I- HE WEATHER .IODAY V'Y ittr 4op AIL ASS0 EDI)TORIAL -' VOL. XXXIV. No. 136 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, POINCARE OU TLINEIS CABINET'S PULICI BEFORE PAR LEMENT PREIELR INSISTS ON PAYMENT OF GERMAN REPARATIONS AT EARLY DATE MESSAGE RECEIVED WITH HOSTILITY IN CHAMBER Gabrilowitsch Gives Recital Of Extraordinary Brit Pirilliant aiid thoroughly 'inspired in that powerful emotiona every respect was the concert given er becomes sentimenta by Ossip Gabrilowitsch, pianist, and with.an ease that seen tached. cOndUCtor of the Detroit Symphony It would behard to orchestra, last night in Pattengill au- Mt wabrilowitch put ditorium. The program was of high- Ior into Bewth ut est calibre and thoughtfully arranged Erachi seemed to mount to-give the best effects and to warrant emotional scale. The the most genuine reaction from the ata was made beautiful listeners. The audience was large and feet touch of the player,o always enthusiastic, commending and ing contrasts he introd recalling Mr. Gabrilowitsch persist- Chromatic Fantasy was ently. , Bh Navr hasr d~ liance SINClAR NICTED O N FEDERlAL JURHY Tiflis Peasants MEN DUE TO RD1 In Terror Over AT IrnnI DlAIflhI' Tfl- Bimg arooaicare l quality nev- al. He plays as almost de- say whether his greatest ach or Chopin. higher on the E minor Son-. with the per- and the strik- uced. Bach's as tense asi Petrograd recently annoignced that _- the poles have been set in motion and MARKS FIRST ACTION OF SENATE ' predicted in consequence that the Ar- COMMITTEE WHEN OI L LEASEE tic Ocean would overflow all Europe. REFUSES TO TESTIFY This prophecy inspired terror among the peasants of the northern Cau- SUPREME COURT RULE ! casus which Soviet officials have not MAN BE ESTABLISHED been able to allay. There are gener- al pilgrimages to churches, and whole- sale preparations are being made for Expieet New dJnry May Be Formed the universal destruction which is be- Flr Special Oil Co niel On lieved to be imminent in Europe. 'rittilnal Phases Of Lease I Washington, March 31.-Indictment by a federal grand jury here today ofO Harry F. Sinclair, to wlioni the gov- ernment leased the Teapot Dome oilA reserve, on conterhpt charges result- ing from his refu al to testify before ocDy the senate oil co imittee Constituted Jiscusses Ruihr Occupatio, Safe am Sane Financial )feasures As Well As Economy Paris, March 31.-(By AP)-Prem ier Poincare in his ministerial dec- laration to parliament today in pres enting his reconstructed cabinet in. sisted in payment of reparations by Germany, with France holding the Ruhr until satisfactory settlemen was made and on guarantee of secur- ity of an uprovoked attack. As for the internal affairs of the country he spoke for safe and sane, financial measures, application of the fiscal re- form just voted by the parliament and stringent economy. Regarding the German occupation, the premier said: Cannot Withdraw "France cannot withdraw her troops from the Ruhr except in proportion to payments. She will. not exchange positive pledges for uncertain prom- ises, but she has firm hope that af- ter the experts have handed in their report, a general settlement and rap- id liquidation of the reparations will become positive. "As soon as the work of the experts has terminated, France will be ready to study it and seek with our friends to find the elements of a final sol- ution." 1M. Poincare referred ,only incident- allyto France'eswar debts while dis- cussing the financial situation. "We must at all costs keep out of our finances all the - germs. of in- flation," he sid. "The time is no more when peoples can suit themselv- es tranquilly at home, draw up thlr budgets as they like and disinterest themselves with their neighbors.; ' "Today there is no nation which is not exposed to the curiosity of oth- ers. If we have debtors, we have , reditors also, and until a concerted general settlement is reached we will he obliged to practice a tentative re- serve.' Refutes Attek In allusion to the repent attack on France by Lloyd George, the premier said:, "Victoriious France has never since the treaty of pence was signed, obeyed selfish inspirations. She has nlever had the