r t a ai 11 MEMBIIER WESTERN CONFE EDITORIAL ASSOC ..________________________ U-- EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, _ _._. ;.: o Junior Girls' Play Better, Than Opera, Says Mr. Cowles The Junior Girls' play, whatever else may be said about it, was certain- ly much better than the Opera. The scenes which were merely intended to be beautiful were no miore so than EXPECTS those in the Opera, but the scenes that were supposed to be 'funny--well, they were funny. The Opera relied, for its laughs, on sage cracks fished PATCH out of old Gargoyles; this play was clever all by itself. Whenever the Col. Au- hero came onto the stage he found iptures prepared for himself a situation that would inspire the very dullest dog to' say something bright. Bernice Hill story of played the lead very well, aside from rndurus. from the fact that someone ought to tch will tell her how to put her hands in her . special pockets. rel over Someone ought to chow the men through choruses how to put on their hats, 1 vallevs too., I him ch 21.- en pos- l1 ,n and to the 1. The The local digs, which are held out as the hope of next year's Opera, were rather sour. The error was probab- ly as much in' the selection of the victims as anywhere-but the razzing wasn't very well done anyhow. J The authorities seem to have made a laudable effort to include ALL the YOAKUM ADDED TO BUSINESS FACULT.. head of Bureau of Perronnei Research At Carnegie Will Arrive In September, SUPERVISED PSYCIIOLOG[CAL SERVICE OF U. S. ARMY CAMPS Junior Girls. In scene after scene new faces poured onto the stage; hundreds more were on committees; and apparently a half dozen of them were managing the lighting, judg-' ing from the frolicsome manner in which the spotlight shed its beams iover the hero and heroine. The light- ing in general was none to puissant- generally the singer in the ensemble scenes was in total darkness-a voice crying in the wilderness. We feel that a word should be said for the policeman scene, which was probably the most gorgeous single' spectacle we have witnessed in some years. Really tremendous. This business of reviewing a play just after having seen it undoubtedly is a bad thing. The real reason Life and Judge have better reviews than the daily papers is that they aren't written between 11 and 11:30 o'clock on the night of the performance. In two weeks or so we'll probably have something bright to say about the show., Oh yes-the orchestra played with a unanimity which was, to say the very least, electrifying. Mr. Jason Cowles. FARM HEP LAWS Wants To Enaet Relief Legislation, Before Close of Present Sessionl PRESIDENT TOLD THAT hOUSE WOULD RUSH ACTION ON BILL Washington, D. C., March 21.-Pres. Coolidge at a conference tonight with the Republican house leaders express- ed the desire to hav.e some form of farn relief legislation enacted be- fore lose of the present session of. congress. The legislative situation generally was , discussed anid Mr. Coolidge's followeis said they were convinced that congress could adjourn before the June convention; , ::. j "The: esident was, told that thej .house would 'ruwh a tioa 'of the appro- ,priation bill and the Johnson immi-, gration bill, and-before the end of the session take up:a measure,:providing 'for a readjustment of salaries of pos- tat employees Lorch il Give Series Of Talks SENATE COMMITTEE[ IICORKS 820 00 DE[ALIN WH"I S KEY' JOIN GORON RELATES STORY1 1H0W HE A:nD TWO OTHERS I SHARED "SPLIT" EVIDENCE NOT BROUGHT NEARER TO DAUGHERTY, Attorney, General Points Out That Witness Fails to Embarrass. or Implicate Him Washington, D. C., March 21.-(By AP)-A $200,000 whiskey deal, the big- gest yet, was uncorked today by the Daugherty investigating committee. John Goroni, vice president of the Alps Drug company, tol the story of how he, the late Jess W. Smith l "bumper and friend" of Attorney-Gen- eral Daugherty and Howard Manning- ton one of the occupants of the "little# green house on Case street", had, he said; shared in the "split" which ac- companied the withdrawal of whiskey from the federal warehouse for sale. As' with previous testimony, of the! sort, it was not brought nearer to Mr. Daugherty himself than these two friends Gorongi told the committee what he said did not come out when he was! tried and acquitted of conspiracy to violate therprohibition law in New York. A.ttrney general Daugherty on his nightly comment in today's testimony. pointed out that he himself, was in "no way