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March 21, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-21

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A 4-i i !

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!o!l ! 1.,

'Stofe Farralls Squad ToJi ey
To Ithaca For Chisa
March '29

j l reshmen or upperclass-I
men interested in swimming are
urged to report at the Y. M. C. 4
A. on Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
neslay, or Thursday for spifnt,
eia; et a lfs tin : n4 ' I
give themr advice. Reporting
will enhance chances for next
Iypar's sw inmipg team.
-C CA- B4I3E1 I
~ t

Inner Linp

Will kHendricks
.1ev Reds Flag?
Fans Wonderinkg


Willie Ilop p, and Yt
Schaefer will meet in an
14.2 balkline billiard ma
points today at the billia:
the Michigan Union. The
be played in two-blocks of

B O ,'Secnd Place In Conzference
c5iet Tops Off Tank SeasQU
Cft seri on of' three def(eats antljly fst 1,ace to'wijn the 100 yard free
gc'd? Reii sh~~le bytaci ~ Enc ouraged by their good showing
I :d :c i h Cneenesim gins t Northw estern, the Michigan
- r~telormon inivaded Bloomington for a
ml iinis ip, iking somre of dual mneeAt with1 the Indiana squad.
i'i '°-1) E bet atr :squads in the West. The 'flinal score was 34 all buit first
~~ta Oopen.ed the place went to the Hoosiers for win -
oun *hc '-csn ganst the strocng Detroit t i ;tha relay event.. In this meet
exibtin Ahti clcub qadJnur 26 at the o was theQ outstanding star of the
tchili o:. A ,nols'fll akngi a.e imning off with a victory in
[(d room ao. iprattice and awlcomphetitivoex~-th 40 yard and the 100 yard free
match N i11 perience, the best that the Michigan stylet events, and being .the only
f400 poinlts v, inmvu rs could (d0 was to extend th~e cdoble winner on either team. Cap-

