1'_ A o SHOP: WANDIS JS RESULT4 of AUTIIMORILE SMASH' Mr s. John Kersey, colored cook at the Phi Sigma lPelta fraternity, dtied at 11:30 o'clock yesterdlay~ morning in the. University hospital where she un- T'hesimashup occured when a Buick; derwent an operation for internal in- sedn div .;b Lle'HI Torrcy.'24, and juries sustained inan automobie aci-an tO'aklandtour~ring; car driven by Sam dtent late Friday night at Smut' anda rais collideod at the intersection of East University avenues. Hospital an- the I;wo st4reets4. The other occupants thpirtles stated that her condition was'at o h i ', l O ;-h were sug -gesited. he etting will akle 1possile .oae arktbiy, suple and y&.e', fea~tive. Llgmsfcrthe ,-tudents. aeri-,an ~is4i ,, pacfles, d anhacns ;oSf th u or 4 Vt' udarm~es, music"i,ir--.., 5,.11 1 Intrt&lie S lit streel x l~iia t r tfl . i r ticketof- n out Tuiesday and hrdyfo 5 at booth in teUinlby price has been fixed at t:,5-0, burl a l~imitd numbrer of tickets w ill tvailable, owring to th~e small site hie gynasium . rdanus Return From Trip Abroad START ING TODAY "lr..r/ STARTVING SUNDAY . Flash in - Thie Queen Of ihe !Apaches! Beautiful- Modish- Then Tigerish Camp cuing!, Tatc ciating! *and -Mrs. ?"'rederick . J ordan d in! New York yesterday after g toured Europe for nearly twoq s, according to a telegramr re- +d by Pr Of. R. AT. Wenley of tlhe isophy de~artment. Mr. Jordan an assistant to the University i- an and Mrs. Jordan was fo- y the clean of women 1-p1 to the of their departure for Euro"pe years ago. 'They expect to re- to Ann Arbor next month. AILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING BIG RESULTS- ON LITTLE INVESTMVEN'T RiAN-AANN ARBOR _IMS LJ %h Central Time (Slow Timue) Leave Chafrzber of Commerce Week Days Sundays 6:45 a. m. 6:45 a. m, 12 :45 P. m. .-45 P. m,. 4:45 P. W JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Prioprietor hoe 926-M Adrian, Mich. a . j ,> ;, , !is , s' r ,, I ~ 4 0 NN ' , 4 { . ,. 4' ON NE minute a fashionable society woman and the next an Apache 'terror in the most notcrious underworld den in Paris-match that 'for a Negri rQIC if you can! Fr. . .. ode Shoppe, Aboi e Arcade Street and Aftecrnoon )wns anid Blouses For All Occasions Aliso Hemst itching SCHALLHORN w KEPYOUR EYE ON THE MAJESTIC Kelth Vaudeville Feature THE INVARIABLE SI10W STOPPERS JOE I.OAS IN AIM A DOw 8 " '.P my TTE OF RZIS" BETTY 'BLYTEE THlE HATE NO EQUALS .b l 1 Shbow,,;Sun day - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ------------------- F inU II