2dr~y1, 192 TAXI UIIUI~RIUL deferred until after a public hearing. wh(hwill be held at 7:30 o'clock to- morrow night in the City hall. The bill has had its first and second read- ings and, it is expected, it will beI ACTIO _DEF RREQ voted on at the next meeting of the council April 10. 4 1 If passed, the bill will set cab rates 4 lesainped ll Wil Vl Re Voted on at I at 30 cents for one passenger for the, t (oata (oin rurcif M eet ApiWl104 I rst one-third mile, and 10 cents addi- 11,1 Lower Rates; tional for each succeeding third mile. _______Additional, passengers will be taxed, -'~I~N 1 23* cents a trip. The proposed, rates, ; ?t1 l, 't9" }!;l; 7 "l~~lhave sonic advantages over the fla 1'ICW1 1,t 1i' '1 '1 A lI'rate of 50 cents to zany part of the [. { oi (in- y) 1):rsed ~o~in1'aln trips will be somewhat lessen1ed. Taxl:1 iow b for t ', fflofl council to meters will be installed on all cabs., U~siai lh ~thdrivers anid to j if the bill Is tpa:ss(d.. : ..fth e 1)a ;4>) rates for all cab Several of the larger cab concerns Slines wver-tiT1 ';in A rbor bas been hav'e expressed thenmgelveS in favor of the ordinance, while the smaller 3 pe :ent time contains pictures of ed-i EH iU I Cjj nnrfla IParoiz Diy dvrtses- taxi lines are fighting it. The latter 1Bh iiVA LO FML uc,tor , scientists, statesmen, and t(IontdotLhtthIoernOfDh ttA iiH LLPIIIIIUDil dvarier. AY poitel ot tattheloerigLfLtLeUr!esin en. The ptures are L~J IUL ~III[ tl 60. so o #*# e mna#Frates on small trips will be a material I f f fnnfl'iii ara:'m. Ld with the names of the men,. on a ~ r i n~ A QP(set. Mt. so* to $2.ow loss of revenue to them since with. It ~VI'JllM the dzutcs of thxer graduaton, and COM ITEE IVIF~11i~ifuI~I Wed. Mat. S0ot81,I.f their imited number' of taxis fewer + ENT~'~'~ YF for what they are noted. ______t IN A ("IA TD itisof great length are taken. The gallery hitherto has been lo- Tre contents of the proposed ordin- The Union "Hall of Fame" is to con-' caod in the lobby on the third floor Members of the reception committee rlint of Comede lanceth willtndoubldlyant it ant wil udatbtely e greatly a- tain the pictures of 20 famorcus alum- of the Union. but it is qetoal of the senior literary class will meet i l, (: tered following the hearing tomorrow.( ni when it is completed in the nea if it will remain there, according to at 3 o'clock to-day in the Press build- jGoudsfo Dv~rce" It is expected that the tax will be fixed future. Fifteen o thecae pictures Roc;prt~;on. ing. All members are urged to be -Wth in proportion to the seating capacity have already been hung; in thre galle: y present, inasmuch as this is the frst{ Bruce a~elie~ an IH. Reeves-Smith of the cabs.. and the rest are to be Phi(aidthere' ' 1 chul (reated At tre 1 amie. meeting of the committee, andl initial .~ beore theend of he s~i ester.plans for the annual ballaet ew. * befoe theend of11w siiiestr.Ninth Bend, :March 20.: -- The (Cd isusdaehstm. a e AuINN tk~~h~L MarchMach t)-Pinc--PrtadnThce lliratad% ____________dscssdttistie.________\_ft~tt;fh a~ (it Nore ~am _____________________Central 'rune (Slow Time)' [heaodiec Sundays~s 1tegllr r; rtedi htn:r1(I ;Iartr~tofeuain tNte ~m eaeCatr fCmec ifsote oectmeeeahdtstiribranuhitthendawlery.aeektn, inMarchn20.---The cabineLta. rohaWeekrDoaysoSunday. of te imperial aae~eft milt', tltdaO(ordiigtoirrntl,. cltttrr .,,., i and *ahesh dned to hfIr, --nniig il .ntke utue ie lriwn s h wilhol fsdtopoeki, trc ~.he etatietr cr ',4 a"645 .m. laccordinhttof sinal. nandinng i ,. ,.t . lur re hkow~a+te."cholfuedto ;povth.tntaiv5are-. ain. .4 .M the stlnat of tl' [~rrvr : tolawa o ]1~tict~o wih treedcprtitntsmen fo reogntio of ovit.Rssi. 444 -5. latngto pnlmnnits h shai ft.1'l }ty ~ao dctin ihtreAeatetsmn o eonto fSoitlus.44 *f~ r ie1"l)Inima~s' eral C'edui''a tia, -7h 41- ELLIOTT, Paoprieer P atro n ize D aily A d v ertisers.-A d v .;w '2: y - - # sroisw chttiA draan Wll. D ily A vell ers.= d v . 25 0 , is e airhmn . , b e b a l atedlh e ;. ana:!iboyd w ork. D aily b oy w ork .Dsily claforiereal rre ru lts.s AUTO, f f _- HIGH TEST, GASOLINE ... The FI nes t Pr,)d9tObt4PnxabIde - GASOLINE. W .A Straight Ruin New Navy Specification Gaso.line EStop cat th'. sign of tl=e White Star, the genuine Whiite 4Star Containing the Word - S'TAROLINE - a TilE ABBOTT GASOLINE (.OMPA'Ny- Raw 'TIRE SERVICE WeVicarcthJie clcusiye distributor for 11111* AP_ HERE. i yl .. your ,heart , - JHupm~obill ', , lines, its d{ tomakoter tomay ot . roadsters o Wool a M1,504 t in t maF. Gooctrich,, All1 Cod irsandTue "1e~t llthe LagRun" ' Accessories Raybestos Brake Service A-uto Specialty Shop 219 W. HURON ST. -i4 _ i i I .,, _ - ,,- ._., 4 Gates' Baloiesfryu - erie ht aesTres hv Accessor ies ak- ire Seriea f LULMV #4+H-41 ITH IT R - I 0 t WWI