THE WEATHER COLDER, IWITIt SNOi I FLURRIES TODAY LL si1t rtoa 4:Ia Ig ASSOCfAl WE STE R EDITORIAL VOL. XXXIV. No. 97 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, Fl' GRHA~M ADDRESSES ROAD90-CONVENTION AT. LASTSESSION READ OF TRAFFIC COMMITTEE URGES DRASTIC :MEANS FOR SAFETY ORGANIZATION TO PUSH UNIFORM LAW CAMPAIGN Cooley Acts as Toastniaster at Final1 Banquet; 500 Delegates Attend Meet Michigan Trophies Find Haven Of Rest In Field House Home; Michigan's athletic trophies gained Ifices where they were stored, and through the past sixty years Iby her placed behind the glass of 21 show teams in. all branches of collegiate. cases in the field house. These cases sportsdom arc now being moved to( have been b~uilt into the walls in the the Yost field house where thy will tw o corridors of the northern en- be placed on display in glass show trances. They are in prominent po- cases lining each side of the two northx sitions and show their precious con- entrances.' tents to advantage to all passers by. SAmong the awards representing Two track statuettes presented to XII olverine triumphis on gridiron, dia- Coaich F rrel's men,' along with mond and track are 3i footballs, 163 shields won last spring in three chain- baseballs. 80 various pictures of for-I pionship meets will also be on dis- mer Michigan teams, and 28 silk ban-y play in the entrance ways. These ners. These were all takien, from trophies have been in Coach Yost's Water'man gymnasium where they office for the past year. have been stored year by year in Dr. With the Atheltic association set- May's office through laek of other tied in the new field house Offices space. [and the concrete evidence of a great i : > . HOUSE OF COMMONS ISUBJECTED, TO ACCEPT DECLAJIATION MlADE BY PREMIER MACDO ALD WITH- OUT Chi"LLENGE DEVELOPMENTS COME UP IN DEBT QUEST ION! Milster Makes Two1.IAnnouncemuentsE As to National Events and Capial Levy MELLON TAX BILL DEBATE REACHES FLUOHOROFHOuSE PEiSONAL E: CIIA;NGES ENLIVEN D)AY'S DISCUSSION OF MIEASURIE $620,000,000 ESTIMATED YEARLY REVENHE LOSS Fills, Re pubican i, Predicts Majority For Dentocrats 'isroughi Re. i'iibicain Aid "Every moan proved responsible forx' te eis fpsahetcgoyaeic isoy nary according to London, Feb. 24.-By AP) The Washington, Feb. 34--(By A.P.)- an automobile accident should have hie which have been packedl away COl- IOfficials, the Yost field house can now govrnment in the House of Cocoons The fight over ,the tax bill centering car impounded, at least for a period lotting dust.for years have been taken be truly called the home of Michigan r today was subjected to a. rapid fire of n the revision of income taxes today( of sixty days, and If the accident re-; out. of the old Athletic association of- athletics. criticism and questions n every con- receIh loro h iup sults in a fatality, the car should be I-ceeaable subjectomost ofewhich th sold for the benefit of the estate of ~ TI~rIr T ~H _ ministers were inclinedl to parry. But General debate was begn on the I the deceased," said George M. Graham L27I hntedbaecnlddtngtn measure which substantially carries'I mittee of "Traffic. Planning and. Safety ( U LIIJ L I I l l Premier MacDnal's declaration of I elo udr nagm en e tr of the National Automobile Chamber PlcyPewa ccpe flnwihutfleneMlo t,(elnaceetUo tsd- of Commerce, in an address before the A kIIR[CgRg jj,,, 1 The Preier made two importati1 final banquet of the tenth annual High- L i I III~. statements, the first with respect to ijliheiafte anvndmets will be in or-; way Engineering conference last nighti national events, when he declared con- der with the income tax section ex- at the Union. M~~~~ophomore(lass Lea;ds jist 1114 ii 10; ('Cna.i For first D1ay She SSmall secutively that he wished to aoid ice oh ipsdo fewr~ This advancement, hie pointed out, is C JE>'sliaaieWih ake f Secoil Plate 3Margin Favorinig Present