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March 26, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-26

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lphonic league banquet at 6:30 tonight
in the Union. Species by represent-
atives of each class ini the selrool and
by members of the faculty will be
made following the dinner..
The party this year will heutr many
humorous discussions of inah jong;,
many, of the talks dealing in some
manner with the various phases o!
the popular game.. Beatrice Mc~lanus
S.. of M., has charge of the program
for the affair. Tpickets may be obtain-
ed. at the School office.

~Paris, Mlarch, 25.-Louis Descoins, ! Oeneva,, March 25.---Sovietf
octonarian hero, who recently Vol has notified the :secretariatu
fected his sixteenth rescue by saving League of Nations she will sib,
a woman from the Seine, htas been' mutual guarantee pact and dis
presenteNl a gold medal by the Fed- moinnt tresty recommended toa
eration of Life Saving Societies. !pIowers by, the last assembly.

Is Iroml illellt il F ield1
:011ornly and Leader In1
31"tth11 n atics.


HIIAUA R , )ART. 11"' ii





{r {


C. Y. L. Char]ier, professor in the
ud ivrrilty an I (:iroctor of the obser-
_-Oy at tild p wd' iiwill be in 'Ann
Arbor thil we o de lver several
lectur iSon mnth'naticaI statistic's
andstrnomy. He comies upon the
:flit nvitation of the departments ot
maithemiatics and astronomy.
Plrofesor Qhariier is a distinguish-
ed astronomer and the recognizedl
leader of the school of Scandinavian
miathematicians who have done mnuch
in recent years to advance the sub-
ject of mnathematical' statistics. to ar
position of the Highest importane In
both theory and application.
V, FProii (iCnitribut )r
Ilis contritutions to astronomy have
b~een nlnerous in the field of Mtel-
O~r statistlcs, andl have attracted the
'world-w ide attention, of astronom ers .f s d v l p en of t e t o C a lrty ^S f eq nc di t b t s h s
jkwed hlim as an investigator of the
highest rank.'
Perhaps the m~ost significant thing
Ohont Chlarier's work, according to
iuen i1ntrest~I in ~his field, is the en-
A4usiasm lmc; has'crate! atpnong the
!Younger inen in this 'work. The re-
cults are know reaching out past the
b4ounaries of thle ScandinaIvian coun-
Jreand bearing fruit on the contin-
.ent anl in this 'country. Thlis is evi-
ienced by an uniusual' activity inl the
universities in mathematical statistics
a nd its applications, and to, adistinct-
lyincreased prophortion of paper's an(]
r~esearches in this subject in nlatb em-
etical journals. The applications are
also reflectedl in numerous issue, of
th'e scientific journal3 in astronomy,
physics, biology,, economics, educatU on,
and other subejcts.
( nuns AN 04Ieptt
Althmough he has consenteal to give
several lectures oilmin ath em atical StOi t
istics hare, leis presnt visit in this
country is chiefly as the gue st of as-
tr~onomlers. His jlpiyt husfahas


% In order that all seniors will
' have* their' caps and gowns inI
iiefor swihgout, to' be' held
this year, on May 6, it is nec-
Iessary, that they., place, their or-!
1 ders, with George. Moe's Sport
[ Shop immediately. It is not es- I
sential to make any deposit at1
Ithis time.
Eu rope, Orient, Etc.
To get the better reservations. It will be very
neesslary thai you arrang yowr plans soont.
BOOK EA RLYsa g LstIat
A osmaldoil secures space. Df lay no longer
E~G0 Ann Arbor.Mieh.
bcense acrd ondefiJlenm ln~ 4 urance'Agent

~ASING melodies tinged with
laughter-music and merri-
ment fill the air-follows .... a
lull, as you seeni your table-My,
but it's hot-..want somie real
refreshment? Ord~er Budiweiser
-,Sold Everywhere.

'Fie ,10en,11Wbo et out to cownuer, tlIe world by air, taken just before the 01;lt lregan: 1,441 to r' llj;M~o '
L. Martin, commiande, Li[eut. Lowell 11. Snmith, Lieut. Leigh 'W4de, Liut. Join ha.rding, [JeO. l;ric 11. NOt-
son and Sergeants A. L Harvey, A. H. I'urner and Htenry 11. O0don.
Loaded with four leaf clovers, rab bits feet and other emblemis of good luck, four United States arm~y planes
are winging their way toward Asia on the first division of their round-the-world flight. The planes are being
piloted ,by"Maj. F. T.. Martin; Nwho is cmmander -of the epochal expedition,' and Lieuts. Lowell H. Smnithi, Leigh
Wa-pde end Eric "Nelson. Four other -men a-e inarticipating in the adventure, Lieut. Ilarding,° and Sergeants A-. L.


