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March 29, 1924 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV. No, 134





SCIENTIST S IVECelestial MechanicsHas
RgrSigRpi REPORTS! Onesolution Avers

Three Societies To Close Assemblies
Today With Further
Scientists prominent throughout
the Middle West spoke before the three
research conventions, meeting here
this week, which h'eld sessions yester-
day at the museum and in the Natural
Science building. These conventions
are being held by the.Michigan State
Archaeological society, the American
Anthropological society (central see-
tion), and the American Oriental soc-
iety (mid-west branch), and will be
continued until tomorrow evening.
At a combined meeting of the three
societies last night in the Natural
Science building. Dr. Alexander G-
Rutb-ven, director of the zoology muse-
um, delivered an address of welcome
to the visitors.I
Price Speaks
Col. T. C. Hodson, lecturer in the
University, read a Paper on "Belie
in Reincarnation and its Relation to
Social Structure and the Cycle of
Life Customs." Col. Hodsn dealt
with forms of reincarnation in var-
ious districts, with its general char-
acteristics, giving the main points
of the belief as exhibited in India,
Africa, and Australia. He was fol-
lowed by Dr. Ira M. Price of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, who delivered a
paper on "Boats and Ships in Early
Babylonia." Immediately after the
session, the delegates were tendered
a reception and smoker at the Univer-
sity club.
At the afternoon sessions of the Ar-'
chaeological society, which Is of e-
cent origin, George R. Fox, presidet
of the society, dealt with the state stir-
vey and the necessity of an archaeolo-
gical group to properly conduct inves-
tigations. Other speakers at this ses-
sion were Alvah L. Sawyer, Fred Dus-
tin, R. Clyde Ford, Edward J. Stevens,
and Dr. 'W. C. Mills, president of the
Anthropological society.
At the afternoo session of the An-
thropological society, Ralph Linton,
of toe Chicago Field Museumn, spoke
on the origin of the plains earth-.
lodge. Dr. J. Alden Mason, who has
been in South America for researches
spoke on his discoveries there. Dr.
J. II. Kellog outlined his plan of health
through correct posture, which per-
mits normal function of internal or-
Speeches Cancelled
Delayed trains caused the cancel-j
lation of two speeches at the after-
noon session of the Oriental society
and Prof. Leroy Waterman of the Uni-
versty was changed by request to
today's program. Prof. A. H. Lybyer,
of the Universty of Illinois, spoke on I
the political situations in Persia, Tur-
key, Arabia, and Egypt.
Today the societies will hold var-
ious meetings, join for luncheon at
the Union. and hold a combined .ses-
sion in the afternoon. Dr. A. T. Oli-
stead, of the University of. Illinois
Prof. Ovid R. Sellers, of McCormick
Theological Seminary. Prof. Campbell
Bonner of the Greek department, and
Prof. Walter F. Clark, of the Uni
Versity of Chicago, will speak at this
Wisconsin Plans
Inspection Trips
Madison, Wis., March 2.-Annual
journalism inspection trips to Chi-
cago will be offered this spring by the
department of journalism if 40 stu-
dents are interested.

The plan, as outlined, is to visit the
offices of the Associated Press, the
new building and the engraving plant
of the Chicago Tribune, and the
hearst building, where the presses
will be seen in operation.

Mathematical statistics are the only tor to this subject
possible solution to the problem of a hundred papers
celestial mechanics, according to stated that the p
Prof C. V. L. Charlier, director of the that problem can
astronomical observatory at Lund uni- methods used by
versity, Sweden, who delivered his cans. It must be
first lecture on " Statistics and Naturalj ferent manner, im
Philosophy" yesterday afternoon in cal statistics.
the west lecture room of the physics It is in the sub
building. statistics that Pr(
He outlined the historical develop- made his greates
menu of celestial mechanics from the theories which h
time of Newton to the end of the nine- now being appliet
teenth century, the period when Henri # logy, education, a
Poincare was contributing to this sub- second and final le
ject. He referred to astronomy as be- today in the west
ing the king of sciences and called physics building,
celestial mechanics the queen of the will discuss the a.
sciences. matical statistics
The fundamental problem of the ics and incidenta
mathematicans of the nineteenth cen similar applicatio
tury was the so-called "classical prob- to other sciences+
lem if the three bodies." This problem tative phenomena.
dealt with the relationship of all He was the gue
bodies in the universe in order to be in his honor by th
able to compute and predict their last night at the
movements for all time. Professor , tertained at a sr
Charlier has been a prolific contribu- evening at theI