j any po1licy calculated to increase 'IuateIII TkFlr the mot radical and far-reaching ever( onitiem akFlr il ieLw raet n httegvrmn adoae yaygopontisu-____ was inquiring into the whle Prob- I \embers of the Ways and Means jest, but he further stated that the{ NOTICE ABLE I)DECJIEA1SE OWN EAVY BALLOT INITIATES lemt with object of presenting the' comimittee, which framned the iea- Chamber will do all in its power tc iA OPRI 111 ATYA 'IF1ST iF1EDT hl ftewxcniin nse have this resolution passed as a law A (OPA !WTHLSTaUNVRdTYFEEDt he of the wrcontionsadrejcC locuidte lo-ody fe on hta h onr a eetChirman Greene. of Iowa. had ex- in eerystae i th Unon.'After the first day of voting in the ~ the idea of a capital levy it coul I To Cndut Drve Twety-evenstuentsin he Natzioa College Referendum on Pro- not he enacted in the present con- j lained the general provisions of the Mr. Graham. in his talk upon "Ed-i ary college received all A records for hibition at the University, a count of1 ditionsI bill, Represenitative Garer of Texas. ucation, Punishment, and TCrafPfic Safe- the past semester, it was announced the ballots brought fin on the one The cay's proceedings broght cle anking Democrat of the committee ty," outlined'many of the plans of the+!mi ic ulcto hwdtoevlpet nteqeto ftett Fills. Republican, New York. who Mr. ioa let heCacllrGa x (,rner singled out as the spesa mobile deathsfo i t econtr, al- ,il ohmr lsslaste in favor of retention of the existingFzna.eb.TeChclortt x-Gspes n toughe e alhsointedoutrythalt- ith 1studensoTe class ea1st 2e istsatutes in the majority by a small cheqor Phillips Smowden, answer- of the "administration" opened the dC-' thouh h alo pinte ou tht te wih 1 stdens. Te cassof 927mar gin, according to the local offic-Ling to ai question earlier, had stated i bate in speeches provoking many per-11 percent of the total fatalities is not came second with nine. Five seniors "I's in the referendum. that the committee of inquiry on thisi sonal exchanges. nearly as large as the amount the ad- and three juniors received the "all A"' The offices of The 'Daily were flood- subject" would rapidly be confined to Mr. Fills, who is a staunch advocate vertising- of them would seemt to in-' ed wit letters containing checkedI nine or ten men, but none of them of the Mellon tax rate, said he expect- dicate. o. I efr memlbers of Parliament, the belief,; ed.that "about 2O or 3 men elected i Campaigns will be carried on T i e aemr tde t nemum was announced in this city. however, that when the names were j ;s Republicans," would join the Demo- !i this list than the women, .h there ing- patdp noncdteywud euivra ci, "whzen the critical sections ofz through the newspapers, both to die- I1 e and 10 women. Thrisan- Some were pse to the acks of os-anoce thywudbuivrlcas cover the causes of most accidents and 1 ,~tals and nore than one voter brought! satisfactory, the Bill" were revealed and granted; the education of he public, in order to tc a le dhise i h n m e s c oc n p r o . T e b ll t a -ta;h 'jn r y wl h n b h a compared with the list of -"all A" stn- hscoc npro.Teblo ~-I--ta h mnrt ilte etena prevent their. Special stress w ill bepasdal nte dtra pg n orit." ,ents fr the first semester of last ier al nteeioilpg n ffIlIiIfT fnun placed on the education of childr enI"I s all readers have been urgedl by those T00h S I1luld Result i LOSS halosae.year. Thirty-nine were on the a l nlin hewrAt xresthi U LI I UiIU He declared, however, that accord-!] listlsatsthatdtime.i~rfrn t heokingoepofsstheipro-~.