ridiculous, imperialistic am- bition which is so willingly attributed to her." The declaration was received with almost open hostility by the cham er and respectful indifference by the senate. In the chamber he was inter- rupted, while after he had concluded his statement in the senate, Sen Du- plantier, radical, introduced a resol- ution inviting the government to be- gin its policy of economy by saving the cost of printing the declaration. ISBELI, 'TAPN1,1WLL ADRESS AUMNI1 CLUBS, Egbert Isbell, '26L will accompany Hawley Tapping, '11, field secretary of the alumni association, when Mr. Tap- ping starts on a tour of the alumni associations, and will talk before the alumni club of Flint and organization meetings at Lapeer and Monroe. Flint will be visited next Wednesday. La- peer next Thursday and Monroe on Friday. On April 6, Mr. Tapping with John Bradfield, '18, associate editor of the Michigan Alumnus and Wilfred Shaw, '04, general secretary of the alumni association will attend the Alumnus publications conference at the Uni- versity of Virginia at Charlottsville. Mr. Tapping will then go to Wash- ington D. C. where he will confer with officials, April 12. On April 14 he will go to Harrisburg, Penn., where he will organize an alumni club and the next day will go to Johnston, Penn., for the same purpose. [i ,- y} e, ( r . 1 ' 1i , .1 . , Mr. Gabrilowitseh is a master mus- ician, sure to the point of deliberation, yet expressively alert to the possibil- ity of every note. One need look no( further than to him to find a marvel-I ously beautiful and ready touch. Itsj balance of tone, its exquisite legato, I its lightness, and it potential power are all that could be desired. No technicality is beyond him; and the most difficult passages are accom- plished with fine fluency. Care in the interpretation of de- tails plays a great part in the em- otional fervor which Mr. Gabrilo- witsch puts into his playing, and' which he calls up in his hearers. But nat is ever neara . opin was most highly emotional, in the G minor Bal- lade, indescribably brilliant in both the form and content of its perform- ance. The C sharp minor Polonaise, alternately lyric and dramatic, a love- ly Etude and a contrasting capricious Tarantelle, completed this 'WD. The Brahms Rhapsody, passionately dramatic and of varying .thematic in- terest, and two of Mr. Gabrilowitsch's own compositions, one suggesting an archestral make-up, and a rollicking and vivid Caprice completed the en- joyable program and brought to a close the finest piano recital given in Ann Arbor in some time.. R. A. H. the first action of ts kind to grow out of the committee jnvestigation of the oil cases.. The.action even ially, it is believed may lead to a rulijg by the U. S. su- preme court on the authority of con- gress to develop e idence along lines followed In the present inquiry. I LEAGUE CAMPAIGN STATE EDBUCATORHS HflIF91TFSMFFI TO COINVENF HFRF Miss ~ilton, , national Chairman,ISchoolmasters' Club, Michigan S. Tells of University Growth ence Academy, and Superintendents at Detroit Luncheon Meet April , ", , " , SJI~t11ANBURTON WILL 1$70,000 NEEDED TO ERECT SERAN, GIVE MAIN ADDRESSES WOMEN'S SOCIAL BUILDING _E A A E E With three state educational organ- Detroit, March 31.-More than fifty izations meeting here April 2, 3 and 4, women from various alumnae groups twenty-one conferences and ten sec- in the State of Michigan, met at the tional meetings are scheduled for the HotelStatl Sfo n Ilatter part of the week. The societies cohvening here are the Michigan eon and *a conference i connection Schoolmaster's club, the Michigan with the University of Michigan wo- Academy of Science and the Associa- men's League Building and endow- tion of School Superintendents andi onon 'fund canpaign,.School Board members. District chairmtiwho attended the .Promien t elucatqrs. of the country nrcil Ms a ,will address these meetings whiin conferene include Miss Datalie Mor- over 5,000 representativei are eHyet- ganof dria; Mss Droty W~(Ied to attend. The School Superintendt of Cadillac; Miss Mary McKay, of Laun- ents and Board members will conclude sing; Mrs. William H..Dodge; o ian their program Wednesday night