'I, CLOUDY AND WARMER TODAY L 'Rupp, itFAi 1 ti ASSOCIATED I and WESTERN CONF EDITORIAL ASSO ,' # y VOL. XXXIV. No. 132 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, F1 ..,. _ . PRESSES CLIMS IN NW PTITION PRESENT PLEA FOR, IMMEDIATE ACTION BY SENATE COUNCIL SAY FAVORABLE MOVE MEANS FORWARD STEP Again Request Right of Preliminary 'hearings in Discipline Cases Members of the Student council un- animously adopted a petition last night to be sent to the proper author- ities asking that a meeting of the Senate council be called as soon as possible for consideration of the coun- cil's plea for a right to hold prelim- inary hearings in all student disci pine cases coming under the juris- diction of the University Discipline committee and the Senate committe on Student affairs. This plea, made in a former petition which would give the students more' powers in the governing of the stu- deit body, was brought before the deans at their weekly neeting yes- terday. The deans decided that they could take no action on the matter, as it did not come under their juris- diction, and referred the petition to J. A. Burley, dean of students, with the request that he confer with mem- bers of the Student council on the question. Dean Bursley, in turn, ref- erred it to the Senate council. Request Special Session The next regular meeting of the Senate council comes on April 15. As this is during spring vacation the pe- tition would probably not be consider- ed by that body unfil sometime in May. The Council believes the issue to be of such major importance that a special meeting of the Senate coun- cil should be called immediately at wichi timer defnite action could be taken The following statement by John W. Kelly; '24, president of the Stu- dent couucil, was adopted by council members last night, as representing their opinions on the desired pre- rorgative: "That the tident body and the fac-. ulty may clearly understand that the Student council is ,not attempting to usurp any disciplinay powers hither- to exercised, by the administration, it x might be well to recall to mind howI discipline is ntow handled in the Uni- versity.d "At the present time all discipline not administered by the deans of the various colleges themselves, is in the hands of the Senate committee on student affairs in the case of organ- izations, and in the University disci- pline committee in the case of indiv I duals. Students Do Not Voe "The voting members of both of these ecommittees are exclusively bers of the faculty. The student body is represented on each of these committees by the president of the I Student council and two other council- men appointed by him, but none of the three student members on either com- mittee has a vote. "All that the council asks now is~ the right to conduct a preliminary in- vestigation in all cases which ordinar- ily would be referred to either the University discipline committee or the! Senate committee on student affairs. The result of this investigation to- gether with a recommendation as to punishment would then be submitted to the proper faculty committee which would take final action in the matter. Since the faculty had the right of fin- al review in every case and could ac- cept, modify, or reject at will the re- commendation's of the Student coun- cil as to punishment, it can scarcely- be claimed that granting the council the right to make this preliminary investigation would mean transferring disciplinary power from the faculty to the student body.1 "It is felt by the council that first giving a student offender an opportun- ity to be tried by his fellow stu- dents would do much to change the student viewpoint on discipline, and' that a favorable answer to the peti- tion would be a real forward step in student self-government." Tag day- for the University fresh air camp was changed from May 6 to May 13 by the Student council last night because of a conflict with .he Swing-out exercises which have been set for the former date. At TO PAGE HAVE YOU ,EN THE VALUES Wenley Urges That Freshmen Learn An Avocations t College That a man's business -while attend- American conception of what consti- ing a university or college is not to tutes an education, and of the proper learn a vocation, but to make every means of teaching and of being a stu- attempt to learn an avocation was the dent. contention of Prof. Robert M. Wenley, "In England", he said, "The student of the philosophy department, speak- is held solely responsible-for his intel- ing at the Freshman Mixer last night lectual and moral development. There at the Union. The gathering was pre- are no rules that he must attend class, sided over by Franklyn Smith, '25, as there are no rules that bind him in and was attended by a large number the social or the moral conduct, but in of members of the class of '27. this country things seem to have tak- "I might cite as an example Reg- en a decidedly different character. ent William L. Clements, a success- America does not hold the