~I*i The present campaign of the Amristattht im. pefrecebychckngon o te ro igto treasury estimates the Demo- CcnAtmbl socainfm n hose who obtained onlyA grades poitions set 'forth and mailing the ririunii tax reduction plan wou~d result: forin traffic regulations, over the na a6 t smserae ioaGbBek alot to the Editorial department of ----- in revenue of -62000,000 annually" tioni, both for individual drivers and urs26, ayE5. Cooleyi '2, Hugh B. The Daily.In fraternity house ;Aaains an estimatedl surplus annually in themovingof trafic bypoCopewa'7,n Cr R rafr,.'27 where the students outnumber the Students literally swarmed the Reg- 1under tepesent system of as togy$upre y h pa-1M-CpuCalR rwod,2 oiso000ita' ofc n niest al er Fried S ice khf,'4,PiiszDw 27 n nme a initial one ballot, which should e; teiday to make changes in, elections., they would be charged with iesponsi- I AppointDiretors L. Echhorn, '26, Frederic Sgndifulboeoftsdns. Such changes also may be made today bil ty if their pa a acceptedfo Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of'the Col- '2lover, Jr .'7 George J. ten rloor". Nanmes and initials are being request- at the same hours, 9 to 12 o'clock and raising suficent revenue to operte' leges of Engineering and Architecture ii'24, larence C. 1-ostrup, 27, CarlP ed merely as a precaution against 2 to ,z o'clock. All those persons who tie government.1 was toastmraster for the evening, while Hbr'2,Nra B.Jhsn'25.(up'icate voting; no names will be ;have been forced to make cor ections Representative Garner charged the the other speaker on the program ' Francis R. Line, '27, Elizabeth H, M- published without the consent of the in their schedule may do so today public ad never been given an o-i J. R. Howard, president of the Nation- IMns 2,Guec veao 2,Li voters.wihu paying a fine. After today all! lzorufity to test the Democratic paln a1 Transportation Institute, was un- A)itae,'6 Lwec rus The first actual figures on the vt- hoemaig eetoncages must proposing more normal income rate' able to talk 'on 'account of illness. 1 27, Chester A. Rtay, '26, Paul C. ing will be given out tomorrow morn- pay a fine of $1. and higher surtaxes than the Mellon A th buiesmeighlfo-Sampson, '2, Ruth Scherer, '26, RalphI ing.i All gades for last semester' were scee.cueo etniepoa lowinzg the speech of Mr. Graham, the M . Schwartzberg, '27, Ivan -,Sm _____________mieBetrayfo h ieaycl anda." He also criticized the address1 :Board of Directors for the coning'2EvlnWSonred,'5Cal Ieenlshudbdlii'dtay I of President Coolidge at New Yorki year o O EM was elected for the body of Mich- Whtehi,274.AexnerW tiOIVER I- Tuesday as "Unprecedented and h-: igan Association of Road Commis- 1er, 2 P.nnn~ni nas~r iiugt ebr fCnrs"i sioners and Engineers.. The following To l~lI~l~l~llmilB fhllII .I fh III its appal fort the public "to let Con- weecoe:W .Lheengineer- 1Cram L'' ectureREUCONSTIRIfUCTIION jj gIEhIIIPhU UUI~tI'rss know its wishes on tax rede- ' ilngmana er ofMacomb county road On vuca Gardens RtioTjn." RO commission, lat er named president for T7ill +____ D 111 TtlIDheensungoyer;rRoM. Hffma I__oyo,___anFeb.14.--___A)___ the nsung yar;R. M Hofma The wave of dissatisfaction and critic- !airan of the road commission o Mr., Robert N. Crain of the (depart- isin which swept through financial Paris, Feb. 14-(13y A. P.)-Geneal; I Manste, vce-resden; ~. W Co1meat of landscape arcitecture of lar- and newspaper circles here following Charles G. Dawes and his associates! The DayNe2u.s At engnee-mhagr f te S. laij ard University will deliver a Univer- the annonuncemzent yesterday of thne;from the sub-commision which hia 'comissin, scretry-teasuer; sity lecture oni "011 Villa. Gardens of terms of the retinstrution lan float- been investigating te reparation te~ .ato t. MoadsolchanrmankthMDltladu- j y"a 'lcktiilt nro ~i td in New York and London contin- question in Germany, arrived in Parisw trodbadanFrn MhrrodAluimni Mmor~iial ball. T7he lectur'e ,uned unabated today. this evening.' Las ni s ne f aln cocunt. wldelutaed wihhoex ilc Comment on the loan appearing in. General Dawes declined to make any; Harris commission made public ten' Las ngh'smetig onluedth Itaken by Mr i. Crai in It aly. to-days