'y THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..~..... t ............. . VA TEA ROOM, WILL BENEFIT LEAGUE "Checkerboard Inn" W117 be Conduct- ed April 4 at Betsy Daurbour Dorndtory LUJNCHTEON, DINNER WILL BE SERVED; BRASS ARTICLES SOLD) IHeads. Music Clubs "Checkerboard Inan," serving lunch-. eon and 'dinner, conducting a sale of brass articles in the afternoon, and sponsoring a dance in the evening will be opened by the Women's League for one day, April 4, at Betsy Barbour house, Elaborate plans are being made for the inn by4' the undergraduate campaign fund committee and by the committees in charge of' the features of the tea room. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock and dinner at 6 o'clock in the dining 'room of the dormitory- which has been offered for th~e occasion. The checkerbeard de- sign will be carried out in the decora- tions while' the women who serve will wear Russian costumes. In the after- noon small' brass articles, purchased, in New York City, will be on sale atI reasonable prices. A dance in'the liv- ing room of Betsy Barbour is being planned for the evening. With theI Michigan Schoolmasters' club conven- ing in Ann Arbor April 4, a largef patronage of the Inn is expected. Suggestion Wins Prize "Checkerboard Inn"' is' the result of the 'suggestion of Westminster house w? ich won first place in, the Women's'" League prize contest' for ways~ to raise money for the Univer- sity of Michigan League building fund conducted a few weeks ago. The inn is one of the large projects undertak- en by the Women's League this year,i among which have been the dance aft- er the M'nnesota game, the Christmas I bazaar,, and the bridge tea on WNash- ington's birthd~av at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. The policy worked out by the undergraduiate canpaigi fund committee has been tfo limilt affairs given for the benefit of the League to a few large all-campus functions. In! co~nnection with the opening of thie intensive campaign oon4.ufted by t~e~ ~national campaign' ommuite hi spring in Detroit, the undergraduatej women on the campus are being given an opportunity to assist in the cam- pag.Women to Co-operaite, The co-operation of all of the dor-1, mitories, sororities, and league bouses on the cam s is being used to carry : o ut the ph s for "Checkerboard Inn."j Rlepresentatives. from v-arious houses are already at work . on the comnmlt- tees. The committee heads as recently announced are: Helen Locke, '24, DOCTOR EMPHASIZES PRE-SCHOO~L ERIOD "The pre-school period and its edu- c ational possibilities," was the theme of the lecture given by Dr. Helen Woolley, assistant director of the Mer- rill Palmer school of Detroit, at the monthly meeting of the nursery sec- tion of the Faculty Women's club held yesterday in Alumni Memorial hall. "These1 years are important and leave a permanent imprint in the character and personality of the child," stated Dr. Woolley. "Elven the very young child should be kept busy if he would be happy and co-opera- tive." Emphasizing the fact that children's minds can best be developed through ' the stimulation of the imagination, Dr. Woolley suggested clay modeling, blocks, drawing, and music as valu- able factors.< "While it is true that schools of- fer excellent development in terms of mental development, social opportun-' Riies are still more Important,", she continued, "because it is adlvisable to get children into groups of their town age." Dr. Woolley agreed that punishment is necessary but advised against spanking, suggesting isolation in- stead. 4 Notices I The Honor council will hold a meet- ing at 4 o'clock' today in Biar-I bour g5ymnasiun,. STrack practices for the classes in preparation for the indoor meetar as follows: Freshmen, Monday at 41 o'cock-; sopajjomores Monday at 5 o'clock; juniors and seniors, Thurs- day at 4 o'clock. All freshmen and sophomores wish- ing to be in the captain basketball de- monstration April 3, are requested to sign up at once with Miss Er ley in# Barbour gymnasium. Margaret Dixon at 1025 Hill street, im- mediately. All bills for the Junior Girls' play must be sent to Ed;na Kadow, business manager, 1503 W'4ashtenaw avenue, by April 1. Junior women who have charged articles to the Junior Girls' play must also give their names. 