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March 22, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-22

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ing except
ear by the 1(
Conference 1

j at Dartmouth by an
dents themselves, a
make good reading
THE dergraduates and th
A N gan. According to
Monday ever, most of the
oard iii hieved in buildingI
tude on moral quest
Editorial were brought about'
. tic and friendly att
ely en. uty, which he prais
all news of the article quote
Ethel ie

appeal to the stu-.-
11 of which would!R L
for both the un- O s A CA
e faculty of Michi- &
the author, how-
good results ac- VIRGE vIRGiJ L REPRES
up the right atti-!SAYS. To the Ed
ions at Dartmouth A few
by the sympathe- Arma virnuque cano, Trnolae qu The Opera
titude of the fac- I ab oris. be a fancy


Press is exclusiv
or republication ofa
I to it or not one

es in the portion
d above.

ws pub.-

athe' potoffice at Ann Arbor,
s second clss matter. Special rate
granted by Third Assistant Post-,
ion by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,
Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ommunications, not exceeding 300
1 be published in The Daily al
on of the Editor. Upon request,
cy of communicant will be re-
phones, 2414 and 176-131
.r. Robt. 13. Tar-
loard Chairman.. .:. R. C.A Morarify
.............J. C. Garlinghouse
Night Editors
k A.1 B. Connable, Jr.
lark T. 1. Fiske
P. M. Wagner'
tor..............Ralph N. Iers
Editor ............Winona Hibbard
or ................RuthA. Howell,
ity Editor. Kenneth C. Kesar
ichigan News Bureau. R. G. Ramsay
Editor......Robert B. Henderson
man E. C. Mack
knell Verena Moran
xer Harold Moore
wn Carl Ohlmacher
Cote IIyde Perce
is Andr ew Propper
-lich Regina Reic mann
Y Edmarie Schraud-r
ousewor.th C. A1. .Sievens
e. H. Stoneman
amin Marie Reed
lall N. R. Thal
ger AV.J. Walthour
-ebermann Herman Wise
Telephone 960
'. . . .. .. . . . .. . . Dunne
.P... >erry M. layden
.W. Roesser
-.W. Sch erer
... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..C. P mid.'
.............Lawrence Pierce
lbel Al .-Iea d
n n "lttb' 'Parker
Finn Cto. A. Strac q
? tser
t 1 6 lWhite I

i There are more than 3,000,000 peo-
ple in the city of Chicago whose
health will be in peril if congress fails
to *provide for the continued use of
10,000 cubic feet of water per second
from Lake Michigan by the Chicago
Sanitary district. There are a multi-
tude of political and commercial
phases of the situation which are
cluttering up the issue and prevent-'
ing constructive action. Those who
are pressing these details are either
exceedingly short-sighted or else they
are deliberately striking at the lives
of the citizens of the city involved.
Chicago's fight to avert the calamit-
ous disruption of the sewage disposal
facilities now safeguarding the city
received a serious setback a few days
ago when John W. Weeks, secretary
of war, failed to approve the Madden
bill now before congress. The secre-
tary of war urged that no action be
taken on this or any other similar
measure pending a determination of
facts at issue in the case which is
to be heard in the United States Su-
preme court in November.
We believe that the health of a com-
munity of this size and importance is
nothing to place in danger by such de-
lay. Canada may say she is losing
power and shippers may claim the
lake level is going down (both doubt-
ful facts) but the issue remains one
of the life or death of human beings
and there are no commercial reasons
in the world that should be pitted
against that argument.
If the present District court ruling
limiting the diversion to 4167 cubic
feet is upheld by the Supreme court
there is only one course Chicago can
take, a disastrous one. They would
have to start immediately a $200,000,-
000 program of sewage disposal. At
the present rgatethis work of kailding
sewers 'isgoing on as fast as it pos-
sij I2 coul. It would simply meanr
h t 1o Wlde ,impossibletoeep up
ith, thesitiation. oliution of the
ek gld rg~nlt and iatter That te
t rn of typhus andlike s ourg s.
. if all uthis co ld+ be done it
has been shown that it would be imn-
possible tokeep the. river from back-
ing up. into the lake during heavy
rainis, again resulting in pollution.
Many' advantages offered by Mlichi-
gan to her students are too seldom
used. An efficient facuty, frequent
lectures b famous ien of this coup-