issue of the newspapers was statement further than to remark that, tat ive figures on the cost of troduc four-day conference of load comm is- During the sumnmer (Of 1923, Mr I more bitter in tone than on Wednes- I the Germans had answered fully all. ing wheat in the United States and !Jllil fad len ineers here 'this week ,, , I-1 ,..,.. . Daily Goes Madh As Daugherty Comes To Towni F~veythn- as as quiet as usual i IThe D~aily offices yesterday afternoon I except the usual clicking of the. type writers, the rushing around of the re porters who were unting ailssl (somne of thenm, at least)i for copy pa per, the r'est, those clicking said type Iwmiter:4, were gazing at the ceiling try ing to get inspirations. This was th situation before a certain event oc cur'ed. The phlone rang! One of th ' men ifn the office calmly answered it IThen everything was changed. "What's that?" said this person, "you say At torneyv-Geea aget si on Thsreport was confirmed by th voice at the other end of the line. IAnd then the fun began! Report. ers, even the upper staff members, be gan to rush around the office. th phones became busy-all for the pur- pose of finding out if this rumor wa true, and, if so, to locate this famous figure's whereabouts. After much: bustle, it was ascertained that he wa stationed at the Union. The City Edi- ii tor then acted. A reporter was sum- moved and told, "Get a story from Daugherty. Find out why he is here and then put up the Tjea Pot Dome pro- position and see if he will talk." The Repoter Leaes fThis reporter started out--losing hardly a minute in, getting out of they office, for it was "somre" chance to be' able to interviews such a notable and especially at a time when he is in the nation's limelight-and as he "dashed" down State street to the Union, he made a futile effort to try, aid recall Ewhat hie, had mead concerning this ilTea Pot Dome scandal. Thoughts were not unusually forthcoming, the Teapot refusing to boil in this "fel- ! low's" head, "Once at the Union, events piled up one on another. The man at the desk anxious to help this ambitious report- er, told him that our Mr. Daugherty was sitting, less than 15 feet away. The reporter's heart beat an extra beat-h-le was soon to talk with, the Attor'ney-General of th' United States, I-low fortunate he was in being able to find) him right away! Then, getting up courage, and, fixing his tie, the brave reporter approached that well-known personage he was to interview. Mr.! Daugherty sat on a large comfortable divan with a lady at his side I beg your pardon," said the re- porter, "buit, do you happen to be At- torney-General Daugherty-" The an- swer was in the affirmative. "Well, I am from The Michigan Daily and I' wonder if I might speak with you a! few minutes." Mr. Daugherty cordial-f ly replied that his 'interviewer might be given that privilege. T.hen, in an effort not to appear ner- vous, the reporter continued, "Well, ah--alh--, might I ask why you're here." Mr Daugherty answered, say-; ing that he was in Ann Arbor to go to the University hospital for' a minor op- era tion. SLUSH FUND RU y TOWVARD *,00)0 1)] POST - VANDERLIP TO TES' LONi'4ARION STAR T(C (i'le lI1go )Publuishe' Caltled t s Tells of $100000 Lon Secretary Fall e Washingt on, Feb. 14-(B.ty }Out of another dlay of enligtet vel opinent in the oil scandla emerged tonight a definite d _ation by the investigating comm s go to the bottom of a rumo' I$1,000,000 oil slush fund had Ib a 'posited in Washington for d tion am'ong men in high place Intormiation reaching theco was that the story had been V ;jest of discussion among New Y anciers and that most its deta been brought to Washington Yokunm after he had talked ,Kuhn. Wis In Van1 !Throughout the day's hearn -A. Vanderlip, the New York' ?waited in vain in the hearin to b~e called to the witness 6t questioning regarding his ee erence to the