dent will meet the 'alumni thiere, aend
later broadcast an address by radio. ,
On Wednesday, April R), President B3ur-,
ton will attend the annual lianillit of
the New York alumni in New York
City, and will go from there to B3uf-
Palo the next (lay to belpr :eent at anill
alumni banquet.
President Burton will return to
Ann Arbor Friday, and will attend anj
alumni gathering in Toledo Monday,l
April 14.

ing geogri l(lie of thle cotuntry. lie j I. AL' Situtan as Ci-on, The production
is larhcly res ponsile for theD R. -/ I MA f will bet under the general direction of
depa1rt nment of gog;raIphy <1t Clalrk uni-0 . . F.Stair.
versit y' which in ono of the Iwxo im,- (f'n1}nu d frot l".g>;e j1°c at j
plorl;taut (leparrtic lts of georaplhy inii iii i'niii Professo (r Fr-d-ric O'Dell Aliin tcollege alumni will hold a.
the count i', of the Engttfineering ler~iltl: n . !banquet atothe Union at 12:15 o'clock
IeI wasrmu1'1rlt y piol ':,: l *U!' ; tomor Irowv. For reservations, tole-
gr<a ph:y at I harva ~ti'd no iver tn amid aI Mrs . P.V. Weller, 1440-W.
- -of the Methodisti Church will pv '.Sil I Wi:i(,, N. V.. .April 2.-The Cornell
l pi t ure of William C!(-+e p ~x'ilTlt5 It steSito 'ltroi' Phi Beta Kappa recently
8t, IL, hosrvlasUitedae s ; fi (m~ {~' Sna eeig.Arl5 nWs-eete 8sniotrs amid 19juniors to
Iaadf tl o Prance fr I rum 1914 uu lil his toy h il aIiditoi'iu t t;6: 8 '1) o'cl oR. lns embrshtip.
death1 r(ccen ily, has eenpled n 1I liie'l'Iie { st Nvilf inc ude rs --I a
''H.all of 1lcam3e'' oft he nin.ilc'hcen sJudith, Margaret Stir I DAILY (Ci,ASSIFIEDS BRING
asEt1he, l lurI Ia rveyv as Sarah. B IG RESULTS-
Patronize TDaiiy Advertlsers-.Adv. l'hiil ;Swyer as J p!eI, and .lo cpi( (ON LITTLE INVESTMLENT



Investigation of aIlegedl duplication
(4f bonds in the ,overnient bureau
of engraving and printing is being
pressed by a house comminittee headed
by7Rp Logis McFadden, of P'enn.:yl-
v a nia. Charles I;.Fircx'er, an agent
(if 1the depiartmtenlt(of justice, made ak
report to the late President tla rding
ch arg ing irre ularit los in the printing
of bonds.

Honor Atwood At
Todclay at noon there will be aj
luncheon at the U'nion of the combined
geography, geology, and mnineralogy
departments in honor of President
Wallace WV. Atwood of (Clark univer-
Professor A,cood is one of the lead-
1 i

Only 3 Days More

In which to redeem your ink cards for

A Free BottAe

These cards were mailed all students in the directory. We give you a
regular size bottle of our SPECIAL FORMULA CIIEMCAL FLUID.
This is the ink we recommend as the very best for your fountain pen.
This special formula can be had only at Riders.
If there are a large number of these cardls in your house, collect theme and
have them signed. Mail them to us or telephone 889_R and we will deliver.

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RIteresentativts front the Michiganj
State M eediica l Scety, thbe IUniversity,
.the Michigan 8tate tDepart ment of
Health, the Detroit College of Medi-'
dine and Surgery, andtitie Michigan{
State Dental society will meet April
16 in Kalamnazoo as the Joint Com-
mnittee on public Heiath, an organiz-
ation instituted by the extension de-
partmient during the year 1921-22.
P'resident Marion L. Burton, whoj
bea(ds the commtittee; Dean Hugh
Cabot of the Medical school; Prof.
John Sundwah il of the hygiene and
public health dlepartmient, andl Prof.
William I). Henderson of the eaten-
; sl departmnent, will represent the
tUn iversity at the mneetin g.
The demndms for the services of the!
bureaum of publlc health service which
is controllek9 f y the committee has
inceased mnore th-an 42 peir cent (lur- 1
iug the past, year. 'P110 ibireau car- I
i'ties I lie es-ntial facts of health to
ttehe ublic, andl answers clue- tiouts in
connection with p~ublic health edtmcat*-
jon thirotighout thle state.#
We Can, Deliver
Remington Portables}
A t Once

'i'here is ma stel(t rdemaind
for jcte.! pr'epalred librarians
at attractive salaries inl pil)
ic, buisinmes 5s liih iol and
unversit , liraries, tbrough-
4)1:1 the Unrte4I Stales. A
limited numiber of students
reofrda otntto fit tijeniselves for this
educationual profession at
LIBRARY, which is located
in the heart of nAmerica's
leaidinig center of art, drama,
munsic and boo~k prod uct~ii .
C'ircular ,about- prepait ton
for library work will be sent
upon reqluest.
476 Fifib Avenue
New York


Nil I "ll I jjj












_ _._.

-- ,..-r1.e.




Read The Dil "Cla-ssified". Columns

Alpla Nu:
There will be a meeting this evening at 7: 330 in our rooms onl the fouirthi
floor or University Hall.t Earl W. Cory, P'residlent.
C'horal and Orchefrai Concert:
A concert by the Ann Arbor high School Chorus, aii(cr 1he dir~ection
of Georg;e Oscar Bowen ;will be given in 11111 Auditor imTh-ursdclay evening,
April 3, comiplimentary to the M.ic higan Sehoolmasiters" 'Club. The Cass
')echinical high School Symiphony Orchestra of Detroit, of 48 mausicians
will acconmpany :the Chorus of 400 singers :and play several orchestral
numbers. The public is cordially invited. There will be no adlmission fee.
(Ceegt' scar1 Bowen, Director.
ON tI~i Y1?('lt - ii Schoolm asters (0111)
GO ' .AI NG I; assciatiomI dinner, Union.
WHAT'S r :f :0,-Spanlish conversaitioniclas n.
-~t I(-de-\Mr. Peralta, room 202, S. W.
Allperonsor ocetis UIJ~ 7: _-M iltary bail contimittee iiieets i
All ersns r scietes sin 11k ii rom '02,Union.
column should include In their no0tices i ::'0--liaitcs Law club mee(~ts in roomu
dlay, hour, and place. All notices ?0X14, Untion.
w~ithout this data 'will be disregarded. j 7:'3t)_-C'-AsitnSvcwnce society iiueets
at Lane hall.
THlURSDJAY 7 :U1_-Stdcut ceumicil mteets ttunion.
7:00 A. :1 -Uoiy commuio n, 1-arris "a: 1,j-crmmuis of Foreign1 Wars meiet
hall. in room 302 Union.
10 :15 A. M-IJ uniorn ,gineering eclas;s S:10t- Scio- mi sIers' coin illlinenttry
*meets in room 348, Engincning conceit by local high, school, I1 ll

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