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March 23, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-23

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:IV. No. 129'






Widow Of Late Jes' S ith Describes
"Deal" at 1920 Republican
Washington, March 22.-(BY AP)-
Roxie Stinson today gave the Daugher-
ty investigating committee another
long chapter of her amazing story, in-
cluding a description of a "dual" at
the 1920 Republican convention to.
nominate Harding and details of four
whiskey "deals" in which she said
Mr. Daugherty was an influential fac-
She also struck back at Mr. Daugh-
erty for his charges that she had at-
tempted to blackmail him as a price
for her silence and had registered at
a Cleveland hotel with a man named
A. L. Fink. Both charges constitut-
ed a "beautiful frameup", Miss Stin-
son declared in a sobbing statement
of vehement denial and lengthy ex-
The convention "deal" she said,
was related often to her by the late
Jesse Smith, her late husband and
constant companion of Mr. Daugher-
ty. She said she was told of a prom-
ise of a cabinet position to Jake
Hamon, former oil operator, and of
"strong arm" methods employed by
Daugherty in the famous early con-
ference of Republican leadersat Chl-
scago, when they got behind Mr. Hard-
ing for the nomination.
No specific whiskey "deals" wereI
cited by Miss Stinson, but she said
Smith ha4 told her of them and had j
said that Daugherty's influence was

'Junior Girls' Plao
Slow, Crud
By Robert Henderson
Now that the present run of the
Junior Girls' play has run out, and
it is no longer necessary to dilute
! one's criticism for the sake of adver-
tising, one may as well be frank: I
have seen four Junior Girls' plays and
I thought last year's production was
excellent, even better than the cur-
rent Union opera; but this year's per.
formance- .-
In its favor the very highest praise
should be given to the local satire,
which was generally clever and point-
ed. It is a feature which for every
reason the opera can never hopet to
approximate, and it is the same fea.
ture which the junior girls should
stress to the utmost in their future
Individual numbers such as the
"Dance of the Flower Spirits," "Ming
Toy's Love Song," and the clogging
of 'Swagger Alley," in themselves,l
should also be mentioned both for
Botany Professor, On Year's Leave,
Finishes South Anterlean In-
Prof. Carl D. La Rue of the botany
department returned yesterday from
an expeditio1 to South America where
he has been -investigating the Brazil-
Ian rubber. fields under the auspices
of the United States department of
agriculture. Professor La Rue was
granted a year's leave of absence



e And Unoriginal TO ANSWr MORE
their grace and technical cleverness.
But the show was slow-the unpar-
donable, inexcusable sin for a musical SINAI[ U
-and fn plain; honest language it
dragged and dragged and dragged. COMIITTEE ON INVESTICATIO0
The exits and entrances, in the first MAY BRING CONTEMPT
place, were most awkwardly managed, PROCEEDINGS
sometimes being effected by turning
off all the lights and sometimes by HAYS DENIES THAT OIL
merely having the chorus troop off, KING GAVE TO G. 0. P.
while the audience patiently wondered
and waited.-' Former Postinaster-General is Rteady
In the second place, the old, old mis- to Open Private Affairs to
take was made of giving the audience All Concerned
what it wanted and stuffing it with
repitious encores. And finally, while Washington, March 2-(By A.P)-
the final number of the first act, as I Events in the oil inquiry moved a-
have said, was very artistic, it brought
the first 'curtaimi down with a most gain today with dramatic swiftness.
awkward drag. Harry F. Sinclair, lesee of Teapot
Now it is true that the opera also Dome, refused point blank to answer,
had a slow curtain on its first act- any more questions put by the sen-
surely no one would accuse me of ate investigators who certified the
favoritism towards the opera-but it fact to the senate with a view to con-
(Continued. on Page Four) tempt proceedings.
Will H. Hays, former chairman of
the Republican national committee,{
testified that at his solicitation Sin-
Clair had agreed to contribute $75,000.
to help wipe out the $1,600,000 defic-
it of the committee after the 1920
FTA subpoena was issued for Fred W.
Upham, of Chicago, treasurer of the
Award Contracts For Decorations Republican committee, requiring
A Tr Coracts Jor a orhim to bring to Washington all rec-
"o GeorgeP Johilsoin Co. ords of the committee bearing on any
Of Detroit - jor all campaign contri'butions receiv-
Ied from Sin clair.
BENSON, WILLIAMS AND After refusing to answer ten spe
RHODES TO FURNISH MUSIC cific questions put to hir en the-I
witness stand, Sinclair upon leaving;
Arrangements fon the decorations, the committee room issued an eight,
three orchestras, programs and lunch- page statement in which he attacked
eon fo te anua Mlity bll whchTheodore and Archie Roosevelt and
eon, for the annual Militay ball, which others who had testified before theI
will be.held April 25 in Waterman and committee.
Barbour gymnasiums, have been made. At the outset Hays denied a story
The contract for the decoration of that Sinclair had contributed $75,000
the gymnnasiZm.s was made with in shares of oil stock to wine out the
Gheogy.Jhnisn was made Wtith I Republican committee deficit, charac-
George P. Johnson Co. of Detroit, who terizing it as being "as false of con-,
dlecorated for the J-Hop this year. Ac- tent as it is libelous in purpose."
cording to their scheme at tihe centers Other high spots of his testimony
of the ceilings of the two gymnasiums were:
Tillhatle and his brother Hinkle,

