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March 26, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-26

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Locates VitaminI

Pubibcation1 in the Bulletin is tcoastructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by tb* &sAanifi U the os.Aler't until
i:0p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturf'axs.
Volume 4 IWE UNES#AY, HARCH 26, l19:4 1Number 131
The Deanis:
There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, Miarch G, at
i o'clock in the, President's office. l31. I Bu rtJ1i
C~nverslty Women;z
ibinm students who have decided upon l eflnite professions other than
bit re invited to take part in an informal discussion of these pro-
s -6 if they are within such field~s as do not require special preliminary
l~f . The conference will take place in the office of the Dean of '"o ihen
x:0o'clockWednesday, March 26th. Tfea will be served. ,
. A. S. H~obart, Assistant Dean of Women.
'ri.Buce M. Donaldson of the Fine Arts Department will give an
L4'at leture on "Florentine Sculptors of the Renaissance," on Wed-
shs ,evnigat 8 o'clock, in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The Pub-
is cordially invited. G. ANegaro.
41n tudents:
liorejj ti udnts interested in, or definitely planning to take, the Cosmo-
t.. Oubpib vng trip, April 14-19, through Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grnd
pi 6;Lasing, and 1!lint should communicate by letter or telephone with
,ut dletsied at the earliest opportunity. The party will be limited nec-
Ilto 25. Unusual -opportunities for visiting industries, educational
tittosan uiia works will be oiffered. Total expenses will not be
it l i. Sudetswith musical or other talent are especially urged to con-
un,4ueway of sen America at close range.
seein Carlton F. Wells, Manager.
up r t:
' 0 cu1*y of the English Department in the College of Literature,
mhN .'the Arts will, meet in T1appan Ball Room 208, on Wlednesday,
hc1hlk t fouir o'clock. t. H lumphreys.
Tio~t itending to visit the Jewett Plant, Detroit, Wednesday, March
1'' Ptday,' March 29th" should'sign up at the Machine Tool Laboratory.
41 roup will leave here on the 12 o'clock interurban. lD. L. Perkiius.
l u'Ay ion for the Club will be served at the Michigan Union, on Wed-
lay, March 26, at 12:15. A room will be reserved.
W. W. lneitoimE, Sec'y.
torleal ;l mird.:
A very importanit meeting of the Oratorical, Board will take pl1ace this,
rnlon at 5 o'clock in Room 302, Mason flail. .1. 1#. thatn.
\inportant business meeting will be held in Room Z 242, N. S. on Wled--
Jay March 26 at 7:30 p. in. ,*t. R. Wti geuer.


al ; '111
will meet tryouts for the hand ato 7 o'clock at the hm
s Hall). Regular reheajr-al at 7::3 p, 11..
W1illlllci Graft hl? _Jr., Manager.


_t a s ::

of the R~. ,. . C. will assemb 2le i~ Iocni 348Wf tIi'n
~At this assemrbly Professor C. E. Wilsop xw llKdelive'r a
Unversity of Michig an in War." '"he public is cordially
t. 14"m. 'i'. ('arpenter.

0. ., nary apfor' this Coksireawill, he ield a
chgt June 17,-July 2S, 1924., Pasic studnso .1 rnh
3 the first or seconid year work are eligible to attend. All
paid by the Government. Those desiring to attend must re-
R. 0. T. C. office not later th au noon the 29tij instagnt.
1.IIm, .T Carpnter.

