..tr.. THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ . M .UMNI UsE LASS~lE]He Yearns For ADIV ERTI SING AT 3 PM4. [-i. -,- TA ILORL SPRING WOOLENS 'New line, latest spring styles. Come in and let me show yo~u some real ma- terial. Priced very attractively. IAIY CLASSIFIED RATES Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 1ie per reading line for three er more insertions~. White space charged for at samej rates. Classifieds chiarged only to those having phones. Ask~ about contracts I for classified advertising. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per 'insertion CassiM; Coluii!n Closes at 11 o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "SImml*-tbe- daker'f WANTED fHELP IMUSICALI YXPERIENCED cook wanats position We supply and put on the best qual- in fraternity or sorority~ house. Has ity calf skin heads- on all akes of refer'encie's. Address Box 10.,drucs and 1anjoized instruments. IQuick service and reasonab~le termsl 10 TY 1' 1? l i iat Schaeberle & Son's Mmlc IHouse. MONEYTO lNISII110i South Main Street. $'0.00 SpringzlYaailon SPECIAL Phonograph Bargain. A Call 123134 and We 1111 Tell new Console type at $75.00. Easy, You How I payments. University Music House. ®_- GIBSON MANDOLIN. Special at - $26.00. Pay as you play. Ljniver- Z :Dj sity Music House.;t L. B. ABBQ3TT Tt. J. C1lUCKI .i... CLEANING and PRESSING..,, ~~6S .Di isi j 1iLEANING-PRESSING-REPAIRING- $24.50 and $31.50 Take advantage of this wonderful off-' er and come early. ItERNAIN the TAILOR 802 S., State FASTER SKITS Interstate Tailors offering wonder- ful values in Tailor Made Suits. I ~$26.00 and $31JW j Small deposit required. Local tail or guarantees priect satisfaction. Call or phone 123 for appointment.r Order now for good delivery. 31r. Mceniey American Hotel FOUiN TAIL IPEX INK is the life blood of your Foun- tain Pen. One filling of vicious ink Nill spoil the flow of your pen per- manently. Tlake no chances, get a bottle of our special formula Diamond IWriting Fluid. We guarantee it the jbest. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. DlRESSIMAKING & TAILORING, Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needlework of all kinds. Experienced workmanship. MRS. R. T. REAM 411 Thompjson. Phone 2768-W., .rHEMSTITCHING, pecot edge, gold and silver thread work. WHITE ISEWING MIACHINE CO. 2015 E. Washington St.. Phone 919. 901 N. University. f. .: L. Readh The Daily "Classified" &Ioumnv Alvin 'Va slington Tan 1Dorsten For the eighth time Alvin Washing- ton Van Dorsten, of Chicago, is a can- didate for president of the United States. fie has submitted his name to bo0th major parties for nomination.; THREE WAITERS to work for board. Call 188 and ask for Mr. Walbridge. BE~ A NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the Heacock Plan and earn al good income while learning; we show you how;, begin actual work--at once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- ing Bu.reau, Buffalo, N. Y. SUMMER WORK. College student for summer position; splendid ex- perience. Salary $262 for 75 days. \Vrite iDept. B. Educators Associ-I ation, Park Avenue B~ldg, Detroit,: Michl. AN EXPERIENCED insurance solicit- or. Reply stating phone number for appointment. Box 4 Michigan Daily. STUD1ENT FOR kitchen work, room and board. Call 1104, 2006 Wash- ten aw Ave. FOR SALE; UNUSUAL SWEATERS, blouses, hos- iery at The Jane Singleton Shops, 8 Nickels Arcade. HOUISEHIOLD) FlJ TIFIRE AT VEJY ILASONABLE prices. Davenports, Kitcheni. Cabinets, Washing Machines,. Tables, Chairs and R~ugs. Some very exceptional ,antiqu~e blaQ% walnut furniture. half hour service. Charles Douas, . His lplatform provides for adherence to the Monroe doctrine, no league of J~'UNTIN ENSj ations, and no wrine in church~es. Ilie A-NEAT Job of Gold Leaf embossing ' z a violin maker. !on your Fountain Pen. 25 cets at RIDERS PEN SHOP Irm ra tm 302 State St I ta u a tm APRIL -SHOWERS fBRING OUT E4 \WTEP,'\ F- QFCLOTI1ING >i rsySickers (ELLOW 011s'- OLIVE) g' \ t _I,~ (YELLOW. OR OLIVE !' VOWE1R _ = yT _ r - ,\7 ', , ak An All-Around Public Servant What is a RED TOP CAB driver? He is a composite of use fulness-a modern cab-driver, a fireman, a friend in need, a protector, a much-desired, all-around public necessity and public servant. He is available any min- ute of the day or night. He is one man paicked from ten. He is a human being "even as you and, . He has the same thoughts, dreams and ambitions. He has the same interest in life, the same desire to be something and some- body. He is a good fellow or he couldn't go' through it all and come home with a smile on his face-as h6 does. Treat hime nicely, w'on't you please, if you find him to be a good fellow;? Of course he isn't perfect. What man is ? He can't wake up feeling 100 per cenlt fit every mop Wing of, his life any more than you or I, but he has got to shouldder his burdens and carry on where you and I might take a day, off and play golf or go fishing. He's a hard worker and an earnest one. Treaut him well and see how far he will go to serve you. ALL MAKES.' Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing' machine, Line-a-Tlime copyj Sholders, rubber stamps, .ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and siup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPE~WRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown No. 9 Ann Arbor Say. Bank Bldg. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRtAPHI promptly and neatly done. Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. 0. D. MORRILLJ The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 Nickels' Arcade FOR RENT ONE SINGLE, steam heated room for studeont or business man, con- venient to camp';s. '238 S. Thayer. Call 2963-R. PART OF LARGE nicely furnished room. Phone '1194-M,' 422 E. Washington. (Continued tromn Page Six) The University of Minnerota willj r ive a large cun to the frr ternity at any of the Big Ten schor Is making the most successful shots. All Sports Night, which will feat- urelevery athletic activity carried on in Waterman gymnasium, will be held April 9. The participants have al- ready been selected and will make a{ program that is sure to please the1 most skeptic of athletic enthusiasts. The biggest event will be the basket- ball game between the leaders of the class teams vs. the fraternity chamn- pions, Beta Theta Pi, for the chamx- pionship of the University Paris, March 25.-Albert Sarraut, Iminister of colonies, excluded from the Radical Party because he refused to abandon Premier Poincare in his fight to obtain passage of his new! tax. bills has given up all idea of re- turning to Parliament. Patronize Daily Advertsers.-Adv.1 V 7'SI BRM10 A.J.TOWER CO. BosToN. rr l ,, t, i i , j i ' I 'I I i l i l ii l i I l i l I I,,I II I i I ; i i ' I II ' I I ! I '; I i IE li , I I LLSi . e4 SURPLUS SUPPLIES STO)RE' We have 'SLICKERS fi Black, Olive and Yellow 'Be':Sure- =Call a Red Tod Stop One Anywhere. 'Phone 1199-W~. or call at 211 . :lll#####il##########1 #lf- The Place IWhere You'll Ile Satisfied Diision.> ..HOSPITAL SUPPLY CO. 1 Tearn -ia_.I LIEANPIJG and Pressing establish- G'eo. Glitzenhbirii, 31r. 4maent. Call 885-.T. :fkr ndDaesi JNDERWQOD 4 TYPEWRITER cheap i . lic1akd eand DecaleIn~rs in at Call 1169-W. - " ;,; Abdominal Belts, Artificial Limbls EGA TENOR BANJO, practically '= ' Bratce:4 Trusses, Arch Supports new. Very reasonble. Phone 1306- - Eprmna Vr fAlKnl S. St aeate- :30.Cowel, 25 - =Microtome Knives Ground and Othierf s.Stte m Notes, Tnemes Letters lFine Gidn LDSMOBILE Touring, tires and Theses i Plting and Repair Work motor good. $70. Call 1519.21E.W hitnS. ,HREE EXCELLENT Detroit Land Enter "Any1 Time I T eelplionte 2 961.M Contracts protected by Warranty IiLQE SDeed showing average of 12 perc HAMILTON __ __________ aot$,0eahVitrTBrw" - t!tl 1;1B r. cent to 18 per -cent on investment of r BUSINESS LE E ~ "t111> 1.305 Cainbrdige Road. Call 2149-M.1C LLGE- State & William3 Sts. Choice Cut Flowers and Plants ~A CLASSY SEVEN room house Just i- = Phone 809 F-1 220 Chapin St. one block off State Street. Nice 'iiiiHlll##11###t#ElIll#!##11l tt#3#8#19#hlht# ' .....Agents for. Towr's .Raincoats...:: Phobie 130 . . '._ E. M. s!WURSTER 213 N. FOURTH ATE. .®..., AIDE YOUR CL.eTEK STE~gIL I large lot. Phone 2438. iST ?SCOTCH COLLIE pup, 5 months old. SNo collar. Call 783.C LAC'K BIILGIAN collie. Finder please. call 16. 1VILL THE P'ERSON who took my notebook by mistake from the Ar- Icade Cafetria Tuesday noon kindly Snotify Robert L. Moore, Phone 861- *TE~AR OLD BELGIAN POLICE dog, light brown. Answers to name SPrince. Call 1016. ARE YOU. BUILDING TIS PING? INVESTIGATE Do you know. that in most, cases your The McClIure Complete H ome Building service before you place a contract. washing is no~t absolutely clean? Probably you shudder to think of. putting on a germ ridden gatmnent, but it is so. Phone A small p ament down starts you on your lot. Complete information given by appointment. 11 2076 Ann Arbor Home uilders Association Pr COSM~E TIC SERVPICE Supl)erfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed P'ermanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE Itly appointment only Phone 1167-R. 408 First Nat. Bank I Phone 3385 2077 for officien t delibery serP bce At THE: VARSITY LAUNDRY your clothes are absolutely sterilizedy by our soft water process--no chemicals, just pure soap and water. 11, .1 You are invited to inspect our plant. Come in, today. 11 THE 0 !,