sale of Presidem ing's Marion Star. Hie and oti nesses on tie same subject h!eard tomorrow. The testimony, given dui; lg session related largely. message by which formerrseere the Inteirior, Fall, put .i to 0 his leasing policy. John C. Shaffer, publisher' IChicago Post andI several -othe Papers, tesified that all told the same month he entered the' et that he would leave it to Hnlar Mri. Shaffer got one share in the $1,00,000"Silic companyl, the pioneer oil to4 connection with the deal andl,1 an advance agreement with F promised him in adition 200 Teapot Dome. Want To Probe I~uor 1In announcing a subpoenaf McLean, who is in P'alm i Bea a tor Walsh, Demiocrat, Mo tam the committee desired too wa] Publisher not only' to refetl the rumor of tie $1,00,00 8.114 but also as to the -$100,000 w'i said lie had loaned Mr. Fal Which lie later' testified had al turned to himt in uncashed hi+ Thme" subpoena was telegra' Palnm Beach and Mr IMcLean pected to cone to Washinton a few days. When he was siml I ix weeks ago, his "physicianin the comnitte that, iis health not permit him 'to come here a ator Walsh took his statemeint Florida-mesort. TIonight no service on the n pocna had been returned. PPOINT NEaDIECl IN LNGRAIN6 Bil i Cram visitetl 70 )l910villa gardens' ofida .teqctostecmutehdask- no t er elSionzs w ere held yesterday m orn- I'"th northerne o m it e adan d centr'al Italy amid iU adI' T he K okum an i'ecalled that both 1ed and in a m ost satisfactory m anner R d n n f e n o o m s i n r .E o e t a 0 p o o r p s o h n r e t n n h u c a t I d e h om t e il h l t i s e t also whpoke atitimeebanquetiandoG.eCtinbdrecently borrowed funds in the 'ing in Paris on Monday next. alsospoie a th banuet andG. with his lecture. The general designj New York marke at a lower interest Dilliman, deputy state road comnmis-' and details of the gardlens are taken I ioeprsd. rate than Japan obtained. 1i50ir, p esid up, retand :Mi'. Cram relates historicatl -_____________TOflG T)AtndB qetreferences in connection with the vii' r-n# Speakers during the dlay were: C.'iouts gardlens,. H I DNE C. Lattiner, Franklin county, Ohio 'iesd, includi n om1o5 teORviDEIElINasCOORDwiIlRST engineer; Irving NV. Patterson, chief Slideomeof me ore han 15 villasIT enigineer of the Rhode Island road lbeL used__ fmu frmastnpitobth 9H T IEboard; and V. H. Connell, engineering 11o fo tadon o SL.NEU IBE91 exctv ftePnslai tcc landscape architecture and history.,h l AR Lionel C;ocker of the public speak- exeutveof-he ------- -~tut I-- (I;lig department has accepted an offer hzighway department. Vienna, Feb. 14:---A woman aind four Baltimore. Mdi. Feb. 14-(By A.P.) -"etndhibyheplcseang Itwsetmtdls ih yPo men-Germans--in a skiing tour in Ray Van Ormian, head coach of ath- Idprmn fteUiest fCb A. H. Blancharcd, of the highw~ay en- dprmeto eIniversity o oa the Stillreiner Alps, (despite wvarn-: leties at John Hopkins unvrst to- rado at Boulder, Cqlo., to conduct pubi gienn eatet h ie tings, were buried under an avalanche,.a eidta tltshdbe lie speaking classes during the sum- the cofrnefrteCleeo n~hewomazn's bodly has becen r'ecovered.i decla red ineligible because of low, erssinl ineering, that more than 00 I sch-olastic standing.' Rob~emt'tGwinn. Coloreo'seson.hol il e men registerediatthe conferenice and; cxc iy e.14-aza aiIsuhAtlantic cross country cham gin Color1and sumer sool.wille attededspie ofthegaterins. ht icatic of te('lainizs Convention pion, is the only prominent athleteseioisdvde nttv prdsf attendance at the bamnquet w~as held; diqafedhdclrdj ; with the United Stfates a waits P'resi- hs laiidle(l{lmel five weeks each. Mr. Crocker will re-; do«n t 15) ~s anylef tr lazn ,(len1t Obregon's return to thie' capital.I Coach Van Ormnan also announced turn to Michigan after~ the sunmmler yesterday afternoon. Next year the tiamnlncl the withdrawal of the Hopkins Med- sc o lss banquet will be scheduled for Wed- ________________ _______:icy team from the Wilcox A. A. game ________ nesday night, so that all may attend in1m New York Saturday was due to the+,- 1 ; illness of Roy D)orcas, which has Africans BFalk At Paris, Feb. 14.