student ful man of means, who at the same intellectually responsible, nor does it time has been able, by developing an trust him in the social or the moral avocation, to become one of the lea- line. The difference, and the differ- ing authorities in the study of Amer)J ent results which are obtained, are ican history," declared Professor obvious." Wenley. "It is in an avocation, and Smith, spoke on the athletic future not in a vocation, that real service of the class of 27, and explained many and learning lies. of the fields which were open to all Professor Wenley spoke of the con- who desired to go out for some of the ference between the English and the I various competitions. SKIT TO FEATURE JOHNSO LSE GRIDIRON BANQUET IN SOUTH DAKOTA- Many Prominent Men Signify Inten- Coolidge Lead Reduced to 703 tion of Being Present at Annual as Rural Votes "lRazzberry" hest are Counted BROMLEY '25, WILL DIRECT PRESIDENT GETS PREFERENCE MIMES STARS IN SHORT PLAY OF 1825 PRECINT' VOTE Sioux Falls, N. D.,-President Cool- Definite arrangements leading to- idge continued late tonight to hold a wards the success of the second an- very narrow lead over Senator Hiram nual Gridiron Knight's banquet, to be Johnson for the Republican presiden- held April 1 at the Union under the tial endorsement when returns had auspices of Sigma Delta Chi, national been recieved from the state's 1825 professional journalistic fraternity, precincts. vere decided upon last night at a These returns gave the president a meeting of the committee in charge total vote of 34, 411 as compared with Included in the lists of those invited 33,648 polled by Senator Johnson, or a are several members of the staff o margin of 73. All through the day the leading Detroit Newspapers, as as rural returns came in from yester- well as Grove Patterson, editor of the day's statewide primary, the presi- Toledo Blade, and S. E. Thomason, dent's margin had wavered, but he business manager of le Chicago T- clung to his narrow lead. bune. =Edwin Denby, '96L, "former sec-:__ retary of the navy, has expressed his Sioux Falls, March 26.-(By AP)- intentions of being present, unless Gradually trimmed by additional re- soma unexpected change iin Plans turns from rural precincts, President makes it imperative, that he be in Calvin Coolidge's lead over Senator TWeah gran fat thet time. veningisto.Johnson in Tuesday's Republican The pogramfor hPresidential preference primaries I include several special features. Lieu- eartigh preene puprdmaries7s tenant Governor Reed, of this state, s early tonight had been reued to 557 to give one of the principal talks, votes. whie immedately folowing the ad-' Throughout the day the president while imtediatelyefollowingathewad-rhan dress, several of the most unfortunate h clung closely to a narrow margln of the guests will read epitaphs about lead which dininished as belated rur- themselves. a returns came in, until the count 'hA short skit has been especially early tnight in 1169 of the states 18- written for the banquet, and will be 25 precincts gave Coolidge 33;461 and produced under the direction of Jack Johnson 32,894. Bromley, '25, who was manager of the Mimes production of "Sweetest Kiss." Lionel, "Mike," Ames, '24, is to have one of the leading parts, teat P o th stngahr fGveor1 MN COT LTNIH 1 of the stenographer of Governor~ mhfi fhtl Groesbeck, while Alvin Tolle, '27, and M CONTROLT IC HT George Buchannan, grad., will make up the remainder of the cast. -- The famous "Oil Can" will be pre- "Resolved, that the United States sented as the final feature for the government should assume permanent banquet, and the winner of the honor 1control and ownership of all mineral of being the champion oil spreader resources discovered in the country in will be kept secret until the actual the future" will be the question for presentation. Gene Buck's Orchestra debate at the Alpha Nu meeting at will play, and as special entertain- 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu ment has secured Louis Vaupre, '25E, riroom on the fourth floor of University to play the saxophone, and Howard hall. A. Visel, '25, to perform some of his The affirmaive team will be com- unique clog dances. posed of F. T. O'Brien, '26, and A. G. Paul Watzel, "25L, will act as toast- Nelson, '27. The negative team will master. President Marion L. Burton is be made up of H. E. Souffrou, '25, and expected to say a few words on a G. W. Bean, '24. The debate will be subject of his own choosing. followed by a declamation by L. B. --!-Butler, '27. . .All members of the Alpha Nu fresh- iMvasques G man debating team are expected to attend this meeting, and all other Millay Sa ti rej members of the society are urged t J be present. Vistors are invited to at- tend. Two satires, presenting an unusual- ly interesting contrast, were present- ed by the Masques last night in Sarah IV e f IP ART 4 Caswell Angell hall. 