4 _., rl Ambassador To U. S. Capitol _ 1113113 RJerone(ntiol in Present X19lA I awing a recent visit Lo the U~ni-j of Illinois in which he investi- heir physical education system, Tad Weiman has prepared a ro- of the present curriculum of hletic coaching courlses here. e ,ised curriculum will be pre- to the faculty of the physical [on school at their next meet- Mich~ will probably be held somec ext~ week, revisedl outline of the athletic, ng courses is based chiefly up- experience wihich. has been in the short existence, of the hiere, and information gained by Weiman in his Illinois trip. in Ujrbana, the coach secured m~anations of certain branches Illinois system which are more developed through longer ex- ce. The Illinois school also is ed by larger appropriations to on the work, and a larger stu- nrollment, enabling them to at- 4, wider range of subjects than nissiblle here. RIegents1 Hake :Grai( he past' few years, the Athletic tioihas provided instructors iturers for courses i the-theory ectlce ~of coaching as there has io Uiversity appropriation for ork. F'or the next year, .however, )ard of Regents has granted~ an riation of $4,000 for this work, will ,se cure one instruzctor and ary equipment. Illinois ap- ates $16,877 annually for the .g on of these courses. )ite the new appropriation, lee- work in coaching courses will e handled by Varsity coaches.! ,er, this is the first move in an t to build up this branch of the al education department. There. 0 freshmnen enrolled in the s, a larger number than has nrolled before, and the revised ilum which Coach Weiman mends is expected to increase I Ramon Ross For the first time in many months Mexico has ani ambassador officially i-,ecognized. by WVashington. He is Ranson Ross, former governor of the federal district of Mexico. When hie completed a confidential mission for Obregqn in Washington he was nam- ed envoy. Radio Snapshots Prof. L. M. Eich of the public speak- ing department and Prof. Thomas, H. Reed of the political science depat -I ment will make speeches on the WCtBC program at 9 oclock tonight. thle Michigan Daily Radio Supplement a I- so goes out. Wily radio fans who wish to exell their fellow students in Spanish class- es will do well to tune in KYW, Oili- cgat 7':30 o'clock every otherevn ee-ing when that station broadcasts its Spanish lessons. Within a few years we will have no doubt a well-recog- ized radio accent in our language see- tions., The same statiola mentioned above is known as the "24-hour station" be- caui-se of the vast amount of miatter' that goes over their equipment.: One of the features that is to be heard during all 24 is the news service; eey Il 64;© he 6d 3 ate bullet- iC h iq4ran~sni4 ed n dddiktin'tothje took moth~s for a song to run t; width of the country. It startedin' New Fors: or Ch~icago but the natives thel" had forgotten it before it strudk:, O0regon. Now, such a gem as "Does the Spearmint Lose its Fl~yvor on th~e Bedpost over i it", goes from Long Island to San Francisco in less timre than it takes to strike the first not in the ditty. On investigation conducted by Th~le Daily last year showed that there were approximately 10,00 radio receiving sets in operation in Ann Arbor at that time.' Recent interviews with loca~l radio dealers revealed that scores of sets :are bought in the city every month.j 0D17FAmerican Legion IR LTKNlBack Of Plan For 'BY ETA HETAP1' dergdoll Return Ur nzation Wins Firit Union Cup Bygii Taking in 1,10sA Money By th Auction D F11I'A TAU DELT'A CAPTI-RES NEXT~ AWAR~D 1 ID iE SHOW A statement of the :money made by organizations which took part in the Union Fair has' been announced. Forty-five groups lent their support ~ ~ 'E to th~e fair by furnishing concessions and many of these were also repres- :i~ ented in the parade held Friday after- r ... noon.* 1The Beta Theta Pi fraternity ranked first among both side shows and, con- 1 cessions and wins the first prize cuip for the booth taking in most money.f This auction conducted the auction sale. Second came the Delta Tau Delta ; fraternity with their side show, Hell. Although taping in more money than anyone else in .their group they were; awarded the second prize sup for the ; frover t1-eveland iBer~doll most original, entertaining and-profit- able side show. The first prize cusp American Legion officials are back- for sideshows was given by the judg- ing a move by Grover Cleveland Berg- es consisting of the faculty committee doll' whereby he can regain his for- supervising the Fair and of Fair off i- tune, now in the hands of United cials to Phi Beta Pi who ranked four- States authorities. The plan is for th in the money taken in. Their a- him. to return to the United States, 'traction 'was Babinski's Ten Won-' serve 'his sentence' for evading the tiers of the World. The second pize draft, anti go his way. cup for concessions was given. to the Zeta Psi fraterniity who operated the Expenses were deducted from the TELESCOPEL I1II SUL total receipts and the followVing fig-=5 ores denote the net profit made by I each' organizatipp : 1. Beta TIheta Pi ITRS N 0 9 $31.1.30, 2. Delta Taui Delta $256.80, 3., Zeta. Psi. $17~9, 4. Phi Beta Pi $178.80, (otne rmIaeOe 5. sigma Phi .