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April 03, 1924 - Image 1

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fr 19I 61

VOL. XXXIV. No. 138





I_ --- -



"Captain Applejack" Called
Best Cam pus Play Of Year


Alleges $5,267,000 Overpayment
Wright-Martin A irerait


Washington, D. C., April 2.-(By A.
P.)-Further details of charges that
the department of justice had unduly
delayed war fraud prosecutions were
heard by the senate Daugherty com-
mittee today from H. L. Scaife, for-
mer Investigator for the department,
who was called to the stand for the
third time.
Scaife, who was the only witness
to appear before the committee to-3
day, testified to some extent from re-
cords of the house committee which,
in 1922 considered impeachment
charges against Harry M. Daugherty.
Reiterating and extending a previ-'
ous allegation that the Wright- Mar-
tin Aircraft corporation had received
an "overpayment" of $5,267,000 on war
contracts and had not been prosecuted.
Scaife declared that former Attorney-
General Daugherty, Secretary Weeks,
Charles Hayden, chairman of the
Wright-Martin board and Guy Goff,
former assistant attorney-general
"should all be indicted by a grand
jury" for inaction in the matter.
Senator Wheeler, Democrat, the
committee prosecutor contended thatr
such, "volontary remarks" had no
place in the committee records but
did not press his objection when Sen-
ator Mo'ses, New Hampshire observed
that the testimony had "already gone
over the wires.".
The witness contended that machin-
ations "of what I call the invisible]
government" had been disclosed by
some of his investigations and told ofw
what he said were fruitless efforts on
his part to have the departmont of
justice investigate army air craft dis-
Chorus Of 400
To Sing Before
Su eo . e

Counedy club always achieves suc- terpreted by John Hassberger, '25. The
(0Ss inf its annual production. It has action as well as the humor of the
become trahitional and the best in play revolve around this character
and an insane desire on his part to
amiateucr ranzti(s is expected. Yet break away from the uninteresting re-
even the continiied success of its cI-
CvC th cotined UCCSS f is ~ spectability which has clung to himt
forts could hardly prepare one for thrugot hi li s lennounces
"CapainAppejak" wichhadit;throughout his life. He announces '
;"Captain Applejack" whichny its his intention of going out into the
initial showing at the Whitney thea- great world in search of adventure to
ter last night. This year's play i I his aunt. Mrs. Agatha Whatombe,
without doubt the best offering of the Margaret Effinger, '26,and his ward
University season. IPoppie Faire, played by Phyllis Turn-
Again the reviewer must pay tribute bull, '25., and forthwith discovers it
to the genius of Prof. J. Raleigh Nel- within the confines of his own home.
son as a director. Perfection in ev- With Pirates, in the abstract, treasure
ery detail of staging, discernment in and robbers in the concrete assail himr
Fasting of the characters, and lhe finds his adventure, and diacov-
smoothness of action demonstrate the ers romance in his love for his ward.
results of weeks of careful preparation John Hassberger's portrayal of Am-
under his guidance. Comedy club pro- ;brose is easily the outstanding achiev-
duces actors of great ability, but the nent of the play. His eminent respect-
continued success of the annual pro- ability in the first act, his piratical
duction must be due in large measure brutality in his "dr(dam," and the
i to Professor Nelson's work. commixture of the two in the final act
The play chosen, Walter Hackett's mark him as an actor of caliber. Ehiz-
delightful comedy, "Captain Apple- abeth Pike, '24, as Anna Valeska per-
jack," proved to be an admirable ve- formed admirably the difficult task of
hicle for the efforts of the cast. It has affecting a foreign accent successfully,
all the virtues of its- famous contem- and dropping it when the unfolding of
poraries which have had record runs the plot demanded it. Her unique im-
because of their terror-stricken at- petuosity, and her sudden lapse into
! mosphere, but only in so far as such the swagger and slang of a typicalj
quality contributes to hold the audi- denizen of the underworld were highly:
ence in ,suspense. Throughout is. an effective.
omnipresent humor of a delicious sort One of the outstanding events of the
which is successful because of the an- performance was the effective fall
ties of Ambrose Applejack, as he is in- (Continued on Page Two) f