'IUICLETJ uLLINS FARI The first, Edna St. Vincent Millay's j"Aria Da Capo", because of its fragil- RUTHORAPERHSHOW ly beautiful irony, was lby far the most FO difficult, and yet was played with aI skill and grace that easily overshad-' Seats for the performance by Ruth owed the play that followed. Draper, though it is not until April Ruth Vermilyea and Elizabeth 7 at the Whitney theater, have been Strauss as pierrot and Colunibine selling with marked rapidity. It is twitted through their scene with all reported that during the first two days the dantiness that Miss Millay could of the mail order business some two1 have desired. Corydon and Thyrsis two hundred tickets were sold, andj played by Virginia Cronin and Anne that now the house is more than half Gale, presented a very difficult scene sold out. with an easy: confidence and natural- This would seem to indicate the lo-, ness which could hardly have been cal appreciation of Miss Draper's re- hoped for. Margaret Ann Keegan. markable work here last year, and made the best of the few lines she had corroborate the complimentary press as Cothurnus, although her costume, notices she has been receiving from supposedly that of tragedy, was mis- the New York critics during the pres- leading like the conventionalized fig- ent season.. ure of death. The direction of Mrs.I Her popularity is further shown by, Lillian MacEachearn showed intelli- (the fact that for her coming perfor Bence and understanding. mance in Detroit, seats are being sold "Helen's Husband", Philip Moeiler's only by invitation, so great is the de-- broad burlesque, was well received, I mand for tickets. although there were several obvious| Mail order applications are now be- flaws in its presentation, chief among ing received by Mrs. Edson Sunder-. which was an uncertainty as to lines land, 1510 Cambridge Road, and will which was exhibited by virtually every be filled in order of receipt. 'Tickets SINCLAIR CONTEMPT CASE SLAT- ED FOR REARING IN COURT TOMORROW COOLIDGE BLAMED BY j WALSH FOR INACTION1 TraJin Robber - Evangelst- Politiciian Arrives with Big Story of Chicago Deal Washington, March 26.-(By A. P.) --The senate oil committee turned today from its public inquiry to con- sideration of pending legislation, but there was several developments in- cident to its labor outside the commit- tee room. The contempt case of Harry F. Sin- clair, leasee of Teapot Dome, who re- fused to answer questions before the oil committee, is to be presented to- morrow to the District of Columbia supreme court. The treasury accepted the resigna- tion of Clarence C. Chase son-in-law of Fall, as collector of customs at El Paso, Texas, but the House judiciary committee failed to act on the senate resolution contemplating impeachment proceedings as a result of his refusal to respond to questions before the oil committee. President Coolidge was assailed in the senate by Senator Walsh, Demo- crat, the oil prosecutor, because he did not "ignominiously dismiss" Chases from office immediately after the testi- mony of Price McKinney that the cus- toms collector had sought to have him agree he had loaned Fall $100,000.' Al Jennings, one time train robber but now evangelist gnd politician, ar- rived in Washington and announced that he would have a "whale of a story" to tell the oil investigators con-7 cerning an alleged oil deal at the Re- publican national convention in Chica-1 go in 1920.t A subpoena was issued for William I Boyce Thompson, of .New York, for- merly chairman of the finance coin-f mittee of the Republidan national com- mittee, who is to be questioned about the methods of wipink out the $1,600,- 000 defeit the committee had afters the 1920 campaign. Book For Next - IOpera Written By Snyder, 5' Donald E. 1L. Snyder '25 was an-., nounced yesterday as the author of,' the winning book for next year's, Union opera. The committee on opera book selection, composed of Prof. L'. A. Strauss of the English department. Prof. o. J. Campbell of the English i department, Prof. I. A. Kenyon of the Romance languages department and Donal H. Haines of the Journalism department, chose the winning book unanimously from the thirteen sub- mitted. Snyder was on the staff of The Daily Sunday magazine for the past two years, and is a member of the Quad- rangle, Dodo players, and Comedy club. The title of the play will not be announced until next fall. All men who are interested in writ- ing music for the book are asked toI meet at 4:30 o'clock Monday after-, noon, in room 302 of the Union. The author of the book will be present at that time and will tell the men whatj type of music is wanted. CONYMDCLMEN__ H10REOUARMEETi The Washtenaw County Mediczl soc- iety held its monthly business meeting and banquet last night at the Chamber of Commerce inn. More than 100 men were present. After the banquet, the [business meeting was deferred and the two main addresses of the evening de- r livered. I "A World Full of Mad Hamlets" was the subject chosen by M. W.. Bingay, editor of the Detroit News. lHe discussed the turbulant condition of the world at the present time, but said that he did not believe that civil- ization was coming to ruin. Mr. Bin- gay spoke particularly of the cooper- ation which the American News Alli- ance is giving to the American Medi- cal society in barring from the press undesirable medical news. Dr. John Sundwall of the hygiene department presnted a paper on "Mod- ern Medicine as the Medical Man Sees It ." 