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April 03, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-03

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- - - - - - - -f

very morning except Mton day
iiversity year by the Board in
aent Publications.
EWestern Conference Ed(itorial I
iated Press is exclusively em-
se for repu~blication of all nicvs
eoitedl to it or not otlierwise
is paper and tfhe local news pub-

. . . ...m, __ ...
n E


d' at the postoffce at Ant Arb~r
Sas second class' matter. Swei rate
'e granted'by Third Assitant Post-
iption by carrier $.so, by mail,
Anxn Arbor Press Bluidin. ay-
E "Editorial 2414 on i76.M Bsi
commnunications not ex~ceding 300
ill be published in The iDai ly at
'etion of the ditor. 'Upon request.'
tity of communicant will be re-
's conidential. -C
Efthnes, 2414 and 1741
ltor............Rrt. 13. Tarr
Board Chairman . . R. C. Morarity
tor,...........J. C. Garlighouse
Nig'ht Editors
les A.13. Connable, Jr.
Clark 'T. h}. Iiske
P. U. Wagner
litor................ Ralph \T. liver
sEditor.......Winona Hibbard
sitor..........Ruth A. Nowell
tCity Editor,..Kenneth C. Kellar
Michigani News Bureau .R. G. Rasay
a Editor. Robert D. lhenderson
erkmnan E. C. Mack
Bicknell Verena Moran
Boxer Harold Moore
mown Carl Ohnacher
tte 'Cote Hyde lPerce
Wtvis Andrew Pro p er
Ehrlich Regina Reichmann
enry 1,dwarie Scraudm
Houseworth C. A. Stevens
lne NV, It. Stonemai
Iiamnin 'Marie Reed
[endall N. R. Tha
Kroger WN. 1,Waltour
h Licbermann Hlernman Wise
Telephone Slot)
ing.... ........ ........ t)nnie
pig........'erry M. llayuen
r~Q.... .....V.Roe'SPsc
ing..... .........H. E Rose
s.............. .......11, L. Bale
on...................C. Pin d
iEn. ........Lawrence Pierce
Campbell N. E. Holland
Caplan " MX. L. Ireland
hampion Harold A. Brks
nfin' Myron Parker
4. Pexter A..1. Seidman
T. Minn Co. A. Strack
F ox R. C. Winter
Interest of the Ujniversty in th
;petition of the Student coun-
permission to review and mak
ftendlations In all discpiniary
is shown fui the action of Presi-
luton in calling a spcial meet-
the Senate council to tae plac
Thl s action shows the feeling o
r lon and. common interes
prevails among the faculty ant
of the University andI which 1A
its of the University and whici
king to-a common understand
their mtutual problems.
right of the Stuident council t
v and make recommendation,<
cases where student disciplin
rolved Is asked for by the stu
governing body mnerely that stu
pinibn may be crystallized in al
oases through the action of the
il and that faculty di(Ciplim
ittees will have a definite uner
ing of the way the student grou
tich" the offender Is a more !im
1e part, feels about the particu

