THE~ MICHIGAN DAiLN I COLUMN AT 3 ?$.M. ING 1 WANTED A FROSH FROLIC ticket. Address Box A. K. Care of Daily. PECIAL FOR 2 weeks. only, Ladles or Gent.Rdng boot~s made to ordl- der for $15. Get your 'order in at one. Ann Arbor Custom Shoe F-ac- tory. 534 Forest Ave. Phone 3043. ROOM IN PRIVATE~ family, reason-1 able distance from campus by Sen- ior Lit. Address Box 5, Michigani Daily. WANTED HELP i LUST BELGIAN 'POLICE DOG (but one could never tell by looking at him that he was a Police Dog). Has a Ibunich of curly hair on his back. iCall 1016, Reward.I WILL PERSON WHO PICKED up notes and text 5:25 Thursday by new Physics building return notes to Mack. Phone 16. FOUNTAIN PEN INK INK is the life blood of your Foun- tain Pen. One filling of vicious ink will spoil the flow of your pen per- manently. Take no chances, get a bottle of our special formula Diamond Writing Fluid. We guarantee it the best.1 BEALTT PARLOR Madame E. L. Anderson's Arcadia Beauty Shop has been moved to larger and more commodious quarters in the! Wuerth Arcade. They are now prepared to do all special work in treatment of scalp and face. ARCADIA BEATTY SHOP Rooms 27 and 28 Wuerthi Arcade Telephone 1733-R. TA1LOR t ----- -- SMALL MODER~N bungalow on Ged- SPRIN(G WOOLENS des Road. Phone 2241. Nvew line, latest springr styles. Com e Ten room apartment on Tappan Ave.; In awd let me show you some real ma- I five bedrooms. O wner will lease from teriail. Priced very 'attractively . June 1st 1924 to September 1st 1925. $24.50 and . $31.50 Call Mr, Newton. Take, advantage of this wonderful off- Phone 315 Evenings 2064-3 er andI come early. ROOM, SINGLE or doub~le. Call Sun- HERMAN the TAILOR day, 334 E. Jefferson St. :LEANING-PRESSING-REPAIRING- PLEASANT SINGLE room loctted b6- half hour service. Charles Doukas, tween Union and Ferry Field., 901 N.: University. Near carlinre. For particulars phone bor,1348-.. CHICK KRUG local tailor of Ann Ar-1I I at your service. For your i~l####III1HDI1ll#1 1#~#f Spring Suit, Tailored to your own (: individual Measurement, $24.50., Why W H VEI Pay more. We guarantee perfect satisfaction. Our goods are 10= percent pure wool, order now for CONNOR'S Easter delivery-Worsted,-Tweeds -- Serges,-Casmeres,- Harringbones, = ,SPECIAL BRICK Gabardines and Novelties. Ope~n } for your inspection. I will be glad!-- FOR TODAY= A NEW YORK APARTMENT for rent. O~ne lock~ from Columbia Univer- sity. Ideal for Summer School stu- dents. Outlook on Morningslde Park. Six rooms. Attractive furn.. ishings including two singles and two double beds,' new grand piano, oriental rugs, etc~, etc. Large kit- chen. $200 a month; or special of- ter for college people only June 15 to Spetemnber 15 for $500. Write to Mr. Lucien H. Wiarner, Eastviewv Apartmen~ts, Morningside Drive, at 118 St., New York-City. week. Ralph T. Sweze pson~ St. Phone 2970-NG 'PART OF LARGE nicel jroom. Phone 1194-21 W-ashington. COSMETIC SEEN Super'fluous i FACIAL RAJf b~y $50.00 M0ONTHLY?. Unfurnished heated - yap~tnn ~l lti first floor apartment. Would furni- ish for nominal extra charge. Near Rea h Want- Hil udtorium, Ralph T, Swezey, You will be pleased with the u, and variety of the meals we serve 'and x BE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the Heacock Plan and earn a good income while learning; wel show you how; begin actual work atI once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing;. send for particulars.' Newswriters Train- ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. STUDENT TO SOLIICIT insurance, j auto, dwellings, cottages, business property, burglarly, plate gthss, and r -etc. Liberal commissions. Write P 0. Box 213. AN F;XPERIENCJEb insu rance solicit- or. Reply stating; phone number for appointment. B ox 4 Michiganr Daily. STi~l ENT FOR kitchen work, roomx and board. Call 1104, 2006, Wali- tenaw Ave. 1'ult I e.L B7RING YOU7R rep;airs Where shoe. are mnade. Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Fac"tory, 53.1 Forest Ave. Phone WTILIS--KNTIHT ro,' &ter, 1918, mot-' or excellent condition. Good tires. 