embarrassed or impli- cated."a The Goroni whiskey "deal" story splashed from the witness stand in a hectic day marked by passing of the "lie" to Mr. Daugherty's council by, Senator Wheeler, Democrat, managing the inquiry. The latterbcharged that there was continual besmirking 'Of' committee witnsses and that the com- mittee was being denied evidence from the Ohio bank of which Mr. Daugher- ty's brother is president, while' Sen- ator Ashurst, Democrat, Arizona said, Howard Mannington, mentioned in Goroni's story and 'now reported in Paris, has: been 'spirited ,away. Mr. Daugherty's coon-sel after a bitter., 'scene, in which the .audience loudly f applauded:Senator Wheeler,, promised their best 'efforts to produce Manning-+ ton. k "People of South Africa showed great interest in our expedition and did everything possible to help us car- ry on our investigations there," said Prof. W. J. Hussey, director of the observatory, yesterday in commenting upon expedition to South Africa for the purpose of- locating a site for thel new 27-inch refracting telescope do- nated to the University by Robert P. Lamont '91E. Professor Hussey arriving in Bloem- fontein, in Orange Free State, at 10, o'clock at night was met at the sta- tion by thecity clerk, the president ofa the university of that city, and two professors. The next morning he met the mayor who told the city engineer of Bloemfontein to help Professor Hus- sey in any way that he could. A car- penter and laborers were delegated to help him erect a platform for the 10- inch telescope with which he conduct- ed his investigations. The mayor also sent a watchman to stay with the tele- scope when Professor Hussey was not there. An electric line was strung to the top of Naval Hill for his benefit. Several free sites were offered to Professor Hussey in different parts of South Africa. One city sent its mayor' to Bloemfontein to offer a free site, necessitating a trip of over 10 hours. Naval Hill, two and a half miles from Bloemfontein, seems to offer the best site according to Professor Hussey. The summit is 350 feet above the level of the city and has a surface of three or four hundred acres. Its proximity to the city makes an easily accesible water supply and electric power. This was the only place where Professor Hussey set up his telescope to carry on a detailed investigation for the conditions of "seeing" would be the same for many miles around this lo- cation. The climate and weather conditions in South Africa were much better than IProfessor Hussey expected to find. During the two months that he was in Bloemfontein, the nights were con- tinously clear. He spent most every evening during December and January investigating the conditions. This was supposed to be the' rainy season in this section of the country, but less than ten per cent of the nights while he was there were even cloudy enough to prevent him from carrying on his work. Prolonged rains are unknown (Continued on Page Two) University's New Telescope Arouses Interest In Africa MEXICAN GUNBOAT 'TO ATTACK REBELS ge Hale on esident and that in the be mo +: de MiCHIGAN DEF1 IIOIS TR I DEBA10TE HELU0 SALZMEN, -NOWrICKI, ANl UPHOLD AFFIRMAI FOR VARSITY DECISION ARRIVEL ONLY AFTER REE Chicago Drainage Project Permanently Guarani Is Topie Madison, Wis. March 2: igan's negative debating I given the decision over versity 'of Wisconsin's ative team' here tonigh annual Mid-West triangi mate. Michigan's Varsity affirm; emerged victor over Illin Ann Arbor section of the a West triangular debate night. According to Prof. lord, judge, a member of speaking department of Nc university, the two team~s closely throughout the'cc speeches and it was in th work that Michigan forged a sure lead. Chicago should be p guaranteed sufficient water adequate sanitation for the version from the great lal decided after the Illinois tr vanced all the arguments a plan and Michigan for it in itorium last night. The .n the winning team were: E man, '25, Leo J. Nowicki, Kenneth C. Wigle, '24. I1 represented by P.. W Bron Speakman, and K. E. Ober Last Affirmative Arginm KThe affirmative team base structive argument on' th the system Chicago wishes been a great success there where; that the building plant as the negative prop be impossible and too co tempt; that navigation an terprises were not being harmed; and that no coin fmercenary iiitei'esftishould 1 a1 No quorum f ongress ad- Prof. Clarence S. Yoakum, director hout having of the bueau of