but cock; Miss MIldred Hinsdale, 6f Grand the conferences, of the other two as- Rapids; Miss Gladys Boyington, of I sociations will . continue through Iron River; Mrs. Andrew J. Murphy; hursday and Friday. of, Po'rtluron ; Mrs.Edwar d G ynnofShermain Will Speak SSaginaw; HMrs. Charles Bennett, of Prof. Stuart P. Sherman of the Uni . Kalamazoo; Mrs. Ch.rG. Bradford, of vesity of Illinois will give an ad- Alpena; Mrs. Charles. W. Core of Ben- dress at 11 o'clock Friday morning on AonHarbor. Doal chairmen, coming- the subject, "Toward an American ton Hrr. Loca 'hmn co in Typ " Anothe geea seso hich I from a great distance to attend the Tp.Aoergenera session wich meeting, were Mrs. .J. I. Paull, ofI will attract considerable attention is Houghton and Mrs. Nancy B. Thomas, to be given at 11 o'clock Thursday morning when President Marion 1. At the luncheon, Mrs.John D. Mac-;Burton will give a talk on "Some As- Kay, as chairman of the Michigan di- pects of American Iiger Education. vision, welcomed the representatives One of'the features of the sessions and introduced Miss. Jean Hamilton. will be the presentation of "Hia- acting chairman of the National Cam- watha's Wedding Feast" given by the paign committee, who spoke concern- Ann Arbor School Chorus of 400 ing the constant changes and ,growth voices and assistant soloist under di- of the University today, particularly rection of George Oscar Bowen and as it appears in the increasingly large assisted by the ('ass Technical High number of woman students. She School Orcliestra of Detroit under. pointed out the fact that in nearly the direction of Clarence Byon. Tic all of the universities of the stand- kets for this entertainment may be ing of Milhigan, a wOm 's building secured at the headquarters in the Re- gisistrar's office on Wednesday and }has been recognized as essential, Th rda . iMichigan in this direction has not sUshussdas. led the way as she has in nany others. sEducator s of the University.norma Miss Hamilton explained the objec- schools, and colleges and teachers of tive set for this campaign as being rthe larger high schools of the state $750,000 for the erection of a huild- are scheduled to seak at the ,ten ilg to meet the social needs of th sectional meetings, where those inter- women students, and $250,000 for en- ste in special subjects will be ade dowment. The 3,2000 women who live . to get together for round table dis scattered over the town in approxim- cusions ately 570 different places, have urgent The sectional meetings of the sci- need of such a building. entists will deal with various lines of The luncheon was followed by a research and will be addressed by conference in which details of camn- members of the different faculties. paign plans were fully discussed and Most of the speakers at these meetings arrangements made for immediate ac- will be from the University although tion. The State of Michigan is the 4 representatives from other institutions most important of all the geographi- will speak before some of the session. cal campaign divisions, as it has E xtemporaneous Contest by far the largest number of Univer- An interesting part of the program sity of Michigan women of all the states 'will be the extemporaneous oral in the Union. The efforts of this state composition contest which will take will be watched with particular inster- place at 1:45 o'clock Friday at Patten- est by all the alumnae, as they are -- gill auditorium in the Ann Arbor high peted to set the pace in the cam- school., Representatives from seven paign, which it is hoped, will reach state high schools have entered the conpletionby Comienceinent. . contest. The contestants will be given a list of ten subjects'of general in- terest one hour before the contest and will be given from four to six minutes to deliver their talks. Judgement will be given upon their ability to select n naterial, organize it, and present it in an impressive way. 11At the Public Speaking and Dra- Urbana. Ill.. March 31.