dents as a whole represent the high-
et in world development and have
and will consider a certain amount of sTED ROLL
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THlE pleasure compatible with an unquench- V
Published every morning except Mondayc THE 1925 JUNIOR HOP JOVIAL
during the University y'ar by the Board in
Control of Student Publicarions. Who shall say that life is without
its moments of joy, of freedom from Cowles extends the most cordial For all the Sweethearts
The Associated Press is exclusi ely en- a welcome to all his little friends from Fathers and Mothers, Sisters and Brothers
titled to the use for repobliation of all news care? With tiefoppressiotw,
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ations gone, surrounded with luxuryout town, weter IshpemHusbands and Wives and dozens of others
credited in this paper and the local news pubi ieg, Iron Mountain, Muskegon, or San-
lished therein. and beauty, the 1925 Junior Hop em-
bodies the greatest in freedom and dusky 0. Fortler, he hets you will
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor ,have just one swell time too, jazzing
elichigan, as second clar sratter. Special rate relaxation of the college year. runttst\deadtte
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Student and teacher alike feel the around to this tea dance and that tea
master eneral. dance, wearing new dress after new 1 7 NICKELS ARCADE
Soesriptio by carrier, $3.50; by tail, motive. of joyousness and seek relief
O4fics: Ann Arbor Press Building, Stay- from the dullness of routine in an at- Iress cean shirt aftercleanst. THE TYPEWRITER AND STATIONERY STORE
Ondheeiscapichrro Aectu
nard Street, mosphere of pure enjoyment. The
Phones: Editorial, 2ra and t t76-en; Busyn t responsible for all this fun and mer-
vess, t6a. world of books is left behind for more
EDITO5I material pleasure and the college man, rmking, trgetier with iis Iate:
Edgar H. Ailes having won or lost in the battle with E- ) L I F F & I A
learning, now takes up the struggle
Assistants of the dress shirt.
Hyde Perce, Charles Stevens, Philip And for the beautiful rompranions
Wagner, Samuel Moore, Alfred Con- of the Michigan men who have come
nabie, Ray Billingtaor, Harry Clark, from far and near to the great fun--
Harold R. Stone, Robert Moriarty tion of Michigan's social year, may iTor
Robert Ramsay. their battle, this time at least, be T he J-H op and G rangers
successful. A host of present joysPss1
BUSINESS MANAGER and happy memories.
Clayton C. Purdy To the committee, who by real and
Assistants l untiring work have made the 1925
W. D. Roesser, Eugene Dunne, Jo-1Junior Hop such a complete success The J-Hop brings to the students,
seph J. Finn, Harold Marks, Will and a worthy representation of Mich- The pitcher is not a photograph, especially the Juniors, a relaxtion from
Weise, John Conlin, Perry Hayden. igan, a great deal of gratitude is due. as you might suppose, but just a rough -
When the soft, alluring music, floats sketch, drawn, not from life, butgn g
enticeingly through the banks of flow- from Judge.
ers, swaying shoulders and tempting a r,
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1924 feet, and beautiful maidens move past One Tight i January we went t he purpose of GRANGER'S
-n - err radiant spelndor, whenrall the do- ill and Mert's for food. There we Academy is fundamentally the same.
TRUMPETS OF DOOM flighrsat the 1925 Junior Hlp oarea fund two persons eating. y is d y
Critics of the tendencies in t spread before you, remember, that for Ir r In due time the conversationOny itsfunction is iferent. It serves
t hours of effort and planning, the c
present age decry with deep scorn co ,ittee's nly reward ciii be your switched to the subject of the Great- the students through the whole year.
the pleasure seeking motives of the satisfaction and yur greatest pleas est College Daily. Somehow or other
younger generation. The contrast be- we got to making bets. One of the
tween the openly free spirit of youth lads then proposed this interesting
toveenrtine acemusyifreeasprit ofcyestta
today and the supposed more serious wager: "I'll bet you fifty cents you mproved acoustics, a new orchestra
age of the past has placed a stigma .We hope none of the Hop guests don't dare run iris name in the Daily.' with lots of pep, make dancing a pleaS-
upon eli the instincts chich turn the will be embarrassed by the title of(indicating his little chummy wum-
apnalteisict hc untet, re at Granger's Wednesday, Fia
dmind to earthly enjoyment and for- the U'nin Opera. No dnubt they 1acermy). Cowles took the iet with alac-g
getiulnees. Especially has this do- prepared for all emergencies and left city. Tie nane is B. L. Thompson, or Saturday night.
nunciation been turned against th cotton stockings at home. A pair of and he is general manager of Van
modern college student, and, whether wool ones won't be amiss after the Boven and Cress' Store.
rightfully or not, the cry has been dance is over. B. L. Thompson then bet us that
taken up by the staid Victorians we wouldn't run the other guy's name,
throughout the country. They are aired which, as it turned out, was Leslie G r'
by lurid newspaper stories which play Twenty-Fives Wikel. We took this wager also. Mr.