$1 ,000 DONATION


Aift To Found :Law ScholarSiil)
Offered By Findley, '08L,
To University



At a meeting of the Board of Re-
gents held yesterday morning it was
decided to accept a $1000 gift to go
towards a scholarship for the second
year law class, and also to give leave
of absence to two more professors of
the University.
The. gift was received from G. B.
Findley, 10&L, of Elyria, Ohio,cwho
gave $1,000' the income of which is
to go for a scholarship prize to the
most deserving member of the second
year law class. Another gift was ac-
cepted, offered by R. F. Tinkham, '72A,
of Ann Arbor, who has donated a col-j
lection of rare books on Roman law.
Two Professors were granted,.leave
of absence for the school year of
1924-1925. Prbf. Felix, W. Pawlow-
ski, of the Aeronautical Engineeringa
department, who will go to Europe
for research. work, and Prof. Guy
M. Whipple, of the School of Edu-j
cation. John V. Sickle was appoint-
ed assistant professor of economics.
Professor Van Sickle is a graduate
of Haverford college and is at present
working for his master's degree at
Station Will Not I
Broadcast Today'
Radio station WCBC of the Univer-
sity engineering department will not
broadcast its regular program tonight.
The expenses of carrying out this
work up to date has been borne entire
ly by the engineering department, and
no fund has been sanctioned by the
Board of Regents for the purpose.,
The officials of the department have
deemed it advisable to discontinue
their programs owing to the risk of
injuring the apparatus.
'Announce Essay
Contest 1PriZ es'
Forbes magazine will offer three
prizes of $300, $200, and $100 for the
best articles on the subject of "Howl
Sound Public Relations Between Pub-j
lic Utilities and Communities Can
Best be Developed." The contest is
open to everyone and all manuscripts
must be in by May 1. informationgcan
be obtained at the libraries and at the
Michigan public utility information
bureau lbcated in the Cromwell build-
ing, Ann Arbor.

,Jacekson Iowus D
And Detroit
Jackson and De
earned the right t
of the Class AI
ketball tourney at
by winning their
finals at Waterm
night. Jackson.
?Northwestern 18
Southeastern dow
years champions
Due to the fact
Detroit Northwest
feit their games
series there will
morning as was,
and Pontiac will
the consolation, fil
tonight, prelinina
.tween Jackson and
1: Jackson wars fo'
{ down orthwester
final played last7
team, led by Gui
kept the Jacksonq
r until the last fe
game. Northwest
at the end of the,
goal and a free th
minutes of the ga
team out. of the ru
ors. The basket
Jagnow kept the
position to gain t
ond period. Russ
winners also dida
(Continued o

