I";L A
Antriopology and Oriental Societies
Gt er or. Conventions
During Week
Convcntions of two scientific soc-
jieties, the western sectioN of the A~-
erican Anthropologial soc~et And
the Oriental society, will ie held here
the latter part of this week. Each
Sorganization will first hold sparatel
meetings and then merge into a single
meetpig on Friday.
¢xThe western section of the anthro-{
pological society is of recent organ-
ization, and will hold its first formal
'n3 ing at ths on'vention.
Both organizations will hold dis-
cussion meetings in the Natural Sci-
ence, building, the Oriental society oc-
cupying room B -207 and the anthro-
pological group room F-114.
Following a joint meeting which is
being planned, to be held at the Un-
ion, the clubs will hold an evening ses-
sion. At this time Dr. Alexander G.
Ruthven director of the zoologyi
museumz, VII deliver a welcoming ad- I
dress. Dr. Price, retiring presidentf
of the Oriental society, will givethe
presidetial address, and Col. T. C.
HQd ao, visiting lecturer at the Uni-
versit , will read a paper on subject
not yet announced.
A second dinner will be held Sat-
urday noon at 'the Union, the pro-
grain for which has not been definite-
ly arranged.
f ;
Members of the Wastenaw County
society will meet this evening at the
Chamber of Commerce Inn for their
regular monthly banquet and busi-
ness meeting. At the business meeting
which is to follow the dinner served
at six o'clock Dr. John Sundwall will
present a paper on "Modern Medicine
as the Medicine Man Sees It," and
"A Mad World Full of Jlamlets" will
be the subjecticr a paper delivered jy
M. W. BigIay, managing Editor of tie
Defot News.d
Other professional organizations &
the county are- .gcing to have repre-
sentatives presentt the meeting, and
persons who are interested in hearing
a discussion of Mtodern medicine and
its aims iave, been inyted. as guests
by 'member.A of the cjlx.
Prafessors Differ
On Finals Ruling
Be kley, C1lif., arch 26.-Finpal ex-
aminatipns as they are now given are
a waste of time in the opinion of
Prof. E. C. Voorkies of the ggricul-
ture department. "I think that if the
so-called finals "were given in a lec-
ture hour on the salient points of a
course, and the classes were continued
during the usual examination period
the students would get more out of
the courses," he said. "They would
not consider the abolition of finals
as a joke and would do more con-
sistent work throughout the term."
Berkley, Calif., March 26.--The size
of the University demands that we
have final examinations," said Prof.
F. C. Palm, of the history department
of the University of California. Pro-
fessor Palm explained that in a uni-
versity of this sie where there are so
many students enrolled in a lecture
course it is not possible for the proper
number of discussions and tests.
_......,..... ..... ...... b..... .....
Hodson Finds Natives Of India COMMON HEALTH in the population of state institutions.
There seemed to be no middle
course in attaining the hope for men-
Fitm eincarnation Beliue ers Children of Sparta, when they tal hygiene, so the pendulum swung
reached the age of seven, were taken to the extreme of state control.
Scharge and controlled by the statesing that that's what
In my investigations in the inter- growth and present status of the nat- in hrv g ant cotroll byi the atil happened in Sparta. Compare it
ior of India concerning the influence ives of that country. Immediately Reing sn't it o thinf aechild with modern civilization.
of the belief in reincarnation upon the following the meeting, there was dis- home and parental affection? We N.S.
lives and customs of the people, I cussion of the previous address, Col- .
found that it is unalterably mingled oriel Hodson answering questionsg for such action by the Spartan rul- DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING
with everything they do," declared which were propounded to him. -IG RL SULTS-
Colonel Thomas C. Hodson, speaking The meeting next Tuesday night, is ers.IG REStLTI-
before the meeting of the Institute of to be the last of the series, and four There a a steady increase in the ON LITTLE INVESTMrNT
Religious Education last night in classes will be brought to an end ,,"opt- tsonal liberty.
Lane Hall under the auspices of the at that time. All interested are urg- ~ ~h~ odhield~thelchi~rm
Student Christian association. ed to be present. has united to sl ilue the child from
Colonel Hodson, one of the foremost -at reference s Any ld-
nt ropologists of he day,hs mde ptattereferee in i shiel
a comprehensive study of the ques- itg proess w hclled medding or
tion of reincarnation. Since h-is first henMhild was sent to sc
visit to India, in 1895, he has been es-I - p t edhes r
pecially interested in the superstitious NsxRea,[
b(iefs of the natives in the reincar- Isix hours of conhtct, to accomplish the
belef' ofthenatvesin he einar-it tiinpossible- to make the child an ad11 .
nation of the spirit, and in 1909 gave jus it of socie te of home
i ' ustd uit f sciet inspie o hoe iFOR YOUR
an address on the subject before the Appointment of a committee to be influence.