$126.35, 6. Alpha Epsilon Phi $114.40, 7. Sigma Chi $104.90,. 8 in that territory and most of the rain Phi Kappa Sigma $q7.20, 9.' Roundup' comes in the form of thunder-shower,. Cluib $93.50, 10. Psi -Upsilon $88.15, 11. There are two other'large astronom- Sigma. Alpha Epsilon $84.50, 12. Gar-f ical: observatories in South -Africa. goyle $77.95, 13. Pi Kappa' Alpha One,'at Cape Town which is in charge $'76.75, 14. Delta Tau Upsilon $70.55,1 of the British Admiralty, is well equip- 115. Phi Sigma Delta '$64:90, 16. Delta 1ped' with several instruments., The Upsilon $64.35, 17. Kappa Phi Sigma Union Observatory is located at Johan- '$63.85, 13. Architectural' society $63.- r °nesburg. A new 26-inch telescope will 50, 19. Delta Kappa Epsilon $6;.35, be set up here soon. Although niot as 20.. Tau Leta Pi $62..60, 21. Sigma Phi j well" equipped with as many instru- Epsilon :$59.40, 22. Phi Gamma Delta ments as these two observatories, the $56.00, 23. Delta Sigma Phi $53.00, 24. Theta Xi, $45.15, 25. Phi' Kappa Sigma $44.90, 26. Phi Kappa $44.60, 27. Sig-3 nia Nui $36.37, 28'. Kappa .Sigma $36.35,~ 29. Heriitage $30.10, 30. Zeta Beta___ " . t r W I'AHR'DAY" PLANNED FO WEEK-ENDOF MAY 18 1 I "Father's Day" will. be held the week-end of May 16 and 17 unader thej direction of the Union. Plans for a banquet, special vaudeville show at the Mimes theater, and other events are being made by a committee, head- ed by Wallace F lower, '24, who served on the committee in charge of last year's celebration. In addition to the special features which the Union will provide, a base- ball'game,° Cap Night, and other'class and school events will be held that week-end, to which the fathers will bec especially admitted. new observatory which will be erected by the University will have the largest ref racting telescope in the southern hemisphere. Work in locating and measuring double stars .will. be car- ried on at the new observatory, which will complete the study of the heavens for these bodies. The site for the new telescope will not be determined until after Profes- sor Hussey has conferred with Presi- dent Burton 'and Mr. Lamont and the 'data which has-been collected has been investigated. STUDENTS TO SEE~ BALLOON FLIGHT Students, in aeronautical enginieer- ing will' go to Detroit today, leaving on they Michigan Central at 11:46 o'- clock to view the balloon ascension of Ralph Uposn, noted balloonist who is offering a special lecture course in the, aeronautical engineerig department this sem ester. The layout of the network of the. balloon and the inflation will begin at 39 o'clock' and will continue through- out the night, the ascension being made probably early tomorrow morn- ing.- All interested are invited to ac- company the aero students on the trip. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. WIER TO :ri runi Prof. Marion C. Wier of the rhetoric department has been offered a position ,on the English faculty of Brown Brown University at Providence, Rhode Island, and signifies his inten- tion of accepting it. Hie will resign at the close of this semester from the position of assistant professor, and take up his duties at Brown next fall. Professor Wier has been on the fac- ulty here for fourteen years, and prior to his appointment in the rhetoric de- partment, hie was an instructor in the Greek department. Here at the University, Professor Wier has taught classes in freshnman and sophmore rhetoric, and other ad- vanced courses. Last fall he offered. for the first time a course in English versification, and he is now teaching book reviews. At Brown university he will conduct courses in both litera- ture and composition, including the course in versification, Professor Wlier received his eduica- tion at eastern, universities, and holds a doctor's degree from the University of Chicago. He was also recently on, the faculty of the Univer~sity Schooll of Music, as. an instructor f a 'cello playing. He is known throughout the state from his lectures under the uni- versity Extension service on musical subjects. He is also a frequent contributor of articles to miusical magazines, and re- cently published an edition of Swin- burne's "Alanta" and "Erechtheus," 'with notes ,oni that authoir'si refer- ences ot classical Greek. Al H-enry Woilman, 784L, has been appointed a New York member of the Republican national convention dele- gate designees for the entire state of New York. At a recently organized branch of* the A. Al U. W. at Hibbing, ;Minn. the 1University was r~epresented by Etta. Snell Middlemis,~ '02, Mable M. Brew- Ser, '09, Elaine S. Cra.ig, '13, and liza- beth McRae, '16. Winifred Mahon Sanford, '13, (Mrs. Wayland H.).has had several short. stories published. lately. "The Wo.