533,OOO,OOO STOCK ROFIT ISCLOSED BY ROXIESINSN SENATORS QUIZ DIVORCED WIFE OF SMITH IN DAUGHERTY INVESTIGATION UNNAMED MEN SHARE IN LARGE SHORT TIME GAIN Telegrams And Letters Presented As Evidence In Hearing Held Yesterday Washington, March 26.-(By AP)- Senate investigation into the admin- istration of Attorney general Daugh- erty was continued today at another public session with a bare mention of $33,000,000 made in a few days by 5 "men" unamed, through a "stock market deal in Sinclair oil" as the most salient feature. As before Roxie Stinson, the di- vorced wife of Jess W. Smith, who shot himself in the attorney general's apartment, was the star witness. Her story, replete with mention of consid- erable sums of money passed to her by the dead man during the two years of his association with Mr. Daugherty was filled out by the introduction of scores of telegrams, taken by the com- mittee from files in Washington, Palm Beach, and Washington Courthouse, and a few letters from Smith to her. The wire messages, some of them trivial and others obscure in terms and references, were signed by per- sons whose names in some cases had been heard, and in others unheard, during the previous progress of the committee's record. Of the $33,000,000 deal, Miss Stin- son said she had been told by Jess Smith, before his death, to whom she ascribed the statement that he and Mr. Daugherty were "sore" because they were not "in it". When she pro fessed unwillingness.to tell of it fur- ther, or to name the men Smith de- clared to have made the profits, there was a moment of committee confr- ence and an announcement by Chair- man Brokhart that a decision as to whether the inquiry into the question wuold be pressed must await the com- mittee's executive consideration. Summed up, Miss Stinson's account drawn by senators, was that Smith caie to Washington with ,perhaps $140,00; that he gave her several thousand dollars;: that he "lost he.vi- ly in stock market transactions; that he paid his share, of $50,000 ,a yearC in living with Attorney Generala Daugherty and that he died with $240, 000 in assets listed by the probate court. Whether he had more at death she said she did not know. Robert Frost ToArriveHere For hort Stay Robert Frost, distinguished Ameri- can poet, who held the fellowship in creative arts at the University for two years will arrive in Ann Arbor Sun- day morning with Mrs. Frost. While in the city, Mr. and Mrs. I Frost will be the guests of Dean Jo- seph A. Bursley. Their stay in Ann Arbor will probably be limited to two or three days. SENTOR5SAYS MELLO IOLDS OFICE 1ILLEGIMLY Washington, March 26.-(By AP)-- The charge that Secretary Andrew Mellon is occupying office illegally because of his interest in various fi- nancial concerns was revived in the z senate today by Senator McKellar, Democrat, Tenn. Referring to the treasury secretary's recent statement, discussing his inter- est in certain corporations granted tax returns Senator McKellar direct- ed attention to section 243 of the re- vised statutes, which prohibits the secretary of the treasury from engag- ing in trade and commerce while in office. "Mr. Mellon is not only ineligible", he continued "but is liable to a heavy penalty. Perhaps Secretary Mellon did not know of this law just as Sec- retary Hughes did not know that it was illegal to view prize fight films", he continued. "But if that was so it was no longer an excuse." Resigns Raymond Poincare French premiersince 1922 who has resigned his post following an adverse vote in the Chamber of Deputies yes- terday. M. Poincare, who has been active in French diplomatic circles for 40 years, told the representatives of the press that he had decided to give up power. "My resignation is final," he said. S Attorney for Defendaut in Boot leg Case Denies Statement by Professor. LIQUOR IN POSSESSION IS CHARGE AGAINST PRISONER Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology department, announced last night that he has withdrawn his name from the petition to Judge George Sample sign- ed by a number of professors and townspeople asking leniency for George Goss, proprietor of a green- house on Geddes road, who was re- cently arrested on a charge of hav- ing intoxicating liquors in his posses sion. Professor Hobbs issued the follow- ing statement in connection with his action : a "Asone of the signers of the peti- ion circulated in the interest of Mr Goss of Geddes road, I wish to say that I did so only after I was shown an apparently official document indi- cating that he was under arrest for having liquor in his possession, not for selling