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February 14, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-14

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tery Men Iave Already Had Week four hurlers out who have had Varsity
of Conditioning for 1W21 experience, Stryker, Benson, Shoe-
Grnd smith and Torrey. The first three were
on the squad last year, but Shoesmith
[Y THREE VETERANS BACK was forced to drop out before the sea-
FOR NEXT WOLVER1NE SQUAD son was well along. Torrey was not
in the University last year, but was
oach Ray Fisher, of the Varsity on the squad the year before until a
eball team has issued a call for ball from the hefty bat of Jack Blott
eld and outfield candidates, who caught him on the lip. An infection
. start work at the Yost field house set in, and Torrey was unable to play
orrow afternoon. for the rest of the season. As the
attery performers have been- going acident lappened before the squad
)ugh the limbering up process for had moved outdoors, the coach had
reek, and with the arrival of the no opportunity to see Torrey under
; of the aspirants for the Michigan fire but he has hopes of his develop-
e, serious preparation for the 1924 ing into a capable deceiver.
paign will begin. Fisher's hopesI
another Conference championship,
e not been aroused to any great
ant as yet,. but if tomorrow's turn- ~
includes a number of heavy hit-*
he will be considerably encour-
Three Veterans Back
mong the veterans Captain Blott Where will the west be if the Giants

In keeping pace with the constant
demand for attractive events on the
annual winter sport program of the In-
tramural department, an eight lap re-
lay event has been added as a special
event for the class trackmen. Besides
this, the annual fraternity relay race
will also be held. Entries for the two
contests are now being accepted at the
office in Waterman gymnasium. The
dates of the meets will be announced
Men interested in the all-campus
track meet are signing up for the event
every day at the Intramural office.
Most of them are already in training
for their favorite events in which they
expect to prove the best of the field of
competitors. Suitable rewards in the
form of a sweater and numerals for
those making five points will be award-
ed after the meet. Entries for the
fraternity track meet are being ac-
cepted also at this time.

Wolverines Rest Up After Long Trip
From Minneapolis; Lineup

in a deadlock for the first place with
Chicago in the Big Ten race.
Chicago reached the top rung by
virtue of its defeat of Michigan, with
five victories and one defeat for its
record. Michigan was relegated to
fifth place receiving its second
Conference defeat at the hands
of the strong Minnesota quintet. Wis-
consin, previously tied with Michigan

Mal(her Takes Over 1927 Court
Squad For Remainder Of Season
Being now engaged in handling th, of the squad to the "Skipper's" system
Varsity baseball candidates, Coach Ray of coaching.
Fisher has handed over the Fres1hman This year's freshman class has tiril-
basketball squad to Coach Mather ed out a team that has been unusual


is a slugger of parts, but as yet no'
men have appeared who can fill the
shoes of Shackleford, Ash, and sever-
al of the other strong arm experts who
graced last year's team. Pitching pro-
spects are not bright enough to war-
rant hopes of a "hitless wonder" com-
bination, which can win games without
the help of eminent club-swingers.
Little is known of the material with
which the coach will have to work.
Kipke and iaggerty, center fielder and
second baseman, respectively, are the
only other veterans of last year's cam-
paign who will be back on the diamond
this season, and as both of these men
are playing basketball at present, they
will not be out until later in the sea-
son. Last year's freshman team
brought out numerous prospects for
the Wolverines, but most of these,men
either were forced out of school on
account of scholastic difficulties or
other reasons, with the result that
Coach Fisher is not at all certain re-
garding the caliber of material now
Battery Men at. Work
!The battery men continue to goI
through their paces daily at the field
house, and Fisher expects to have a fair
line on the ability of his pitchers in
a few weeks. At present there are only
Encouraging interest has been
shown in the tryouts for the'Univer-
sity's informal bowling team,swhich
have been conducted for the last two
days at the Union alleys. The suc-
cessful men will represent Michigan
in the National Intercollegiate Bowl-
ing Assodiation-
There is every reason to believe that
a creditable and dependable team will
be rounded out of the aspirants, who
are working out daily at the Union
alleys, and the officials in charge at
the Intramural office are expecting to
make a grand start by taking the
measure of the University of Kentucky
team, which will be the first to be
encountered on this season's schedule.
The exact date for the opening
match has not been set, as the head-
quarters of the bowling league are
located at Yale and the authorities
there have not announced the exact
time for the playing of the games on
their schedule.

and Yankees cop their fourth straight
pennants the coming campaign? Ans-
wer. Ouside once more.
If these two clubs continue to hog
the limelight much longer western
fans will feel about as did a famous
humorist when the Dodgers won the
pennant in 1920. le said "Thank heav-
en for the Dodgers, they kept us out
of Philadelphia," or somehing like
that. The Noestern fans jsoon will
welcome a flag in any town if some
club will only grab one away from
New York.