1924 license. Newr k mki top. On er lea vin;' town, $13:5.00, $65 down Call Perce, 1630-J, after 8 o'clock. UNUSIJAL SWE'ATERS, blouse, hos- iery at The Jane Singleton Shops, 8 Nickels Arcade. H1OIJSEHOLI) FURNITURE AT VERY REIASONABLE prices, Daven~ports, Kitchen Cabine.ts, W~is ing Machines, Tables, Chairs anrd Rugs. Some very exceptional ,nti ie black walnut furniture. I',rPh 1199-lv. or call at 211 S. D~ivisin. * I CL,_I gtheecleceo u service. .Rates RIDER'S PEN' SHOP 302 State St.+ FOR _ ROD 2LAUNDR}1Y SERVICE ... Call TROJAN LAUNDRY CO. SWill Call IDeliver Phon0e 1981 V SUNDAY SPECIAL Hot Waffles....... .25c With Sausage .....35 Butterscotch Pie ......I15c P'n l Food Cake...15c Tea, Coffee, Milk Salads, Sandwiches RJR RFOUNTAIN .313 S. State to call on you at your most con- 1 11C venient time and have you look ov- er the samples, or call at 200 E. ~ Raspberry and French the camllpus. - Huron between 2:00 p. m. andl 8:00,='~f p. m. Phone 3456-M for appoint- Vanillaj} Three Meals, $6.5Q per week.VA ST LO E metnyie anTpae.__ ' THE AMIERICAN IWithout breakafst, $5.50} per DNN O M SFOUNTAIN PENS week.N R OM A NEAT Job of Gold Leaf embosbsing 1 E ilims Singlemel,5 cents blI Church St. 3 n your Fountain Pen. 25cents at51 . l al . RIDE'SPEN SHOP 302-I State St =II;oII lh)IIiJI7iI~ 'ry .Our Special Sundayd, Dinner af 75 Cents ~1JUST LISTED 8 ROOM HOUSE TFOR SALE East section--a six itoom home in fine condition. First floor: hall--Z 1ing roam--dining moot- -kiitchzen-I am-ge screened Iliving porch -oak floors_ :; -vbmy enaznel and iralhcgany finish. Second floor: beechi floors---three bed~- Large living room, hall, dining room and k~zcen on first fl( -i lreromcntecaflfiihdadeai er.Tee iasotweI Four bed rooms oni second floor. One furnished on third- floor. F til. Frepace Grag. Lt sze51-.ri ft -very -e finishedes. Prceinad oak. floThreehe iblocksreebl fks rlin'camucame leav 'tw ins sell, priced Lit $10.500. Reasoniable ternls. 1I POTTER, ALLSHOUSE RC ARDSi Ic.i 6RO M HO S 3601-4 First Nat'l Bank -Bldg. Tel. 20 72 .. 6 O M-O S CL J veryreasna , to. sevinn'.f naear NEW SOLID BRICK Home of 7 rooms. Large living room with fire-place, dining room, kitchen and bed room with lavatory on first floor. "3 large l bed'rooms and bath on second floor. First floor finished in oak with oak floors. Ivory finish and beech floors above. Full basement FOR SALE FOR .SALE with ~* - orn i the description. wit. N one.- Terrms are reasonable. hn Y"ou cannot help falling in Located one block north of campus-has six large raoois-sUt parlor and bath on first floor. Second floor- has. three >suites-large BUILDING LOTS with hot air furnace. _ me~r F 1() IN w GI( and ,lPre:sing abish.. ''Cal 5-T. ,n in ijeot class shape. $80.00. Call DANOYI x ROOM house very con~- yenkh to the (campws Only $6800 and my $1,000 dowvn payment. 617 Doible brick garage with solid cement drive. Lot 41 xl13 7. For -full informat on concerning this property, call, POMME RENING & BLAESS t Fr 506 First National ]Bank Bldg. ,Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 3091 m t t sleeping porch-bath-large attic that could b~ use 0,js do*rm~itory or; divided into additional rooms has po'ssibilities' fr vondrul t' came property. Price is. $13,000. $2,500 will handle. --- On South University close. to Washytenaiw. Ideal for Tei, ; , Room-DLelicatesseji or Beauty Parlor. Business 'and residence combined. No parking restrictions. Will furnish full details upon I fee t, feton J~aldwin; ' fet n-We " odlawn. r.' rt-e,- Others on- White-B rooklyn-Granger-Alson on West 'Side. Let us show you, call for an appointment. J.K~RLMALC~OLM 2 Ea'st Librt4 Phone 17 ____________________itle Buts L!o request. ii0t (3 Srng Vacation Yoln Holy I,.ft. ABBOTT iR. J. CIIICK( 3:,6 So, I)ivislatn BL Pear Egg11 Toast Bli gh (To Nut - Mai Prune Chocc Raisi Orang Choca IGHTY Salad... ..........25e and Head Lettuce Salad 30c2 ted Peanut Chile . ndwich .............15c tty sandwich oat, Tomato, Ham) .... 