Stone Confers With tPresident All
Morning And Is Plked From Six
For Portfolio

I)iseus (' onistitution~al Changes
First Business (xatlieriigs~
of Orgaization


Washington. D. C., April 2.--(By
Following the reading of committe2 AP)-P'resident Coolidge filled his
reports at the first two meetings of second cabinet vacancy today by sel-
the twenty-ninth annual assembly of ecting Harlan Fiske Stne, retiring
the Michigan Academy of Science, lean of the Columbia university,
the ichgan cadmy o Scence C School of Lawv as Attorney-General.
Arts and Letters yesterday, members Having gone recently to the Pacific
of the Academy discussed possible coast to get a secretary of Navy,
changes in the constitution of the or- Curtis D. Wilbur of California, Mr.
ganization. No final steps were taken Coolidge turned to the Atlantic sea .
as a result of this discussion, the sub- board for his Attorney-General and1
ject being continued until a later chose a resident of New York City
he and a New England farm boy. Mr.
At the meeting for the reading of Wilbur was drawn from the Califor-
papery of general interest held g onia supreme court and Mr. Stone is
paprs f gnerl iterst eldyes-, being taken from a law school and
terday afternoon, three addresses were actnv te.
made instead of the two which had The president selected Mr. Stone
been originally planned. Prof. H. T. because he had known him for 30
Darlington of the Michigan Agricul- years and had confidence in him be-'
tural college spoke on the4 recently cause he regards the New York man
founded society, "Friends Of Native as possessing the desired qualities ofI
Landscape." The organization was i thorough legal knowledge and admin-
founded for the purpose of conserv- istrative capacity and because he
ing the natural landscape of Illinois looked upon the dean as "a $1,000,000
and Wisconsin. Professor Darlington man willing, for patriotic reasons, to
read letters from Prof. H. C. Coles of accept a $12,000 job."
the University of Chicago expressing Mr. Coolidge chose Mr.'Stone todayJ
the hope that Michigan would be rep- from a list of six summoned him to
n tn h - Washington. Arriving in WashingtonI



dress at the first general sessic
the Michigan School masters'
meeting here this week.
At the following session at 1
clock, President Marion L. Bt
will deliver an adress on "Some
pects.of American Higher Educat
- The President's address will be
- in Hill auditorium and will 'be
- to the public.
l At the 9 o'clock conference a
business will be held which wi:
followed by a discussion on "S'
of the Social Sciences." Ar-
Dondineau of Detroit will speal
"To What Extent Should the Prf
Day Social Economic problem
Presented in the Classroom."
W. A. Frayer of the history de,
ment and Prof. H. A. Hill of the
versity of Chicago will address
session, both professors speakin;
"What Should Be Included in
Course or Study in History in
Senior High School."
Atwood To LecIture
In the afternoon session begin
at 3:45 o'clock in Natural Sci
auditorium, Dr. Wallace Atwood, I
ident of Clark university, will gi
lecture on "The New Meaning of
graphy in American Education."
A banquet will be held for all n
wh ers of the Michigan Schoolmas
club at 5:45 o'clock in the banquet
of the Union. As the banquet


