THE MICHIGAN DAiLY _. , .n *a, u..wt w . , _ Wv v.v_ f THIS COLUMN ml taro ELECTRIC URN E 1i ATADVERTISINGUbi VIIIVI tlUI1I:! Detroit Company is I)onor of $5,004 DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES E uiiment Mueh Needed in Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two Insertions, 11e peg Engineering Shops reding line for three cr more insertions. White space charged for at same ates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about centractsI or classified advertising. 18 TSII A FOR EXPEIENTAL 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for i WORK WITH MELT1NG METALS thee or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion Classlfied Column Closes at I o'Clock Noon, Saturday,. Donation of a $5,000 electric urn- "Jtmmle-t04dTaker" ace to the University for experimental work with melting metals was an- - WANTED HELP FOUNTAIN PEN INK WANTED___HELPFOUNTAIN ___PEN ___NK __ nauncedl yesterday by Prof. O. W. Bos- SPARE TIME work for hustling col- i INK is the life blood of your Foun- ton, acting-director of the engineer- I ege mxan or burl. Good proposition.I tain Pen. One filling of vicious Ink l, ng shops. This furnace, which will 2al Pandzone. Phone 87 for ap- will spoil the flow of your pen per- lbe used in connection with both in- pointment. P dI manently. Take no chances get a struction and experimental work in bottle of our special formula Diamond the foundry laboratory is the gift of MONEY TO l NsIlI Writing Fluid. We guarantee it the the Detroit Electric Furnace con- SCHOOL THIS SPPING best.,ay $:0.00 Spring VacationI RIDER'S PEN SHOP Melting experiments will be under- Call 2 Y -J and We win Treii 302 State St. taken with aluminum, brass, copper, You HOWFOUNTAI PEN INK cast iron and steel. capacity of the W OLJLr yur INEE A furnace being 250 hounds of brass We will redeem your FREE D3IA- I- OND INK COUPON with our spec per charge. The installation here will ial formula Diamond Wrting Fluid be unique in that no other univer- regular size bottle. Rider has re- sity in the country has an electric L. B. ABBOTT R. J. CHICK commended and sold this ink for 35 furnace of this capacity. 3:3G So. D1nision years. Sixty owtts are required to op- RIDER'S PEN 51[P erate it and it is provided with trans- BE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent 302 State St. formers which reduce the voltage of with the Heacock Plan and earn a the University power lines from 2,300 good income while learning; we LOST , to 90. I Kreeche3nickers-Shirts Every one of the above items are radically reduced. The savings are truly sensational. No one can afford to overlook them. Do you need any HIKING or RIDING breeches, a shirt--any kind-- a blanket, or a raincoat--maybe a SLICKER? Now is the time to buy. show you how; begin actual work at once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- Ing Bureau, Buffalo, N.: Y. AN EXPERIENCED insurance solicit- or. Reply stating phone number for appointment. Box 4 Michigan Dapiy. "CLERKS, RAILWAY Mail, 18-35. Exam Ann Arbor May 3, $133 mo. Experience unnecessary, For free particulars,. rite R. Terry (former Civil-Service examiner) 731 Barrist- er Bldg., Washington, D. C. POSITION WANTED GOOD STENOGRAPHER familiar with] secretarial and officedetail. Ter- porary or half day preferred. Ad-. dress Box 119 Ann Abor. FOR SALE 1920 ELGIN SPORT, biggest buy in town at $335. Hudson Sales and Service. 310 East Washington. 1921 DORT TOURING. Best of con- dition. $285. Terms Hudson Sales " aid Service. 310 E. Washington., " UNDERWOOD 4 TYPEWRITER cheap Call 1169-W.. 22 ROOM HOUSE suitable for frater- ;ij ty, mr a Qgod boar ling and room-} ing house. Owner wil accept a ti vie-y, ~ sma I dotwn, payment. Call s 438. TiEXDO, brid new. All silk lined. Cheap. Call 1114-M. FOUNTAIN PENS A NEAT job of Gold Leaf embobsing on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State'St TAILOR SPRING WOOLENS WILL THE PERSON who picked up, by mistake 2 English books in' 348 Eng. Bldg, Fri., March 25 please return to Frances'M. Speaker. .Ph-one 2236-W. 1116 White St. TYPEWRITIM ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, typercleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown No. 9 Ann Arbor Sav. Bank Bldg. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHI' promptly and neatly done. Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. O. D. MORRILL The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 Nickels' Arcade MILLINERY HATS BISOPWILL LECTURE IN PARIS NEXT JUNE, Paris, March 28.--William Warner Bishop, librarian at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor who arrived in Paris this week on the President Harding of the United States lines, will lecture in the Paris Library school during the month of June, ac- cording to an announcement made by Miss Mary P. Parsons resident di- rector of the school, at 10 rue de l'Elysee. The course of lectures will be on "The Significance of Library Architecture in America." The lec- tures will be illustrated with slides. Mr. Bishop, who is accompanied by Mrs. Bishop and William W. Bishop,I Jr., will spend six months in Europe.j Prof. George R Swain of the Uni- versity of Michigan, who is a member of the Near East Research expedition, accompanied M'r. and Mrs. Bishop abroad. Select Military F0R GOLFING, RIDING, HIKING, ETC. A:=a zingdluctions! Values.f.9 N7- sg BREECHES SPECYA Tweeds, Values to Vlues to Herringbones, Worsteds, All Sizes $7.50.........