up the individual as an example of Twenty-Fie Y ar Wikel is connected with the Calkins-
the mass and by certain radical writ- Ago AtM ichigan Fletcher Drug Co. ycad emhviy
re and politicians wito live in the tA cng n Tie net day anothr guy, having
rosy memories of twenty, thirty or ~-- heard of the wagers, bet us fifty more
fifty years ago. From the files of the U. of 1. Daily cents that we wouldn't run his name
It is interesting in the face of all February 11. in the col. We took his bet, too. His
these denunciations, mostly based on JUNIOR HOP OF 1900 name is Pete Van Boven. He is a
so-called facts drawn from memories The Junior Hop of the class of partner in the firm of Van Boven and
whose true perception has been warp- 1900 has become an event of yester- Cress.
ed by time or from imaginations poi- day and one wonders if it has been for
luted by suppressions, to write a few better or worse. As a go-between to Perhaps the public has observed that
of the items which newspapers and connect with great parties of the fu this col lacks the intimate detail that-
magazines of twenty or thirty years ture years with the splendid ones of has characterized our other work. We t
ago thought worthy of space. the past it has served. It is for the can only say that it is hard to achieve S-
Perhaps there exists some valiant better that there hass been a ball this detail when you have never been to
pioneer in the field of morals who year. But it is for worse that our the function you are trying to de-
may lean to picture the huge display of present hop committee under the gen- scribe. If you don't believe it, read
Michigan's annual Junior Hop as eral chairmanship of a sophomore, has the pitiful attempts our colleagues
merely another outburst of the ex- succeeded so poorly in maintaining have made all over the front page.
travagant spirit of what is usually the high standards set by their prede- But we must try-
called "the New Age." An item clip- cessors. After tern minutes of profound
ped from The Daily of twenty-five In arrangements the ideas enter- thought, we feel that as a prophet
years ago and quoted in these col- tained by the committee were unique are a losing card. We are certain Of Extraordinary---
umns today gives a picture of pleasur- in the extreme. At the entrance no only one thing. And that is that. the
able expenditure which may recall a covered walk shielded the guests in bims will say, to each strange person
few of the less "simple and booklov- evening clothes from the cold breez ithey dance with, one of the following:
ing" tendencies in the youth of that es of zero weather. The grand march 1. Don't you feel cold, just looking's
time to those critics who classify was begun at prompt 10:45 as ar- at these decorations, Mr.- I believe
every move of modern students as ranged (?), while two of the booths I've forgotten your namee
"carelessness of universal good and were still without occupants. While 2. Didn't you say you were from
selfishness supreme." the presentation to the chaperones Petoskey, Mr.--etc.
It is interesting to note in the ac-, was taking place and during the ear- * *
count of the J-Hop of 1900, that how- ier numbers on tie program tn e A few minutes ago we biffed over
ever much the college man of thirty guests were highly edified by being to the gym to see how the igloos were
years ago was moved by love of learn- enabled to glance through the open coming along. And were they swell!
ing alone to attend college, according doors of the Woman's gymnasium and A lot of bennies were wandering
to William Allen White in a recent see the preparations for serving the around putting up walruses and polar
article in The New Student, "no cov- customary "wafer and a glass of bears with tack-hammers. Others
ered walk shielded the guests in ev- water." were propping up the Aurora Borealis.
ening dress from the cold breezes of The handsome undressed-kid sou- Another stood rhapsodizing over a
zero weather," and that such an ouis- venir program that departed guests portrayal of Dr. Cook, the famous ex-
sion furnished grounds for complaint have carried away from the past Jun- plorer and oil dealer, standing on an
even at that early date when luxury ior Hops was supplanted by one of iceberg, gazing at the Pole. Others
was supposedly a thing unheard of in hard dressed kid which one fears will were busily hanging icicles from the
American college circles. Evidently, break if bent, and which looks like running track.
no matter how great the desire for a cross between brown paper and All this was too fancy for Cowles. Evidently from
learning, the American college man leather. But it is real leather. The He stood apart from the rest, watch-E
of 1900 could not well attempt to color is blue-black, the lining of lem- ing the gang of carpenters putting Goodhew's
brave the rigorous criticism of college on silk and a block M and 1900 are Christmnas rees ants little stands.
life without being equipped with a stamped in gilt in opposite corners. And if they weren't cute Christmas
dress suit. Perhaps if Mr. William Strangers were kept guessing what trees! Well, they were, that's all.
Allen White, as well as other critics the real colors of the University are In fact the whole business looked
of modern educational tendencies, as the different shades of bunting PRET-ty swell. Yes sir, PRET-ty
would search a little more diligently which was sparingly distributed about swell.
loge nnan of two decades ago, they light islue and pale yelscv to a isud And now, to close the col, we enrotOO 1H E
would find still further startling ex- maize. The electrical display consistedi drop into this crafty past tense and ,L / C
poses whicho ould bring them to the of an M over the chaperones' booth pretend that we've really been at the * P L O c l -
conclusion that college life hasn't and the '00 over the entrance opposite. Hop all this time. , 5 E Lbertu 5t. Phone 1321
changed so very much nor education-I Alsout 175 couples attended the ball Yes, tine 1925 Hop was the best
al ideas deteriorated completely, at which Schremtser's band of De- ever. Amd now it's nothing but a j
The love of pleasure is a univer- troit played in the fifty-nine regular eeautitui memory . . .
sal instinct. American college stu- dances and the intermissions. yIr. Jason Cowles. 5