rier Private
hGATHET CR NLhaving written overL
G d e l n wi h i H resen t belief is th a :?< v ,{:
the old mathemati-
ject of mathematical
ofessor Charlier ha's
d in economics, bio-
.nd physics. In his Will Discuss Various Topics Including 1 Michigan Promises Well in Half Mile,
ecture at 4:15 o'clock Plans for Reorganization 1 Two Mile, Pole Vault and
lecture room of the of Alumnus High Jump
Professor Cha.rlier
pplication of mathe- Coming from all over the country, Michigan's Varsity track team will
to celestial mechalo- the directors of the Alumni associa- meet Cornell at Ithaca tonight in the
Lily will show how Ition will hold a series of meetings to - thirteenth indoor dual meet between
ins may be applied day at the Union. Present at the the two schools.
dealing with quanti= conference will be Mason P. Rumney. The Wolverine squad left Ann Ar-
'07, president; Prof. G. C. Huber of bor at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon __
st at a dinner given the anatomy department, Charles and spent the night in Buffalo. They
e Mathematical clu' Baird, '95, Fitzhugh Burns, '92, will leave for Ithaca this morning ar- Harry M.
Union, and was en- , Thomas Clancy, 08, Henry W. Douglas, riving there shortly after noon. The Mr. Daugherty r
moker later in the '90E, Harry O. Evans, '94, Victor I. 19 competing athletes were accompan- life after a stormy
University club. Jose, '10, Carl C. Muster Kusterer, 06, ied by Coach Steve Farrell, Trainer more than four yea
Stanley D. McGraw, '88-'90, Mrs. Elsie Staads and Manager Graves. President Harding.
Cooley, '88, and Stuart H. Perry, '94, I In its meet with Coach Moakley's been under fire by
'961.11track squad tonight the Michigan team administration, onc
The first meeting will be held at 10 will be forced to extend itself for a' impeachment proce
o'clock today at the Union which will victory. Cornell took: sixth place in
be followed by a luncheon at which ItheEastern Interollegiates and gave Reed Be
S TONI G HT President Marion L. Buon will give Yale ahard contest in a dual meet Daugh
an address. In the evening a dinner last Saturday night, losing in the last
Swill be held at the Union at which two events, 62-51. D f g e
tetroit Northwestern time reports will be given by Hawley Cornell will be especially strong
Southeastern Tapping. "11, general field secretary in the dashes, the hurdles, the shot N ever 1
lfusekgon of the alumni association; Wilfred B. put, the quarter mile, the mile, and the
Shaw, general secretary; and John one-mile relay. The Cornell athletes That President
RE ELIMINATED I Bradfield. business manager of the did well in all of these events against
AWES LAST NIGHT Michigan Alumnus. The directors will Yale last week and inasmuch as Mich- which led yesterday
- - discuss various alumni affairs among igan is especially weak in all but the ignation of Attorney
etroit Southeastern which will be the reorganization of hurdles and the dash, the Big Red Daugherty was in
o meet in the finals the Alumnus. Squad should score heavily in several strict ethical standa
Interscholastic bas- of the events. Michigan promises to expressed by Prof. '
8:30 o'clock tonight !xyWshow well in the half mile, the two the political scienc
games in the semi- en v r s mile, the pole vault, and the high terday when he stat
an gymnasium last jjle jump, and is expected to make a ly never was rega
won over Detroit I pee aerS I strong fight for first place in the high people as a suitable
-15, while Detroit. : L j, and low hurdles, and the 75 jard office of attorney g
ned Muskegon, last ..On Th eir iraz 1 dash. The resignation'
23-17. Michigan's team will be composed of was looked upon 1b
that Muskegon and i Captain Hattendorf, Reinke and Frey- as a mere matter of.
erm decided to for- We're camping on the trail of the berg, entered in the half mile, Witt- the "implications b
in the consolation speeders", declared Chief of Police man and Higgins in .the dashes. Au- the senate investiga
b this O'Brien yesterday afternoon when
orgi ane he announced tft a detail of motor-. events HPudy and Roesserin the quar- his continuance in
neet Battle Creek Icycle policemen was again patrolling I ter m'le Hicks and Griffen In the contbarassen
nlat 7:30 .o'clock the streets of the city. , At- the pres- e ie ik adGifni much embarrassun
as at, :30oc the treet of t he ity.'At' te' y mile, Davis, Calahan, and Rearick in dent. It would be a'
iry to the game be-' , ent time twvxo policemen are on"° duty tw-iern hosad
y Sothete enforcing driving :ordinances.'j the two-mile run,'Rhodes and Brooker on the executive '
rce tthe it to "Last year more than 50' percent in tle pole vault, Smith.and Mac- Daugherty were to
n in the first semi- of 'the arrests .made 'were students at illvan in the high .jump, and Doyle in fessor eed said.
night. The Detroit the University," said .Chief O'Brien, the shot put. Purdy, Roesser, Hatten- - Regarding Mr. Da
nnip and Fairburn. 'and we will arresttwice that number dorf, and Freyberg will run in the dislike to resign in1
quintet well' in hand this year if that is necessar.y to stamp . nile relay. slander hurled at h
w minutes of the out ,flagrant violations of the speed .RusselI, of Cornell will be a sure fessor.Reed was of
rn was .ahead' 11-8 laws."' pint :getter in the 75 yard dash and the resigned cabin
first half. A field The present sp.eed limit is 20 miles Wittman-, Michigan's ace, will be fore- make further discl
row in the last few per hour in the residential district and ed to the limit to take five points. embarrass those in
me put the DetroitI 15 miles per hour in the business Wright of Cornell and Higgins of s
anning for title hon- district. Motorists exceeding the lim- - (Continued on Page Six) ent administration.ssor Reed
shooting of Drain, it will be promptyiaied into the in regard to Daugh
Jackson team in aI speeders court where justice will be.. President Coolidge's
the lead in the sec- meted out to them, he said. sored by "partyO
o right guard of the According to Chief O'Brien, tseored by party :




