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April 01, 1924 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-01

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_____ ___ ____TUE 4 IN;AN DATL. _.,_
S. . _- - - - -. - -_. -. _ ....... _ ._ _.-. - - - _ - - - a - - ..-.. - --. -. , . .v..._. ...., -. ,.,.. .

jitl(ot Inlithe ullett I u i vrtcw r> n~lthI~ totw a x i tt~trt
dilversity. Copy roceived b thk Au+imauiit the ,q' t-'Vi't tu
~. mD. (1.31)a. n. aturr'aS
1)e 4 TUE iJA,1 APIL' 1, l19 'I Nu tbec
@ouicil,. special meeting:
e 1vlil be a tpecia1 meeting of the Icnate Council on, Thursida;
4';15 p i., in the Pre,;i dent's office'. Y. E. Robb Ins, Secr
1y Lecture .
ert Frost, Fellow in Creative Art in thiF U1nivei-aity in ther
2 and 1922-1923, will give a reading from his poems, in 'Sarah
ge1.H~all Wednesday, April 2, at 4:30 h. AU. rTho public 15 cor
1''. E, il7b? I i

136 '

All lpersons or soclet~eo rusing this
coliu rial ,.hii dlud i n their inotces
day, hour. anid plaice. All iiitt1cesr
witleout. this data will be disregarded.

reta X, :1.'-Eris ts' lunch, rfteon3 n1,
~1:1-Unhversly Grl' Glee club
nimeets in Harbour gymna Aum.


c dIaty

vI1bt English Department w 11 meet for luncheon at the Tunionl today, Ap-
rill 1, at 1410:ioclock. VW. 11. i uIuplt e3y ..
Ft3 eri~t Ii Ifetmaidcs f ir tuents:
Enghwerilg Mechapi6 will not moot at 1 1 o'clock on April 2n d but
will. nieet'at 7o'clock in natura]lScience Aud~ilitorium linstad 41ofat the ('on
g-6,aibt' i~Church as:;formerly announced. F. N. Rlefei.
Fim Showiz'g 3lufa~cture of Steel:
T~here will be a film showing the inianuflctture of oteoel. iw :t-
tltaL-1inp AuditorimWe(lnesdlay evening at 7 o'elock. ThiP4 fimrui, IpaA.
of th$e Titng Materials cours;e but this mieeting of the clas ill he ol)eil
to all luterested. V. V. Menefee.
Mr. Matthews of the Proctor and Gnmh~lle Company of Cincinn-Ati wil
hin Room 221, Enginceriug , Building, Tuesday, April 1st, and wishes tG"
s4ee all seniors. interested i positiois wth this company.
JMr. .J)Iek~i p1I's-J lasin I'uhiic Mpeahldpig1:
M~r. Jackso~n's section at 9 o'clock Monday, Wednesday Wand Friday will
meet 'ns usual :Wedinesdaiy morning in Room, 302 University High School.
An ', present to take Mr.% Jackson's place.
Rlay K. ii1 imel.

etioni of .1t etoric 2
be at your own will; it wil not be required.
Herbert Sliisser.

toology -I# (11eredity):
Exaination April ,.1. Those assigned to seats in rows A to E will ,gui
West Gallery, Alumni, Memorial Hall; those assigned to rows F to 1C will
to' Natural, Science auditorium; those in aind back of row L will gof to
omn B, Law Building. A. Franklin Shull.
adeiit latlieinaties Society:
The 'regular meeting of the 'Student Mathematics Society will bo lielPd
uesdlayApril 1, at 8:00 P. AI., in Room 151 of the Chemistry Building. All
utdents interested are cordially invited to attend. 'N. C. Fiske, Secretary.
nior lRe~iiearehi Club:
The regular meeting will be held at 8 p. mn. Tuesday, April 1, in room
te yperswtilbe.:
Motor ruk Performances by P.L F. S1uielle.
TheQil Fields of Mexico by WN. A. Ver Wlebe.
Ceorge H. lHerrmnann.
~A~tTuesday at 8 P. M.- in "Room 106 M. H. Mr. Trap wil read
Pae f kant and Dutch Thought. Q. 1K. Boll w,;Im.
Prctc a . O . T.C. Building tonight at 7:45.
Rt. O:. .. Formation for 3:00 P. M. Wednesday 2nd instan L
Infantry, Drill: All members Companies D a~nd G Ordnancre aind SIg-
Pedlra.'tice. at Norris Hall,
'.ff6rs oncommissioned Officers, Seniors and Juniors not included
the abve formations assemble at Infantry office.
~ -- Win. T. Carpenter.
,Almenl who are to go to R. 0. T. C. Camp this summer should report to
ie Ntrse at thre Health Service at once for Typhoid vaccination. Prefer-
'W tbeeen hours of 8 and 10 A. M., on days other than Saturday and