Dr. Walter Eddy
rScientists have predicted that when
the vitamin was 'isolated, it would not
be far oft when it would be manufac-
tu red, changing the habits, need,
ideas and even shape of the future hit-
;man. Dr Walter Eddy of Columbia un-
versity says he has finally isolated the
vitamuin, so precious to human exist-!
ance. Hie says it is an organic chem-
ical structure, composed of carbon. hy
stitenxt elements explaining why it i
so highly essential to life.
Increased+ activity has been noticed
during 'the east' we~kAll along tei
line in the new Lterary budding and
work is being nshed in al depart-
mets to have the entire structure
ready for occupancy by the opening of
school next fall.
Masons, pllumbers, plasters are all
at work. The granite steps for the
front of the building are beginning to
arrive and1 are being put in place.
"The work of laying the stone on the
front, which was held up :by th. d-
layr in the arrival of the steps ha~
ibeen resu med. Pastering if thebas r-
Iment ha.been ponpated~l } opeira-'
tbons have stArte~, if}oi~a ,cor2lfloor.
Men have begun the work of laying
the terrarzino foors 4or the corridors.
Tihese? are ,of the sg>«e ye Athar he
ieen lptalled in ,the Pia 9 ralS.Sieee
nulliing. AThe +class roonr ;flors irill
lf ialoe o cynlcrete. ,. th soofiis9
also being put on at .the presente
ad the , sheet metal tnen pswgeU he
nun e ft a e ~ o kInstallation of the ventilation sys-
ttmr is also taking plae a s the put-
tip in, of the tilt .partitions ,beteen
,tlIW roptips. ;These :wilt later e. PJst ,
ered,over. ,Worlk on the windows a
starto,, these being of the ,soalet
awning .type.'t'hey provid' for a- f
ing the windows pen a d the shades
dptiwn at .the same time,
Lawy CubRisesI
The club room. portion of te Law-
yers' dormitory is now ;complete oi
the outside for all exctt the roof.
thi, being nut on at the present time
This part of the building i that Whic
tronts on State street. Concrete is
being poured in the third floor f part'
of the structure, while tile is being st
in the kitchen and service portions.
!Plastering work has also been start-
ed in the club rooms.
Roofing work is ready to be startedf
on the dining room. The present pro-{
cress of the work on the build n
noints to its completion by September
If 'no snags are encountered.l
Will Let Cot'oracts
Coitrats will be let the latter partj
of this week for the remainder of the
work which nu.t e done i the hs-
pital. Tlhe revised plans are now com-
plete and' it is expected that work willI
start in earnest shortly. M~any chang '
es have been rnesitated from the or- iasfutthfc,;htserl
new ideas have had to bie indcued.
Work that has yet to be finished, and
for which contracts will be let in-
cludes all but the rough plumbing.3
electric conduits, an the windows
All the remainder of the inside of the.
building, including the partitions, must
be put in.
Bricks are still being laid on the
new Medical building but it is thought
this work will not be completed for

some time yet. When the entire pro-
posed building is complete it will be
one of the, largest structuires on. the
,iamjpu,,conta-Ining aro tas nmitcht
floor space as the new Ppposedlit.
ui in isentirety.
Peki~ Ma h25-Denial that for-
eign .p'ower s had brou'ght pressure
to bear against Chinla.to prevent her
recognition of SovietR'ussia is Cont-
tained ill a~'note handed yesterday to
IL. Ml. Karakhan, general Soviet rep-
resentative 'in the 'Far, -East.
"Jimmie the' adtaker" sells amything I

All persons or societies using this
column should include in their notices
day, hour, and place. All notices
without this data will be disregarded.
8:00 A. JL.-Holy~ communion, St. All'
drews chrch.
1 :00-Xoonday pr*'ayers, Harris hall.
400-Open: house, Harris hall.
4 :15--Twllg~ht organ recital, Hill an-
4:15-Cercle~ FrIancais lecture--'Wet-
es iPopuli$res en France," Physics
west lecture room.
4 :30-MIni4er's conference hour for
girl students, Congregational church.
7 :00--i~nstl~tute of Religious Educa-
tion meets in Lane hail,
7:00--Freshman Gl a club practie,
room 308,: Unioin.
7:30--Evening prayer and address, St.
Andrew's church.
7 :30- General freshman assenmbly, as-
sembly hall, Union..
7:30 -- Arciteit::' ball. committee
meets in.Engineering building.
8:()O -eircolo itsaihano lecture: "Flor-
entine Sculptors," room D, Alumni
Memorial hall.
8:1*-IUe flolay con -ocation , asonic