Cornell's Varsity track squad, un-i - w-Ccachx Ray Fjsher gave his first in-
der the supervision of Coach Jack ! dications as to his osbeslcin
M, ewilfrih ihgn the v ib-ra i for the infield for the 1924 Varsity
last competition 'of the Indoor season
at Ithaca, March 29, a week froze Sat- 4jg nine when he 'held the initial infield
urday.~ ~' lractice of the season yesterday after-
The Cornell meet will be the first I 1 J l he nterel"li u daodIn
dual meet of the season and Steve's o M ee0 July 4 Yost fiel h sehldthhouse.
pupis ae wokin har inan a- _____i~iher eldtheworkout despite this
puisaewrighr na t "tempt to make a good showing against Michiga.n City, Ind., March 20- facrt that the work on the infield is
the Easterners. The 'Cornell track-' Georges Carpentier and Tommy Gib- not quite completed. The field provedj
men are not as powerful this year bons will mreet here on July 4 in Floy:cl to be satisfactory to the players al-
as they have beenu in the past but they Ttsimmzon's outdoor arena accordingj though finishing touches to the dia-
have' a nzumber of good preformuers to an announcement made by Fitz.. mond will facilitate fielding of the
'and the. Wolv erines will be doin w1ell zi tdy., ball to a marked exitcnt.
to beat them on their own ground, According to the announcement-.Ilaggerty Only Veteran
" Coach Moakley is determined to.,av-, Jack Dempsey is to be financially, in-. Wilson, Giles. ,Dilliman, and Hagger
tinge the decisive, defeat suffered )y teresteij, in thi4bont 'l etWo en tie 'two ' y> hd1l 'do vn fir st ba eR second "}ease,
is proteges last season when 'the stellar light heavyweights. It was short stop and third base respective-
Wolverines took nine first ,places to explained that Demnpsey had become ly. George 1Haggerty is the only vet~-!
two for the Cornellians and, beat , ssociated. with fy i simmoni byl ays era# of the qu artet, l-laV g played s c
'them 66 1-2 to 28 1-2, in WatermanI ing the taxes due on the arena. ond base on last year's title winning
gymnuasium. De mpsey has be esnlfin team. Wilson is Fisher's most pr om-
W4olverines 'M1iss Stars ofmh , i&6nzte bena ets, f ien ping ca didate-fixxx';la t :yea 's FredW.,
Michigan will not have the;:"samie ___ man team while Dillmnan and Giles
track team this year that it, had last Salt Lake "City, Utah, March 20.- IWAere me blyrs of the Varsity squad:
year and the Ithacans will probably '«I have nothing to say," answered Iasi: year t ,-
have at least as good an aggregation Jack Dempsey today when asked abouti Al though the workout was the first'
a~s they had at that tine. Michigan the report which has issued from held thus far, the four men. mentioned
will -be minus the services of Prosser Michigan City regarding his financial gave every indication of developing in-,
in the~,pole vault, Joyner, Martin and interest in the proposed Carpentier- to a formidable infileld. Wilson has
Siemons in the quarter mile, and Is- Gibbons bout. the required height but is a trifle
bell in the two mile., Prosser took ,a___________ lacking in weight. Diliman and Hag-
second in the pole vault last year Bo lr gerty are speedy and can make 'pick-
while Joyner and Martin took. places .1LZcflaganBo les, Ups from almost any, position while
in the quarter mile and together with11 'S Gile s is a diminutive player.
Siemons ran on the winning relay DI..eeat. Kentucky The regular pitching and 'batting
team. Isbell took first in the two practice held the attention of the
mile. It is very likely that the places.', Michig~an's informal bowling. team squad the greater part of the after-I
taken by these men will for the larger climbed to third -place last night by noon's work, the fielding drill not'
mpart fall to Coach Moakley's men be- defeating the University of Kentucky j coining until the latter. part, of the
~cause the events in which they were pin spillers by a count of 2818 to practice. sessioc:xTDarker~ and DeView
'taken are the weak spots of the 2638. alternated with Dillman and 'Giles at
Michigan squad this year. Thevctr ene s "n rne'~ t short gtop- nd second bad respective-
I Cornell Good In Short utr Ct5Y imezr to, elre 4eve'r~Y offtin -to~ l'
Conl ilti er erltvl trong in the short distance eventsattempt to regain their positi 9n at the
including the dashes and hr4jl ihihiiae owh d'li
'chile the disance runners will not sMinnt. h e Wolverneswhed -by .
be capable of gaining a great many Mneoa h ovrnssoe
points. The field events will be even- excellent form in trimming the south- f
y divided betwen the two teams from ern aggregation, arnd are in shape to'-I
east performances. The Red squad make a determined driver for th~e, frst-
gill be .capable of taking" a p ; f rung I~h r. f ngs f Ail-~cam pus "wrestling' will be the
places in the shot put and tivo or main event of the Intramural depar-
three places behind- the winners iP l- p.* ~jrReV'3iogra for Ate)t ' ~ek.p
tjhe high jump and pole vault. ll;t - _ trfe's ~ vii.b eft' epted' u: til 5 o'cotci
gan should take the mile and half' mile As Yanks' AIenae next -Monday nig. Students, who
and should score heavily In the other I ~. Jintend t6 partiipate, in -tl~e 'tbiirney-
track' events. The take{lfirsts n'tel.shiould watch. tonforrow's paper for
also befaoetotkfissn the' New York, March 20.-Detroit. further particulars.
hilgh jump and the pole. vault and a Cleveland and Philadelphia will scr-
point or two in th9 shot put. The iously obstruct the New York Yank- Entiesar "beig cpedfor "the
mnajority of the events will remain in ees to win their fourth consecutive freshmen wrestling tourn ment which
doubt until the meet is actually. held, pennant $ln theAmercan leaguze> Fre 'wib ~~ h~'fr1 v~ nArl
The Cornell team will'~get itsfitI Clarke, former manager of the Pits-___
taste of action when it will meet the burg Pirates, said yesterday. Clarke At the present time. ther-e are three
Yale team Saturday, night. visited nearly every major league ! medals foramen who were victors in
STRBTIN T TAE ECIDCamp this spring. The Athletes arej the 'recent. all campus swimming
the most improved team in baseball, meet. ,Th, following men should call
TRY At LIGHT HEAVY CRO N he said. and get their rewards: Seidman,
Wittinghgra. and Johuson.
Mike McTigue, light heavyweight } ulmes nadto ote
champion of thxe world, and. Young Penn relays and the Intercollegiates, tinder the auspices of the Intramur-
Sty bling, the boy prodigy, will meet are on the schedule of the Princeton, al department of, the University of
in a 12-sound bout March 31 at; track team for the comning season.' Minnesota, an all-Conference frater-I
Newark, N. J: Preceding the annual Harvard and nity foul shooting tournament will be
This will be the second meeting be- Yale meets will be an" encounter with j conducted.1
tween the pair, their bout last fall M. I., T. track and field atlile es. The housos,wbi~h. participated in the
having caused one of the greatest up- ' -'" M' xrecent (rater~nity ton rnamzn{ can allow