PLENTY OF THIRILL1S --- Three specialities of this seaso's
Tfhe British proposal that the Amenl-j I presentation will br, the Mali Jong
van and British around-the-world fliers CAMPUS OPINION number, which will be danrced to
enter in a competitive race is under-________ "Chin Chin Chinaman;" the "Pand it
standable and appealing, Both na- IBlues," a descriptive number: and,
tionts enjoy a good sporting event and I (AOPEBtATION IN GOVI:JNIIIENT i "The Books in My Lbrary." In this
each group or fliers would unrdoutbt- T heEitrIast act, characters from "Scars-1
sily enjoy tetrl fi ae u As a newcomer here on the campus th!hilo ae.BtIhstt o xrs iin muc c" "The Covered Wagn,"
the decision of the chief of the Army I eiaet.xpesoiin regard- .,B3,otI and Sndl," and "TheL osI~~t
Air service and Secretary of War itng a problem which must perplexlay will appear as fromt witin the
Weeks to decline the suggestion is w aebeniroc wt h pages of a huge 1)0ok.
wise. nix'ersty much longer than I havej The Mali Jong numbr is howver r
Arace, wt t tmttent a e ~n;but in tepresent discusionteramotewhlpogm. n
riss ad inor dagerfortiem e l eof the(uestioli of student government.I this scene the lp puarChinese rgamie
of speed, is entirely Incompatiblc withs 801n1tl11i19 r to be gaine~d by a freeI will be played with hman tiles thati
the annozuced purpose of the Amen- Iep'sit falsae foii will emerge from a hutge gilded bo.r
cans'' flight. That purpose, as previ- including those which rest upon rela-t The "titles," chaacters, bamboos,;
ously outlined b~y the War dlepartmtent, lvely brief acquaintance with th e o-crlwidadrgnsrel-u-
Is to gain experience In long distance m iulin.1ed, the wal built, anti dice. thriownk
fl fgvrzuet er a h ying for the air service, to demon- \'eA fgvrne br i h and ~he gamee lay'ed t rught duringI
strate thre feasibility of establishing an elabppearMtot rng:'btolonethorsthe
an airway around the world, and to ohro woetee.p~ri sanrlorfateai ng all ineachelrun
collect information on the difficulties thought that the studtents must be1e ploro edn Pl c o
governedl largely through the exercise tl
of operating in, various climates. t The playrs will go on a tour of the
T'here is interest enough in this j of authority by the faculty, or it larger cities of the country, arrivingI
pioneering venture to give the publ)1ic 1. rudta oenetsol eIin IDetroit on April 12, whtee they can
any wished for thrills. From every ~ h tdnstesle hog play but one day to give Michian
standpoint actual racing can happilyth ahnry o stdtsef the chance to return the splendid
be left for other times and places. go{ rnet. Ia vntr st piit with which- our* own Opera was1
suggest a third pssibility, namely. received in Philadelphia.j
AMUSEMENT PARKS government by the faculty and srt- Apiain for tickets may be se-
A I NVRIiSdents together, both vested with a(CniudoPaeEgt
common authority.
There is a great deal of merit in! Inthe treatment of a growing num- I
the plan now before the Deans to sub-I her of collegiate problems, there s I
tract one honor point for every hour need of student particip~ation. It is TEIiU ~
of "la" grade, instead of meneyd r Ioftihe utmost importance that under- -
ing no points or credit. If this plan i graduates develop clearer conceptions'1
were adopted, much carelessness on ofsuetrepniiit n oeI>OL'lIE
the part of indifferent students would :lnimite ntions of the extent to whci 'URNI)
be eliminated. The courses given in the life and reputation of the college AWAY
the literary college are not too dif- ( or the university to which they be- Yesterday afternoon 'we went to
ficult for men and women or normal) long, rest in their hands. But itII hear 'Robert Frost, but after waiting(
mentality. Only in every exceptional does not fllow from this that stul- otieSra wI ec o e
cases are failures ever excusable on ;Ie.nt action should be independent minutes, and seeing nothing but pe-
thr grounds than illness, action, that is, action independent of jpe barging away in hundreds and
Considering the large number of faculty influence. What is needed is thousands, we decided that perhaps,
goo maks ive lst emeter itiscommon council. A great many ofi there wasn't the special reserved seat
hard to see why there were students1 the problems which confront the Uni- !we had expected. So way W1: barged,
wh~lo failed in one subject, but whoI versity are problems for students and !just like the rest.
otherwise had grades which wereI faculty alike. In the solution of these ***
above the average. Perhaps there isI problems, the interest of students and 3OFlNZN
an attitude among these students that CoII)'
onyte tdesfrwic hy aeateachers, distinct as they may be, areiMrJaoCwlsDerrSr:
ony h suie orwhc te hv aIneither opposed nor divergent. Tloo .JaoCwl:DerS:
natual mclmnt~o shold b tikn jAt the recent meeting of Dnizens,
serisly.Pi ytio eysosidber tatenfrequently, students regard contact the following communication comr-
a1 alr1snttm atd u ee-wt ebr ftefclyi a prised the business of the day, and has
ly represents so much interesting in- tn fgvrmn sapoal been incorporated in the minutei.
stuto wt oefoto heron.source of infection. They regard with Comnmunicatio Denizensis al) Cali-
'part. Such a view-point, even undlersusiineey fottKffc et ula: To learn oh my assumption to
thepreen syte isvey dsatrosing of student and faculty minds.1 the swell society of which you arc Id
though the people who hold it seem to Theyineptalatmtstco- Est Ex Post Facto gives great pleasure
notreaizether fllyuntl i istoomon counsel as ill-disguised measures to me as well as to my friends-I have
no elzeterfll ni t sto;for coercion and censorship. TIey getdfiulyi'rgesigara
late to make amends without spend- getdfiut nporsigara
ig five or six years in college. fail to recognize the fact that two because of the necessity of shaing
m ninds are commonly better than one1 congratulatory hns
The. proposed plan will not only idA Ituein hms
Iin the treatment of diicutqusin To be sure, your course was ievit-
serve as a warning to students of that of colligiate policy be en h letsriighm
typ, bt wll lsoin~res thse ho Problems of student governument are moist in these parts, barring th
are not scholastically inclined ilany nbttoen lundrgra denand heftyuiqtos ly(drethsol
direction that their time might bet- uboibq-udeingtuswhre ellmy(Gb e).s~tt htsol-
ter be spent elsewhere. Amusement The notion of a no-mass's-land between ddl fyu w ntaiei on
park wee mde or eope wo wshapposing 'lines of 'fre shouldbe once mendable of itself.
to spend their timie idly and harmless- b'r leiintdfrt tesudn
ly, hut this University was iitfral lmnatedfrm hesd t 'Itpleases ime though to think thail
t mind. If the weight of student opino have swelled yoi consitution-dl-
Icant be brought into effective touch nt nomm ftenx tei
vrith the, weight of faculty opinion, and I shall contrive to e present.
Tw z~y11ve s I lines of constructive actinwloon Habeas Corpus, Cow les, In'l y.
u nyFic Y as appear. True,. tlh underlying problemCotua
A o deeloingwis an efectve tu-Calgla Quid Pro Quo
I igo,' i"lchan ofdevleadrin will rdefei. 51ut1- at It should also e appiented tha
s det laderhipwillremin. ut n a important executive Couci
m -* ly judgemnenta solution of mst of hl rtrlviii'ia , Ifl