As was announced in yesterday's
Daily the bowling teams of the frater-
nities entered inthe Western Confer-
ence Bowling Tournament will resume
their campaign for the initial honors
of being the best bowlers among the
organizations at the Big Ten schools
at the Union alleys tonight.
The following are expected to com-
pete in this event: Delta Sigma Pi
Beta Phi Delta, Delta Sigma Delta,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha
Zeta Beta Phi, Chi Phi, Theta Xi
As soon as the summary of the
scores of the teams made at the other
Conference schools is received from
the Intramural department of OhioI
E t C t ivrity hlz vin r -illh I

Saturday UncertainI for third place, now holds undisputed varsity basketball mentor. !in more ways than one. They havc-
possession of third and Indiana steps The Freshman basketeeis have 1en had a decided advantage in physical
CHICAGO, PURDUE TIED IN into fourth place. idle for several days when practice proportions over most previous first-
Mnnesota Minoaplacsed wa anhio Sater suad an ths sperori-o
CONFERENCE COURT RACE into eighth p ase Iia anioes was suspended for the final examin- yr squads and tis sueriority of
due to its 25-22 defeat of Illinois, with tion period. The call has gone out size coupled with unusually fast and
With Purdue coming here Saturday whom she ties for sixth place is now for a return to the field house for h s fr-work ha me t het
night to battle the Wolverine Va'rsity sixth and Illinois seventh. Many im- further drill and this drill will be thebest since the advent of Fisher as
Coach Mather is expending every ef- portant games are scheduled for Sat- imen continue on the eligibility list
fort to developa man to fill thega practice. mncniu nteeiiiiyls
made by Cherry's ineligibility. urday night and another upheaval in Mather is now given the opportunity Mather expects to recruit from the
the teams' ratings may occur. for observing the yearling court squad yearling squad several men for his
were all tried in the Minnesota game indiana Meets 0. S. U.t in fast competition with an eye toward Varsity outfit next year.
werealltrid i th Minesta ame Michigan has a chance to retrieve___________
and just which one will get the call, herself by defeating Purdue here at possible material for next year's Var-
is still a matter of conjecture. ien- Ann Arbor. Whether Coach Mather sity team. Being brought into contact Paris,-Feb. 13.-Official medical re-
berson looms as the most likely man, can replace Cherry in so short a Cime with his men will give the coach a line ports show French girls' health im-
but plays a forward position, thus nec- is questionable but the Wolverines ()n their possibilities and at the saine proving; this is credited to their grow-
essitating some sortf a shift, will be stronger than they were at time will accustom the new members ing interest in outdoor exercises.
Although beaten in their last two Minnesota. Should Purdue succeed
games, the team is not discouraged in vanquishing Michigan, and Iowa,
and will endeavor to retrieve themsel- with a new combination, topple over
ves Saturday night. With the calibre Chicago, then Purdue will go into
of the Conference teams almost on a the lead.
par with one another, no team can Indiana will meet Ohio State while
effect a runaway with the title. Illinois plays Wisconsin and the re-
Purdue Wins Fifth sults of these two games will alterT
Purdue's victory over Northwestern the positions of all four teams. Nor- JOH NST N & MURPHY
Tuesday night at the Purdue stamping thwestern and Minnesota are not j R
grounds placed Coach Lambert's five slated to play this week-end and HOE
their positions will not be altered un-
Such advances speak well for a few less Iowa beats Chicago, in which
ties in the final standings of some of place.
the leagues, and the schedule for the Teaci.
final rounds may be held up for a ITr
while pending the final determination! W. L. Pct.
of the league standings of some of the Chicago ............ ..5 1 .833>
evenly matched aggregations. Purdue ...............5 1 .833O
Wisconsin...........3 1 .750
The schedule for tonight is as' Indiana . . .......5 3 .625 13-50
follows: 7 o'clock, Phi Mu Al- 3lichigian............3.. 1 2 .600
pha vs. Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi' Ohio State.......... 4 3 .571
Beta Delta vs. Delta Sigma Delta, Illinois.............2 3 .400
Delta Theta Phi vs. Phi Epsilon;Pi, iinnesota. .. .2.250
Peers vs. Tau Delta Phi, 7:45 o'clock, Nowthwstern.........0 5 .000
(freshmen groups) group 1 vs. group &CsrP.N0
7, group 3 vs. group 9, group 2 vs.
group 8, group 4 vs. group 10, 8:30 GBOT Jor Wen C'- Jtnce lg4K
o'clock, (class teams) senior lits BASEBALL NOTICE
(Crawford) vs. education, soph lits-1
vs. soph m'edics, <soph engineers vs: All candidates for the infield
upper dents, 9:15 o'clock, (independ- and outfield report at 2 o'vlock
ent teams) Detroit Junior College vs. Friday at the Yost field house.