- men's Home Comipanion" will pub- lish one of them nii. May. Camilla Hayden, '22, has accepte~d the position Qf Dean of Women in the Battle Creek High school. Annouincement has been m~ade of the engagement of Elmer R. A4ustin, 17E, 'to Miss Lilian M. Goodyear of Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Austin is a mem- ber of the faculty of the Seneca VToca- tional school of Buffalo, Henry M. MacFarlane, liE, is now manager of the part-time salesmen and conductor of the salesmnen's schiool of the Simon's Sale Co., state distri- butor for the Willys-Overland cars. At a meeting of the ich~ligan E~ngin- eer's club of Chicago, officers were "elected for the year of 1924. The,? are John E.- Kearns, '00-'01E, president; Floyd J. Page, 'OOE, vice-president; SENATOR. ROYAL S- COP~ELAND Herron W. Miller, 16E, treasurer, and OPUS DEOCRTIC13IPAIC' Fred Hendershot, '19E, secretary. Muskegon, Michi., March 21.-Sena-I tr Royal S. Copeland, f New York Ipp wil Musen teceoun t ihampd~ m ode S ipp ill opeegn tecorat ica adesi1gORHnI April 29, it was announced today. The Ab ove ArcadeV Mtskegon Democratic club, recently AoeAcd organized, 'has charge of the sleeting. 1 Street and Af'ternoon IRVINE WARMOLTS, D. S. G. Chiropodist and Orthopedist 017 North University Phone 2602 Gowns an~d Blous For All Occasions Aliso Hemstitching M. Al. SCHAILLORN I . :. nvestigating.,, comtiuttoea gell- sated are, more simplicity in riculum, better - tuiirn of d a greater field in choice ofI Heretofore, the school hasj Qedto give the student-wo1 'h systems, - coac'hn 'n all Eld work in physical directing. kes specialization imposs'ihlevI which is remedied il the mdations. st seniors of the school will; this spring. These stude~ts ly those who have exchanged er schools, and have had only'j ,s work in the athletic coach- se. is } !t' I ti '-,5 {. . E ,T ~ { ' 1 Tats~ $29.65, 31. Tlau Epsilon Pi $29,34, 32. Theta Delta Clii $28.65, 33. Phi Del- t; ' het '.2706, 4.Delta Tau Delta Ph~li' MuAlp~ha $24.60, 3G.' Kapiua :11'$ 23.36, 17. Chlron $23.10, 38. - Delta Theta. Phi $19.75, Beta Phi Delta $117.80,. 40. -Trigon $10.95,, Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Freshmen under $1'0. Because of outstanding bills it is l nnossiblea :oo give thle results of Ong 'or two other organ iz-atiotis. The tardinaess in turning in bJills and ex- pens'es has caused the delay in com- puting the results given 'above. ,j *Notre Dame, M\arch 21.-Paul G. Tunk has been appointed new editor- in-chief. of the Notre Dame Daily, sue- ceedinig Harry A.>-McGuire, who re- signe~d because of ill health. KIOR CAPS AND {GOWNS 'UILV BE ORDERED ]NOW n order that all seniors will ,e their caps and gowns in e for swingout, to b~e held year on May 6, it is nec- try that they place their or~- swith George Moe's Sport p immediately. 'It is not es- ial to make any deposit at Librrwian Bishop hIFrance William Warner 'Bishop, University lirran, landed at Chlerbourg, France -sarch 10, after a comforta~le oc-mi voyage. He left Cherbourg for P'rris wheire he intended to spend a few V diy s before going 'to Rome. 'Mr. P'ish,' will spend time, in Rome working on Greek manuscripts in the Vatican li- brary. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly.-Adv. .. _ . ut one over MALLORY HATS xi'A ,r oB5 d ge of the pre, .. Our tail about su issue of t -adoi4 . about td RoyaJ get4iteini 4by bee yourselfI f-" W~ent WALES ,:W .; ~ r ,5 our beard TOMORROWmorning gv it who's boss. With a Rubberset Brush and just 9 seconds' time you can slip so much lather in about the roots of cach hair, that every single one will have .to stand up and take~ its medicine.. Only a wonderfully supple brush ... having fine full bristles with just the proper degree of stiffness to give the correct mas- saging effect.. can possibly bring such speed-such cool, soothing comfort. Without such a brush the keenest razor soon dulls, pulls and scrapes., Gripped in rubber- guaranteed Notice that Rubberset bristles are gripped 'everlastingly in hard ~rubber'. They can't come out, get in the lather-make trouble. Each Rubberset Brush is guaranteed -unconditionally. The bristles stayinz. Save time. Give yourself this~ comfort. Get a Rubberset today from any shop on the campus. Made by Rubberset Company, Newark, N. J., U. S. A. Extra-Quality Super-Qualfy $6 That-"Caretuijy { areless" Snap IBrim M ANY well-dressed .men will wear their Sprinig Hats with the brim flipped down, as portrayed above. It gives, a debonair, "care- fully careless," sports- manlike touch that looks very smart. It's "going over" all over the-coun- try. But-your hat muist be made' uncom- monly light and pliable for the. purpose. We specialize in Style, "as well as in this style. s i i f i t I i !ishStyle that rn't Drop Its ors at Fashion Park tell ich style in the current le SaturdayEvening Post ble page anrnounicemnent heir Royal Park Suits. Park is the o~nly au. .nglsh style-you can't any other store in town. ind Royal Park rem ark- coming-you can see tn it without obligation. V ,f7 YZA i"m n uww ue w