I ri r, . ;, F'YI i1t ICOLUMN! CLOSES AT 3 .M. W WANTED' FROLIC ticket. Address Boa~ are of Daily. SPEIAIL FOR 2 weks only, Ladies orGet Riding boats made to ord-f der for $15. Get your order in at one.rAn Arb~or Custom Shoe Fac- tory. 534 For est Ave. Phone 3043. ONE FRO S1I FROLICj ticket. Call 3277-J. Ask ford "Al".k BE A ~ NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the UeacockPlan and, earn a good. income while learning; we show you how; begin actual work at I once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train-! ing B~ureau, Buffalo, N. Y. STUDENT TO SOLICIT insuraLnce, auto, dwellings, cottages, business property, burglarly, plate glass, and etc. Liberal commissions. Write P. 0. Box 218. STUDENTS wanted for spare time work. Address Box A. M. S. FC(q SALE I1lRING ,YOUR repairs where shoes. are Amade. Ann Arbor ,Custom Shoe Factory, 534 Forest Ave. Phone 3043.' WILLIS-KNIGHT roadster, 1918, mot- or excellent condition. Good tires. 1924 license. New k~haki top. Own- er leaving town.' $135.00, $65 down. Call Perce, 1630-J, after 8 o'clock. STEAM HEATED house on Ferdon Rd. Four bedrooms, double Garage. Call13017-W. .CLEANING and Pressing establish- m~ent. Call 885-J. Nash 6 Roadster, new Tires $350 Olds Light Six Touring ......$250 Oakland Six Touring.....$100 Ford Sedan 1921.......$225 ANN ARBOR NASH( COMPANY A. C. Marquardt Opposite the Majestic Nash and Maxwell Service DU GS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. MONE~Y TO FFISIJ SC~HOLTHIS SPRING $0O)Sprfing 1"u- k thm Fall 23:3,1 mid We Will3 Tell You Ho"N L. B1. ABBOTT 141. J. C ;IUK .336 so. iivis il ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and IOliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy ho+,l(ers, rubber stamps, ribbons, cush ion keys5, type cleaners and sup- plies. Mlachi nes rented. EXCHANGE. Phione 866. downtoWn No.9J Anii Arbor Siav. Bank Bldg. jTYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHI promptly and neatly done. E Theses, students notes and coilege wor'k a specialty. 0. D. MORR'ILL The Typewrit.er & Stationery Store Trouble Scented In ivalry in Important changes were registered i j the race for the fraternity all-j Of Nations Over Caliphate', around athletic efficiency cu, when the points earned in the recent bask.-t _.' ? etball and bowling tournaments were f >~y....._. awarded. Complete data on the pres-. th'is tournam~ent must be in bytTiles- , ~ morrow. The race for the champj[lsi ip of 'the fraternity relays waspotne :'<:.'until next Tuesday night, owing to the .~. disability of some of the runners. ~ . Entries are being accepted for the ~ < Ifreshmen wrestling tournament whichI { ~At the present time, here are three 4 modals for men who were victors in ..{; t the recent all-campus swimningj 4nmeet. Th following men should call , =: ;;:: ..and tget their rewards: Seidman, Vttngham and Johnson. Under~ the auspices of the Intrainur- > v ,al department of the University of j " Minnesota, an all-Conference frater- recent fraternity tournament can their scores to count as part. oft quired number providing theya andl shoot the remaining numb( de:- the eye of an Intramural of BECKER CAPTUPES UNION TO URN4 MY Curtis D. Becker, '26, won th fcampus straight rail billiard tc nent which is held annualIlyI Union, thereby gaining possess. the cup symbolic of the chan hI. HEt. Heck, '24E, was ri up in the tourniament. The Union will now hold a. campus three cushion tourn and all those interested should their entries A~t once. AllI entri t Ihi stournament must be in by (lay;igt A cup will be aware the winner. Patronize Daily Adveriser.