I 6--ttGrafluv0 Hlistorycl00 dinner,!
roo m 319. U'nion.
7:030--A d(elphimeets In Tilrhersil
; '80--Thirfe faw club eets lin-room n
7CT- L rosise :ca Ud rl~sltes tmed In
room 3 06, Union.
4 :1_i 'iiiligiit orgau recitacl,lhil an.I
dit orlumi.
~7 I~-ngiawclubmb ieets iroom
e :30- -l)efolay inieeting at Harris hall.I
1 C<>tl_.illtI11 licx I i ('l11) IBC t4 at Il.
:;l---orestry clil, mteets In room
21l4, Natural Science building.
j:1 :.(- -oo4!riehl cluIl imeets in rw
"06, Union.
8 :0-Clreolo Itallano mecets lin rottli
202 South Wing.
Tickvis for the fourth annual 4111lt.
amy baill weill be sold in the lobby of
the Union,, Tuesday, April 1< from
3~ to 5 o'clock to those whose appli-
cations have been accepted. j
(Continued from Page Six)
lar third baseman for many seasons,
has not come to terms with the own-
ers of the club, and Rickey is ac-
cordingly scouting around for anoth-
er third sacker: At present Lester
ell is being used at the hot. corner,
and i~ making good. Rickey has been
hoping to trade Stock in a deal that
would strengthen his club, but his
advances have not yet nietted results.,
Hle wa+nted catcher O'Neil and pitcere
Cooney from Boston, but th~e Braves
refused to part with the pair, , At
present the catching staff is composed
of Clemons, first string Teceiver, and.
Fick, his understudy. The thirdl man-
has not been definitely pickod. Rein-.
hart,' Hermnan Bell, an~d Fra.nkhouse
form a trio of rookie iittliers who
have taken fhd fancy of Manager Ricks
Iey'. Douthitt, ail outfielder, has aliso
I hown promise. Johnny S8lMrt, form-
et Ohio State lhurler who slfow~d such
tfor big; things this year. "At present
it looks as thoughr Freigau would pl.y,
the, shortstop position regularly, with
the veter^an Lavan held in reserve..
Uncle WVilbert Robinson 'is havting
his troubles' with' ie infield. Two
new men sedem destined toa break 'lntcl
the Inner defense. Kiugmlan', who bat-
ted .346 with Des Moines last year,
seems to have cinched the. second base
job, while Jones, a $25,000 holdout.
a will he used at. short' if he ever re-.

PnIHopes On Him aoe the(ir t' ;omary lcpacty of (of-
inti( a1 ldoormt.for 'the other chlbs inI
the circuit ,1111(1ive their rivals a bt-t
t](. lFatnny wa ,after the services of?
\AMlit on :os,t .hie C 'd hl11olot, to
; ;: " 1brace up i's lkinfield. hbut Branch Ricl,-
i I ~ey wanted C(ooney , left-handed hitch-
or, and O'Neil, (,;Ocher, in exchange
and D~ave cons;idleIs both mien to be of
too 1))Itc'h promnise to part wvit h. stocki
wo16ld have plugtged uip thleholett
third h( -oleftH 'acant by the tragtic :.
( .is dath of Tony Ihcrl . As matters-
now s;tand, l('lieher , Smrith, and Pa d-
geet are hiot after the job. Narl Smith
t~~i and Eddie Phillips, formuer B3oston col-
: ~~lege estmr, re1rk!n Jing bhe11ind the bat
}. ! ~ ~ aind will mrake ain excellet pair of sub
Wf s < .-: receivers1. Stengel and Cunningham.,
-; <t( (acquiredi fromn the Giant,:, will bolster'
} ,} r upthe out held in good shape accord-
ing'to present indications, Genewich
will probably be the ace of the Brave
hurling corps, while Stryker, Lucas.
and Graham have been showing their
stuff to advantage' among the younger
Art Fletcher will have a tough pro-I
position on his hands with the lowly
-M-" , [hilly clan. The team does not ap-
pear to be much stronger than it war
Admiral VYon Tripit z las:t reason, when the Phillies finished
Europe sees a move toward restor- ;in the cellar. It is largely a matter of
ation of the shattered German empire ( spirit, which Fletcher is capable of
in the selection by the German Na- instilling, and if the men respond to
tional party of Admiral Von Tripitz,j the example of their pilot, the lnuch-
creator of the Germrany navy, as~ can- buiffeted aggregation may succeed in
didat e foir president. The election will pulling out of the rut and placing
be held in May. They believe that if higher in the race, although a first
he should tiecole. president he would di\-ision berth is hardly probable. Earl
merely be a .stepping stone toward en- }lianiiltont, veteran southpaw, has re-
thronemienuf of'some mionarch. ipor'ted for work.
porfs. *Aud, A"igh' will play- the hot; Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Advr
corner, While the aged ;lack Fournier
will be on first. Mike Gonzales, catch- B AR
er, andl Lo f tus,' a kid out fielder, 4an B AR
both play .the initial bag and will be; (Without Breakfast)
kept ready ini case Fournier slips. I FOUR DOLLARS
The :Dodgers could 'use either Stock ii 604 TEAST1'1YAShllMx'1'0
or Maranville to ;round out, a steady S Nearr :Lane .lhal
inner works, but neither player is on jin
the .market. for what the Brooklyn W a eie
management is willing to pay, for' eGi eie
him. There is no doubt as to the bat- Re i to P rab s
ting prowess of the Dodgers, but the
defense appears wobbly.I At Once
The Boston Braves, under the lead- STACY Rv. BLACK
ership of Dave Bancroft, should rise
________________ 304 1 adison i2809

