THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women's Athletics e Indoor fleet 4 4 4 Lantern Night 800 Women Have Elected Some Form Of Athletics This Year Captain Holmj Conducts Two Riding Classes Sports Provide I Timfvrri Viah _ 7 That athletics play an increasingly important part in the life of the Uni- versity woman is evidenced by the fact that more than 800 women have elected some form of athletic work during the present semester in com- parison to the 457 women who elected work in this department in 1921. This is in addition to the hundreds of wo- men in the freshman and sophomore classes:who are taking the compul- sory physical education work pre- scribed for the first two years, accord- ing to Miss Ethel McCormick, super- visor of physical education for women. The work for the women in this de- partment is divided into three seasons. The teaching of physical education for those who wish to teach the subject; the games, which draw the extra num- bers such as hockey, archery, quoits and tennis in the fall; dancing, gym- nastic games and basketball in the winter, while track, baseball and ten- nis are featured in the spring months. The spring season of physical edu- cation will begin with the first meet- ing of classes after spring vacation. All classes will then be held on Pal- mer athletic field. Tournaments are held in all of the listed games, the inter-house and inter-class basketball series being finished only recently. While swim- ming is taught in a small pool, not large enough for competition, a meet was held a ,fortnight ago in the pool of the Y. M. C. A. Several records were made in this meet which entitled women to athletic honor points in the present system of grading. The series of rifle shoots held this winter is the only intercollegiate con- test for the women at the present time, The rifle challenges are held under the supervision of the officers of the R. O. T. C. Each team shoots in its own gallery and the targets are ex- changed. Dr. Margaret Bell, of the University health service, is head of the depart- ment of physical education for wo- men. Miss Ethel McCormick, recently appointed to the staff, is supervising the actual work of physical play and games for women. HEADS GYMNASIUM DR. MARGARET BELL As women's physician on the Health Service staff and director of the physical education department, Dr. Margaret Bell is filling two posi- tions on the Michigan campus which are of vital importance to the wel- fare of University women. This is Dr. Bell's first year at the University of Michigan,'having come here in the fall to fill vacancies left by Dr. Eloise Walker and Miss Marion 0. Wood. actual attempt can be made to im- prove the health of these students." Tentatiye plans are also being made1 for a large swimming pool to be builtI in the east end of Barbour gym- nasium. That this will make a strong appeal to the women of the University has beenp roved by the success of the recert all-cahpius swimnming meet held in theY. M. C. A. poolwhlich-un- covered a wide.: range, of ability anad talent in swimnming among the women. Swimming classes arefilled at the present time but th enumbe has been. limited due to the lack A falitles in the gymnasium. Industrial Women Organize Alhletics Capt. Ion C. Holm, a graduate of Fort Reilley cavalry school and the organizer of several riding clubs, is conducting two lecture courses in equitation for the women of the Uni- versity. Tlese courses gconsistipig of the theory of riding and the correct tech- nique necessary to become a good rider including mounting, ,dismount- ing, jumping, polo and suggestions on the equipment and costume for thel exercise have been given to the major students in the department of phy- sical education during the past se- mester. The advanced class received their first demonstration and practice in riding yesterday at the fair grounds. This course will be open to all women who are interested in the sport. Physical education credit will be given to all second semester sopho- mores who desire to elect the course and the Women's athletic association will award honor points for the work. The classes will be held at the Fair grounds on west Huron street. The center of the race track is being made into .a polo field aind the grounds arottnd are being fixed with a cinder track, jumps, slides and a cross coun- try course. The horses used in the course are reserved for use of the riding club only and will be kept in the best condition. Each person will select one to three hours a week to ride. A charge of 75 cents will be made for every hour if riding three hours a week, 90 cents for two hours a week and $1 for riding only one hour during the entire week. Plans are now under way for a horse show to be given by members of the club. This will consist of a polo game, jumping for height and form, gallop, trot and walk. Women who are interested in enter-. ing the course are requested to sign up at once so that sections may be formed. Students In heatres New Haven, Conn, March .20.-"TheP theatre does not only' offer great op- portunities to college men, but it has a real need for them," said Elsie Fer- guson in an interview granted the Yale News last week. Helen Wills Wins Scholarship University of California, Mar. 29.- Helen Wills, National Women's ten- nis champion and a freshman at the University of California was recently awarded one of the Kraft scholarship prizes for high scholastic standing in the first year class at Berkeley. oth'er forms of athletics in which wo- men compete. Ten concerns have affiliated with the league to date. There are two divisions planned, one for factory- Cworkers and the other for office em- ployees. Applications will be made for membership in the Michigan A. A. U. SWOKEN'S ATHLETIC PROGRAM j March 28-Physical education (party. April 3-Physical education demonstration. April 3 - Women's athletic spread. April 8-Indoor meet. April 22-Opening of outdoor season. April 29-Dance meet. Dates of following events un- decided: Horse show.' Freshmen pageant and Lan- tern night. RIFLE WOMEN COMPETE East Lansing, Mich., Mar. 29-Rifle- women of the Michigan Agricultural college won from three' teams but lost to another in a recent quintuplec match. The local shooters scored IS t -P ro. vide,..,T-' XTy'skt '7 A F 1'' GroupTraining Event, To T Women, as a rule, are trained as individuals and have not had the op- Lantern night, one of the most sa- t y bs d tr aitions in the University life of Michigan women, will be held dur- associated groups," stated Miss Ethel ing the last week in May, the