Fine Arts
Here we have the Architect of Tello
-T-E-L-L-O. It was found at Tello,
in Mesopotamia. It is an example of'
Mesopotamian art. M-E-S--- O-
M-I-A-K. You will observe that the fig-
ure is seated. It is a statue in the
round. It is carved in stone, a mate-
rial which abounded in the valleys
of this country. The date of this work
is a century earlier than the scribe of
Tello, which was found at Tello
Here we have an ancient Greek sta-
tue. You can see for yourself that it
is very old, only one elbow and a
tooth remaining. It was found at
Crete-C-R-E-T-E. The man is stand-
ing near the Acropolis talking to the
King. The king and the Acropolis are
not here, but they have been restored
by the great archaeologist Schiemann
There lectures last one hour and are
open to the public.
"Huzzah, huzzah" chimed the res-
cued Rovers, mourning for the limp
body of Silas Marner, which was being
carried up the beach after a brief e'n-
gagement with a thirteen inch shell.
And the fun loving Sam slyly thumbed
his nose at the disconcerted carabin-
eros who lined the water front.
"And I, as spokesman for the great
Rover Boys," bowed Prof. Snodgrass,
."wish to tender our most devout grati-
tude for the timely aid of the Motor
Boys,, but fo whom we would yet be
in the toils of the enemy."
"As for that," blushed the Motor
Boys, "we are glad to be able to make
some small return for the valiant ser-
vice the gallant Rover Boys rendered
us in the 'Motor Boys Forlorn!"
Whereupon the happy group
swarmed beldw decks, and the deep
water submarine sank swiftly to the
fathonless profundities.
"Shuckins," exuded Tom, "ain't this
the life" as he gazed about the spick
submarine, whose throbbing machin-
ery thrumbed with steady .precision.
Especially the pulsating piston that
slowly came and went with machine-
like precise interested the. runt Sam,
to whom it was as some inexplicable
"Sam"- cried Dick, "Geddeaway
froi that piston. Don't you know
thait this is episode 13 and that we are
ikely to run smack into bad luck?"
"Odds bodkins" grumbled Sam,
" ca'ta guy even look around?" How-
ever, he left the vincinity of the en-
gin and swarmed into his stateroom.
"Looks like a storm is brewing up,"
said the Motor Boys, peering anxioUs-
ly through the periscope," and the
Shark Tooth shoals are just ahead!"
Dimly through the foggy water
could be seen the 'to vering pinnacle
of the shoal, the doom of many an un-
derwater craft. Sam, mneanwhile, un-
able. to resist the lure of,.the pulsating
piston had slunk from his cabin and
Iwasttinkering with the motor controls.
"I wonder what this one does," he
muttered as he fingered a brassy han-
dle. He turned it.
"Heavens" shrieked the boys as a
tremendous explosion wracked the
small craft, and great walls of green
water rushed in upon them.
The crippled craft slowly sank, and
the Rover Boys were at last lost to
the earth.
Stout Washington seems finally to
have bowed to the inevitable force of
public opinion. If our mail is any in-
dication, a sigh of relief will billow
over the campus this fine bright morn-
But we, Cowles, tak-e a different I
view of the matter. For us, the Rovert
Boys were a source of sweetness, light,
and leisure. We mourn them honestly
and deeply.e
* * *