-Stadium matic Conference also on Friday af- Counsel for Sinclar here stated that the oil operator +as not in Wash- Iington but that it was their belief that he would return voluntarily to I face the indictment. Ten counts were listed in the in- dictment which was signed by Dis- trict Attorney Gordon and Atlee Pomerene and Owedt J. Roberts as special assistants, each referring to specific questions asked Sinclair by Senator Walsh in the course of the oil committees inquiry. The case had been in the grand jury's hands only a few days and1 with the expiration today of the ten- ure of the present jury, a new panel is expected to be formed, probably' some time this week, to receive the evidence to be presented to the spec-. ial oil counsel regarding alleged crim- inal pahses attached to the oil leases. YOST OFFERS PRIZE FOR BEST ESSAY 10.ON L#YLTYI Announcement was made recently' by Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-collegiate athletics, who is chair- man . of ,the general° committee in charge of Boy's Week, for this vicin- ity, of the organization of a prize es say contest, on the subject of "Loyal- I ty," Boy's Week is to be observed'In! all parts of this country friom April 1 27 to May 3, and. President Calvin Coolidge has consented to act as hon- orary chairman of the movement. The contest is to be open to all stu- dents who are at present enrolled in the schools of Washtenaw county and jwill be divided into three groups, in E accordance with the grade standing., This is to insure fairness of com- petition. Prizes are to be offered for the three best essays in each group i and it is urged that all students take part in this contest.! "My idea of offering these prizes is. to stimulate in each student a bet- Iter sense of loyalty and the real value that comes to the individual from be- ing truly loyal to friends, to school, to home, to ideals, and to his country. for if one is really loyal to these things, he will be a good citizen in any community. To me there is no more valuable word in the English# language than Loyalty." - Bill Latnehetd By Senator McKellarl Last Friday Against 'Treasury head Not Aeted Upon ( OUZENS AND (('OMITTEE SAID TO BE "AFTER MELLO" Washington, March 31.-A resolu- tion designed to oust Secretary Mellon from office on technical legal grounds launched last Friday by Sen-1 ator McKellar, Democrat, Tennessee,} bobbed up automatically in the senate today only to land on the table with no one demanding abtion upon it. It was buffeted severely by Mr. Mellon's Republican defenders and Senator McKellar whose voice was the only one urging it on its way. Wheth- er it will be refloated later is a mat- ter of dispute among senate Demo- cratic chieftains, who conferred dur-' ing the debate on the wisdom of pass- ing it, while Senator Robinson. of Arkansas, the Democratic leader who returned to Washington after an ab- sence of several days disclaimed re- sponsibility for the move initiated by the Tenesseean. Senator McKellar declared he was not charging Mr. Mellon with any wrong doing or failure but merely in- sisted upon enforcement of old stat- utes forbidding the appointment as federal fiscal officers of "men inter- 'ested ,or- concerned" in the carrying on of commercial enterprises. Sen- ator Reed, , Republican, Penna., who lead the dlissenters, asserted from personal knowledge that Mr. Mellon' had divested himself of every com- mercial and industrial connection which could be questioned in any way before he went to the Treasury.' The names of the "'Mellon compan- ies" were flung about in general terms during the senate debate. Be- fore the special senate committee in- vestigating the internal revenue but- eau. However, the intimate tax af- fairs of the Gulf oil corporation in which Mr. Mellon is a minority stock-! holder were aired in detail. Sparks flew in the committee room between Senator Couzens, Republi- can. Michigan. director of the inquiry, and Senator Ernest, Republican, Ken- tucky, who sprang to the defense of I the treasury head when Senator Couzens started a line of inquiry that the Kentucky senator insisted looked like the committee was."after Mellon." Moscow, March 3l.-M. floutzoutak, transport commissar, announces that. the financial condition of the Russian! transport service is worse than last{ year. Robert Frost Giv6 Few Pointers 0 SIOURNALISTS AND PEDAG I PLUCKY GUARD FINDS ALIKE TO BE HOISTED l MEN IN WOMEN'S POOL i RIDI'ULOUS FAME Columbia, Mo., March 31.