1 road. All members are urged to be' present.' An import ant rehearsa l of the Uni- versity Girls' Glee club will be held at 4 o'clock today and at 11 o'clock. on Saturday in Hill auditorium. It is imperative that every member be present. Annonnce M'arriage M1r. and Mlrs. James L~lendall, of Kearsarge, announce the marriatge of their (aughter, Alberta C., '26, to Sel- mar Smiseth, '24MT, Feb. 2D, in Ann Arbor. All Y. W. C. A. pledges are, to be paid as soon as possible. They are to be paid in the Y. W. C. A. office at INewberry hall.. The regular weekly meeting' of the Girls' Mandolin club will be held at 5 o'clock today in Newvberry hall. : , Any houses wanting bluebooks are asked to phone Margalret Dixon at 452 or to 'call at the candy booth in Uni- versity hall. All ;houses Which ow'e 'money for bluebooks should send it to1 Mrs. Cecil I.J rankel is first vice-pres- ident of thie National F~ederation of Music clubs, honorary president of thieI Los Angeles Music Federation and founder of the California Federation of Music club s. S3he is one, of the most ardent andu indefatigable work-; ers for music development in the' Un- ited States and is endeavoring to makea her home city-Lois Angeles--the mus- ic center of the 'Xest., Mrs. Frankel is also an exponent of music in industry maintaining that it . will not only make industrial workers} themselves happier buit will enable them to do a better job for their em-1 ployers. The cabinet of the Y. W.' C. A. will, be entertained by the advisory com- mittee at dinner at 5:30 o'clock today at the home of Mrs. J. J. Walser. The violin group of the Matinee Musicale Student league will meet at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow at the home of lMrs. B~yrl B~acher, 1113 Ferdon '"The Ink That Made The Fountain Pen Passible *Patronize Daily Advcertis Mlode Sho L~711 INORTHII UNJ A hole Arcade Strceetand A1flenr Gowns and Bic y For All Occasi 1lso Hemnstitch M. I. SCIIA1LLEORLN Among the attractions there are1 Chine, part straw and organdie. Togg beautiful bonnets in c Sornmuch that is deli and charming is assoc with Easter that you c afford to have the little inadequately dressed fc occasion. You will i Easter Ddlnty Dresses-Boys' Suits-Romp Easter Novelties, Bunnies and Basket Nests Also Easter Shoes for the Babies "Everb thingfor' Kiddies" ' 'he DeLano Sho 4 Nickels Arcade Phone SAMPLES brass sale; .Louise Pletke, '25, dance; Margaret Eflinger,,'2 ,, stunts; Loretta iCooper, '26, dIecorations; Elaine Sher- e r, '25; tables andlchirs; -Muriel Fox, '2f~waireses; ~atvynWills~on, '25, j _ashlio-;- L1lzabetha Kennedy., '24, pub- Sie :ty. Su?;gestionis for clever stunts are wanted b y t}?e tent committee and. should be .ent to 11argar'et Effinger, 1025 TIMt street, upho~ne 452. Th~e , undergra~duate care oaign fundl crimfitt eewhich is sponsoring~ th' "Checkerbdar(lInnir" for th Women's League consists of Doris Crouse, '24, ch,,,irnian; jAjrgaret Dixon. '25, Eliza- bzethl IAeieh rrnaru, '25, Ruth Rankin, 26, aund Ada Mulholland, sfecre:tary of the underg radluate league campaign. DAILY C~IASSTIP~DS 'BRING ON\ LI'TTLE i;INVIESTM:E T ; ' _ ., ., ; ' 1 E , i -I Permanently on Display at GUY WOOLFOLK & O. 336 S. State Street Annz Arbor, Mich. Deslined by. I { C k ., h r _ a < , E I . , , a .. , , , ... , , . n , . .-r .are '. g,. r 'o, en, ."ic..ra irw ' "° 9' I WH ITE~HOUcE~& HARD BROADWAY AT 40" STREET 144 WEST 42"° 5STREU MCnwuiRO TAN tFrPOUS.860worKN1CKVIR$OCiER lt l4llQ ORGANIZED 1863 w w 3zx NEW YORK _ .- - I_ I SpecialI ~ Easter Candies ~Give the buddie a bunni3e I'~. 709 N. University 11 i 5 li i g .i ,. / C Y _ .. . .. _. .. ' -, , 1 - " a " t i if . ' ~ : : . Who is to blame 4c STARTING.i TUAY, Let us attend to your banking needs. You will find urs eery , s ; .a.. : _d mnor the L aw ? Man, o- - __ , willing to assist in every possible way. OLDEST NATI( Zi'NAL ANK IN} _ . M ICH111GL'AN1 MAIN S r Al 11URON -r~ +w.~ n+ti+"~wvn V w"~ Id . .++er+e #1. il I. Regula 2for 25c ares to bare the truth about our comic, trag ic, airnazing marriage mix-up-_--the most astounding presentation of the inside story of divorce. 3c oozen a" These hair nets are of the same standard quality as the Red 11 Seal net and carry the same guarantee. We bought them from the same people that import the Red Seal net. Single or double mesh. Cap or fringe shape. Iteaituring, W -ra eoleuc IChadwick,- George 4Walsh - LewvpCo4 Carm el y .rs' written & IWirer'ted, t& u A Gldwv ynJP!ct e 40rtr aedLb I .. We Bought 100 Gross of..These C. F.D Conet Hair Nets, SHOWS DAILY ,2:00~ x:30 7:00 8:30 MaIs - Ital. 25c ,1. floor "'Sc ThUa. 35c _1. floor Wec Iiddies 10c, All Shows ? c Band I'WI~hhlayed] for Presidentt Wilson e"2 the Steam.ship. George lWashin~ou Tad Tieman's Collegians (S- AZZISTS--6 An American Unit Banid A. E. F. That Saw Service GOverseats Be' z ~,i're i Naturally buying over, 14,000 of them we got them at a price that allows us to sell them at far less than regular, with coupon. Buying for three stores quite often gives us an opportunity such as this-and our savings are always passed on to the customer. I rlr 6a vime. U ~~THlE W1.WDIS INEST ('INIErIT ASTEI'ZPPIFTA'V I I 11