it. While not condoning the offense of possession of liquor, I signed the petition for leniency on the ground of his being a poor man with a family dependent upon him. "In the belief that I was at the time ignorant of some essential facts, I have now asked that my name be with- drawn from the petition. If evidence should be supplied that Mr. Goss has sold liquor, I feel sure that most of the signers of the petition would de- sire to withdraw their names." H. L. Thornton, attorney for Mr. Goss replied last night .to the state- I ment of Professor Hobbs that the com- plaint against Mr. Goss was only for having liquor in his possession . and not for selling it. "The original affi- davit sworn to by a prominent stu- dent of the University was to the ef- feet that a gallon of intoxicating wine was sold to him accompanied by seve- ral other men, and this affidavit was the basis for the search warrant, but the officers, with this information at hand, saw fit to charge Mr. Goss only with having it in his possession." Mr. Thornton stated. "These facts were explained in de- tail to every signer, but Professor Hobbs was in haste and did not listen carefully to the explanation. Hardly a person who was approached refused I to sign the petition. The object was in no sense to condone the act of Mr. Goss, but because he is industrious and trustworthy, and had made am enviable record as a soldier in the Canadian army through the entire war, and because he has a wife in ill health, and two children dependant upon him for support, it was believed he should be dealt with leniently. "Mr. Thornton went on. "The signers felt that the end of justice could be ac- complished as well by putting him on probation as to give him a prison sen- tence. "Professor Hobbs goes too far when he assumes to speak in wholesale fas- hion for 25 leading members of the faculty and business men of the city who knew exactly what they were do- ing when they signed the petition," Mr. Thornton concluded. RETURN TO OF.F' PREDICTED TOgI ENTIRE CABINET QUITS AS ANNOUNCES DECISION "FINAL" PREMIER FAILS TO GI VOTE ON MINOR P( Believe President Millerand W quest War Leader to Return York During the Day Paris, March 26.-(By AP) mier Poincare, with his entire c resigned from office today and he announced his resignation lared that his decision was fi: But tonight there is every to believe that he will acquie morrow in President Milleran4 quest that he resume office head of the ministry. Poincar( ceptance in principle of the pres plea that he continue to- direct]F publicaffairs virtuallyrends'th( isterial prisis, which broke over paratively serene condition Poincare's official acceptani President Millerand's request garded as a foregone conclusi the vast majority of those ide with French political affairs. The defeat if the government chamber was on a question of importance. Tihe premier h was not present, being engaged time with the foreign affairs mittee, and there were few de in the chamber. The vote again government was 271 to 264, m the votes being cast by proxy. SCHOOL OF MUSIC STUDENTS OWNC Students of the School of Mu: sembled last night in the Unit their annual Sym phonic leagu q e . S e c e y r p e e t t qu et. aSpeeches b y representat the various classes in the scho members of the faculty follow dinner. Prof. Earl V. Moore, d Charles A. Sink, secretary, Oscar Bowen, Dean, B. F. Bache Palmer Christian university or spoke as representatives of the Beatrice McManus acted as toa ter for the banquet. Dorothy Lucile Bellamy, and Hope Ha '24, spoke for their classes. Professor Moore, in his: tall the students that this year's gr ing class of the School c Mue take part in the campus Swin this being the first time that school seniors have been grante privilege. HOUSE APPOMESBILL, FOR NREOCED Al Washington, March 26.-(By A -Approval was given by the I today to provisions of the war partment appropriation bill N would continue the regular, army ing the coming fiscal year al present authorized strength of 000 enlisted men and 12,000 ofi Rep. Kvale, independent, Minn fered an amendment to reduce enlisted strength to 65,200 while Black, Democrat, Texas propo 100,000 maximum. Both amend] were rejected by a viva voc. Gabrilowitsch Alters Program Of Recital H A slight change has been ma the program which Ossip Gabri sch will play at his piano recita Monday night in Pattengill au um. He is substituting, instead c Brahms' Variations on a Then Handel, the E minor Intermezz E flat major Rhapsody of Brahn two of his own compositions. T mainder of the program is une ed, and the whole now makes concert of classics of the highest Seats for the concert are on s all the State street book stores at the School of Music at $1, $1.5 $2, I SENIOR CAPS AND GOWN I SIIOULD BE ORI)ERED N S In order that all seniors I h~nun ther.nnnanrld ,rnwna Dallas, Tex., March 26.-Lieut- Gen. E. W. Kirkpatrick, departmental com- mander of states west of the Missippi of the United Conferate Veterans, is 50 Die As Slide I