- -a

ness of t
not going
will defea
a source,
The Op
can be ma
ricular ac
is not, si
years a
evil is ov
on the ca

words regarding the Opera.
a is not going to continue to
Y, gaudy, gay, musical, which
the ordinary lighthearted-
the college student. It is
to allow restriction which
at it9 own purpose of being
of revenue to the Union.
iera if remodelledslightly
ade a truly potent extra-cur-
tivity. As it exists now, it
nce it has been in recent
"one-man play." Until this
ercome, the dramatic talent
impus is going to linger in

ml I

6 s



0"im H E A I



arch 19-20-21-22
~Saturday- atinee-

2thh Annual




seclusion, and tolerantly watch one
man, representing an institution of
10,000, while he "does his stuff."
Hours and days and months of
drudgery are poorly rewarded by one
or two days showing in a small thea-
ter. There is no incentive for men
to flock to the Opera.
Why not have an Opera with a rep-
sentative cast, as a primary objective
then doll them in frills and gowns
and let them charm Broadway?
-Opera Fan.
To the Editor:
According to an item in your paper
yesterday, the National League of Wo-'
men Voters is to give a short course
in government and politics in this
University during the coming summer!
An article entitled, "Are Women's
Clubs 'Used' by Bolshevists," in this
week's issue of the Dearborn Inde-
pent, states that this League is ac-
tively engaged in spreading commun-
istic propaganda throughout the Unit-
ed States. This article describes .in
detail some of the methods used to
disseminate this propaganda, and says
in one place, to quote specifically,
"The League of Women Voters pro-
poses to conduct a school of politics.
It has already held sessions in sev-
eral of our important colleges and un-
iversities. Naturally, it is necessary
for them to mis-label their work to
secure entry." l
Whether these charges are true or
not, I do not know, but certainly an'
investigation, would not le out of
place it it would possibly prevent in-
sidious propaganda Vuder the name of
Art, Science, and Truth.
-Glenn V. Curls,'?.)1.

Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and
every two hours to 9:10 j. m.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and ev'v-y
two hours to 8 p. m.
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:56 p. m.,
11 p. m. To Ypsilait! only, 11:40
p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. m.
Express (making local stops): 9:54)
a. m. and every two hours to 9:50
p. : ..
Locals: 7:50 a. in., 12:10 a. m.F

! :',

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at Moderate Prices for

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Save a Dollar or More at Our
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Leave Chanber of Commerce
Week Days Sundays
5:45 a.rn. 6:45 a. M.
I2:45 p.mr. -45 P. I.
i . H.+ELLIOTT, P.prietor
Phone 926-M Adrian, Mich.
.Satuarduy Evening at 7dlc

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No job, io large or too small.
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JL V 17 'VI1L4%1 I JL1X1' \JIltVIEIki WA2A
SMray Mahnee and Night
- ;:~z 20th ANU

RDAY, MARCH 22, 1924,
dizor-H RYC. CLARK
ee-in bt i thepesni tht
heoped.'pon'the present gen-
college undergraduates by
non-college nen, must nec
4d w, eentmeptanion"
graduates themselves. Es-
oes t s resentment become
when the faculJty of an insti-
in to lose contact with the
student thought and line up
riticizers of the modern age.
ism is prolific but the actual
bettering conditions is not
ng. It is encouraging then to
dely known man, a graduate
1 years ago, set forth the
iewpoint in a sympathetic
following is quoted from an
Prof. Harry R. Wellman in
touth Alumni magazine. In
student problems and
Professor Wellman has this
the influence of the faculty
the greatest impetus to all
uate thinking has come
Outstanding men in the
o make their interests of the
interests. Men who 'have
alk to undergraduates out-
class room. Men who mean
on the Campus and in the
arge. These men have de-
nd are daily developing
uate thinking. Th e r e
ps who carry curricu-
iomes of instructors, out-
n, to the cabins, on long
into the various tea houses.
iis group system with its
ted leader, is the natural
'a larger College. Anyway,
nd it is performing a very



11! M


Sinday Morning at : '
'These Classes are for ALL IN1-,
Religious Institute Class at 7:1.s
o'clock on Tuesday Evenings,
Place of Mueting for' Above
"Upper Room"-Lane Hall