exact McCormick, supervisor of physical date to be announced later. education in the University, as she The ceremony consisting of the lan-. explained the reasons for the require- tern procession by the seniors and the ment of two years of physical educa. passing of the torches on to the jun- tion work for women in the Univer- 'ors symbolizes the reality of the sen- sity. Iors' fare wyell to Michigan and of the Compulsory work and games pro- new class taking their place to guard vide the opportunity for this much and uphold the ideals of the Michi- needed experience and it inculcates gan campus. The juniors in turn pass a desire on the part of the women to their flowered hoops on to the sopho- improve th'eir standards of health and mores. Each class advances another1 posture. This, in turn, increases the step toward thU goal of commencement mental and physical efficiency of the days and the farewell to their Alma students and stimulates a widespread Mater. With the seniors in caps and interest in activities of all types. gowns leading the procession around, Physical activities are necessary in! almer field followed by the respect- the life of college women and will en- ve classes, the whole group finally able them to carry out a well balanced ends in the formation of a huge block program, not only in school but in M" while the lantern song and the rolife" " Yellow and Blue" are sung. iLantern night has evolved as a tra- 'radtional ake Place In May The story of Persephone and Pluto which will be worked out in pageant form by the freshman Women will pre- cede the lantern ceremony this year. Persephone, the goddess of all living things, and her adventures with Pluto, ruler of the underworld, affords ex- cellent opportunity for Interpretive and natural dancing such as is taught in the classes in the department of physical education. Senior women will be guests of hon- or at the occasion and all the women will have supper on Palmer field be- fore the lantern ceremony. Girls' Pictures Chon for Annual Urbana, Illinois, March 29.--Sum- scribers to the Ilio, the annual of the University of Illinois, have elected the eight maidens whose' likenesses are to grace the beauty section of the volume from the 15 pictures chosen by Mae Tinee out of the total number that were submitted for the honor. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly.-Adv. anPut ,i a a nit, h t Y U n Ivc'd , ia 490, but this was bettered by the team dition among the women on the cam- of the University of Maryland with Ripon, the Connecticut Aggies and j'us since 1914 when it began with the Northwestern University had scores ceremony of the torch passing. To- a score of 497, made by two 00s and that were 10 or more points under that day it is significant of the farewell of three 99's. of the M. A. C. sharpshooters. the senior women to Michigan. f!f! .ii!(.i.s.n ti ii.l.iin OAtii.RiR..t.. ttttt H..i HMaCN.i. Hiti ta0........ ......oq .............."........................ 6 .....uu... t'[ Fem. . 2 quickly.-Adv. Revive the Gifts of Joys of Twenty Years Ago New wool Sweaters for spring Cherished Gifts are those old fash- ioned jewels of Mother's. These treasured gems maybe reset in new, modern settings. Annuai Indoor Meet To Take Plate April 8 Interest in the annual indoor meet for womenw hich is to be held at 4 o'clock, Thursday, April 8, in Bar- bour gymnasium, has reached a high degree among the women of the Uni- versity, according to instructors in the department of physical education who have coached the various classes in track practice. The three class events, track relay, soccer dribble relay and obstacle re- lay will be featured in addition to the regular six events in the meet. Each contestant is permitted entrance in three regular and two class events. Records obtained in. the practices show that the 20-yard dash has been negotiated in 3:1-10 seconds, the high jump 4 feet 1 inch, and the buck 4 feet 8 inches. Records in the rope jump, hop step and jump and the shot put are not available at the pres- ent time, but will be announced at a later date. Qualification in the meet entitles the person to 10 honor points in the honor point system of grading, while 50 honors will be awarded to the win- ner of first place, 30 honors for sec- ond place and 10 honors for the third place in the meet. These honor points will be placed to the credit of the in- dividuals and make up a part of their 100 honor points and active member- ship in the Women's athletic associa- tion. Judges for the event will be mem- bers of the faculty and a few women selected from the major students in physical education. All University women are urged to try out for the meet. Special practices are given to all of the classes where coaching in track and the meet events will be given. The hours are as follows: freshmen,; Monday at 4 o'clock;. sophomores, Monday at 5 o'clock; juniors and seniors, Thursday at 4 o'clock. Look Forward To Remodeling Of Gymnasium Members of the faculty and students in the department of physical educa- tion are looking forward to the pros- pects of numerous improvements to be made in Barbour gymnasium which will afford the department adequate space and equipment to carry on classes in physical education. "Barbour gymnasium will eventual- ly be used for physical education Estimates Cheerfully Given .i a } ? I. . .i s E I I r a ne inIeon hops. Schlanderer & Seyfried JEWELERS 304 S. Main Street ................. . ...... ... "...a IIy , Detroit, Mar. 29 (by A.P.)--Organi- zation of an Industrial Women s Ath-. letic Association, the first of its kind to be formed in the central district, was completed today at the Atkinson Community house by Betty Barber, athletic director . and industrial or- ganizer of the department of recrea- tion. The League will promote inter- factory meets in swimming, indoor and outdoor tennis, indoor baseball, track and field events, basketball, golf and IRVING WARMOLTS, D. S. C. Chiropodist and Orthopedist .07 North University Phone 2852 SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets Cta. . :..;, Y f , t j s t'"" t *! -. i7 ..,. id - *- " TRH * ARNOLDRSA- k The Smaller Portion ' r I 11 of GOTHAM wearers con- sists of women who "don't know why" but just some- how have always worn them. 1NN I The Larger Portion are women who tried other stockings and then decided on GOTHAM GOLD STRIPS - because they found no others that com- bine so well, real wearability with smart4 ness, at moderate price. EA REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. i _ SILK STOCKINGS THATWEAR EI . . -, v