PE -MICHIG~AN DAILY - -. li NA_ _,. . ., , - - - e u 1 v 1y m w OMEN SET APRIL 5 ASI19GUI -BN ETIE Dean Jean Hamilton will address ie women of the University at the nnual Women's League banquet hich will be held at 12:30 o'clock on aturday, April 5, at Barbour gymnas.- m. An alumnae representative, hose name is to be announced later, ill also talk. Stunts of various kinds 11 complete the program. The committee for this affair in- udes Frances Maass, '25, general airman; Elizabeth Liebermann, '25, blicity; Dorothy Eggert, '25A, post- s; Blanch Kynast, '24, toastmistress; uth Carson, '26, prokrams; Olive acKay, V'25, stunts; Beata Wagner, 5, serving; Florence McComb, '25, 'nner, and Ellura Harvey, '25, tick- s. Circuit Rider's Widow Occupies Pulpet 30 'ears 1 Robert l1ai ron Henderson is lost, Th3S rsh r trayed or stolen before we appear in e tr l l '" a Junior Girls' play. Pases Y Gn. 111e 11"omten to Give Tea _______________________The regular wc ekly tea given for the graduate worsen will be held from 4 to 'ei 1 E BR W L at or excess of dumbness that~ makes1 Betsy Barbour. :Miss Majory Lindsey, He looked before he sat dlown, too.j studying geology here on the [ an it o a grl'sTat i a scholtr shi Mianehese eng.,whes 1W/TI AT L ftI ~~~~~FDE ~Must be one of those much-remarked Rgs:hlrhp ilb h us --eye:-strain cases. of honor. Mrs. Brand Blanshard and 'New members will be initiated at j Mrs. Theophile Raphael will act as W~ X. A. A. spread which will be held qNachalance_ is quite the thing in otse Ti ek at 5:30 o'clock,, Thursday, April its '~at itttdes thix aeason. It is worn pre- Barbour gym nasi-i.Tisiiii Ho Ifei'ably with °ah unconscious air. For! Paris, March 24. - Sadi Leccinte, will include both the active and as-I illustration refer to several welli France's most noted aviator, has been ciate members. known B M 0QC's.j made an officer of the Legion of Ron- Class numerals will be awarded to; or, while Mil1e. Adrienne Bolland, the all the ,teams in the najor spj and 4W like th e way our instructors first woman' to fly across the Andes, to hitWas created a knight of the order. a bask~etball cup will~ be ~res~nted t lfttheir hats when they meet u5 in the house wand class championis at ! ,defereneo t~o the casual flea-brul- I ~ u fiinc oueDii this time. ing gesture our men friends use. It'ssillueds.-Advto.seI~i Each team will be represented in aE lasie.-Av class stunt as well as the faculty stunt We could have had enough dlatesI Daily claslfled for mol" BOARD t (Without Breakfast) FOUR DOLLARS 604 EAST WASHINGTON dear anel ll ALL NIEJUNS*I? LIMTURS AND CRU A sm-ll depo,t a o r spate. I),lay no lonp r E. G. KUEBL ER 61 .Huo ' , h Lcelsd lamt{ Bonded Ste2a.;lip and Linvrance A94 WE WRITE ALL, KIND6 of INSURAN results. 7:' which is scheduled for this date. Mus- to start a fruit store this week-end ic will be furnished for the dancing but, hang it all, that philosophy paper which will follow the *spread.j is too stubborn to get written without IRVINOI WARMOLS, D. S. I Chiiopodist and a " (t Soethilng More! After meals you-want something more--a bit of sweet with a change of flavor. WRIGLEY'S is that "something more". and it's more than that I It is a great aid to your good health, as medical authorities say. Notices, I Full attendance is requested at the reekly meeting of the University' irls' Glee club at 4:30 o'clock to- ay Extra rehearsals for the faculty )ncert appearance will be announced tthat time. Wyvern will meet at 7:15 o'clock morrow at the Delta Delta Delta ouse, 718 Tappan road. 