______I VUALU IL Llu uu L11 a l ts bu
Vaudeville Being Arranged as Part Increase Front ?5 to 40 Percenit In t ciety in Chicago to be held on the
of Nigfit's Entertainment House (alled " -Econoice week-end of Memorial day.
For Gathering Suicide" Case Reads Paper
Prof. E. C. Case of the geology de-
AIM TO GIVE TWO BO VES ASKS THAT SUCH ACTION I partment read a paper on "A Compari-;
ChANCE TO GET ACQlAINT1El) RE RESERVED FO STATES son of the Permian of North AmericaI
with that of Europe." The difference
Students and faculty Jmembers of all Washington, D. C., April 2.-(By of the strata in the two continents was
colleges of the University will gather AP)--Another House amendment to particularly stressed by Professor
next Thursday night in the assembly . Case, and he also remarked the practi-
hall of the Union for a mixer. A pro- the revenue bill came under fire today cal absence of mundane basins from
gram of talks, refreshments and vau- I before the Senate finance committee j North American Permian deposits
deville in which both faculty and when Secretary Mellon attacked the An address on "Glimpses of Recent
studeith will take Part will be tiven increase in the estate tax. The hear- Tendencies in British and French Psy-
and the Studeut ('hri;stiaa fowithlUion ig of the treasury secretary con- chology" delivered by Prof. W. S.
The purpose of the miier is]ir- suied th full morning session of the Pillsbury of the psychology depart-
c mitement concluded the meeting. Profes-'
marily toenable the st nts to be-co ittee for te second te in tw sor Pillsbury deplored the educational
come acquainted with the faculty days and the secretary is to be heard conditions which are hampering pro-
members, and the program i to be further tomorrow Chairman Smoot gress of psychological research in for-
givy wih tidevilla in geiew. he; said final reports on the measure eign universities. Lack of equipment,
to be of a comical and satirical nat- might be delayed until early next he said, is limiting what study is be-
nre. One short play which the stu- week. The committee meanwhile ing done in France to foreign students.
dents will offer has already been went ahead with consideration of the I(Conditions in England are almost as
written, and is a take-off on certain bill at a night meeting. bad, he stated.
faculty men. The faculty members The house action is increasing the Ronner Gives Address
will probably present a play which estate taxes from a maximum rate of I In his presidential address "Science
will ridicule certain student leaders " 25 percent to 40 percent was char- and Letters," last night in Natural
and activities. ucterized by Mr. Mellon as "economic Science auditorium, Prof. Campbellj
In adidtion to the vaudeville, the suicide." He insisted this form of in- Bonner of the Greek department and
program is to have a number of short crease of the tax by the federal gov- president of the Academy lauded the
talks ty faculty and student repres- ernment would force states to resort idecision last year of the older branch'
entatives. to higher taxes on land. of the Academy to include workers
The committee. C hrles Ivin stone Actuaries- were ca.lled in a .ain today ...

on an early train, Mr. Stone and the
President were in conference before.
most of Washington were awake thisI
morning and before 8 o'clock the
President had tendered Mr. Stone I
the portfolio and the New York man
had accepted .Then at 8 o'clock the i
President introduced Mr. Stone as
his new Attorney-General toa doyen
senators invited to the White House
for a breakfast conference.
Mr. Stone's nomination was sent to
the Senate soon after the body con-

Milwaukee, Wis., April 2.-(By A.
P.)-Delegates at large pledged to
Semcator Robert M. LaFollette at the
Republican national convention and to
Governor Albert Smith of New York.,


vened at noon and late in the day it at the Democratic national convention will only seat
was referred to the judiciary com- continued to increase their lead as urged to reserv
mittee for inquiry. Confirmation s additional precincts were tabulated vance, Tickets
hXtc.ted without delay although sev- tOne of thef
eral senators expressed the desire' t program will co
to examine the appointee's record and With slightly more than 1000 pre- Ann Arbor Hig
particularly to look into a letter cints out of 2,574 in the state report- presefzt "Hiawa
written by him in 1921 questioning ed, Senator LaFollette had a majority The admissionc
methods of the Department of Jus- of nearly 75,000 over the delegates at to all members
e large who ran under the banner of their 1924 (hues
President Coolidge. 1,011 precincts in Besides theg
W onen W ill Vote this contest gave LaFollette delegates today many shi
138,980; Coolidge delegates 64,036. scheduled. A h
Next W ednesday In the presidential primaries be- be held at 1:30
tween Mr. McAdoo and Senator James A. L. Cross of t
Permission was given the Univer- A. Reed of Missouri. McAdoo was will talk on "
sity women to hold their spring elec- leading by a good margin although ments n Britis
tions for officers in the Women's lea- little interest was manifested in the ss.Mai
gue, W. A. A., and the Y. W. C. A. on state and the vote was exceptionally ings, and Dr. S
April 9 at a meeting yesterday of the light. Returns from 526 precincts out Normal will als
Senate committee on students affairs. of 2,574 gave McAdoo, 17,794; Reed, ing.

500 the members
e their tickets in
sell for $1.25.
features of the
'me at 8 o'clock N
h school chorus
tha's Wedding Fe
will be complimer
of the club who
in advance.
general sessions
orter conferences
istory conference
o'clock at which
he history departi
$6me Recent Dev<
h Politics." Dr. C
the University
try P. Creaser of I
cott of Western t
o speak at this i


Visiting memnuers of the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club will attend the
annual complimentary concert by the
Ann 'Arbor high school chorus of 440
singers and the School of Music to bex
given at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
The Cass Technical high school, of
Detroit, has sent its symphony orches-
tra of 48 members to assist in the pro-
gram, and the work of the high school
chorus will be supplemented by JamesE
Hamiliton tenor, of the School of Mu-
sic faculty.
The choral work to be presented is
Coleridge-Taylor's "Hiawatha's Wed-
ding Feast." The orchestra will ac-
company the singers in this number,
playing in addition a. short programf
#-f rhctr xl liections. The com-