$3.69 $4.50 .........2.49 In one lot we have gathered both breeches and knickers and sell all of Moleskin, Corduroy, Gabardines, Whipcords, O. D. Wool, etc. Were $6.00 and up, no w$2.98 and up. them at $1.98. Spring millinery for women; crate prices. ANNA E WESCH 206 E. Liberty St. Phone 1390-R. RIUSIMA at mod- + f , d a r min Ball Committee We supply and put on the best qual- ity calf skin heads on all makes of drums and banjoized instruments. Quick service and reasonable terms at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. 110 South Main Street. MISGE!4LA NEO US RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. ENGRAVING CALLING CARDS, Wedding An- nouncements, etc. Orders given' prompt attention. BIDDLE'S BOOK STORE, 11 Nickels Arcade. FOUNTAIN PENS Bring your free Diamond Ink Cou- pons to Changes and additions have been made in the persne of the com- mittee in charge of the fourth annual Military ball, scheduled for April 25 it has been announced by Jacob W. Hostrup, '24E, general chairman,. The present committee personnel follows: Jacob W. Hostrup, '24E, gen- eral chairman; Harry L Kaiser, '24, vice-general chairman; Capt. F. W Hoorn, executive committee member; Ben F. Hausman, '24E, executiveI member; Howard D. Clark, '24L, re- ception; Paul N. Young, '24E, re- freshments; George C. Weitzel, '24, music; Ralph K. Super, '24E, invita- tions and programs; Maynard B. Par- sons, '24E, decorations;* Nasser G. Damoose, '24E, furnishings; Phillip I] Marion, '24, tickets; and John R.' Rowe, '24, secretary. "Hall of .Fame" At Union Nearly Full!j opr us Prices Over R ght now when you need them for the April si. owers. We sell them at a reduction! Don't fail tO - ,, prices tO et in on this! The prie are ridiculously low. Look them over. !J " .. ". : " . ,:: . . . " ;.y ' ..;.:. ;:r . .i" ::i' i " y 1; - r °, . , :; ,, " r ' ,:, , #; , ' } f r .. , ° New line, latest spring styles. Come in and let me show you soine real ma- terial. Priced very attractively. Suckers were $7.50, now. .. . S ckers were $6.50, now........ . Slickers were $5.50, now..:..... . Raincoats were $10.50, now...... Army coats were $12.50, now..... A Spcial---Khaki, rubber lining. (Small Sizes Only) .9.... . . .. ......... . ....... . .9... .... .. 5.39 4.48 6.98 7.75 2.98 .$5.98 ........ $24.50 and $31.50 Take advantage of this wonderful off- er and come early. HERMAN the TAILOR 802 S. State FOR hIRE TAKE THAT girl for a ride these warm evenings. Call 1069-J for a car. BOARD TEET'S HOME OF good eats. Board oy day or week. 805 E. Huron St Attractive House South section. Seven rooms in a setting that gives both exterior and interior a "something different" aspect without being faddy or im. RIDER'SPEN SHOP 802 State St. HAS SOLD THIS INKFOR FOR 35 YEARS RIDER COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed 'Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE By appointment only Phone 1107-R. With the exception of a few pictures the Union "Hall of Fame" has been completed, and now has a large num- ber of pictures of Michigan's most famous alumni. The gallery is lo- cated in the lobby of the third floor of the Union. Karl Robertson, '25, assistant recording secretary is chair- man of the committee in charge of the "Hall". anket S OWN YOUR HOME The finest collection of Blankets in Ann Arbor. wool blankets, auto blankets, steamer rugs, plaids, checks, stripes in wool and camel's hair. 0. D. Army Blankets, large and small sizes in bed blankets--all reduced. Our better blank- ets were from $51.00 to $12.00, now are from $3.45 to $8.63. All you need is a lot and $300-$1,0}0 and we will build you a home worth from $5,000-$12,000. Call for appointment. practical. $10,600. A home that attracts. Several designs to choose from. + " t . ALL SHIRTS REDUCED Terms are liberal. Phone or see Ann Arbor Home Builders Association L. D. CARR AND Edwin H. Smith and Samuel Schultz C. J. TREMMEL 17 Sav. Bank Bldg. Ph. 441-Fl Real Estate for Sale 6 room house, new, brick veneer. 12 room house, fully furnished, 408 First Nat'l Bank Phone 33851 Woolen Blanket Patterns, All Colors and Sizes Blanket patterns, plaids, checks, in the finest wool. Plain colors in Olive Drab, Khaki, Blue, etc. Then we have moleskin, buckskin, and cot- ton shirts--all reduced. $5.00 to $.750 Shirts.... ". .. .. . ...... .. .. ..$3.68 (Blanket Patterns) $4.00 Army Shirts ..... ......... ....... .. 2.98 $3.25 Army Shirts ..........:........" . . 2.10 Others at corresponding reductions. FOR RENT Ten room apartment on one of the best residential streets in Ann in good location, will sell on! Arbor. Ten blocks from Campus; steam heat, garage. Owner willj easy terms. sublet from June 1, 1924 to September 1, 1925. $156 per month. CE~aII rkmmnnE urn nmrnnr 3 umVA6 -