in reliable hands.

Besides security you

101-105 South Main

330 South

Read, The I)alv "Classified" Goaiur

weill find convenience in doing business
with thee

Snug at the ankle
open at the instep !
That's the command
of Paris foir slippiers
this spring. This new
Walk-Over sandal ful-J
fils both commands,
with the important
added attribute of
Walk-Over fine fitting.

v i e im ,- 0 - - A v a 0- 04

Real Protectionl
It pays to know that your funds are

loo m of
*t w s U
op w.f

ll;r S. XMAI N ST.

F armers & Mechanics Ban'


Chiropodist and
,147, WNrth U 1ivsrstl !Phone 2652


7 oz iuble Sbeets (equala 150 single), with i; en-
yoaoa to match, linen finish, with 'your name and ad-


R ' .. IV Ii/ E OA'K

e. Keith,
m NV e "

-, -

° w

.ye p


-40 _



Free of
It Lasts

A ,Generous Sample of
17 N ichelsA rtade
r~le..Typewriter 1and(1stationery
Read the VWant Ad~

Drivers Measured by Their Deeds
How do you measure a man, by his reputation or his
deeds? Hardly by reputation, for that is ,often false.
By. his deeds then? Of course. That's the w'at we
measure our drivers, and they either rise or fall by what
their do.
W6 pick these men by what their neighbors and trades-
men say of them, by their standing and reputation for ten
years -back. But it isn't. thcir reputation that holds them
here. We judge them by their deeds and how they
serve you.
Naturally, one will slip occasionally, "even as you and
I."' FIC will do something, or leave something undone,
which annoys or angers you. And then you are apt to
roast "the other ninety and nine." That is hardly fair,
because as a body they are the best and fairest workmen
we .ever knew.
Just ,take notice of them when- next you are on the street.
See .howv busy they are and how seldom you see one
loafing. They :are alert, intent on their business, earning
a living and anxious 'to please.
Be, rice . t their if they are nice to you. They are part
of your daily life. Give. them a smile once in a while,.
.A smiile is a big thing.


p t
,ti fa


" f



42 An Hour_
Prof it%
No Collections-
No Deliveies-
$500,000 advertisingF corn-
paign to back you up.

Tastes differ; if it weren't for this fact a
clothing merchant's job would be as easy-
and about as interesting-as selling post-
age stamps.
As it is,twe always have the greatest pos-.
sible variety here; if a man wants something
in a colorful necktie, we have it; axnd we are
also ready to satisfy the conservative, the
man who= wants a neat effect in' black And,
white. And everybody in between!
We are proud of the variety of. good mer',, E
chandise in this store. It's one of, the main
things that hold our customers to us.l
When you come in to buy a suit, you will
agan na ba wtMtnt rof the finest that




A' New Suit for Sprin


Be Sure-Call a Red. Top

i r ' ,
1 r , . '
; i,
' ' " '+
I i ' i li I
i III ' f' i I IyjV

Just a suggestion but
you should not fail t6_
see uutr new, two but-
ton' mo d el.s before.


)u go home.

y u

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