Oxford Society. The speech which he in charge of arrangements for the Reformatories, penitentiaries, and SUMMER'S WORK
gave last night was of the same char-
acter, and was entitled "The Belief Lake Geneva Student Conference, to insane asylums increased in number If You Spend It.
in the Reincarnation of the Spirit." be held at the well known Wisconsin hn hze naovertow hand. Th THE
"I found in my investigations that resort JIune 18 to 28 of this year, was rulers decided that Ihey would begi
reincarnation was regarded as the announced by Charles S. Higley, '25, work to combat the cause, inste~nl
normal, rather than the abnormal,
conrtined t onel a on.a chairman in charge of the delegation cf saddling society with enormous
state, continued Colonel Hodson. RA I K
"Children at birth are named after for the Student Christian association. i eXpenses to care for the result. Thcy
the departed, in order to give the wan- The committee is as follows: Athletics, decided that humans were like trees-
.dering souls an opportunity to return Herbert Steger, '25, captain elect of 10 pruning would make
to earth. There is also a peculiar the football team; Musical, Harold them grow straight unless they were
belief that the souls of the children Jacox, '26; Religious organization, startel righ..t. ASK ANY REAL
are in the fruit on the trees and is George Likert, '27; Foreign students, The rulers were brutally s(ientific
taken into the child when th'e niother Voctor Gondos, '24. about the whole thing. While they SILKER AT
eats the fruit." The conference this year is to be knew that the influence of the home MICHIGAN
'Colonel Hodson finished his address, one of the largest ever held by the;°and th a affectior hat went with it It x.' MElffIi'
fgiving several examples of the way in ;Combined student. organizations, and >ol e a , onderful influenc, for It,
which this belief has influenced the Higley hopes to be able to send a dele- good, there was no getting away from t
f -gation of more than 80 students. All the figures showing regular increase
Havana, March 25.-The strike of -
union employes of the northern rail- Read the
ways of Guba, after four days, was
settled yesterday.
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything!
In A m t m rn flwr a - --.
NI hts 50 ta $ 2.50
Sot. Mat. Soo to $2.00
Wed. Mat. 50cto $1.50
k and Morris Gest
medy of the movies
712 Arbor Street
'Near State and Packard Streets
- Euy XT gaE
places have not as yet been filled
and applications may be mailed to
him at Lane Hall. Expenses at the
conference are to be reduced to a
minimum, and as several of the fore-
most speakers are to make regular d-
dresses at the conference, it is, thought
that it will rove to be one of the most
As a definite inovation in the policy valuable of the similar gatherings
of the Technic,, magazine the Colleges held in previous years.
of Engineering and Architecture, there
will be presented in the March issue,
appearing on the campus tomorrow,
the first specialized number of thaM
publication. The issue will be devoted
entirely to the general subject of
The magazine will be put on general
camrpus sale for the first time tomor- "Not a chance" is the way Prof. F.
row also, due to the fact that the "i
editors feel it will have a wide appeal. W. Pawlowski of the aeronautical en-
Profusely illustrated, the headliner in gineering department feels, about the
this connection will be the caber attempt which is being made by the
which has been designed by R.,F. British airmen to beat the Un ted.
( Hienrich a prominent Detroit lte- States flyers around the globe. Three
troit artist ,flyers of the Royal Air Fore were
Contributors to the magazine, which reputed to' be pl'anning starting yes-
sells for twenty-five cents, include terday on the trip, while the Ameri-'
leaders in dl lines of transportation cans left Cali'oiia last week. "
fields. 'Some of these ien are: Railph As was pointed out by Professor
Upson".' roted aeronaut and prominint Pawlowski that 'the Britishers, who
I dirigibleengineer who' designed liht- are making the attempt under private
er than-air craft for the United States capital, -a n not hope to compete with
during the war and who is now offer- so large and' as powerful a govern-
ing a special lecture course in the ment 'as that of .dte' United ;tates.,
aeronautical engineering department He believes that some day the British
here, Col L. B. Moody, of the Army men may complete their journey tut
. War College' at Washington, G. A. that they" wilkl:ever do it before the
Marr, secretary-treasurer of the Lake Yankee airmen.
Carrier's association and others.
All freshmen or upperclass-
men interested in swimming are
urged to report at the Y. M. C.
A. on Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
nesday, or Thursday for spring
practice in order that the coach-
es may get a line on them and
give them advice. Reporting
will enhance chances for next
year's swimming team.
Ann Arbor residents who can
furnish rooms for guests who
will be here for the May Festiv-
al and Conmencement week
are asked to leave all details
concerning the rooms and their
address with the Union opera-
tor. The work of securing rooms
for guests at these times is tak-
en care of by the Union alumni
rooming committee.
'1iflilIl flliliiillli lilillilllt 1i1111 1 lllllIitt1f1111A 1 111 Iltli1ttll1tili0f li..:
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Aria da Capo
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