'Members of the Atheina Literary so- iy will meet at 7:15 o'clock tonight the Alpha Nu rooms. The freshmen rill debate on the subject of immigra- on. Dr. Margaret Bell has returned to nn Arbor and will hold her, office ours as usual. Vill Give Play At League Party Mummers will presen~t a one-act, lay at the Women's League party bich will take place from 4 to 5:45 'clock, Friday. There will be re-; ,hments andidaning for 'which a ve-piece orchestra has been en~gag- d. All women are invited to' attend ie party, which is given for the pur- ase of fostering good fellowship nong the women on~ the campus. UMP COMMENTS ON JUNIOR PLAYJ The Rev. Herbrt A. Jumip, in speak- Eg of the Junior Girls' play Sunday, id: "If any of you have a sister 'ho was in thlat play, you should Sproud of that sister; and if any of )u have a friend who was in any way nnected with the play you should n. roud of that friend." He commended the production for its ean and wholesome wit and stated at the theme of the play was one to e noted; namely "that fathers are ist about the same as their sons and at human nature does not change ry much." uniiversity Girls Show Style. Austin, Tex., March 24.-Styles for e coming seasont in all their latest, hases were shown at the Queen the-E er Tuesd1ay and Wednesday nights hien seven of the most beautiful gi rls tthe University of Texas displaye ~ousands of dollars worth of cloth- g, jewelery and accessories. Mirs. Wllhi Finlay Ihidian Mfrs. William F13inlay Dudmnan is the widow of a clergyman and circuit rider and has herself ridden the circuit and occupied the pulpit of the. Methodist church at Towanda, Ill., for the last 30 years. This 'is believed to be the longest pastorate of any woman In the country. After her marriage to the- Rev. Mr. Dudman, Mrs. Dudrgian 'became so much interested in is work that she decided to become a minister too. She entered a theological school, received the necessary training, and was duly ordained, and 'has occupied a pulpit regularly ever since. Mrs. Dudman gives the same time and. energy to her work that a man would give and sees no reason why women should not be pastors as well as school teachers. She has been a widow,-since 1922, and has been a fam- iliar figure over the central Illinois circuit for three decades and is re~- garded as one-of the most, successful pastors of the C ntrat Illiri~ots co~fer-i ence. ° All University women are invited to us. attend the spread whether they are:Otopds members of the W. A. A. or not. Slips All we have to say is we hope this ) lo~t~Poe26 will be sent to the various houses on the campus and the, women are urged'.111111111111111111111111t11119111119E11111Ui1111111 to sign up for the spread and return . the slips as soon as possible. Sev- = LAST TIMES TOD)AY eral of the houses have made known a 'A- their intention of giving up their reg- ? :;dl ::30) 7:00 3 ular dinner ii order that the women i= .._ may attend the spred.fhebew.on. ing ytmwl eue at this time As wonder ful a picture as rI l''" and the 'zone which leads in the num-- 1 her of women attending will be noted."'The Miracle Man" Y. W. C. A. WILL W >e sad tis VII- COND)UCT VESPERSBeas Lila Reynolds, '24,1 will lead the first of the Y .x A.,pre-Easter services WIt's T I ue! to be held at 4:15 o'clock today in the Y. W. C.' A. parlors of Newberry hall.,- Her topic will be "God's Love in Nature." C a ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS LI:dE I Central Time (Slow Time) A ______ L~eave ,Chamber of Commerce V Week Days Sundays 6:45 a. m. 6:43 a. M. 12:45 P- m..