-. React the Want As I BusINEss IRECTOR-Y All Electric Shop Ph. 3420 202 E, Washington St.j BEAUT11 [Y PAILQR )IA( 'KRAND tC0. Third .F=loor BLUE BIERDSTAIR STIOITE 5 Nickels Arcade Phone 3165 BOAR.DlING hUSE.A Try the CI.IBB HOUSE Established in 1899.- BOO0KS WAHIR'S UMN VERZSITY BOON STORE 316 State St. 104 N. Main St, CHILDREN'S WEAR THlE DEL AN O SHOP 4 Nickels Arcade1 13RUGSTORIES FPISCHER'S PHARMACY Corner Fifth & Liberty CALRDtS-IFLETCHIER 'DRIJG CO. 3 Stores 324 S. State St. Corner E. & S. University Corner S, State & Packard Drugs-Kodaks Candy.--Soda-Water FLO WERlS BLIPTI A ZE 11100-SO 1t SHOP 9 Nickels Arcade 213) ELiberty ~TAILOR h 'A STER S lT$ Interstate Tailors Offering wonder- ful values in. Thilor Made Sits. $26.00 and $31. 0 Small deposit requi~red. Local tail- or guarantees perfet satisfaction. Call or phoane 123 for 'appoirntment. Order ' now for good delivery. Mr. ]Melnerney s American Hotel SPRINGWOOLE} New line, latest spring styles. Comte in and let me show you, some real ma- terial. Priced very attractively. ZPURNl' I'liE P")UNTAi-N PENS VIR .s' IDSPN kSHlOP 302 State St.- The King of lied ja (left), Abdul )Fedjid Fua.d of Egypt (right) and (insertQ RKin ( IAR1AGft Auto Accessories Tires and Repairing LICULTY'S t23 E. Liberty- THIII 1ESUPLY t'STORE 209-11 East Washington St. Phone 112-Free Delivery Try this Stoer. You are reasonably sure of finding just what you want at the right price. JEW L ERS ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP Carl F. Bay LAI)IE'S ILEAD)Y-TO-WEAR MACK AND CO. Second Floor JANTE SINGILETON SHOP 8 Nickels Arcade 1MEN'S CLOTHII'NG W111l) & CO.-- Tailors & Haberdashers to Michigan Men 2MACK ANDCO. Second Floor PHIOTO(G1V I 1'1 I? S DEY STU"IDIO Mu1iratone Pocrtrait;, & Frames 1144'1 ANi1) CO. viain Floor London, March 21. - Englishmen sympathetic towardm the viewpoint of Great Britain's Mohammedan wards I read trouble in the rivalry betweeni England and Franc( over the setting, tip of a successor to th,- deposed Cal- iph Abdul Medjidl. The British overnmernt ihas been told privately that leadin g Ind ian Mloslems refuse to acce Pt. King. luss~i, the! British protected ruler of the Hedjaz, in Arabia., as caliph in succession to Medjid, who was expelled by the Turk- ish national assembly. Hussein. who0 claims to be a direct descendant ofI Mohammed has been accepted as c'aliph by his people. The Indian refusal is backed by the threat that if Hussein is backed by the Brit~h, the 70,000,000 Indian Mo- hammedans will support the candid I ate of the Amir of Afghanistan, who is exceedingly anti-British.s When it is understood that the caliphj is the spiritual leader of all, Moham- medans, and in some ways exerts more influence over them than theo p~ope does over Roman Catholics, it can be realized how important GreatU Britain believes it is to have one o its own partisans filling the role..of. caliph. France wold jike to see one of its! Own adherents, the Sultan of 1Moroc- co, as caliph and it has not gieen up its efforts to install him. King F'aud of Egypt is another can- didlate. lie is not receiving any' sup- lookhs «withy disfavor on his efforts in port from France an' Croat llriin view cut the strong; natinistic tenden- cie permeating the J~angrlm of the Nile at present.