personnel research i dietatorshiat Carnegie Institute of Technology, of Four M s. Pittsburg, has been secured as a mem- iary 6, when ber of the faculty of the'new School Carias party of Business Administration. He will ity of Sig"- iactually join the facyulty. at the open- regucigalpa. ing of the first semester of next: year,! n many Jill- according to Prof. ' Edmund . Day, e only town head of the economics department s w're .lar- nd'dean of the new school. ernn fnt ap- Prdfessor'Ybakum is one 'of thet yrie I e .6- miost 'proninent nmeh In theicountry party. "'This in the fields of business psycliology' er only four f'and personnel manageient, and has probably has as widely varied experi.' n army eV' Ince -as any'econonist inth'e countryj ni'eif press- i During'the war he served in. the'psy-, nerican min-'chological'service of the United States. it s.n adjuAst' Iar'my with' the rank of-' maJor. Hel the existlug was at first stationed 'at Camp Lee. r refused to and later was transfered to the offiee of the surgeonigeneral as supervisor ported the of the psychological service in the the capital. army camps. alarmed and Professor Yoakum 'received his de- steps to de- gree of Bachelor of Arts from Cam- 'pbell college, Kansas, in 1901. In d j1908 the University of Chicago con- which therej ferred upon him his doctor's- degree, was learned I;After this Dr. Yoakum taught inse'- th 2,000 full eral schools and colleges, finally being ing Comaya- appointed professor and head of the L5,000. Fierce department of philosophy and psycho- ig two days. logy of tb.e University of Texas, where fell 'into the ihe remained until the United Statesf entered' the wa in' 1917. At the con- rnissaries to elusion of his war work in 1919 he .uary 24 de- was'made professor of applied psycho- Tegucigalpa logy and 'director 'of. the Bureau of erinent sent Personnel'Researeh at .Carnegie In- capital if he istitute, which,' under Professor Yoak- um's direction, has acquired a nat- this despatch ional reputation for its work in the 1 ed.' The at- general field of personnel manage- Leaves Netw Orleans Port With Sealed Orders, According to Officials MAKES INITIAL MOVE SINCE BEGINNING OF THE UPRISING N'ew Orleans, March 21.-The gun boat Bravo craft ship of the Mexican navy of the eastern coast of the Re- public was on its'way southward from New Orleans tonight under sealed or- ders whichMexican offlicials here say direct her to attack ports and vessels held by the rebels. The Bravo came to New Orleans in September for overhauling and when, she steamed shortly before daybreak today it was the first 'move she bad made 'since Adoph De La Huetat, launched his revolution in'December. Commanded'by Otto Blano, admiral of the' Mexican navy, the ship is ,x- pected'to confine Sher efforts- for the time being to .driving revolutionist out of the state of the Yucatan penni- Sula and the point from which large quantities of m~aterial are shipped it is believed to lie' the object of h'~r first { ac' BURTON TO CLOSE YISIT IN WASHINGTON TONIGT Ronus Bill Not Discussed But Proba-. bly Will Have Priority Over Tax Bill REPUBLICAN HEAD TOLD HOUSE WOULD RUSH ACTION ON BILL Washington, D. C., March 21.-(By A. P.)-President Coolidge today urged the senate leaders to speed up consid- eration of the revenue bill when in- formed by Senator Smoot and Sena- tor Curtis, Republican, of the finance committee that it would pass it before June 1 now seems unlikely. Although the soldiers' bonus bill was not discussed at the White House conference Mr. Smoot said it was prob- able this measure would, be given priority over the tax reduction bill by the ,committee for immediate action, and predicted that little time would be required for its disposal in com- mittee. In this connection, however, it wa.; again made plain at the White House, that President Coolidge opposes the soldier bonus and supports the Mel- Ion income tax rates reduced by the house: Regarding the paid up -insurance bonus bill passed by the house andI the revised revenue measure sent by that body to the senate, it was re- tereated at the same time that the President would not declare in advance of receiving either measure whether he will vete or sign it. Prof. Emil Lorch of the department of architceture has accepted a off r to deliver a series of talks before the better home show, to be given beginn-' ing Saturday for the entire week un- der the auspices of the Detroit Retail Furniture association.. Professor Lorch has