THE MICHIGAN DAILY I' w v IT 7 FAMM TU"" ~~~~~Free dancing, nursery rhymes, con- we think we're ju~stified in turning theD E O i crton fiuscadwo rgnlAnAbrplcea osenthm rhythms in the form of a. pageant or- MEETING ONTHUBS091lIUt dance drama will be presented by any commnunications to thne Stroller Hlthe students. Dances which have should be made in care of TIhe ichi-; been taught in classes will also be gan Daily. presented at this time..E 4t Y. W. IC. A. TO ENTERTINI DETROIT DELEGATION HERE' Bsulg arian lloman Diplomat Marries TICKETS 6O ON SAL FOR LFAGUE LUNCHEONi Fifteen women of the industrial de- partment of the Y. W. C. A. of Detroit, will be guests of the CUniv ,rsity Y. W. C. A. over the week-end. They will arrive here Saturday afternoon, Staying until Sunday. A program has been arranged for the guests as follows: Mrs. Loui Bredvold will be recreation leader at a party given for the women Satur- day night at the city Y. W. C. A.; -Sunday morning, all 'the women will go on an outdoor breakfast, later at- ,tending church; at noon they will be guests at dinner with their individual hostesses, while in the afternoon, there will be a social meeting at the Y. W.C. A. League Party Has Large.1Attendane More than 150 women attended the monthly Women's League party yes- terday at Barbour gymnasium. Mum- 'miers presented "Stringin' 'Pin," a ,one act play 'by' Frank G. Tomskins, the cast for which was made up as fol- lows: Mine. La Rose, Maclelne liMc- Gurk, '24; Millie, her daughter, Merel Hl. Parks, '25; the Girl, Phyllis Delf, '24. The Union ive-pieco orchestra a furnished the music for dancing. - I ., Tickets for the annual Women's League luncheon which, will be held on Saturday.,April 5, in lBarbour gym- iasiuni are now .on -sale° at Wahr's and ' ura nam s''bookstores. The price is 75 cents for ,undergrad- I rdtes and $1. for :alumnae. Wives of faculty miembers as well' .as alumnae' andwor' ~ ofthe Uinivyersity are urg- eto attend. To aid in the distribu- totickets are being sent to allI of An all-campus women's mass meet- ing will be held at 7 o'clock Thurs- day, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall un- der the auspices of the Honor coun- cil. The ;purpose of the meeting will be to create interest in outdoor baseball among the women. Speeches will be given by the faculty women and stu- 1 dents. Women of League houses in the same one will meet at this time and arrange for the formation. of baseball teams and plans will be discussed for competition between teams from the various zones. All women interested in. athletics are urged to attend the meeting. Dr. Margaret Bell and Mliss Ethel McCormick, of the physical education departmnent will act as judges at the mneet. The Stroller1 Passes By 'We like to: patronize all the old saints wh~lo write philosophy, but we're darned if we can keep our eyes on-the. stars when there's so much mud11 around. - ChicagE~o UnIvereity to (;et GiftsI Chicago, March 29.-At the 12th i convocation of the University of Chii- I cage, President Dke Witt Burton is-! su.ed a statement acknowledging al number of gifts in which the univer-' -city will receive. Among the gift s mentioned was the donation of $1,400,-= 000 to the Woods Hole Marine Biolog-j ical- laboratories made jointly by the: Carnegie institute, John I). Ro(,hefel - ler, Jr., and Friendship fund endowed by C. R. Crane, of Chicago. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BIRING BIG RESULT- - i -ONLITTLE INVES T1'ENT j APRIL G6Thl P:r e taeni the Aris Doh Wonder Anniiw n arg Strongf IN 1 the dormitories, sororities, and league CS1 il s- leg .Mon in Washington but a political 1I 3 a reetd'e rmcoming to this county. SOCIETIES GIVE DANCE A fornial danice was given by Mor- f f tarboard, Senior society and Wyvern, ..... women's honor societies, last night ati .. the Kappa Alpha Theta house..- This is the first affair of the kind which the LallyN'eh-nee v g jLStandtcoff tsoycieties have given. Ed. Thomas' or- A littleIl hilo ago thle acute feminists chiestra furnished the music. The werecherin Mle. Ngeda Sanc- Jchaperones were, Dean Jean Hlamil-i ouff', Bulgaria's and the World's onlyi ton, Dean W ilbur H. H1ump3hreys and womnan diplomat becallse she decided! Mrs. lluinnhreys, and Mrs. Vedder. m ien wveren't worth marrying. Well, she is, m.arz, ldnow. She became a All bills for the Junior' Girls' play B~ritishi citien 1)y marrying Sir Alex- must be sent to Edna Kadow, business ander Muir and has announced her in- manager, 1503 Washitenaw avenue, by tention of seeking election to par- f April 1. Junior women Who have 'liament.. The former Mile. Standcoff' charged articles to the Junior Girls'. was named, secretary of the Bulgarian play must also give their names. STUDENTS CHALLENGED y T PEET0 Plans for spring stunts among