1 .;
f i
ti tIt«i




and others, equipment equal to
of this continent, social contact

11with students from 'every state and
most foreign countries-allsare of-
fered to the students at Ann Arbor.
And another benefit of which too
many undergraduates are ingnorant,
is the privilege of attending the many'
Alumni Memorial hall is more than
a beautiful building. It contains many
works of art; pictures, statues, old
engravings, many of which have an
historical as well as an artistic value.
Why ,not take a trip through and see
Next door, the Zoology museum of-
fers a collection of exhibits far larger
than may be found in cities several
times the size of Ann Arbor. They
depict life of all kinds in many coun-
tries. A half hour spent there would
not be wasted.
The Sterns music collection, one of
the finest of its knid, riiay be found
in the foyer of Hill auditorium. Many
interesting and instructive displays
are to be found in the corridor of the
library. The campus is filled with cost-
ly and rare exhibits; the student who
misses them is losing one of Michi-
gan's most valuable gifts.
Twenty-Fie Years
Ago At Michigan
From the Files of the U. of MI. Daily,
March 22,1809.

A Review by MlIlton Peterson
The third .subscription program of
the Playmakers was given last night
to a receptive <audence. It was un-
doubtedly the best of the series.
The program comprised three one-
act plays, "Beside The Road," "Es-
cape," and "For God's Sake Be Hu-
man," all of which were consistently
Sonia Bloom,, the heroine of "Es-
cape," stands out as the most im-
pressive of all the participants. As
a terror-stricken fugitive from the
Devil, she carries away all honors of
the evening. The play, which is the
product of Sue Grundy Bonner, was
exceptionally-well produced, l'and the
fine sceenc effects accenuated the fact.
Irrelevant of course, but I must say
it is the best play that I have seen
this year. Donald Synder, '25, as tlie
Hermit does his usual good acting.
"For God's Sake Be Human," was
a clever light piece. Mrs. H.-P. Scott
carried her part off well. As a neuro-
tic mother she gave that human touch
that is so often lacking in plays. I
enjoyed her immensely and regretted
seeing her leave the stage after her
short stay.
"Beside The Road," played by A. D.
Conkey, was something unusual as far
as a one-act play goes.

* IU
F .
;? .1



Good Seats Are Still Available

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men are not 'gods' to the
duate. They are human, un-
ble friends. And being
they occupy much of the
of the undergraduate. In
e of the leaders become in
e College' as far as the par-
udant is concerned. This is
uld be. As an alumnus, I
of our present undergradu-
iey have passed through a
g period of our national de-
. They are normal, sane,
sitive. Their accomplish-I
I be greater th'an our accom-
s because their opportunities

Yesterday, according to the law of
Moses, Spring was officially ushered
in upon a waiting earth. And with all
due respect to those responsible for
the affair, and without mentioning any
names, we privately thought it was
quite a fizzle. Not a bit better
than a lot of other springs we've
seen, and nowhere near as good as
some. But then-if at first you don't
succeed, try try again, as uncle Milton
used to say. May be next year-
* * *
The other day we were sent a little
brochure in which President Eliot's
famous Five Foot shelf was much
lauded by President Eliot of Harvard
and plso somewhat by President An-
gell of Yale.
Our own President prefers, with
commendable originality, to give his
support to the clothing game.
Ho hum . . . What does YOUR
president sell?
-Mr. Jason Cowles.

o +r

Ian Maclaren last night gave a lec-
turetthat was quite out of the ordinary
on the subject, "Traits of Scottish
Mr. Sargent, curator of the Museum,
will give an illustrated lecture on"
"Materials" in the Museum Friday.
Iowa and Wisconsin are going to
have a debate in the near future, and
accordingly each university has sub-7

Masques will present two one-act
plays, "Aria da Cappo" by Edna St.
Vincent Millay and "Helena's Hus-
band" by Philip Moeller, Wednesday
evening, March 26, in Sarah Caswell
{ Angell hall.
"Aria da Capo," again in my humble
opinion, is, along with Eugene O'Neil's
"lIe," the finest short play ever writ-
ten by an American author.
The rise of the curtain reveals an
affected Pierrot and Columbine chat-
ting away at.the silliest nonsense.
Presently a huge masked figure stalks'
on the stage and orders the two little
figures to make way for a tragedy.
They obey but impatient of waiting
they return shortly to find two dead
bodies strewn on the floor. "Oh, my
God!" shreiks Columbine, "We can't


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