I N A'l"l' E

Coolidge's action ation solely "out of deferenc
President's request and ask t
to the prompt res-effective at once.
General Harry M. Then as a private citizen he
accordance with ed an open letter to the 1
rds, was the belief ' scathingly denouncing those
Thomas H. Reed of advocated his retirement an
ing Mr. Coolidge's stated re,,
e department yes- I'asking Iris resignation were
ed that "Daugher- warranted by the facts". T
rded by thinking .bristled with declarations
candidate for the President's suggestion that
eneral." . upon a cabinet officer die
of Mr. Daugherty , him for further service is a d
y Professor lewd 'doctrine and "that coward
time, inasmuch as surrender of principal are r
bought to light by pedient."
ation into the per- Leaves Washington
r. Daugherty made r Before this letter was re(
office a source of the white honse Mr. Daughef
nt to tie' Presi- led .hmis desk,, left the .depar1
serious reflection justice and soon was aboarc
department if Mr enroute to Atlantic city. He
be retained, Pro- to retarm, to'W.shingtpo 1
t fortie purPse only ,ofclosir
augh rty's obvious
the face of re I Washington, March 28.--H
is character, Pro-_ sposed of Attorney-General D
the opinion thait I as well as secretary Denby,
net officer "mi':t mion. senate attack on the
osures which will tration turned on Secretary
charge of the pre- with indications that more
officers might vonme under I
ad nothing to say I bardment.
erty's charge that No sooner had the Attorne
action was spon- gal's resignation been submit
expediency," but i Senator McKellar, Democr;
hat Daugherty was nessee, introduced a resolutic
for the office" and ing the judiciary committe
gations have' con- vestigate whethe Secrtaryo
Iholding office in violation of
i which forbids the treasury hi
engaged in trade or comme
Action Postponed
Although Senator McKell;
immediate consideration for
solution it was objected to b3
Wadsworth, Republican, Ne
and under the rule went o-
M., arch 28.-Shef- Monday when it. will be call(
ai is rad teod a. debate and action.
ofe Republicans who have beer
w hich will go into !'ing that President Coolidge
Under the provi- soonhave no cabinet at a
arrangement, the yielded to the pressure for t'
be under the di- ney-General's resignation in'
studetcoundi;ly characterized the McKell
hich, elected by ution as another of the con
be required 'to sign: velopinents in a plan which
t rsuprt thegn discussed in the cloak rooms
to support the and which the regular Rei
prevent any vio- say, contemplates, going ,d
an i co victedt l s odline in the cabinet, in an at
lan is convicted ofrpick off the secretaries one 1
system, he is to be
he second offense -111-'o.

'eturns to private
cabinet career of
ars. Appointed by
he has constantly
opponents of his
e being subject to
urty Was

McKellar Introduces Reso
Search Into Legalit;
Secretary's Positi
Washington. March 28.-
Harry M. Daugherty pass
public life today in a tempe
nlinated specifically his th
years as attorney-general.
His appointment by Presi
ing was the subject of cri
his resignation came at I
demand of President Coolie
the midst of a sensation
senate investigation of hi
President Coolidge aske
resignation because hie felt
not depend on Mr. Daugher
interested advice and beca
lieved the attorney-general
perform satisfactorily the
his office under the con(
sulting from the senate in
Attacks Policy in L
Mr. Daugherty tendered

I , i j A j a L L1
a lot toward putting
on Page Two)


Burton Secured
For Conference
President Marion L. Burton has
been secured as the principal speaker
at the All-campus Leaders Conference,I
to be held this year on May 11, at
Camp Birkett, a few miles north of
this city. The conference is planned
to be on the same order as the one
held last year, and is for the pur-
pose of discussing the various campus
problems, and to bring the leaders in
school activity 'to a. better under-
standing of the problems before them.
President Burton spoke at the gather-
ing last year, but has not as yet given
any subject for his talk. More than
30 students are expected to attend.
Chicago, March 28.-Eight students
of the University of Chicago, six men
and two women, were initiated into
Phi Beta Kappa at the quarterly meet-
ing of the honorary scholastic body.