- 'HENDERSON WILL 1 { ( Cold chills ran relays up and OIL CAN PRES (down the- backbone of a night IENT " watchman at the University of { I Missouri when he heard hilarious Musleal Comedy, Aimed at I { . splashings emanating at mid-{I ent Educators, is Cal6 i night from the Women's gym- { Masterpliee nasium. c The building had been carefully locked at 10 o'clock, Journalists, prominent new and he couldn't understand the men, well-knownpoliticians reason for the noise. Screwing up his courage, he charged on the others locally and nationally Sgyinasium, and found two men { in 'the activity of the world, wil in tuentoceavi the' wi wavesI and make merry, also be roas I When quizzed by the discipline 7 o'clock tonight when the fir committee for their reasons, the get under way at the second 1 two men explained that they Gridiron Knight's Banquet to 1 yearned so much for the sport in the assembly hall of the Uni aquatic that they simply couldn't der the auspices of Sigma De resist breaking in. national professional journalist { ernity. The banquet, which it - inauguaration here a year ago, come an annual event of consd ffT importance at the University, terned after the original affair TO &TTrIT nation's capital. TO ~ imr NW 1,ANStarted in Wsigo e Gridiron Knight's Bangu inaugurated in Washington, Men who are interested in writing several years ago, and has j the music for next year's Union op- become one of the most I era met yesterday afternoon in the ant social functions of the Union, several plans being submitted ital. The event there is hld a and discussed for the compilation of ly, and is attended bay the Pr° the music. Donald E. L. Snyder, '25, of the United States, who as ,recently announced as the author of been known to be absent, all the winning book, gave a short talk cabinet members, and several s on the type of music that was want- celebrities of the House .of Cdz ed. The program this year is to b A new plan will be tried this year, complete, the main speech beina whereby the lyrics will be sent to each by Lieutenant Governor Reed, individual -interested in writing the state. The -guest lsat Conta music. The men will submit their' ral men of national imo composition and the committee wll'' among thein Judge H.. A°.' 'choose the best music for each set Detroit; James W. Wah, .a of lyrics. This plan will tend to put the state house ofrepe the writing of£the :op ra- mwsic on a asig i. e purely competitive basis, say the cm~ atg Dr k iantagu, h - mittee. C ite Battla Crek saaarui, at -mttet.,of the foremost medical men country; E. B. .'nwarrigt l pstativeJo this district; A. L' WillCASE PUpesdtof.the University Pr's lof Michigan; . L. Smth, ast State attorney neal . Ot t et or t Hu n Tii e-Her I rOF DILY RDIO~ 11 EDIIO Lee A.:White of the Defibit'Nk Indefinite discontinuance of the Profesor Gravenett, of 'the tI Michigan Daily Radio Edition has sity of Fryburg, Germany is to been necessitated by the decision of of the honored guests at 'the the electrical engineering department Prof. Gravenetz has been stayi radio station WCBC to cease transmit- the sanitarium at Battle Creek I ting regular programs. This move past few days, and is to make on the part of the station was brought ial trip to Ann Arbor in order about by the failure of the University present at the annual razz fis, to make an appropriation for such en e anuack To Play work. The station will continue to do A special brand of musical purely experimental work. Aseilbado uia tainment will be presented i well-known Gene Buck's orche; Blocal student organization, promises several unique featu Be On Sale Today a part of the progra4m toen dark secret until ano'anced Tickets to the fourth annual Mili- banquet. The programs their tary ,Ball will be sold from 2 to 5 are to take a speial form, an o'clock th'is afternoon in the main tain severil features of a-decid Union lobby to all men whose appli- teresting and unusual characte cations were ac('epted and who did not -There will alsQ .1e presentedi buy their tickets during the sale last i fusical comedy -entitled,. week. The price