the major *students 'of the department of physical -education have been started by the challenge of the junior and senior women to the, freshmen and j sophomore classes to a dance meet. which will be held Tuesday, April 29, in Barbeur gymnasim. ; . We have a susp~icion t hat when our; descendanits, years fience, dig uip our script's th~u only literatufe they~l4 find worth reading will' be Tom Lov- eli's poetry and R. M. Wenley's lec- tures. W~e Can Deliver Remi ngton Portables At Once STACY R. DBLACKE "The Loave Mas The Farnmi-, Dog Star I "The Silent C.ll" C APTIVATE'h'S AND AMIAZI AUD1IENCES ALIKE i 6304 E.Ma( Marchl is as vacillating as a woman lin love when it comies to making up -her mind about just what to do. 1Ordinarily we aren't maliciously in- clined but when the bums (masculineI f~or I)IM8) next door roll up in 'theirs open Ford touring at 3 o'clock in the I- ,morn ing and insist on serenading us, IIl ay Gift of ;es Your Uiatey 1409I Patronize Daily Advert b6im Societies Choose w.... :. 1 .* Y . / it.. Q . + L . L A "SIN A ti LAST TINES TOI)AY Lbsence Does NOT he Heart Grow FN E (BIelljeci likor' Noft) Teams have now been chosen to ;- take; part in the freshman women's =1 tia Literary societies which will be #«°= hedArl2.The subject for debate is: "Resolv-- ed, That the United States should .. adopt further restrictions on immi-Steghnodfidsis: gration." A..nena will take the affirm- ihane p trtfo2I ative side of the question and will - Qne-prrat o be- represented by Margaret Nrichojs, IEse Edn aZegler, - and Alice Goudy, with - -aster Hen Klera lternate.. E-:aJ The negtive" vew will be presenited r D orty i o elas represented Jby 24 -- D th ,Ae Vhiet and, Ger- ," - trtide Bailey; 'with :Miriam Olden as alternate. I ~Notices F- Juniors who loaned flashlighets or askedto ge the fromAlplra Laa-Photogapher shoes for the Junior Girls' play, are -Betsy B~arbour house, immedliately. - --4-- - -All committees for the freshman pageant will meet at 4 o'clock Men- - tt treThne3 3W ~ dlay in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. LLtet"oeM ~l~ An important rehearsal of the Un -_________________________________________ iversit, Girls' Glee club will be held __________________________________________ at 11 o'clock today in lAI auditorium. It is imperative that every member be present. I l4WAYTEARLE ,ON CHANEY )TH A :[ K LL ._hL!D L STAR, CAST W IDE --STiNDAY-- It's .A VM. S. HART in ldwermaid Comedy 4GER JIM McKEE" News and Orch,. SOON-REFGINAD'iENNY UN~ SPORTING YOflT1i nr y rw o r raw ir f _ , .................... t Alk lommompplwq Y NOW . _ Ru pert Hughes' Liveliest ,Story IT'S THE CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNTS NO- ..^r Track practices for the classes yin preparation for the indoor meet are as follows: Freshmen, Monday at 4 o~clock; sophomores,, Monday at 5 o'clock; juniors and seniors, Thurs- diay at 4 o'clock. IAt THE THEATERS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- LAST TIMES TODAY 7y w BRYANT WSHBUR And VA NOVAK in --.t , ,. 1/ r. # + Screen-Today Arcade - "The Next Corner," with Conway Tearle and Dor- othy MachailL. Majestic -- "Reno" with H-elen Chadwick and George Walsh. Wuerth-Bryant Washburn and Eva Novak in "Temptation." Orpheum-"The Thrill Chaser," and Ruth Roland in " flaunt- ed Valley." Stage-This Week Garrick (Detroit) -- Genevieve Tobin in. "Polly Preferred." -ALSO- "SNB"u POLLARD IN "A TOUGH WINTER" -TARTNG TOMORROW I The Motion Picture Version of A. S. M. H-UTCHINSON'S NOVEL TIS FEDM ,.K Tastes differ; if it weren't for this fact a clothing merchant's job would be as easy-- and about as interesting-as selling post- age stamps. As it is, we always have the greatest pos- sible variety here; if a man wants something in a colorful necktie, we have it; and we are also, ready to satisfy the conservative, the man who wants a neat effect in black and white. And everybody in between ! We are proud of the variety of good mer- chandise in this store. It's one of the main things that hold our customers to us. When you come in to buya'suit, you will see a large assortment of the :finest that America has to offer-Society Brand. You'll 4-n rl thp fabric- antbP mnAP1 von1uwant. " f - -- _-.-... F ii d - - - lm H UGHEI U-TERT ' uside _ story . e avor e _ _ _. iTHE STAGE VA i r -' --that will give, you the utmost ~in wearing satisfaction. You'll find real delight in the ine- Phoenix things we are offering The Band That Played for President Wtilson on the Steamship Georbe Washington Tad Tiem:an's olleins IAn American Unit Band A. E. F. That Saw Service Overseas SHOWS 8DAILY 2:00-3 -30-7:00-8:30 Matinees X. Floor, 30"c Be sure to get specilal g] the door neat Sunday tc 'T'ilrd Jflnensloiial N~ov latest cinem a, novelty w hir h n a f a u e Bal 2c t. .r .... E E #I Ev ening~sI