John C. "Jack" lien dricks
The baseball World is wonderl 4g i:
Jack Hendricks, the new na tger
of the Reds, can give Cincinnati, the
fpennant Pat Moran seemed l'an upil-
for when hre was taken by death,"j ust
as the training season was begimping,-i
YIHendricks has had one go as a ),aj-
j or league pilot, with the St. Louis'4
Cardinals, and year-s of experie C(- in
the minor leagues. He joined the Reds
this season as coach and assi~tant
To Go As Planned
New York, Mvarch 26. - William1
MPcCar ney,represcntative of Lars An g-
el Firpo 'here, has advised promloters
in various cities to proceed wvith their
plans to match the "wild bull":a' ib
native sons in connection with ;rx ex-1
hibition tour which had been i)1; ned.
McCarnc-y said he had writteh I Ap
a letter containing' financial in rn1=2'
ation calculated to sway his delc io
to retire from the ring. L-

each, the first block being played at 4 city water team and come out on the tam-,13 Tearns in the plunge and Miel-
o'clock in the afternoon and th'e sec- I wrong end of the final count. 3ziner in the breast stroke were the
ond match at 7:30 o'clock. OCn Fb 16, Nor thwestern, last o cnly . other first place winners for
B3oth1 players are the forenio rt ex- year's Cconferc cll camp~ions, came to ;Michigan.
ponents of ,the 18.2 balkline billiards kiln Abr aater a meet teemingI Against M. A. C. March 4, Michigan's
of the present crop of players and wvith fast;ertocrnianCes, made off with water-men caime into their own and
should provide local enthusiasts with l 45-2~ victory. Competing against r lashed their way to an easy 60-18
a brilliant exhibition of; skillful play- anancato fsuhtn sasa ini over the Farmers. In this meet
Hopp ha hed te crwn or eve- i Howell, Ercyer, Dickson, and, Cor- 0-ow again displayed his great tank
'ten yar - n scci~sonioingitbets, th6 Maize a3nd l 3ue representa-. power by rcniping ofd with the .50
to- chaefer last year bt he regained j tives (ld d mre th.an the expect~d in yadadth10yrdfesylrcs
his lost lauirel' aft r'challenging the I 'utill.z the ol.gh for 2 ; points and ini and, swimming a strong - Taee on the
orU 'pl ziii- "lst ii - T ~n. Welke-r I1 inn n ;threec first ,iil cen, Whitting- Iwinz' nk relay quartet.'- Kerr, another
= P lnt Ha won iingthis ') per amhoanor Kearns be- Wolverine, equalled Gow's record for
tourname t hedmmn pion wnIiT ; oo winners. Cow, points ini this' meet, by winning the
handily -ini the ,play off. - ~ i -paigsecon.d to :Howell, made 1 220 yard free style and the back-
' 'oting Jake Schaefer, is the son of + theP e 1 i-?cham2plion sat a remnarkab- (Coritinuea on P19ge Eight)-
the f~ormer , champion, The - Eld~f L
Safrwho0 held_ the a.title. until' ?F
Hoppe came _alonlg and took it from;~ P 1fWifj~ift
I-hani-.- -somre- -i ghteen-- yearTs-. 'The //f!lwUI/
F rz "r s t ha e It aY l it e h sskill to his son as Y oung Jake Sca, .1
ter h asiovn.heis settleon cont-+ 1/ ft!
feocasipovs en is ;,ettleon conts a, and 1/ 4
hi'gh run of 436 and to have averaged'717ia400pntmth
Schaefer, although possessing skill I /
lacks the tenmperament essential to/'/////,/////
good tournament play. He seems to 1 d RED ItPE R~UITD
be easily affected by his ozpponentl9 I , Prc1AtLY flClIVA'NILL&/?
play during a match and as (1,11conl- ,/ TWO LAYR.0OT DELIGHT
sequence c his own gam~e suffers, fEA CCCEA...A
Hoppe, on the other hand, is noted I / 'ls us WEEIIONLY-ORDER
for his coolness during a match, bce- ! RM' 1EA+ I3A
ing. possessed, i-t aePs, of iron nerves. /
Hoe goes bblt hls- pFlay with a marlredl
'rr~ an~ ~ia7 s pa y flYitz~o'nto
the progre Cf't f s Ipoc t t 1
inm important- bilk 1J r~ ~ yi' rh .lIoppe i)/ S E
~~nt~auf r fom-a 414,, (3~' ~ady .
oTwfi 4I(p esih'j veteran hi-I
lpion to t9-mnt.-
Dhaiy classified for real re-siilts.' z ' I