The Week's News
In Brief
Temporarily casting aside partisan
questions, the Senate passed by a vote
of 63 to 7 a, resolution favoring a con-
stitutional amendment which would
provide that the President and Con-
gress take office in the January hol-
lowing their election. Under the pres-
ent system, a president doesn't take
office until 4 months after he is elect-
ed, and a new congress doesn't con-
vene until 13 months later.
The drawbacks in the present sys-
tem are manifest. The, expression of
public opinion is delayed for months.
In England, and practically all pro-
gressive governments, it is only a
matter of weeks.

Denies Oil stock
Paid G.O.P. Deficit



The House passed a soldier's bon-
us bill in exactly 40 minutes, the
shortest time possible under its rules.
The bill provides for a paid-up 20 year
endowment insurance policy for veter-
ans. This will cost the United States
Four planes, manned by the pick of
the army flying force, left Los An-
geles for a trip around the world.
They will travel via Alaska to Asia,
then across Asia and Europe to Great
Britain, thence home by way of Ice-
land and Greenland. Great Britain'
has organized a similar expeditionI
which will travel east instead of west,
passing the American fliers some-
where in Asia.
The main Senate oil investigating
committee was temporarily eclipsed
by its offspring, the Daugherty inves-
tigating committee. Testimony drag.,
ged Daugherty into shady; cinema
deals, bootlegging and smuggling en-
terprises. and other business activi-
ties of doubtful legality. Mr. Daugh-
erty continued to issue daily denials
of all adverse testimony.
William Jennings Bryan, perennial
presidential hopeful, let it be known
that if no other Democrat looked
good to the party he might consider;
the presidential job himself.
The third-party moveient. which
Continuesto. row il th " i "

!1 ays '
The former postmaster-general and
Republican national chairman denied
the story that Harry F. Sinclair hand-
ed over a large oil stock consignment
to wipe out the Republican campaign
deficit in 1920, in testifying yesterday
before the oil committee.



