THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, t -pwM i r.n.rrr . ru $ \ : . r I i . a. , d ems. a w"^"""" *r r.,....e. ""'" . r OR UAL MET WITH CORNELL >rnell Makes IGood Showig Against 4:35 3-5. The quarter mile run was Yale In Dual Meet also taken by Yale in slow time, :53 a r jy 4flat. The best that Cornell could do in the hurdles'was to take a third and RRELJ WIL , ICK SQUAI) Hubbard should have little difficulty our i TIP THiS AFTERSOON in beating out Kneen, the best Ithac- an entry. The low hurdles however Coach StOve Farrell has been keep- were won by Jaeger of Cornell in :08 g the VarsIty track team in the 3-5 and Hubbard will havy to step .rk-In regard to who will make the l to pass him, ip to Ithaca to meet Cornell in the I Weak In Jumps! tal meet Saturday night. As a re- Cornell proved rather weak :n the i It every member of the squad has thigh jump and the pole vault. Schopp emworking out in earnest in order of Yale took the vault at 12 and Brook- convince Steve of his ability and the er, who does 12 feet 6 inches consist- uad will be in good shape when it ently should have little difficulty in parts Friday afternoon. The names i downing Wilson of Cornell whose those making the trip will be post- best attempt was 11 feet 6 inches. today Poppell and Bradley of Cornell tied TeniLeaves Friday I for second place in' the high jump at Ac ording to the intinerary the team 5 feet 10 inches and .both Smith and 11 deve Ann Arbor 'at 3:29 Ann Ar- McEllven of Michigan should better r 1 me Friay- afternoon,, arriving in their marks.~ iffalo at 10 o'clock .Friday night. The one-mile relay whose result e squad Will stay at. the Statler decided the meet Saturday. night was tel in Buffalo Friday night and will slow, Yale winning in 3:34:01 and ac. Ithaca ,l Qrtly after. noon Sat- Michigai may be able to take the day. On the return trip the squad measure of Moakleys quartette if the 11 leave 1thca at 4:37 a: n. Sunday members of Steve's newly organiz- d :will xeach Ann Arbor that after- ed team lve up to thie performances on. While in Ithaca the headquar- which they hivp given in practice ses- s swill be at the Ithaca Hotel. ions lately. It is probable that the Thi'composition .of the- squad still Michigan mile-'elay team will be com- mains a matter of conjecture but it posed of two quarter milers and as liltely that at least 21 competitiors many half milers, all four of whom 11 zbe taken. The Ithaca squad lost will be entered in the individual close fought dual meet to Yale last events. turday night 62-51, and because of good showing Steve will probably rb every available point winner .Freshmn en Given iom he can muster this week-end. veral events in which Michigan is Trai, Nu bers atively powerful are weak spots for e Big Red team and the Wolver- s will put as many men in those Coach Hoyt has announced his se- eits as possible. lections of men who are to receive The two-mile run went to Yale in numerals for good work shown during d slow time of 10:14, the fastest' the indoor track season just complet- rnell man coming in second and ed. smuch as Steve, ;as three two-m- The numeral jer s have been s who can rti9:.15 ti tripwil mak thocne p.Te :5hl mtru awil rded ni bosidekation of real abil-n make the tn Thehel mie run ity evidenced throughout the season nt to Bernard of Cornell in 2:0, an 'fir ep lgr and consistent at-t d1 Michigan will proirabryT yti m ~iin~et ,', aiypace. o- an entered in this 'eeht althoughte it #e daily practices. Fob ve plans for the one-mile relay lowing is the list of men to receive y interfere with enteri a 1iny t e awar : Briggs, Baker, Coving- n in the event. All t . ther tti,-£i.ougas Gobbs, Hester, Hart, ints promise to be close fought and Hornberger, Huebler, Huff, Jung, Kop- Ithacans because of their strength lin, Leshinsky, Lasser, Lovett, Muell- -man, Stoddard, Stewart, Voelker, S' TI:1L~lSl _ 'Walsh Wtalk, Week n the shot-put Bowen of Cornell de a heave of 44 feet 2 inches while Greencastle, Id., March 25.