GET u YUlms V





91, lb u to R


p __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

Limiteds: 6 a. m-., 9:10 a. in. andI
every two hours to 9:10 V. im.
Express: 7 a. m-., 8 a. mn. and tw ousto8p.2x
Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. mn. and~
every two hours to 8:55 p. mn.,
11 p. in. To Ypsilaiit+ only, 11:40
p. mn., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:15 a. mn.
Limiteds : 8:47 a. in. and every two
Shours to 8:47 p. mn.
IExpress (making local stops) : 9:50i
a. in. and every two hours to 9:60
C oeua: 7:50 a. mn., 1*:19 a. in.

Trq Our
r ~Here's a good one AA
And here's a new one
709 N. University
/° rw 'vI

f. 1. V . . . S
1. r ) t .'
4; 7 8 9 10 11i 12
13 i 1 1 6 l 17. 1S 11
'07 121 2-1.) 3 2I 2i 2
Sove a Dolar or More at Our
igtrs 'i Wrk in (Cleaning
and I le bloek iig
61~7 PackardSt 'oie1;


IThe Sensational Sell-Out Success Thai just Completed Six
Fabulous Months at the La Salle Theatre, Chicago

. I

'$155 Roundtrlp SCOTLANT)
$5155 Ro undtrip ENGLAND
$190 Roundtrip FRANCE I
t'$26Roundirip GERMANY 1
136 day four Englanid, Franuce $1~36 I E KU L R
Steamship Agt. Ph. 1384
Rkead the Want Ads~
I_____________________- -
- --E

,YLL 11 i~iGI/ 10VL~#I -*
5 N ?13 'gs2 7$- 7-my/ ^
F. . 1.._mltIrrE1.. f I!

.Y ' i1
t--+ S

o '
1 f,

..fct us rclic'Pc , ou of all pour
f lowlcr Ivorrcsi.
Phone 115
6 11 E. University Ave.

6r / VATTI-11W5 oNa A m I Rw icO, o .~
I f You w alhi to --cc the- play that Chicago is still talking
alJ ut you will tiave to hurry.




general spirit of the petition
for greater co-operation be-
the faculty and the students
app~roved by the Senate coun-
should be a long step toward
ty of feeling which is becomi-
necessary in an institution of
;c of the University of Michi-
sand city, school and town,
?s and education, all gathered
,r at one time. That's what
'idiron K nights; have achieved
r annual function, the Gridiron
t. A worthrwhile and extraor-
undertaking for any under-
to body is this banquet and it
ig its wvorth iiithe interest it
scing from year to year. Sonme
niost p~romiinenmt ien in time
ere the guests of Sigma Delta
-ofesslonal jiurnalistic frater-
hen the banquet opened Ties-
ht, and, although persons Were
pected in the humorous turns,
Inc entered and left in the pro-
it of the affair.
merit of these banqluet, is mani-
herce ie menWho are deter-
H1, .,-lir-is n.,jt hn w. have,