} The upheaval in the affairs of the cal iih is worrying Jews. They are w, atching with intent interest dev el- opm ents in the situation. Palestine, the homeland, is a bridg-e between the Arabs and, the Egyptians and the transfeenc of the caliphate rizayj cause serious friction betw*een the two peoples. I-en ce their interest. The main event of next -week on the Intramural sports program is the an- nual all-campus wrestling tournament. All entrants must weight in Monday afternoon before 5 o'clock. The draw-I ings will be made that evening and the first round will begin. Tuesday and be continued through Wednesday. Each bout in the preliminaries will be of five minutes in length and two extra two minute periods will be al-f lowed in case of a tie at the 'end -of the five minute session. Coach Bark- er will referee all matches. EAll men who intend to participate in the class bowling tournament should get in touch with the class ath- letic managers today and-make plans for entry as the meet will start soon. Present smNviv-rs in the all-campus bowling toirnamnent, singles anid dou- bles§, Must have their scheduled mnatch-I es played orff by 5 o'clock Tuesday af- ternoon.: An early Shawing of Lalc iA:riv als d for .Well in advance of Spring--and cl in advance, of fashion-the Woo ifoik men's store presents the correct type of clothing and accessories that the well dressed man should wear this Spring-if he expects to retain the title ! SUITS AND TOPCOATS AT :AND UPWARDS. Guy Wo olfo lk&Co. 3~36 S. State Street COCOA DOOR MATS. Extra good ~values at $1.20; $:25; $1.50; $1.75; $2.00; $2.25 anid $2.50. The Home Supply Store Tpl. 112. Free Delivery SII OFS REPAIRED while you wait, .Tull soles a specialty. 0. G. Andres 222 S. State. ANN ANRBOR Exclusive represcn~tativ in Aljichig nj for MAX ABRAMS of Chicg , .,~ I, ',~ ~ ~!P ,~ ~' 3 3' -& .-~ r -~ ALFJI1E1 J. 17BINC. 12 Nickels Arcade -L ,,T US MAKE your spring shoes any style, from $8.50 up. Made to your measure. Salesmen wanted. Ann' Arbor Custom Shoe Factory. 534 Forest Ave. Phone 30 43. 4,114 4 41T, IExclusive collegiate it3ls bung women. Needlework of .fds. Experien~ced workmanship. 'MRS. R. T. REAM- 411 Thompson. Phone 2768-W. for CALLING Cards, Wedding Announce- ,ments, etc. Orders given prompt ~attention. BIDDLE'S4 BOOK STORE ~No. 11 Nickels Arcade. $24.50 and $31.50 'WEDNESDAY SPECIALS .®.. Leaf Lettuce, (curly).....-12 1-2c lb. Large juicy Navel oranges . .25c a doz. Try our home made breakfast sau- ~sages...........30c 1lb. Fres caghtfish every dlay. IVEN'IIA .~tISE.NDO tIERCO. Phone 1500 TKE advantage of the peppy wea- ther, get out in the open. Call 1069-J, for a car. FOR RENT PP--" L~L MODERN bungalow on Ged- : ~ Rn 3Plinn 2241. k .UOD . rlulm 4111 IIN PRIVATE family, reason- distance from campus by Sen- Lit. Address Box 6, Michigan -1 Take advantage of this wonderful off- er and. come early, RERMAN the TAILOR 802 S. State PANTS TO MATCH YOUR COA I AND VEST. Chas. Doukas, 901 N. 