All candidates for a fresh-
bowling team are asked to; -
port to Mr. Ullman tit the iK*
Ibow~ling alleys at 7:30 o'clock}
r ight.
EU OEA delightful tour of 36 day , 1'f ughi
England, Belgium, and France foo - ilv' I
$330 including foreign rail, hofx;I an -
tos, trains, carriages, inuseum ad:zi]-
singiebgaetano ainservice fees, etc. See Shakespeare
Country, Oxford, London, Gr-.' te~tt
British Exposition, eobruge, Bruges,
iParis, Olympic Cointsts, Chateaut Thi-
erry, etc., etc. Undelr chzaperane s!
leadership of .i-ol liknown collete -~
and wom~en. This tour specially ar-
ranged for studcn:2.t ;actxers.te Ibtsi-
ness'man and his family andthewo
can only spare a short tin??e from h~ouw3
and to whomn "comnfort without:f~l~
togetlher with good comxpanionslbi ,:jnd I
college spirit: will appeal, oea~~~
! atin~g "extras" and "e .t nsions", mi o:
!equal and inclusive bayns. :' i~--
:real June 21, returning aYnui.- ;lu'
26th on 16,500 ton new steamver- 'i~
details, E. G. Kuebler, 601 P 1.' i t ?n
St., Phone 1384. General Steanmsii~
Agent. Reservations, tickets, etc:, for
ALL Steamship Lines. --.Adv.

' ',


a ,.
r , .,-t

x. .

,,, ;.
, .. :

Mlain St~ect at Washington

roars in fight circles in recent years.
Refere~e Ertle reversed his decision
twice, and narrowrly; escaped bheing
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything

Constantinople, March 20.-Women
have, nog won the vote, in Turlkey. In
adopting the first 17 ,)rticles -of the
new constitution, the Angora assem-
lily amnmded the 10th to- iye the vote
to- e Tcvy-"male" Trk -W ho, ha~d A't
tnrn hisL 19S~ .th t V~ atL.

their scores tq coqint as' part of the re-
quired- nuiuber providing, they appr.,
and s'hooqt the °remai niiig niimbar 'uf '-
der the eye of an Intraniyal official.
"Jimmie' tho adtaker" sells anything


a >A4J3i
"!r '0




'LUMLItl Illp IOLLI 4:;A17,

.. ,.


SCME of the new
turne d-upl b01M shoCwn-
above. Othlers follow
the turned-down Eng-
tih, vox u picturedc at
th:left. Both styles '
are srmort. In tans and
grays.. $3.50 to $5.,
THE shirt that's most
popular is--the col-
lar-attached m o d e 1.
Most frequent in plain°
white, but seen more ' in
solid blue and. tan,.
Neckband styles here,;
too. $2.50 to '$4.

Colored Attached Collar Shirts

For Spring

Suits follow nlisp lines

We Are Showving Them in the~ Wonderful Wearing End and End Cloth

$15 to $6o







nes they're e xa~c t
of foremestEnglish
oj E nglis h -mod.els

- AtI'sizes and sleeve' lengths
We are also showing the. Iargest asrt'ent -of W~HITE TYSOIN Attached Collar Shirts we have ever

had the pleasure of' displaying.

Linnen Effect, English Briadclothes, Oxford, and Handkerchief Cloth.

beter suited prhaps to
Americanned.O f-rich
woolens that Will give long
service., orevery ned- _ a
bsiness, sholsports. And

T""HE, lour - in - hand
tie of silk and wool
in vivid stripes is mighty
good. So is a new cre-
:... -f . *... -:I T.

Priced $2.00 to $5.00 the Shirt

!""1 - x T v ~ . W*o , L' e 01 WAM '!. A1 'W T' CUT






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