11t ~ t~i.U ,,I it5t.vlg'I .i gcua yesW r ~atu11Ur~ v
'25, and J. K. Dunn, '24, will arrange by the committee to work on a new
the mixer so that the students and set of figures on the number of vet-
faculty men may meet and have an ' erans entitled to benefits of the sol-
enjoyable time in the most informal dier bonus bill passed by the house,
way. The majority of the faculty by which the committee expects to,
members who have been leading dis- j close up somewhat the gap of $2.-{
cussions at fraternity houses during 500,000.000, between the estimates of
the past few weeks under the arrange- the cost of the bill submitted by the
ments of a committee of which Dunn 1 Veterans' bureau and treasury actuar-
is chairman, are expected to attend the lies.
mixer, some of them taking part in ------ --
the program. ' El Paso, April 2.-Adolfo De La

plete progran is as follows: IA- iheita, leader of the lost revolution1
Overture to "Mignon," Thomas: Mons werie drowiled in the collasnei ar cause in Mexico, has landed at
Dream Pantomine from "Hasel anl of a bridge over the iuadalteivi riv Key West, Fla., and has gone into the
Gretel," Humperdinck, violin solo, er, near the village of Algaba. Sevil- interior of the United States. Mexi-
"Kol Nidrei," Bruch, Clarence Erick- le, Sunday, according to details of can Counsul General Enrique D. Ruiz
son: suite from "Ballet Music to Hia- the accident received here today. has been advised by Mexico City. .
watha," Coleridge-Taylor, Cass Tech-
nical high school symphony orchestra, I

Clarence Bryn, director.
"Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," Cole-
No admission will be charged and 1
officials have extended a cordial wel-
come to the public to attend.
Washington, April 2.-Means of}
speeding up legislation in, the senate I
were considered at a White House
breakfast conference today attended
by about a dozen leading Republican
, I
Turns to thoughts of love, in the
spring. We have found the above
old adage, song, or what not, to
be absolutely true us shown by
facts. Let us find anything you

Bates Praises New Choice
For Attorney-Generalship
"A man of incorruptible character sion of the law that an attorney en-
and integrity, a good organizer, a gaged only in active practice cannot
lawyer with a clear, logical, analytical possibly gain."
mind," was the characterization of Do you think that the new Attorney-
the newly appointed Attorney-General, general will favor big business, was
Harlan Fiske Stone by Dean Henry the next query directed at Dean Bates?
t. He answered in the negative. "It is
M. Bates in an interview last night. absurd to suppose that a man will fav-
Dean Bates continued, "I have beenf or big business merely because of his
on numerous committees of a legalI association with large corporations.
nature with Mr. Stone and have been We have a striking example of that
associated with him frequently in the in our past history. George W. Wick-
past. We may feel sure that he will I ershan, former Attorney-general, was
be fearless in the performance of his a man of the so called "big business"
duty and absolutely honest and above type, who before entrance into office
board. was actively associated with large
"In the past our attorney-generals business interests, but in office he was
have been men who have been actively one of the most vigorous prosecutors
engaged in law practice. The new of trusts that the oountry has ever
Attorney-general has maintained a seen. With regard to the matter of
private practice in conjunction with politicians controlling the new ap-
his position as lean of the Columbia pointee the public need have no fear.
law school and last year he resigned Mr. Stone long ago, .m'cut his eye