announced as his subjects for the addresses, "The Interior De- sign of the House", "The House and Its Site", and "The House and the, Lawn Plan." Better homes week was organized by the, Furniture association of the city in order to. promote a , better standard of living on, the part ,of the' majority of .the populace, and it, is though that the lectures of Professor Lorch will prove to be of great .value to' all who are planning to but din, the near future. In addition to Professor Lorch, Mr. Berbard C. Jakwgy, of the University of California, and one of the foremost4 lecturers on interior design in the country will give a series of talks. Senior Student Dies Of Fever The Day's Neu'- At I 1 Thee,_Capitol Irwin1 D. Laughlin, of Pittsburg, was noninated to be minister to Greece. The. state department was advised' that comparative order had been re-' stored at Tegucigalpa, Hondurus.- President Coolidge discussed the 'legislative situation at a White House dinner conference with House Republi- [; can leaders. Members of the senate finance com- mittee discussed 'revenue legislation with President Coolidge ' without a .conclusion being reached. t Counsel .for Harry E.Sinclair and. the oil committee argued without re- salt whether Sinclair should be ex- cused from further examination. 'The. house adopted an amendment' f to the naval appropriation bill which would request the President.to initi- i ate a move for another naval limita- I tion conference.j President Marion L. Burton will conclude his visit in Washington, D. C., leaving there tonight and return-' ing to Ann Arbor via Culver, Ind., where and Mrs. Burton. Will visit their son. The president has had a'busy trip. Wednesday night in Philadelphia, he spoke before a gathering of Michigan alunni while Thursday nighi in Wash- ington he was the guest of honor and speaker at a Michigan alumni banqUet at the Willard. 'On this occasion Ed- win Denby, '96L, former head of the navy, was toastmaster. While in Washington, President Burton and Mrs. Burton are guests 'at the white house, their 'friendship with the Coolidges dating back to the time when President Burton was head of Smith college at Northampton, Mass. Today at noon President Burton. Iwill be entertained at a luncheonz giv- "en by Walter S. Penfield, 90, a prom- inent attorney of the capital. Before leaving Washington, President Burton and Mrs. Burton will attend a recept- ion planned for this afternoon by the local Michigan alumnae. ;ed any w~ ayegua is a resultof bodies bad- all. UEDI March 21.-After I olation on a wind- e South Seas, 375 a, Dr.' E. M. Loeb . rescued, a message her, Mrs. J. E. Alli- ays. Dr. Loeb, f )r- 'ersity of' Californi h e reef studying theI s and continuel their return. in- essage: away in an uers came. . THINK Always an'ardent research- worker,1 Professor Yoakum has been able to. carry on work' of a more or less nat-, ional scope through his connection' with the American Psychological as- sociation, th American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Political ' andti Social Science, the American Associ- ation of University Professors, and many other organizations. He com- bindd with Prof. Robert M. Yerkes,1 the eminent psychologist, in preparing the Army Mental Tests used during the war. ARMY PILOTS 1TO REST .{ BEFORE CIRCLING.,GLOBEi Seattle, Wash., March 21.-The four army air men attempting to circlie the -globe' will rest there several days while workeds at the Sand Pbint avia- tion field convert the big a r cruisers into seapla'nes: In preparation for the ordeal ahead, the young officers will abstain from public functions and entertainments, 1 according to Maj. Frederick L. Martin, flight commander. The other aviators are Lieuts. Lowell H. Smith, Leigh H. Martha Ruth Speirs, ,249, died yes- terday of scarlet fever and blood pois- oning after an illness of three days. She was 22 years old, and was born at Martensburg, Iowa. Her home was at Farson, Iowa. Miss Speirs was the holder of a Bachelor or Arts degree from Taylor university in Upland,, Ind. This was her first year on the campus. In an I effort to save her life scarlet, fever I serum, obtained from the blood of (persons who. had recovered from the disease, was administered.aDoctor ' Forsythe, director of the Health ser- Ivice ,,said thatshe, contracted the dis- ease from a scarlet fever carrier. of which, he estimates, there are six pt 'Michigan. Stanley Chorus To Sig Sunday The Stanley chorus, assisted by Tax allowance and refunds for "Mel- lon companies" came in for attention both in the senate and the senate com- mittee investigating the internal reve-: nue bureau. Acknowledging the results of the North 'Dakota presidential primaries. President Coolidge promised to do his utmost to give sound economic re- lief where it is needed. The Daugherty committee went ,in- to a :maze of charges.haying to do with illicit liquor withdrawals in 1921: and payments and "splits" alleged to have been made. RELESEDFROM PRISON' Moscow, March 21.