of tickets is $5.50. there's a Will There's a Way" All tickets which remain unsold after !it is said, will smash home, ' today will go on general sale. startling force certain of -the mental defects of our modern . tional system. Its bold icono ?s M r. abbe A the author claims, will cause < prominent educators to squir n This And That th rchair. The castiol n "Mike" Ames, '24, John - -- anan, '27, and Alvin Tolle, '2 will be directed by Jack Br "He's all right," we replied. "but 1 '25. The music; it is-said, is tc he's getting sick of turning out hisI classical origin and certain to column every day." interest to all present. We kept this up for a- while and Will Confer Honor then the conversation gradually t urn- ' Professor William Hendersol ed to wander in less frivolous fields. ector of the University Extensi He gave us advice. "Don't be an partment, and the recipient o editor," he said. "One can't react other "Oil Can", at the affair last yea people's work and do good creative make the formal presentation work oneself." We felt like reply- same well-known symbol to ing that we didn't expect to be an -ever has been decided-upon ti editor for a number of years champion spreader of the syn He got to discussing the various oil. Paul Watel will act in th kinds of -writing. "There's journal- acity of toastmaster ism, and there's professional litera- Withr the -tolding of the '.G ism," he said, "and there's literature, Knight's Banquet to-night at th and there's lteration the're comes to an end a.per and there's poetry." feverish activity of the part c "What's the difference between pr'o- committee in charge. This coma fessional literature and literature?" ofm-the fraternity a headed by we asked. He explained it, but we I Smith, '24, who is assisted by can't for the life of us -rememnbe. -. erce, '26, invitations, Phillp W now what the subtle difference was. '25, entertainment, Thomas Fish He told us that he liked Lawrence epitaphs, Paul Einstein, '25, prog Conrad's novel (and we didn't ask and Robert Tarr, '24, finance. him) le deplored the demise of the Those who due to an oversig Sunday Magazine. He told us how the part of the committee receive HIPH REYS TO 1ADDESS RELIGIOUS CLUB TONIGNTI Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys, of the' literary college, is to be the princi- pal speaker at a meeting of the In-E stitute of Religious Education at 8 o'clock tonight in Lane Hall under theE auspices of the Student Christian asso-! ciation. This is to be the last meet-! ing of the organization, and it is thought that the meeting will be one of tie most interesting of the series as Dean Humphreys will speak on the subject of "Evolution in the Bible." The, institute of Religious Educa- tion was organized approximately two month ago, and has been holding at series of six weekly meetings, - at 8 o'clock Tuesday night's in Lane Hall, at which several of the.foremost men in the country have given short ad- dresses. Last week Colonel T. - C. Hodson spoke on a phase of anthro-; pology. As usual, there will be dis- cussion classes immediately preceed- ing the address, and following the talk those who wish may remain to By Murchison Nahle "How do you do!" we remarked as we strode toward Mr. Frost. "How do you do!" he replied. He said it so nicely that we quit forgot to be embarrassed. Mr Frost is that way, you know. Makes you quite forget that you're on a journal-; istic errand. All the questions that you've thought up to ask him- -"how does it feel to be back in good old I Ann. Arbor?'' "What do you think of Lawrence Conrad's ;novel?" ."Do you consider Gertrude. Stein an. authi:ntic genies or just . an intellectual curios-, ity?"-all that sort of thing is sw-ept from your mind the- minute you see him. - To tell thetruth, impossible to interview him in the orthodox manner. He says he likes to be interviewed; but, if we dare. venture an opinion, he never has been. What he does is take the reporter to one side, and proceed to engage him in a delightfully one- sided conversation. Delightful be- REASON It probably has come to the at- tention of the majority of our readers that we have seen fit to alter our name. This is not mere