Questions as to how Jess Smith ac- from the University last June in or-
tuallymet his death a' year ago in the der to carry on this, survey.
attorney general's apartments, here- The government chose Professor La
tofore accepted and, certified official-
ly as a suicide also formed a dramatic Rue to head this party because of his
feature of the three hours Miss Stin- experience in this kind of work, hav-
ton was on the stand. ingk been the' representative of. th~e
Senator Wheeler, Democrat, Mon- United States Rubber company on the.
tana, in charge of theA inquiry, asked island of Sumatra for three years. He
many questions'regarding the'appear- was assisted by M. K. Jessup, of the
ance 'of the dead man's body, the ab- University, and E L. Prizer, of Cal-
sence of powder burns to which Miss 1 ifornia.
Stinson testified, and the "fear" Which The expedition was the result of a
she said Smith had been laboring un- move by the British government,
der. which placed a restriction on the
amount:.of rubber raised in the col-
G~enl Speakoniesr by placing a tax on any amoaunt
W enley To Speak """"s"E?"ecet o'h1""~!
At yTo p A, in excess of 60 percent of. the nor-
At Fosh Mixermal yield. The United States receiv-
At F osh ixered a rubber appropriation of $500,-
000 to carry on investigations in Bra-
Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the phil- zil and Central America. This move
osophy department will address the by the British tended to hold produc-
freshmen of all colleges at a mixer tion down and increase prices, so that
to be held at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday the American rubber men asked the
night in the assembly hall of the government to ascertain if there was
Union on "The Difference Between ample rubber in the western hemis-
the School and the University Atti- phere.
tude." The party started their trip July
Following directly after the mixer 21 from Para at the mouth of the
Wednesday night, the freshmen will Amazon river, and penetrated about
split into groups to plan for a baseball 2.500 miles into the interior. This
tournament which will be held after trip lasted until the end of October,
the spring vacation under the aus- when the party returned to Para.
pices of the freshman activities com- The second trip was made by Pro-
mittee. fessor La Rue alone,. who returned
-p the Amazon until he reached the
I ! district of Cobijj. On the way up he
CORRECTION investigated the territory of the Acre
river where the finest rubber in the
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity j world is said to grow.
ranked second among the side-1I Professor La Rue is home on a 30
I shows and concessions with re- I day leave of absence, but will return
spect to the money taken in at . to Washington soon to write his re-
the Union Fair, having $256.89 port of the trip. He considers the
to its credit. In yesterday's issue expedition a success, as the infor-
I of The Daily it was incorrectly j omation desired was collected.
{ stated that the Delta Tau Delta
j fraternity held this rank. The I1IlStan
{ side-show of the Delta Tau Del- thnley Chorus
Sta'was the "Modiste Shop", not
"Hell", as was incorrectly stat-{ediystra'isu.
Ied in yesterday's issue. I 1 p ~ J o a
Second place was also taken
by Alpha Tau Omega in the con- } Choral works, a fute and piano-
test for the most profitable en- 1' combination, and several piano num-
tertaining and original sideshow. hers will feature the regular Twilight
"Babinski's Wonder Show" was ; faculty concert at 4:15 o'clock thisI
awarded the first prize in this afternoon in Hill auditorium. The
I competition, and ranked fourth I Stanley chorus will appear for the
among the side shows and con-' first time this year. They will be as-'
cessions with regard to money- jI isted by Nell B. Stockwell and Mrs.,
taeuin.. w grdy Helen M. Snyder as soloists.
The complete program follows.
The Wounded Birch ...Gretchaninow

wil n.iargec onies With the flags 0o gr .Me radca,
FHays, had had a"purely personal states, promises to wield some in-
many nations. 'Out from these domes transaction in bonds with Sinclair, fluence in enext election. Itsplat-
American flags will be hung from the and that the committee was welcomelfom rm: blic ownership of..ralroia.
ceilings in rows. The'erunning track to examine his private recoods 6fthat ;ontrolof money,credit, and natural
will be 'hidden in a blue'backround transaction; that while he was 'post- 'Iresourices by the people through the
upon which the flag's of th'eeAllis master-general in'the Harding' ad -governyent preservation of citizen's
will alternate. .At each end andside miinistration, the law firm-of Has'and c ontitutional rights; and prevention
of the gymiasiurns a large gotgeously Hays of, Sullivan, Ind., of which'"his 'fdciaause aItsc een
decorated shield will be located. ''The brother,was a.member, was.counsel storL Follete, showed his strength
24 booths . in the' lrage "gymnasium for Sinclair in Indiaa. recently in the North Dakota prima-
will be decorated' inthe'colrs o the That no,- stock of: any kind' was us- ier
Allies and will be separated by artifi ed as,.security for' loans to the Re-
cial field pieces. There will bie no publican national committee, at least " hl ee eunt mrc,
'boths in-thle small 'nasm'. "I sho"g "une w aall never return to Anierica,"
boothscing the mallgyinai g while he was chairman;:that the na- said Robert Stevenson, distant relat-
Dancing for the evening' is to begn val oil leases were never discussed ,iv of Robert Louis Stevenson. "l
at 9 o'clock and, end at 2:30 o'clIock.$ at any meeting of the cabinet at vuntgieheltesptcld
The reception by patrons will take which he was present; that he had no cotlndn' fgive the little spot called
place from 8:30 to 9 o'clock and the knowledge, while he was in the cab- Scotland for a thousand hmericas. bI
grand march is to start at 9:30 o'clock. Ildet, of any executive order trans- Calforna d r the worsa but
Luncheon will be served in three sec- ferring the naval oil reserve from the nCaliforn tis the worst state Ive
tions, beginning at 11:30 o'clock. Bin- jurisdiction of the navy department ! rsbeen m It is true that Californ-
son's Country Club orchestra of Chi- to that of the Interior department. I aitself isglorious,ut its people
cago, Ralph Williams' Opera orches- they are inglorious"
tra of Chicago, and Rhodes orchestra
of Ann Arbor will supply the niusic The Senate reversed its previous
for the ball., L dictum by nominating Walter L. Co-
Sale of tickets to those Whosfi ap- hen, negro republican leader of Louis-l
plications have been accepted will be Lana, to the positionof Customs col-
held from 1 to 5 o'clock Tuesday. and IRIGI l lector at .New Orleans. It had'con-

