THE MIICHI1GAN DAILY ICIAL BULLETIN Little Hope Held For J ap Emperor ,., ration in the Blletin 1a Cond~ructive notice to all nwmtinrtr ()f iversity. Copy received b tks~t i~teni v the :"''es'I sxitIl *. m. (11:30 a. mn. Satmrrs. to 4 TUESDOAY, MARCH 2i , 1l Nwol'er 1:111 If thie Colleges of Engineerig an,, Ar(-itf ecture: ere will be a meeting of the FacultY of these C;ollegEs on TueAday, 5, at' 4 p. mi. in Room 411 West Engineering Building. LoisA. Hopkins. Se: rti . )l 2 condi :ma Rosenthal has been di'tl-w ;om the e'ca I ' wol lt. liar t 4holt>, D ain 1E IH WATS GOING ON Ati person~s or societies using tis folunn hovld include in their notices plday, hour, and place. All notice ' f i1J011ut this data 'lvilil be disregarded.,1 TUESDAY 4 :30-Alphca Kappa Psi ineets at U n- 4:30--Anti Arbor GOIf club neethig, room 302, Union1. # 4: 3tl--Ubiveritiy (OVis' Vle 6.0 Knees at iBArbour -gymnasium. 6 ;90-Cathmolicstudents' dinner,; roomi 316~, Jnion. .6:15---Alpha Kappa Psi ncets at Vin. '7 :1l--,4 ercle Franeals mieets in 1"111e versity hall. 7 :30-J~Nulchins cub mmets in room j E._325, Union. I S:90-ilurfee Law c~lb meed s i:( roomf 34G, lUnion. WED)NESIDAY 4 :Ir-Cerele Franeanis lecture-I'Fet. es Populaires en Prance," Physics' west lecture room. ion.l 4::30--3finaister's comnferen~ce hou rfo . irl students, Connregational church.: !S i Farmers &Mchns Bank Another .Ri - -- -, 7l riancial Service- The knowledge that your money is i1n safe hands alone makes up for the effort of banking it. The convenience of our banks is also a ,great ;aid. 4lgitlstrativea Board . a nmeeting of the Board tlday (TueW( 17,)1at I, 12.\, NMic Ii ""A , 11105 South Main 330 South State viiersity Women: Women students who have: decided upon def'inite professions otherthi lung areinvited to take part in an int'ormal discussion of these pro- ions if they are within such fields as do not reqtuirespecial preliminairy ling. The conference will take place in the office of the Dean of W'iomen 00 o'clock, Wednesdlay, March 20th. Tea will be served, A. S. Hobart, Assista nt D~ean of Women. inalsics; CIollege of Literature, S;'iencee, and th1e Arts: There will be a meeting of the teaching staff oan Tuesday, Mar3ich1 25, at mn. in Room 110, Tappan Hall. Joseph L. IUarkley. its l'(oilqalnnI: The Physics Colloqluium will meet at 4:15 p). in., Tuesday, March 25, in 11 202 Physics Building. W. N. St. Peter will speak on "The Infra-Ried Spectra of Zinc andi Cadiutm." 11. 1. Randall. NrPamer' Christian, University Organiist, will give the followlng inteor- Sporam',: ;t te next Concert in the Twilight Orman Series, Xi odnes- Marchx 26, at 4:15 o'clock, in H.ill Auditorimn': Tubnee overture ..................................... Weber * rg .(New Worl Symphony)...............Dvorak 1Iice-cl~zb.'....*.. ..................... ,.. Steere Symphony VI ... ...... ...... :.................V.idor' Allegro Adagio 'erceuse .......... . ...... .... ... Spinney n Springtime..... ........................... .Kinder , Nalthers Prize Song ..... ........ .... .........Wagner (Die Meistersinger) 1eBonheur ........ ........................ .....Hyde Charles A. Sink. Ity Wvomen's Club: 7r. Helen Woolley of the Merrill Palmer School of Detroit will lecture nom D~ of Alumni Memorial Hall Wednesday afternoon, March0 26th,4t so'clock. Dr. Woolley comes at the invitation of the Nursery Section to Faculty Women's Club but all parents, student., and teachers in- ted in her subject, "The' Mental Hygiene of 'Young 'Childhod", are ailyI nhited to'be present. Mr.'A:. 1.Lloyfd. T.UC. Band: 'ra ie tbijitat 7:15, in the R. 0. T. C. Vu~din~z (Old1 Boiler Hdouse) 1, to. T. Carpter, P, M S. k T. Ve"d'f'r-to 3:00 p. m.:Al memiber.- of theip R. 0. T. C. illl nble in Room 348. Wes3t Engineering Buihlng . At thi: "nabtmhy Pro- r C. 1 . Wilson will deliver a lecture on' "The Jxi veirz'ity of Vlchigan amY' pI~jublic is cordially invited to be progont. p'Wnil T. (I ir' net'r, livr til be a meetingTuesday, 5 .p. m., 302 Mason Hall for the rni-- of electinlg new members. Plans for the N~~atonal Convention vhic,,.i be held in Anin Arbor May 1, 2, 3, will b tdl cuia i. 11 maeaher rr to be prest. '', Frank 1H. ack; trove, Prey dent. e Francals L.ecture; edn~e4sla, )lach26,' at 4:15 o'clock, 1\ichtael Pargm^ntf. cl'thei.'to1- e 'Languages Department, will1 give a conference in Fren clv on "P'()- Holidays in France"-" Fetes popul aires en Frmancle" (Fet es PI 'atr nair res Bretons. pastorales basqlues, course^c de vaches lantlaise s. etes.Y cs West Lecture Room. Associate mnenmbers are privileged to brn friends. John It. 3IiiysltemaS. Admiral Joseph Strauss Latest picture of the naval official who is one of the receivers in, the Tea-' poot Dome affair. EXCHANGE CLUB Yo' hlillilto, enli-or of Japamn Hope for the recovery from his Ho. 1E A RS HOI) SON present relapse is slight say physici- i74-11ttleo ei~el tlel tans of Yoshihito; emperor of Japan. ~:OTmttt fIeiiu daa 'His mental faculties are gradually tion meets in Lane hall. weknig Ysiit gno 5 yr 3#-eeife L L sia sealia-'Col. T. C. llotdson, visiting lecturer ~old, has been ailing since 'before ho senibly hal.,Uin. on anthropology at the University, ascended thetoe in 1915, and hi 7:319 -- Arehite.-ts' hail (oniitee spoke at the 1'xc hange club r innet late years his sn Hr hitasbe n meets in 'Engineeripn lbuilding. Ilast night onil "Ln ish Administration reigning as regent. 1S:O0-Circolo Italiatto lecture: rt4F1'ox. fin ndlia." Colonel Hodson, who has entine Sculptors," rooml I), Alluni 1 spent a mnihber of yeairs in various 7]' j ip'erial hail, ..' executive capacities *n i ndia, relatedl . ,[ntra m ural Items S:0O-De MoA11 y comlIvoeaialion, )fiusonic several of his experlences while work- tenmple.f ing among the natives there. In; (Cniudfo -- :speaking of British administration in (otnefrmPage Six) "ItNOTl'iES India he said that to govern e~ilently small crowd at Waterman gymnasium Tickets for Ole fourth annual hilaiwv one must "know the people, be in- will appear in tomorrow's Daily to- ball will he sold at the main lobby partial,. and do justice without fear." -ether with the schiedule for'the filiials. ':.of. the'tUnion'"today' arid..'tornltow from 1 to 5 o'clock. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Entries are bein~g'accepted ft' ther, . .I PRESENT Aria da Capo Helena's Husband -- SARAH CASWELL ANGELL HALL ' _ Wednesday, March 26¢ =Seats 35c. 8.15 o'clock. aa Proceeds, given to Student fRelief Fund {: a'. Illtltltt#tlltltl-li l1l tlltfllll~ lillllIlillltili1lt freshmen wrestling tournament which will be held the first week in April. Many" of the. fraternities which in- tend to participate in the Western Conference foul shooting tournamenmt which is being carried on under the auspices of the Intramural depart-nent' 01' the University of Minnesota have not shot their full quota. All of, the scores must be. in by April ." The University of Minne, ota will ive a large can to the fraternity at m y of the Big Ten schor is making' the most successful shots. . All_ k4 ts;Ngt.yi'i'jJ nrc eves c athletic activity Carried on !It A~lena y~a~iwl be held I April 9.' The particpants 'have, al.-I ready been selected and will make aj prograi that is ;sure to pease theI rmost skeptic: of at leti~cIenthzusiasts., The biggest event will be thie basket- ball game betwee' the leaders of the "Iasa teams vs. Fthe frate-rnity chai- pfons, Bola" Thie,a Pt, -for= the 'dvlaui- pion Ohip of tHe University~.; Pa troni al dversers.-Av. , I - - 1-0.1 111 '' 'Momommopow Better Photography Whether it i's our outside ,groups, our flashlights, or our individual photographs,s better photogra- r ph'y islhe essence of our service. 4 , ; :,: t, a. :,. . , _ T _ ,,:." £pxdon &airCo. PIANO RI - B Y Next Monda s8P. Pattengill ECITAL ti' TJCKE.TS: $2.00-$1. 50-$1.00 tferm i I LOW ITSCH On Sale at SCH-OOjL OF MUSIC FORL YOUNG "ME)M Francals Meting: egular nmeeting of the Cercle the Cercle, room. iy Evening M. STATE' ST. BOOK STORES Mason & Haumlin Piano Used Fi* ,ncais Tiiesday. March 25, at 7:15 p. flieh'u Na iacy Woodrmuff. Pros ad Tb?~o DailN7 "Classified" 'Coltimnc, Courtesy of Mr. Wahr Nuditorium 1111111111111111111#I11II1111111111111i1111111111111111111111511t#1111 111111111111 11 - - --- - - - - - -- -0.-- 1 it Of lr TiJluwitlTj luh AN.4NJcv.rI'IS A NNUAL PLAY Your Biggest Chance isWIthP the Best -known, Lar-4 -ges-t -advertisedHos i~' by amu~iualy known brand of cigarettes rather tood.Ththrasonis obvous. o. nationally known products. That's why oer II.e bu i college men found their greatest oppoitimity t_ i oney last summer withi the Fuller Brus ('nmpamy.Anysalemnan will tell you that his work is esterand ~re u.:essful when he is handling a product o;f .:: I'nillyknow organization backed up by national F vry xmnjoiingthe Fuller organization, wvhether- permaentl o~'fu. Acation only, is thoroughly trained In~tcnb then hve made successf'ul sales men out of, ~enwb thugh thy had no selling ability. Hundreds cpI +?+: ri a -vtakng pp) this work simply as a means of ~ i maicod 'oe during their summer vacation. We - ~a fid iacesin omeexcellent territories for a limnited, numer f ollge enduring this coming summer vaca- z~I. uc mnls year averaged $1.35 an hour all in m ,z W Y i { tat you have a talky with THE D'ULLER BRUSH CO(:. Hartford, 'Conn. l ii P T A I II AJ~tLE-JAK e Direction of J. RALEIGH NELSON REMARKABLE CAST SPLENDID SETTINGS ITFC? A PLAY THAT' ;HAS SCORED - A DECIDED TRIUMPH4 ThRU4, OUT THE COUNTRY ' A CONSPIRACY. A MUTINY ON AN OLD PIRATE SHIP Our display of spripg patterns well typifies the. unusual character You 'll Like ItAl of Fit Form clothes, I WINYTHEATRE Come in and seethem. II