from other fields, and discussed the Quad L, a local engineering frater- '1To Bold English ('onferene
benefits which will arise from this nity, was given permission to request -jIn the English conference me
step, stressing the value of co-opera- affiliation with Triangles, national en-!f rat 1:45 o'clock today in Patte
tion among the various fields and also gineering fraternity. Recognition was rIauditoritin, topics relating to
of the study of the history of sciences. also granted to Wayfarers, a local j teaching of English in the high sc
"The idea of co-operation is no new house club. will be discussed.
one to our scientific sections," Pro- l IIfi rof.R. K. McAlpine of the c
fessor Bonner stated. "and here in Calgary, Alta., April 2.-Eight ____ stry department will gi e a re
this sciensce building there is a, genu- thousand miners in th'e coal fields of of the American Chemical sovie
ine willingness to exchange knowl- Alberta and northeastern British Col_ Chicago, April 2.- (By A. P. 'te conference of the Chemistry-
edge, experience and working ma- umbia are on strike because of a dis-, Charging flagrant irregularities in the sics society at 1:30 o'clock toda
t t the West lecture room of The pb
teral when an important problem is agreement over a new wage contract, grand jury proceeding, counsel for building.
to the foUres Mutul Study Hlland, Mich.. April 2.--A can- Col. Charles R. Forbes, former head of Members of the Mathematica
"For us lesser toilers, there is a paign to eliminate tuberculosis from the Veteran's bureau, today filed pleas sociation will hold a luncheon
tmtu comprehension ready herds of cattle in this county will in abatement against three grand jury o'clock in the Union. Followini
help o omua lt sm1hesyon0rbe started May 1, it was announced indictments voted against him as a re- 'luncheon, the members will hear
trespctvescInces That study will y C. P. Milham, Ottawa County suit of an inquiry into the administra- H. C. Carver of the mathematic
agent, yesterday. I tion of the Veteran's bureau. partment talk on "Summarizatlo
reveal to us that the division between ,eriye in room B of the Law
letters and science, however wide ing.
it may seem at times, has not always Frost-R eads H is OW n Poem s "Mechanism vs. Vitalism" wi
been a wide one. No man is a worse Fr- the subject of Prof. Oran Rabe
scientist because he knows the To A udience the botany department inhis ad
glamour of history om' the organ T Enthusiastic .'.A d e c , before the biological ofrn
voice of great poetry and prose." 1:30 o'clock in the Natural Sc
Following the presidential address,{i building.
the members of the Academy attend- Robert Frost read from his poems free verse-but that it wasn't. He At te geography session to be
ed a smoker held at the University yesterday afternoon in Sarah Caswell read "Stoppingr by the Woods on a at 1:45 in Natural Science i
E Winter Evening" twice so) the audi-I Dr. Wallace. P. Atwood, Presider
club in their honor by the Research Angell hall to a packed and respon- one n i w time rshemes
club of the University. sive house. A crowd so large as not was pacticaly ipsble 1e Clark university lg a ta.
which wspatclyipsil i-"The Teaching of Geography."
The program for today includes 'to have disgraced Hill auditorium was cause he read it so much better the Sanders On Program
meetings of the various sections of the turned away. second time. It is one of the very "Writing and Bookmaking of
Academy, and the complimentary con- Beginning with character studies of' few poems, he said, in which he had
con- I Greeks and Roman", illustrated
cent to be given by the University New Englanders, done in New EnglandI employed such words as "lovely" and papyri manuscripts and facsi
School of Music and the public dialect, drawn chiefly from his recent "beautiful," regarding them, as lie will be the feature of the meeti
schools of -Ann Arbor for the Academy book, "New Hampshire", he progress- does, as part of tire criticism of the the high school libraries confe
and the Schoolmasters club. The con- ed to the lyrics of that and earlier! work, which, he says, "doesn't mix at 2 o'clock in the library, which
cent will be given in Hill auditorium. I books. To strike an image anomal- with p)oetry." be given by Prof. II. A. Sanders o
ous with the usual conception of the He claimed, before reading "The Latin department.
.-poet, Mr. Frost made a debonaire ap- ; Oven-bird," that not a sufficient dis- The agricultural conference w
TO N L 1 i pearance. The charm and virtue of Itinction was made between talking or opened with an address on "The
uU U his readings as that, while he often i dramatic poetry towards which he ? That Manual Arts Subjects Ta
acts the parts of people in his poems, leaned, and poetry to be intoned or the Education of the Agricultura
"'s OUN l..T000 he never eocutes them. Reading in chanted. This will be recalled as the dent," by Percy Angove, assia
L a voice that has crackling, throaty violent distinction between the bulk of supervisor of inclustiral educati
-- overtones, he strings his poems to- Mr. Frost's work and that of Vachel Lansing, and will be followed
Senate council members will meet gether with a thread of comment at Lindsay, who read before University other subjects of like nature. I
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon at which once entertaining and illuminating. audiences. meet at 1:30 o'clock in the Law b
- ... w . . Among those noems he read was the., After rearling for the allotted forty- inor


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