-Eight Glenwwitz also of Cornell took sec- varsity basketball meg were voted % place r p f f e fe. D Y1 the "I' " by e eptav athleti Michig Il l t oing; w4l to co board.,ft, t eithe irst gr secend place in s event because of' the small New York, March 25:-Columbi omnt of practice which he has had. waterpoloists downed Princeton in a e 75 yard dash went to Russell of spectacular game 38-15. rnell in 07 3-5 and he is likely to 'e Wittman, Michigan's ace a hard we. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING 3 dichigan will probably enter two n in the mile run as a result of the BIG RESULTS- wiug which Cornell made againstI le. The Bulldog runners took first ON LITTLE INVESTMENT c1 second places in the slow time of Will Meet Test. Hard At Cornell omore RunnRlays--frosh Lits A doing 2:54 1-2 r 4Iand frosh Lits B doing 3:01 1-5, both .3.akzes Gbhod Mlar-ks ualified. The results of the hurdles [~ LbflflV pHVIElare final and they are as follows: I'10j Voelker, first; Waltz, second; Prout, FOOTBALL RULINGS r FIELD HOUS AS UNIMPORTANTdTIi r AhIewi Pruce Alo /11 N tei IiM x ' By ouernx;g v Body4 It". a tit!t lE (L: A [ II l :C S { U t4 WIEM \N FAILS TO SfK '. RESULTS FROM CHANGE! "Hurry Up" Says kick Will Still be Favored on Tr-y for Extra Point Coach Fielding 1. Yost, when ques-; tioned yesterday regarding the recent changes in football rulings, declared that the revisions are comparativelyj unimportant. "The change in the kick-off position from the sixty yard line to the fifty yard line is practically equalized by removing the use of the tee," said the coach. "Without the use of a tee, it will not be possible to obtain as high' a kick-off as was possible before, .but the team kicking off will be able3 to get down the field more quickly be- cause of the ten yards gained in the change in position of the kick-off. "The kick-off position is now in the middle of the field, as it was when I played football. In those days the playing field was 110 yards in length, and the kick-off took place on the 55 yard line. "Regarding the chance in line of play after goal from the five yard line to the three yard line, the only point is that there will be a greater num- ber of plays possible than was thej case last season. In college football, five yards at the goal line means a whole lot, so last'season nearly all of} the plays after touchdowns were kicks.' With the distance cut down to three yards there is a much greater possibil- ity of putting through a line buck, a pass,.or a run. In fact the possibil- ities in figures are approximately two in one for completing a pass, three in one for a run, and five in one for a buck "Th1e kick for point after touchdow i will still be favored, however; it is much easier to ,kick than to take a chance on a buck, run, or pass." Coach Tad Wi an, also sov io im- portant effects in the new ruling s. "What one side gains by changing the kick-off line is lost by abolishing the tee," he stated, "and the only f-I feet of the three yard line play afterj goal is to' afford a wider range of play.'' New York, March 25.-Only forty track men reported to coach Carl° Merner of Columbia for practice for spring. UE{gULATIONS TO BE PUTIt"'' B- IN (dOEFFECT I3ME DIATELY With the conclusion of the frater- Having had sufficient time to ob- h nity wrestling tournament this week serve through experience the rules comes the end of the winter athletic and regulations necessary to oper- 'season for the fraternities. The class ation, the committee in charge of dir- ectuig activities in the field house, of schedules are feWv and will wind-up which Coach Tad Wieman is head, hac wthin the next few days. ormulate(l a set of rules which will All eyes are turned toward spring, be put into effect immediately. which will be the last lap in the race Spectators at all times, including for the all-around athletic efficiency practice session, will be limited to the cup for the fraternities, and the an- laiids only and are requested: to en- nouncement of the opening of the en- tor by the west entrance, thereby try sheet for tennis, all-campus and avGiding cro;sixio the floor of the fraternity. house. Spectators who wish to pr- The all-campus meet was well pat- chase tickets to any event should ronized last year and will be as big enter by the north, or main entrance. as ever with both doubles and singles