-Air plane service is PLASTIC AGE forced him out of training.Pla uetbgibtwnToos,-FncC _ _____ hjef's P e s r and Dakar, South Africa, in April -- shoi'tening mail schedules by nine Il FI~R~~H~ll London, Feb. 14.-(13y AP)-Saboza, idays. rEeiy intelligent man uitn UUILU (1 # 4I 1 UUU 1 } paramount chief'0ofSwaziland. the At- Mocw e.1.Nra hsgvn ideals eventually becomes a cynic.'lAV TI~IDI rican potentate who visited England MsoFb4- Norwayt i has given toh EnePlI Bll I lii LI 1iEI , Ilast year, occu~pied apalatiatl residence Canada. Thme tax revision bill was taken tup Washlington, Feb. 14---(By A. by. the House unider'. agreement to I In making pulhic a letter to Mdr. chose" general debate by 4:00 p. in. ': idge time secretary of the Tre Monday. Tfie Rep~orter Returns announced that Mfajor Wallace W~ _____"Well, as you might imagine, I'd ';y, of thme army engineering Denial that he is a member Ku Klux, like to talk with you regarding this 'would take charge as acting dii Klan was made in thme Senate by Sen- "Tea Pot Dome affair. I suppose that of the bureau of printing and em atom' ileslin, Democrat, Alabama. You have just come from Washing- 11iEg immediately, relieving Le ton." 'Hill, the director who came whe Secretary Allen called a meeting of "Why, nmo," he drawled. "We didn't president ousted James L. Wilnel the Debt funding commission for just conic from Washington. 'You see 27 other officials of the plant in next Monday to considler future deal- I'mi-I'm A. B. Dougherty, attorney- iW.ilneth's resignation was ten ings with debtor' nations. general of the state of Michigan, amid some weeks ago upon announce Iwe just caime down from Lansing." - by the treasur'y of an intention Chairman .Johnson called a meet-: The repor'ter fled, ' store the ousted emplloyees to ing for tomorrow of the House Immi- ------ - -----_ places but acceptance was wi- g ration committee to consider object- -tini i ntil his sulcces;or colt:(d be se] ions of Secretar'y IHughes to the Pend- KW ~~ll Mr. M~ellon's letter to tihe pr'e ing immigration bill. I IIUUIJ f Uifhl UIIIIII dealing with conditions in the b: Natin wde pofieerig i bred 0 flhI~T AIIOMO I related to (details of the investi was charged in a report of time peo-a $uuuu d on cdbychre tresrened ; i I I t t pie's legislature, submitted to Senat- a- oi' LaFollette, Republican, Wisconsin. Berlin, Febi. 14.-(B~y All)---Soviet Russia. is about to give auton'omyv to Charges that there has been dupili- the German colonists on the Volga. cation of government bonds were (Ie- , and will make the comumunity, which nied by' Secretary' Mellon in a letteri' has already b~een organized by the to President Coolidge. Wallace W. Vogemna ps fteSve 1Kirby was named head of the Bureau ; federation. Of the 800.000 German of E aig and Printing, colonists still r'eportedl to lie alive in '--- jRussia., Dr. Otto Fischer of H-amburg, Confirmation of Silas H. Scr-awn, of? who is well acquainted with the con- C'hicago to be a special government ditions in Russia, says at least 600,- about satihesfyicasg was ithdrwwantsrejustret disress ? U.VA 1 U4Ut l~l~ltZ U i t:'.- C Brewer. Most of these thes sa d, concer~ned affairs of tht -under pre~vious5 administration hated to the late war issues of secui'ities. But the treasury I went back to sift over these Mellon said,. andl added that tl ury's records of guarding fraud in the handling; of- the ties 4'invites the fullest insi the Soviet de'jum'e recognition. about satisfying your wants, just "ili iriili illy( Vii i vi1 t soWbot i in thme Bt itisli capitalI andipaid fhis re - spects to Ding George at Buckinghaim i Reent JE.B, I 1#