Aprite l 1teu ~ .vi~ the p~roblenms of student government Tappan M~all, a committee of one was
canbe orkd ot a son a threIappointed to secure suif4 blce insigniaz
Alu~~il ~~ is established on the part of students , o iecatr ~utcc eesg
N~r.Geoge Rddl, prnouced y antd faculty,th purpose and mteans ofi
Mr eog Rdle ~ofonc~ b omo ousl nicocrtdacin gested and rejected for flts tcapactity,
'- inndueuconsidnrationeofed action. at-
leading newspaper critics 'to be the coEo o ue onidraio.ofprvius11-I
best reader before the public at the - IwriE tempts of experimental members.
present tinie, will give a reading to- ' Cunt Laud( Dicto, }
night from, "A Midsummers Night's ° --Washiington, Tx Officio Pro Temn.
Dream." II.
We were hut now idly pilling
At a meeting of the Western Confer- TE T W R ho- u wr raie, etI
ence board last night, Michigan, Chica- TlE THEATRE thrcu-gh our o ekrallyeracts in
go, and Illinois were reinstated into lie'u of a w aste r('ce-pt a de, heut whlich
jonference athletics. The new consti-! we sarietinmes cow ider in the fond
tution, the condition of time treasury, l igIA of a syste~nvm tic file. Randomrn 'e-j
and a change inm thze method of pro- RUTH l)RAPIIl, a mistress in thme lections fromn the year's accuniula-
testing games, were informially dis- E feld of the presentation of original tion blos, omhlwlomw .,r yom:, ediAita-
cussed. Icharacter' sketches, -will again charum tion:
A Iher audience with lier comic as well This choice morrel was found un-
Adance, to which all students ar-e as serious portrayals Monday night den "requiring attention," but lack1
invited, will be given tomorrow night at th Whitney Theater. The program I of space forces us8 to give but a1 tasteF
by Mrs. Ross Granger at the Granger, will be conducted under the auspices of its hidden beauty:
Dancing academy. The proceeds will I of the A. A. U.. W. I now narrate this rhynme elect,
go to thme Conipany "A" Boys in Cuba.: It is recognized fact that Miss j -lpin' it will take effect.,..,
The onmdy lubhel a ulldres -Draper is one of the umost talented an- Nlay this teen, our grand de i.
The omey Clb hll a'121 drss ists in her peculiar field. She not Hit the females in the eye.I
rehearsal Saturday morning for their onl gives her characters exceptional Turning from this, by Teeyess, "in-
latst rodctin, Niht ff. Ac 1individuality but she writes her own coming letters" caught our eye, andjI
cording to the latest reports,. this monologues and sketches, thus prey- investigation brought to light.
py wlsusanotheroreverzgiven. ng her breadth of outlook, and en- Mr. Cowles; Don't resign, we need1
by te oganzaton.abling her to add that touch of orig- with fluttering hearts and pulsating
inality and realisum for which she is you. You are an institution; We await
The Oratorical association plants to jntdara s e si neia ussth ria fteDiy
h-ave ntdara swl si mrc.'ple h ria fteDiy their annual election tomtorrow Miss Draper will no doubt excell -ihubla Kk.,
in roouim D of the Law building. At inhrmnogehvn nte or tiigtsioil hnti
this meeting, besides the regular off--in er noogushaigitem Mesrkngetmnaltanhs
a better selection of the agencies for" were unearthed, but on, ever on, and
cci's, a second vice-president of time
NorternOraoril bardwil beelet- . display of peed".iar faculities butI so "miscellaneous" produced the [oh-
her versatility and wide development lowing comnpication:
od eof her sense of mimicry added to her Why not let Profs. Hobbs anti Slos-
Chiagoeasly efate Mihignsense of humor should make the pro- son debate on sonmething imiportant,
Wisconsin, and Illinois in the annual I ri more than an interesting one. for instance, "osteseritls
meet at Chicago yesterday. Out of IMlails orders are now being received its flavor on th bedpost overnight("
Sixteen events Chicago won nine first by M\rs. Eldson It. Sunderland, 1510 .. .... .... .... .......-Cliarlel.
places and ten second places. Caimbidge, road, and will be tilled in 11nally, "pressing matters" corn-
________-Iorder of receipt. pleted and rewared our search, and
--y..4. we were astonise byC

l't ices$1.,10-$1.65-$2.20-$2.75

poor .WAW



The American Institute of Chemical
LEngineers, Detroit branch, will hold

As an urgent editorial note, we
ask whether the following is a de-
lightfully good or delightfully bad
piece of reportorial business.)
'That's That" will be given by thel

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