Several 11uidredf Pittsbuirgh Alumni
Gather at Banquet to Hear
"Grand Old11 Min"
Specil to The l)aily
Pittsburgh, Pa., March 22.-Field-
in H. Yost, director of intercolleg-#
iate athletics at the University ofI
Michigan, addressed an audience of
several hundred alumni tonight at the
University club of Pittsburgh speak-I
ing on "The Road to Greatest Values
in Intercollegiate Athletics". The'
banquet, giveni Iy , Michigan gradu-'
ates for the coach, was the culmina-
tion of the eastern trip which Jie be-
gan Thursday, stopping at Akron
Friday night, and addressing .the ath-
letes of the five high schools of.
Pittsburgh at a. me.eting of the Uni-
versity of Michigan club this noon.
Coach Yost declared, in the course,
of his speech:
"Fundamentally, the purpose of all
education is to build men. The test.
of an educational experience is that
it contributes to the spiritual growth
of the individual. Unless philosophy
or engineering or 'football leaves le-
hind a larger personality it is not
truly educative.
"With this definition of education
it becomes the greatest business in
the world. In it is found the solu-

kiek-off is Moled from
to Center of Field
New Yorx, March 22.,
Four radical changes ir
playing code, all intende
the game and increase i
were adopted today by
Intercollegiate Football
mittee at its annual meet
The abolition of all n
cial kicking tees, the ad
the kickoff from the 40
the center of the field,
from a two to five yar
excess time out, and the
the try for points after
is to be from the three i
five yard line ,;were the
ant measures approved.
A number of interpreta
were made. Despite a rec
by the Coaches assgcia
rule against the flying to
ished on the ground tha
tedly seldom enforced, ti
after a lengthy debate, d
do so. It was understc
felt, that it bars were
this respect it might in
er play.
Elimination of all kick
adopted to place a grey
on this feature, while
ment of the kickoff fron
line to the center, of the
scribed as a natural co
the former rule. "Heelinf
to make a groove for the
off or place kicks will
under the new rules..
In an endeavor. to de
permitting three "time
a half with a,'two yard
each one in excess was
that a team will be-
"time outs" with a. five
for each oyer,.. hat nt1
J.The 'rulo ha lfnge ,w1i
Sin.tead of the 5. yar
for points 'after toucl
the opinion of the ;col
to make this play. .nlore
A more radical char
one adopted in. gonnect
try for points was advoc
eon-holed "f ayayr. to
the new r'ulewouldaccon
sire of 'putting a greater
tl; use oftthe forward
line play than on a d


tion of all our social, economic, and
political problems. If we are suc-
cesslul in building the right kind of

Wednesday afternoons in the lobby
of the Union. Invitations will be givenl
out with the tickets..at this time. Ths
price of tickets is $5.50.
Movies Shown

Liverpool, England, March 22;--(By
AP)--Robert Bridges, poet laureaute
of England, accompanied by Mrs.I
Bridges, sailed today on the steamer |
Celtic for New York. : '
A desatch from London at fe fi'it.

r .y

A4t Djrugstore ember said Mr. Bridges would go to
the United States in pursuance of the
movement for the exchange of lec-
In drugstore movies, it is believed tures and professors between England
by local fans, Ann Arbor can lay claim and the ,United States. It added'that
to the very latest thing in the cinema- he would spend the. remainder of
tic art. A movie of campus acivities the collegiate year at the University
and views was shown for the . first of Michigan. Mr. Bridges will he' 80
time in Calkins-Fletcher drugstore at years old next November, but still en"
State and Packard at 9 o'clock last joys robust health.
night. The fair parade, a match be-
tween two Varsity wrestlers, and RGabilowitsch To
views about town featured the pic- IGO "lw t h 10
tore. Play Fine Program 1
A complete "home movie set" was Pr
installed in the drugstore for the pur- At Locad Recital
pose and attracted a capacity audience
to witness the premier which was ad-
mitted free. The shop was humorous- Several of the most beautiful works
ly dubbed by several of the' spectators ever written for the pianoforte are
the "Cinema Cabaret" because of the included in the varied program which
combination of visual and attractions. Ossip. Gabrilowitsch, world .'famous
pianist and conductor of the. Detroit
rE iSymphony orchestra, will present at
j oc1euo dhis recital next Monday night, Marchi
31 in Pattengill auditorium:
'Guld Speaker Mr. Gabrilowitsch. will open his con-'