According to an announcement is-
sued by the Institute (ot International
Education, a group of American gar-
den lovers and students of landscape
architecture will visit many of the
most important gardens in Europe
during the coming summer.1
I The group will sail on July fifthl
on the "Carmania," and will go first to
England; where they will visit many
gardens in and near Londbrn. All
the important gardens of France and
the most beautiful villas of Italy will
be studied during. the -trip.:
Inquiries regarding conditions of,
membership, costs, etc., mayi be ad-
dressed to Prof. Edward Lawson, Cor-
nell University, Ithaca, N. Y., or to
Irwin Smith, Times building, New
York City.
Harvard Crew GetsI
Cold Shower Bathl
Cambridge, March 22.-Eight menI
and the coxswain of Harvard's crewl
were unexpectedly given a bath re-
cently when their shell struck a stray,
chunk of ice in the Charles river.1
The ice punched a small hole amid-
ships which caused the shell to 111ll
rapidly with water forcing the crew.
to jump into the river.

Read The Daily "'Classifie~d"
'YY .y Y~t * '- R -'-tt-"---llt--'V-' t__#t1Yfitlt#Yt__ltif__ aittik_#k ___ r__ rrrr___ e



SORRY ! We're VERY sorry!I That
new portable didn't come when it
should have. We're trying to trace it,
and will, announce it as soon as we get

Phone 3400

supplies 1Iepalring
308 S. State St.

a ... , a._._ __. ....._.:__.._:
!'.! r t}+s!laim!!!}rrrar)}!}!rr!!}!!alrrt"tf{!rlL...""!"!!!!ii}}f!n}!!!}{}e}!r{r

,r. .... . ...ar es". .r r * s i sa arRtrrWa R k tRt,)i Et kRl 1_ .. . e [M t i i rf Ml k* RtirWi


- 1'HUt')AY
12: k--1)eltal faceulty hunchieon, Un-
12' sl--;Rhdc ic '- iacul~y luncalheon,,
room X19,'U100on.
7 :14--Military ball committee meets
in room 106,Union.
4 :30 -Roultd Tp db meetsl in Unlon.
?::111-INnr3 I. Bahtes Law club umeets
in room 344, Uniion.
7 ::30-Cha in1e r of C~ommnerce meets in
room 302, Union.

,. BY
NetMn .i vn STATE
8 P. M.
Fattengill Auditorium

On Sale at



&t Hamlin

'tesy, of Mr. Whr


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It you want a good neat
job with service
attached come to
"Y =.Ar eetter irnpres°





"up" and see us
Arcade Theater

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- ~ -
S'~ .5

ha Kappa Psi, national comrmer"-
'iternity initiated 11 men at its
Iimetimig yesterday afternoon.
*ere: William R. Skinner, '25.{
$. Creumcb, '26, Kenneth C. Seick.
avid5 M. Ma~rtin, '25, Harry W.
bb, '25, Jo~seph !K. Gandy, '26,
e W~., R~oes, '26, James Harlow.
Valter' C. Young, '25, Fr-ederi"cR
$,- '26, and William J. JUhward,
inquet 'was held directly follo-
* lmititlon. Tlhe faculty -peak-
're Prof. R. L. Masson. who
'&en into the organization as
)nrairy member,-'Prof. C. E.

Griffin and Prof. W. A. Paton, all
fof the economics. department. Ilarry
W. McCobb, '25, acted as spokesman
for the initiates.
Two lights, the donation of the class
of the 1925 .Engineers, hiave been
placed at the entrance of the new
East Engineering building.' These are
between 'the first and middle anid the
third and niddle doors on 'thle outside
of 'the' building.
Each of the lights i:b about a foot
ane a half high0 and made up of fancy
ironwor'k and ;:laze(d glass surface.



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