-=45 p.mW. AP:ELITT.Proprietork.Wt ________________I PI('ES AE a'C it 1.1 l)L BETTY COMPSN lllattlee 'leliniT IC A I Eeeniiri~iLEWIS STONC /ti\dies Topics - oviy - ew, ULY ARSHALL --STABTPSI OROTLIIN SW ,' in writing the Pater to k rniQmn a r uuzr~vn e n iura 7nnpeiln rs - "Many physicians now recommend gum chewing .. for a better and more 'complete cIhange 'of the starches into dextrin." Thi is from a recent bok on health: k; t: . t s.. -. .., ater every meal --means that your digestion is aided while youi pleasure is served; teeth and digestion both benefit. Your choice of several flavors, all of the WRIGLEY quality-sealed in its purity package. Ap. &O"AN d CITY Y. '. C. A. Wrig y' makes the next# cigar taste better Q-OGANIZES ~GJ ° h harmschoI~henewest roapt Oraizd y te . . C. A. had its first meeting at the city Y. W. C. A. re- cently. Mrs. Charles Washburne lead this meeting with the topic "Chrm nV Manners."r The meetings are open to all wh arein terested. Mrs. R. B. Earihart 'will conduct the meeting of March 27, speaking on the subject, .When My Lady Enitertains.i" The Topics of the following meetings are as follows:. April 3, "Charm ;1 Thit;ArlI0 Cami rs84April 17, "Charm in Health"; April 24, "Charm in Voice"'; May 1., "Charm in Appearance," and the last meeting will be on May 8, the topic. being, "Charm in Friendship." DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING BIG RESULTS- It' Theyt are all sold. out down at ' te store:" Ue mIasterdall/i4P ardl 17 led- Od a ,rEs P L I~ BRILLIANTGOREOUs SINATN i I Read the Want Ads ON LITTLE INVESTMENT ENTEIU I UTENTr ON THE STAG~E Keith iHeadliner THE JOE THOMAS SAXOTETTE Famous Edison Phonograph Recorders (PlIaying Both A iternoon and Evenuing.) -Additional- A LYMVA'N RHOW E HODGE P01W E And a New :Fables Cartoon Thursday "REXO'' " BY R PERTV' ilE S, _ I~ I1 I I Wodward Thru* W Wshington1 I' 'iilil'"" AT THE THEATERS Scree-Tod1 I Arcade-Betty Compson in "The I Stranger." TMajestic-Poly Negri in "Shad- ows of Paris." Wuerth--Percy Marmont in "Your Can't Get Away Writh It." Orpheum-Betty Blythe in "The Truth About Wives." 1 Stage-Tils Week Glarrick (Detroit) - Genevieve ' Tobin~ in "Polly Preferred." SENIOR CAPS AND GOWINS ~I SHOULD BE ORDERD2 In order that. all seniors will have their caps and gowns~ in 4 f- awinpmit to hdR held I! { 6 - Next Week- NORMA TALA AI GE III "SONGx OF LOVE" And 3rd 1inensional Movie 1 '£ SOON-LILLIA I GISHIlit "THE WHITE SISTER, I ", The most pop'ular fello w' --is lie wo is able to pl' y the lBanjo-or some other interesting s mall Mu: scal I anruent. And think, too, of the financial possibilities of orchestra and concert work when you've mastered one of the small easy-to-play instruments. Iie Are RiepreF euit ives For the famed RiI I M' '"1 .N Vanities r fi+ " 11'' ANOW , GIBSON VEGA PARAMOUNT TENOR BANJOS PLAYING for Spring---1 924 1 printed Silk ,Scarf, $5.75. Pansy Bouton- niere, 75c. Moire Uri;- r- arm Bag, $5.00 The .joy, of smart new scarfs, ties and costume trequisites this year Is .that they aro ;by-f r the most important-though the least expensive item of your wardrobe. Frances Amres, '23, is bringing to Ann Arbor dozens of these clever new trifles-and will be glad to show them to you. GGYU CI t -priced from $15 to. $340. We've an unusually, fine display of Tenor Banjos NOW! Why not see them TO'DA'Y! Tenor Banjo ....$12.50 S axaphione (C- Mel.) $75.00 M1andlolin (flat) 6.00 Ukulele ............ 1.95 Guiitar ..... 8.25 Tenor Banjo...... 18.00 Violini Outfit....12.50 Saxaphione (Alto) . 65.00 Wolverine C-Melody Saxophone Outfit, $109.75, All complete. War tax paid., Terms arranged. Complete stock of all band and orchestra instruments and accessories. 1! Pnlaid Tie, 75c. Starring PEB Y MRMOT UW'w*A - .-V' I r - - rIN/- =& - tx" " dn nT IT 7 1I i I R