35c Bread with Orange rnmlade..............o -E .es with whipped cream 15c olate Fudge Cake......10c2 iii ut Cake ...........10c _ 'ge-Ie..............15c olate Banana Split . ,..25c r -'U- - ~13, 500t I A new '7 .room house in an~ exclusive location, built for a home but change in the owner's plans is the reason for this house being onG the market. Ideal in every way-very large lot, double garage. To see this place is to appreciate it.' Very reasonable terms. $3,000 Down 12 rooms, all hard wood}, two complete bath rooms, located lessj than 3 blocks from the campus. One of the very best placesfoj roomers or could be made a 2-family flat with very little expense- for price and full particulars call I MABEL A. TOLFORD 712 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones 1516-2387-R---467-J L}ORRAINE LA CE An eight room house in the exclusive section of Ann Arbor, with hot water heat, oak floors down except maple in kitchen, on a lot $7x 132, plenty of room for another house. Consider the price of vacant property in this section and you are securing a lot with this' purchase. Price $9,000. Shade trees, fruit and a good well of 'water included. Phone I 194-R RINSEY &..HELBER f ; , ' a ,'a, .' i ._ i i 1 1' * :<~,jATUENTION! - Secon zn -- 'qseries of';advertisements exclu V~t jfor Sorortis and Fraiernities- First Floor: Vestibule; recept ion hafll;-music rooum; livng library ; sun rooin; dining room; butler's pantry ; kitchen;i roam. 413 E. Liberty Streetl ATITRACTIVE HOME Seven room home in excellent residence section, near, car'.i.e, southeast section, large lot, double garage, drive way. Finished in oak and ivory enamel, oak floors, steam hest, electric water lift, tile*- floor-in bath room, set in tub, fire place, French doors, Second ' Floor : Large hall; six large bedroom~s ; eight c closets; large sleeping porch; bath;' two extra lavatories. Third Floor: Hallt; three large bedrooms ; six clothes cI shower bath. linen closet, laundry. in thl Lot: 92x 148. Many attractive features in "this house, not to be average home. Larger if desired.. found Priced at $14,500 and only $2,500 down. A. Bl. GREINER With Location : One block from University car line ; five inrutes wr to the campus.- Price : No more than a good home should be. Wte have just opened a service department in our general Rf Estate .anid Insurance office for the exclusiv'e use of SQrorities a. Fraternities. READ OUR .ADS-THEN ACT. WHiALEYI REAL. ESTATE EXCHANGE 310 'irst National ,1Ba~k Building -- . 61ce Pbqpe 1821- HARKINS &'SON Realtors 110, E. Liberty Street T0e1. 34r Evenings 2~4 :'' Call MR. WHFEELER UNUSUAL BUY Ann Arbor Home Builders Association jwwol - Phone 3385 Evenings 61 9-M-1 205 -R-1 456-MI JUST OFF WASHTENAW Tis eight room brick Colonial can not be too highly praised, either frQm t the viewpoint of value or type of con- struction. There are four rooms on the first{ floor, finishedl in walnut, all good sized and lwell arrainged. Also toilet and lavatory. Four bedroms on second -with ample closet spacie, electrical outlet, linen closet and two ample baths. Full at- tic over all. The basement is in keeping with the general plan~ with laundry room, fur-1 HOME AND INCOME SOUTHEAST SECTION SEVEN ROOMS' Southeast Section Attractive house, built by owner, and never changed hands. 1st 'Floor--!!-Livin.g roomr 30 feet long, with -fi replace, reception- hallIlarge dc iningj room, den, butler's pantry, kitchen, and; soft water, lift. 2nd Floor---Five large rooms atnd bat~h. 3rd Floor--.-Three. large ,rooms. Large lot and garage. Spendi'dbuy for Fraternity or Soror~ itv. Price $21,000- -,easy terms. Fraternities -and Sororities Who need new homes and cannot finance there, will findt it v to investigate my plan of doing so. My plan 'makes it a stra' busine~ss proposition to offer your Alumni. No contributions nec saryr. If m'ne tadsbetween you and Jyour home, 4do- not your deal up until I have explained mny method of financing it you. For further information call for appointment. $10,000 This home is one of our very best offerings, being well located in excellent condition throughout, and can be handled on small dnN'i payment. Downstairs--Very well proportioned, closet and carefully planned stair case, .living kitchen with back porch. Second Floor-Four large, bedrooms A entry room with coat room, dining room and H. B. Turmnbull, 106, E: HURON .STREET vvith ample closet space '1