St. Louis undoubtedly lost a chance ZLaLe univeity, LneVwin it il
to see a lot of good baseball when announced in The Daily. Delta Kappa
Clark Griffith decided to cast his lot Epsilon, Minnesota, won the trophy
with Washington instead of the I last year by a scant margin of Phi
Browns. In his nine years as man- Gamma Delta, Michigan.
ager and then manager-president of
the Capitol team he has turned out, Entries are now being accepted at
good teams although he has failed to the Intramural office for the annual
land a pennant. He landed his club foul shooting contests for the frater-
in first division five of nine years. nities and the class teams.
His teams of 1912-13-14-18 were un- in the fraternity tournament there
usually good. In his three-year reign will be a team of five men from each


as president he has led his outfit to
fourth place twice and sixth place
American league fans will miss
Mike Menosky, Washington outfield-
er this year. He was an eccentric
sort of a gent but popular and a will-
ing worker.
John McGraw expects Billy South-
worth to add considerable strength to
the Giants' attack with his trusty bat
and his great speed.

Football Dractice was re-
sumed at 4 o'clock Wednesday in
the Yost field house. All foot-
ball candidates not participating
in baseball, basketball, or track
are requested to report at 4
o'clock every afternoon for in-
door practice.}
Assistant Coaclh.


fhouse. Each man will throw ten bas- I Fletcher Hall, Olds House vs. Sagi- tIt. L. FISHER,
kets and the aggregate score of the naw-Bay City club, Phi Elks vs. For- Coach.
five members will be taken. The first man house, Barnes All Stars vs. Gobs.
round will be considered as the pre-
liminaries with the stipulation that the Tomorrow night's schedule will wind-
ten highest teams will battle it out for up the schedule for the week: Chi P1i
first place in the finals. The same vs. Trigon, Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Kappa MANAGER TRYOUTS
rule will hold for shooting in the Sigma, Theta Xi vs. Cygnus, Kappa
finals as in the preliminaries, and the Nu vs. Sigma Chi, 7:45 o'clock, Alpha A n si
total aggregate score of both divisions Delta Phi vs. Theta Delta Chi, Alpha All candidates for assistant
will be accepted as the final score Chi Rho vs. Phi Chi, Delta Chi vs. baseball managers ill report
the fraternity garnering the most to Xi Psi Phi, Nu Sigma Nu vs. Phi Pi, any day this week at 3 o'clock, I
be considered as the winner. 8:30 o'clock, Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. at the Yost field house.
As in former years the all-campus Alpha Tau Omega, Zeta Beta Tau vs. W. T. WHITE,
tournament will be individual, as many Delta Sigma Pit Phi Beta Delta vs. Manager.
Imen as want to from each class being Psi Omega, Delta Sigma Delta vs. TauL_
allowed to iarticipate. ernitytour-Epsilon Pi, 9:15 o'clock, Psi Upsilon
nament will close at 5 o'clock, Tues- vs. Phi Epsilon Pi, Peers vs. Tau Del- Read the W ant Ads
day, February 19, while the all-campus ta Phi.
contest will be held open until 5
o'clock, February 25. I
Keener rivalry and marked improve-
ment in passing were the most out-
standing features of the resuming of
the fraternity basketball schedule in
the leagues last night at Waterman
gymnasium. Many of the teams show-
(ed to better perfection last night than
they have done in the previous tilts.



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