-The central committee has decided to release from prison Archibishop Zepliak, head of the Roman Catholic church in Russia convicted and once condemned to death for resistance to the soviet gov- ernment. Archbishop Zepliak will be banished. The central committee will also drop the case against Dr. Tikhon, former patriarch' of all Russia and metropolitan of Moscow, and the three; prelates whoJ were on trial with him. SAYS DEMOCRACY HARDLY POSSIBLE. Evanston, 4 Ill., March 2L.-"Democ- racy attempts an almost impossible task in the most difficult way," said Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn in the fourth of his series of six lectures at North- western university. Education of the people as a whole is the only possible solution of the problem, he thinks, and j this, he added, is an almost impossible task.. Three new electricity controlled clocks have been installed in the hall- ways of the engineering buildings. PROF. RIGGS ADVOCATES ' RAILROAD CONSOLLDATION Owosso, Mich., March 21.- Consolidation of the railroads of : the United States into large groups, as a means ofnfostering economy of operation, was ad- 1 vocated by Prof. H. P. Riggs, of than 3,000,000. The last 4 was, in the opinion of membe audience, the telling blow to ative contention, The negative trio adduce and quotations to indicate diversion was harming navig, downstate ind~ustries and far fish were starving to death count of the oxidation of was in the rivers; that Canad American industires were los er through the system; and tl ter plan-that of converting age into , a solid effluent 1 ment-was possible. Usec2B Per Cent of Niagara" jMichigan's team first scor their opponents when they that even the expensive t plant planned by the negativ not take care of sertain type I age. Although thy Illinois met that Canada would lose pow construction of compensath on the Niagara to keep the la up, Michigan was able to quoted authorities that onl cent of the available powe Niagara was being used at ent time. The negative trio advance gument that, once Chicago mission to withdraw any amount of water from the 1 will abandon their present c gram of building suppl "treatment" works and get of the sewage by diverting'w Lake Michigan. The Varsity came back on this with the ion of the state law of Illin makes it absolutely mand Chicago to continue this pri In the argument of heal business interests Michiga decrease in typhoid since sion of lake water to wash sewage; and hurt their opp showing that they were put ey losses above the. human The final stroke came v home team, having asked the debate what the nega iposed to do with the refu treatment process, showed opponents had not attemit swer this question and that nothing which could be 'this harmful matter except into Lake Michigan and hav inothe city water supply The two Michigan teams w ed by Prof. L. M. Eich of speaking department, asis E. Densmore of the same d Vice-president of the Orato is too should Chairman Hall of the. interstate] commerce commission wrote to Con- gress on the question of unnecessary. conflicts with the usages of inland transportation in enforcing sec)ion 23 on the merchant marine act. The house rules committee recin- mended-'an investigation 'of charges of duplications in government bonds and ;,- yntHn i of n rhihition enforce- Census Indicates" Airedale Popular A census taken for the purpose of 'determining the favorite variety of pup upon the campus shows that the campus stroller will stumble over at' least two Airdales to every one dog, of any other variety. The list of fraternity-owned dogs, which takes in probably the majority of dogs found oft the campus, in- cludes most of the varieties of Ameri- can dogs, 'large and small; but the popularity of the Airedale is unques- tioned. The. only explanation is the, faithfulness of this far from-handsome pup. The bull-dog seems to coni nest; in the list, doubtless because of his nnalities as a watch-dog. then ee