Harvey, A. H. Turner and HIenry H
included Harvard College observe t-
ory, Dartmouth observatory, Dudley
observatory at Albany, and after visit-
ing the observatory here, he goes to
University of California and Lick Ob-
servatory at Mict. [-amilton5.
Two lectures on "Sta', t.ics and
Natural PhIlosophy". will bhe given in
west physics lecture room at fo'ur.
o'clock Friday, March 28, andl at four
o'clock Monday, March >l, and prob-'
ably severAl other lecture,; will bie an-
nounced -after his arival. Professor'
Charlier has written in advance that
his lectues wxill not be igh-ly .tech-
nical. Students and mu -mubers of the

Ogden. They are .the mechanicians of the planes.j
faculty interested in this subject are Largo from "lew World;
cordially invited to attend then, ymhn
I Mrche-Scherzo ..........St ee e
AlI) Allegro, Adagio front Sixth
CJ S l. ALYI Smphoy .... ..... ... ,Widor1
MUSITC IT1ANS 1, InBe rn :us.... .. .. .. .. .. ...Spinney
I UILI1L~ In Sprin gtime.........Kindler
_________ - ~ - IWalther's Prize Song from
~Th rguartwliht rgnreit ';Die Mveistersing-er"....Wagner
'Th reulr tilghtori~nteita {Le Bonheur ................ydle
will be given at 4:15 o'clock this at- j*BlY Request
ternoon in 1-i111 auditoriumi. I'ahner The general public is cordially in-
Christian,_ University organist, will vi ted to this concert.j
play the following jprogram.Suet f h ~vrst cmo
Jubilee- Overture... . }... eber o' , tsiq will give their annual Symu-{

yEN u
'O'!th student or proi.,
slia4perb VENUS Out-
rivals MRl for perfect pencil
work. 1?black degrees and
3 copyng.
A in i worLdad

-KLEI$ BIWV i .k(o:E (o.

A _.l _. --





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lgmmm_ 3914MROMM

eGreatest Sale of'Silks that has ever ben offered to, the students and townzspeOple of Ann Ar--
isn~ etein cnis last NNeki.mYou till have plzntyof time t etthe m Itil for.

ir new sprigD ress but oinU ust Pt" Nw

-' : I,

cfollowlig.cx-ccption: lialue57, arc offe red' for°the last methis eek:




4 Irnh Pure Sill'Canton Crepes.
40-Inch All-Silk Real Flat Crepes
40-Inch All-_S"ilk Gown Crepes
36-Inch Washable Silks;
IAP<iich Black All- ,ilk C el.pe de Cine, Yard.................. $:1
:l(-Inch F 1in~e Lustr~ous Satin, card..............., $ i.3'#
;3;-uInchichiliSatin Duichiess, Yard....................
*3i.iIm(hI So~i Chiffon Taffeta, Light ad' Dark Saides, Yard,...}
1-.InelitCrepe do Chine, All Shades,. Yard_.... .......... .... .1 .
:3 - 1 c 1o l o k , C o c . t e i , Y r . . . . . . . . . . 6 i n c h H in e P r in t e d S a tin . in P'a is le y D oeS ig 'iis . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1 . 3 9
38-tiAll-Silk {Crepe de Chine, iii'Neo Paisley Patterns........$1.39
$2.00 Black .Chuiffoi'Taffeta '.................................$. 1.39

36-Inch Changeable Taffetas
36-Inch Washable Tub Silks
32-Inch Stripe'Tub Silks
40-Inch All-Silk Radicems

40-Iiiel Plain Weaxy All-Silk Crepe doe (Ii~e ..............1.39
401-Inch All-Silk Satin (2larneuse..... ..........1.39
=",-iu1ChI Black Satin ilauche ss Yard............
136-Incha All-S'ilk Dress Satin, Yard.:........... ....... .....1.3:1
,36-iiacli Black Lustrous ('hiffoii Dress Tlaffeta, Yard. .....$1.39
36-Inch Black AlD-SIlk Crepe de Chinue, Y ard..... ......$139
36-Inch Black Satin 3 essaline, Yard'............... .... . .3
31-lIneh Black Satin, Yard ......... ,....f............. u~
30-Inclh Black Wash Satin, Yard. ,.... . . ,. ,,,.......$..1.39

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