stop street ordinance will not b~e Innnifla!fhInann
strictlyrenforced untilwafternApril IWIISCH CONCERT
15. At that time signs will have been ,
erected at the intersections of the{
streets, Tickets sales for the concert to be
given Monday night by Ossip Gabril-
owitsch, conductor of the Detroit
W Symphony orchestra and well known
B Y OT Dpianist.' predict an enthusiastic re-
ception for this artist. Practically
MEETIINbS 0111 yr OWN1all of the $2 seats have been bought,
but both $1.50 and $1 seats remain and
..tt may be had at the State street book-
Prof. C. D. Berry of the educational, stores or. at the School of Music.
psychology departmenteducatio f. Mr. Gabrilowitsch is better known
partment and director of 'the bureau c ountry, though he accompanied Mie. f
of educational research and reference .ara Clemens in her song recitals in
have left Ann Arbor for the week end. ! Ann Arbor last spring. HIe has ap-
Professor Berry is going to New'York arn iano ri. in sve-a
to attend a committee meeting of the eastarer citietpians seao anl i s aral
National Hygiene association and pearance in the largest auditorium in!
Professor Woody is to meet with the Washington recently was the signal
Illinois Education association at Car- ' for egtan d entaste ss
binsdale, Ill., and the lattter is presi- commnents by Washington critics. Mr.
dent of this organization. Gabrilowitsch has appeared here asI
soloist with his own orchestra.
Comedy Club Puts An amazing brilliance and fine style
with fluent technique characterize
Tickets On Sale Mr. Gabrilowitsch's playing; and his
----)interpretations are always inspired.
Box office sale for "Captain Apple- His programs for Monday evening's
jack." Comedy Club's 40th annual play, i recital contains, besides other num- I
to be given at the Whitney Theater bers, two of his own compositions.
on April 2nd and 4th will open to-
day at the box 'office in:Hill Auditor- e Technic Ca
ium.~~Ne Ticetcwil e ocslearo
9 to 12 o'clock this morning, and fromb2oo
2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon. Publication h

merely reiterated t
"not a suitable man
that recent investig
clusively proved it.'
New Haven, Conn.
field 'student counc
new plan: for the
the Honor System,
effect immediately.
sions of the new
honor system is to
rect control of the
the members of wi
popular vote, will b
pledges promising
Honor System and
The first time a i
violating the Honor
reprimanded; for t
he will be compe
course or courses i
the honor principle
found guilty a third
before the disciplin
will be expelled fri

lled to !drop the
n which he broke
. If a student is
time, after a tri'l
ne committee, he
1om the university.

retitiOn 1At 1 1i11s 'o
Urbana, Ill., March 28.-An
ed petition, circulated by mei
the track team, whereby 1
Schwemm, '24, would be all
continue as manager of ti
team, has been stopped. S

Freshmen Make Social Debut
In Whirl Of Frolicking Joy

Columbia, Missouri, March 28.
-"Who threw the egg?" thund-
ered the prosecutor to the wit-
"N:ot I," empahtically declared
Laurence DeMuth, president of
the University of Missouri Stu-
dent council, from the witness
chair. Testimony proved that
DeMuth and a companion left
their box seats, between the acts,
and bought four eggs with the
intent of throwing them at th'e
na ..,,nr ar (n ., n,,,-ni n y f


I , The Freshmen have at last made
their social debut in campus society,
so to speak. Exquisite gowns, excel-
lent music, six hundred couples in
glad abandon of the dance, and the
Freshman Frolic of the class of '27
has passed into the realm of pleasant'
memory. Numerous hats, indicative of
the superior upperclasses were min-
gled with the ever-present grey of the
I yearlings as the guests arrived.

orchestras:'Two baskets of roses
stood out preeminently from their sur-
roundings at the end of the hall.
Mark Henry Harrington, '27E, chair-
man of the committee for the dance,'
fled the grand march at 9:30 o'clock
' with Miss Slyvia Fuoco as Simon's
orchestra played "The Victors." Fol-
lowing the march, a picture of the en-
semble was taken.
,To the committee chairman and his

led Best That
has Yet Put Forth

Seats may also be purchased at the
same hours, at Hill auditorium on
Monday and Tuesday. After that time
they will be on sale at the box office
of the Whitney Theater only.,
The price of tickets is $2.50, $2.00.
$1.50, 1.00. The gallery will not be
The library committee of the liter-
ary faculty Tuesday afternoon auth-

Definitely proving its right to be Intensely interesting, perhaps be-
considered with other campus maga- I cause of the excellent picture views '
zines the Technic appeared yesterday that accompany it, is the article by
t George A. Marr, secretary-treasurer!
withiatsonMasetimebestrth.Fi of the Lake Carriers' association, who
publication has yet put forth. Fine has written upon the transportation
art work coupled with articles by system of the Great Lakes. Prof. H.,
leaders in all fields of transportation, C Sadler, of the marine engineer-
which subject was especially featured. ing denartment. has also contrihted

Was one of the sixteen memb
lie Theta. Nit E=silon, politica
ernity, to be barred fromtactivi
"IssStudent Government
Success?" 'Read time opinion;
prominent faculty men on
question which is stirring
campus at present. Read of
conditions in other universil
and the ends toward which t
are striving.
What is the Comedy ci

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