Smoking is strictly prohibited at all titles to try for. The fraternity tour- times in the field house and locker nament will consist of doubles only rooms. and will be a bitterly contested affair A schedule has been completed between several of the houses which which will make practice more con- are struggling for supremacy in the venient. Track men other than those race for the cup. Lester GC Wittman, Michigan's diminutive ace will meet a fast opponent at Cornell Saturday night when he runs against Russell{ who. as yrttnthe 75 yard dash in 07 I 3-5 seconds before this year. P~hi Ch~i ttmen C';aptu"e itle Fraternity wrestling came to a close 1onday night when i:bi' Chi captured the title with 4 1-2 points, Phi Mu Del- ta rand Phi Beta Delta were tied for second place with 7 points each. eis are as follows: 115 pound-McIn- da, hi' 'C14;-125.pound--Draw, Dav- is, Kappa Sigma and Beck, Phi Chi; 135 pound-Lifshetz, Phi Beta Delta; 148, pound-Greenman and Carl,.Beta Poi Delta; 158 pound-Sinclair; Alpha Q~i Rlio; 1 fBund-Ierr, Beta The- ta4Pi; heavyweight--Goldstein, Phi Beta Delta. The point score for the various fra- ternities is as follows: Phi Chi, 4 1-2; Phi Mu Delta, 7; Phi Beta Delta, 7; Beta Theta Pi, 9 1-2; Alpha Rho Chi, 9 1-2; Phi Sigma Kap- pa, 10 1-2, Beta Phi Delta, 11 1-2; Del- ta Tau Upsilon, 12; Theta Chi, 13 1-2; Alpha Rho Chi, 13 1-2; Acacia, 5; Phi Sigma Delta, 15. DicEk Fr.'1(rg One of the stea>'r t members of the track squad this year is Dich Freyberg, a sophomore runner who has done the half mile in 1:58 and the quarter in :52 2-, although he is pri- marily a half miler. out for weights or jumps may prac- tice any time up until six o'colck, and jumpers, vaulters, and weight-men may practice until five o'clock if due care is exercised to avoid accident. Discus and javelin practice is limited to between five and six o'clock Mon-j day, Tuesday, and Thursday, while the hammer throw is prohibited at any time. Baseball men may practice any time up to five o'clock, but on Wednesdays! and Fridays the central part of the field must be vacated at 4:30 o'clock., The batting cages are open on Wed- nesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays until 3:30. Men wearing cleats should run ust inside the track. Football men are entitled to the -entral portion of the field on Wed- nesdays and Fridays from 4:30 to 5:-l 30, but long passing and punting is prohibited when other activities are "i progress in the field house. Men wearing cleats should refrain from usig th'e track, but may run just in- . ide it. -. Entries are coming in fast for the class bowling championship tourna- ment which will start soon. All men' interested in performing for the sophomore lits bowling team should call Hicks, 909, or be at the Union alleys at 7 o'clock, Wednesday evening. Many of the fraternities which in- tend to participate in the Western Conference foul shooting tournamit which is being carried on under the auspices of the Intramural depart-nent of the University of Minnesota have not shot their full quota. All of the scores must be in by April i7. (Continued on Page Seven) London, March' 25.-Premier Ram- say MacDonald told the Douse of Commons the controversy over clos- ing of the American consulate at ..ewcastle;.was advancing slowly to- ward a solution which he hoped would be satisfactory. All Finals Tonight /r Finals for the all-campus track meet, the trials of ywhigh were held j Monday night at the Waterman gym- nasium, will be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight. Thesummary of the trials follows 50 yard dash-si t heaL, Ilester irs;, oeme second; ti5e 54-4-5. ad heat. 440 yard dashist heat, Ohiheist, I frst; Douglas, second; time 55 4-5. 2nd heat; White, first; Shipman, sec- end; ,time 55 4-S. 88~0 yard run-1st heat, Sable, first; Likard, second; Abrams, third; time 2:11. 2nd heat, Fingerle, first; Tarloff, second; Stresser, third; time, 2:11. . . 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Call at your haberdasher's today and ask to see Van Craft New suits that give that swagger, carefree air that gains for the Londoner a reputation for unexcelled smartness. Many are only . , iL/t;te I I