'University.T ;ANINRESNGIEARN- half hour service. Charles Doukas,I 901.N. University. FOUNTAIN PENS 4 NEAT job of Gold Leaf embossing on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St REAL FESTATEj AT COST An attractive five room Bungalow on A valuable lot within Two blocks of campus City improvement :paid for at I~$'7800 L. D. CAIN & C. J. TREM-IMEL. 17 Say. Bank' Bldg. Ph. 441-F-i Large Residence Lots - Iii BeeilSubdivision On Brockmnan Boulevard and 'Ioodside near Waslteniaw 'I9,1 PAPER t& PAINTS C. H. 2MAJOR. & CO. 203 E. Washington:. Phone 23'7 WATCH REPAiIING ~ ARNOL(D'S ' S.TTESTREET For fine watch repairing TYPE~WRITER REPAIRING TYPEWRITERS of the best standard makes $15.00 up. Easy terms if desired. Renting, cleaning and repairing a specialty. Largest stock in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona type- *writers. Typ w riters supplies, Rub- ber stamps, Rubber key caps, ribbons, carbon paper, etc. CLEANING AND PRESSING SPECIAL FOR ONE 'WEEK SUITS, CLEAVNED AND PRESSED 1 $1.00 HORA CE.CLAVEAU 1221 S. University, Phone SS5-. A SMALL $25.00 VICTROLA on your study desk for a little recreation is just the thing. See Schaeberle& Son, 110 S. Main St. Sport Snap Shots '(Continued trom Page Six) Lodge live five rounds with him and there are a dozen or more trunk mov- ers who could tap Mr. Lodge on the button in one round. And then Firpo announces that he was out of condi- tion and could slam the Manassa Mlauler all over the place if they metI again, According to this two and six 4nalke eleven. The Mike-McTigue-Young Strib- liug bout in Newark, N. J., is still on. RBut the name of the referee hasn',t baeen announcd yet. The prof toters, and muanagers ;re trying to find somre-1 one wh-Io guersses ony once and can get o4tof town b efore e is requested wiha (:olt,,-to reverse his opinion. v gig his Is VorOPPORTUNITY! Daily. FOR RENT n room apartment on Tappan Ave. ; e bedrooms, Owner will lease from ne 1st 1924 to September 1st 1925.1 Call Mlr. Newton one 315 Evenings 2964-J iEXPE~RIENCED insurance solicit- r. Reply stating phone number .or appointment. Box 4 Michaigan Daily. USUAI SWEATERS, blouses, hos- ery at The Jane Singleton Shops, Nickels Arcade.j ICIAL FOR Saturday only. Two ackages of Camels 25c. Dintys, 'orner Catherine and State. LOST )DAIK, POST CARD size. Beck kna'igrnat lens. Somewhere on ampus. Alumni Association, Mem-~ orial Building. Tel. 'Univ. 97-M. LOWN LEATHER bill fold Wednes- day. Finder please notify Box 7, Michigan Daily. PFOUNTAITN'PEN INK A $4,000,000 corporation with,250 branch offices offers profitable employment to college students. You will be backed by one of the biggest national adv ertising campaigns ever run. FORING AND SUMMER VACATION RESERVE YOUR TERRITORY NOW FOR PARTICULARS SEE OR PRONE. Lf Prices and Terms are right F. CRR &C. J. TRZEITEL 17 A,. A. Say-. Bank lIdg. Phone 441-F-1 COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous 1,ACIA-L hAIRS 1Removed TPegimnat~l y L. W. Slack, '25, Head Organizer Lyndon{ Studio or 579-M John DeTar, '25.... ........619-R R. H. Davis, '26L ............ 2368-M H. E. Fritsche, '24............. 2863-J J. A.Avery, '25L.......... ... 189 D. I. Kline, '25 .................2970-J E. J. Francisco,......... .Lyndon Studio Perry M. Hayden,. '25, Head Organizer Michigan Daily or 2738 Jack Eastwood, 25....... ....2878-R John Elliott, '26 ... .. ....Ypsi 785-W Seth Hubbard, '24.......... ...1612-H Millard Pryor, '24.. ........1 680-R Elmer Salzman, '25........2726-M Gilbert Rian, '26....... ....... 11 70-M I ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE Pro y Spearks at Dinner Pr'.Edmund E. Day, of the econ- By appointment only Phone 1167-R. I - -ornics ;' mtar tment, met with the ad-. Ross L.T Taylor l '24 . :2308-.M ...........