+ 'I

men~L t ere' Will [ J.)uca.
sistently refused to ratify his nom- memneoic prob
inatiion" since the beginning of Presi- e poblems, economic problemsn po-
dent Harding's administration. litical problems, no iternational pro-
Two more of New York's largest "The chief work of the schools and
newspapers, the Herald and the Tri- colleges is to build men, but that is
bune, merged into one. Mr. Mun- not enough. Boys are 'exposed' toI
sey, "the great consolidator", gave their teachers for not more than 101
as his'reason for.selling the Herald percent of their time from birth te
that not more than one paper having maturity. This meahs that 90 per
the same appeal should be published! cent of the time the boys are sub-
in one community. ,,ject to influences other 'than of their
teachers. It means that the largest
Every year or so somebodr comes share of the responsibility for. build-
forward with a suggestion for clutter- ? ing men devolves on the shoulders
ing up Central Pak, the largest of of parents and other asociates.
New York's parks, with buildings of' (Continued on Page Ten),
some sort or another. And each time,!
a large group of staunch defenders is
aroused that believes New York has-' ap Students
n't any too much bare land as it is.

.,' I

Acceptances of more ths
most prominent journalist
ness men from all parts o
and Ohio have been recei
committee in charge of ar'
for the second annua
Knights' banquet, to be
Tuesday night, April-1;at
under the auspices of S
Chi, national professional
A special student orchest
engaged to play for the b
is being organized by Eug
Buck, '25, who states that
able to procure for the o
eral of the leading campui
The speakers have not y
Included in the program
short skit, which is to be o
berry" type, and is expe
elude in its satire several
ing figures in campus ac
Bromley, '25, manager foi
of the opera, "Sweetest Ki
in charge of producing ti
it is expected that some of
of the cast of that produc
able to take part.


Last week somebody proposed a muni-j
cipal music conservatory for the park.
The Senate approved the appoint-
ment of Judge Wilbur, of the Calif-+
ornia supreme court ,as secretary of!
the navy, to succeed Edwin Denby.
"Washington is 2,000 percent more!
murderous than London and 300 per- j
cent more drunken than Paris", ac-
cording:to Representative Tinkham of
Massaciusetts. 'Local 'police . statis- R
tics show an increase in crime far inj
excess of the increase- in population.!

r . f






ter. a m . . " -

Along the Willows ........Fourdrain
Stanley Chorus
Sonata in G for flute and
piano .....................Handel(
Mrs. Snyder and Miss Stockwell
Stanley Chorus
Nocturne, Op. 27 No. 2 .......Chopin
Preludes, Nos. 18 and 23 ......Chopin
Polonaise, Op. 36, No. 2........Chopin
Miss Stockwell

To the Question of Union Opera
Professionalism and Tndepend-
ence for the Philippines is in the

Hear Hutchins
For the purpose of fostering a spir-
it of friendship between foreign stu-
dents and to express gratitude for the
aid rendered by the United States to
Japan immediately following the re-
cent earthquake catastrophe, Japan-
ese students held a gathering last
night in Lane hall auditorium' to
which all.students were invited.
President emeritus, H. B. Hutchins
and Mrs. Hutchins were present at
the affair, and the former presidentI
delivered a short talk on "The Rela-
tions Between Foreign Students and
the University." Lionel Crocker, of
the public speaking department also
spoke on "The Friendliness of the
Japanese." His talk was illustrated.

Grove Patterson, editor of the To-'
ledo Blade, will speak before the
Wesleyan Guild at 7 o'clock tonight.
at the Methodist church. His sub-
ject will be "Getting On."
Before going to Toledo, Mr. Patter-
son was connected with the staff of
the Detroit Journal. He is reputed
to be a fine speaker.

cert with Mozart's exquisite Rondo
in A minor, following- it with the short
and charming Beethoven Sonata in E
minor. Op. 90. Then conies the niagi-
ficent: Chromatic Fantasia and 'Fugue:
of Bach and the Brahms Variations on
a theme by Handel. Finally, there will
be a Chopin group embracing the Pol-
onaise in C sharp minor, the Etude in
E major, the Tarantelle in A flat

Secretary of War Weeks refused to
approve a bill to provide for the use
of Lake Michigan water for sanitation
and drainag purposes in Chicago.
The city would divert 10,000 cubic
feet of water every second.
m-n +'ri

Washington, March 22
ation prohibiting the e
arms or munitions of ws
was 'issued by Presider
The action was taken
ity of a joint resolutio
of Jan. 31, 1922 and the
recited that the step

California Cantain Ineligible



E j ;

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