2,1924 THE MICHIGAN DAIILY . ;ter ....-" IIIMMVA V off, Itar nruw n r- ...ir rrr.Nr r Y r FRESHMENWIL IE PAGEART LANTERN NIGHT A pageant arranged by the fresh- moan women will be one of the feat- ures "of Lantern night. Sue Grundy Bonner, '27, has been named general rchairman of the pageant. Chairmen of the committees will be announced later. Tryouts for dancing will. occur at 4 'clock, Tuesday, March 25, in Bar- hour gymnasium and at the same hour,. Thursday, March 27, in Sarah Caswell Angell hail. Persons trying out need, not have had and special training in dancing. Anyone who is interested in trying out is asked to appear at one of these appointed hours. An announcement will be made soon regarding, contests in poetry writing, songo and posters. N otices7 T'hey I anage Junior Play OR. OIIEY O TLK he Strolli ON MNTL HYGENEPasses By f Dr. Helen W~oolley, assistant di- Soene people are just too perverse. rector of the Merrill Palmer sciool ;esmlycntokou h pyh I of Detroit, will speak at the r112l.a r 0 of one of our instructors., All the# monthly mieeting of the nursery SI others are catayloguted in our little tion of the Faculty Women's Club at 3 o'clock Wednesday, Mtarch 28, inE e ok room D, Memorial :hall. Dr. Woolley's subject will be "The NGWcv and then we are siezed with~ Mental Hygiene of Young Childhood"; ~~'hlIg desire td play in the and as she is an authority on menta ,-,_'_f ' .f hene lt and physical develQpnment of (hbi-. s our. ; terneli! . ou )etrFyrn, her subject will be of intere. ',- ',' Iwesa~or to students of, child psychology and t, :'a~ ;Ioutely 1past. parents,, For this reason the meret- ing will be an open. one, and the FPac- been 'wrong. The March iwInd plows, IjHavana, AMarcch '0 -(S%:eocrs a3 It ruffles one's hair - Marchi hairs.' electric lgtpat ~tuod (We know (:auleour: is bobbed.) ;Cuba anud C l(-u v ± )I.g pc probably lose some of the old tinie ; al bomih explosions e eor agility.1 We acquired it from dodging Th~e strike at Cienfueg os h as b~e ;; soot-flakes. I settled.* " _. . ..i. :r". . r r7 '" it .Si.' S SPECIALTY SI-JOPPE MIlCHIIGAN LEAGUE > i Per ('cut Coilunlssioll on Sales Bring This Ad With You II ulty Women's club extends an in ita- tion to any one'Interested to hear DZr., Woolley. Munich, March 20.--Dr. K. Spli jidt has invented an electrically heated palette and devised a moans o-f ap- plying hot paint mnixed with wax in, such a manner as to mare frQ .oor durable. ~e cdunt like to break. dates au~ w'e-I ur very best calls up 10 min- utt,: alter our next best frien4 we feel l:.tiiioJ. it is rather hstrd 'to meet cur rnext best a few. hours later in T-li hty's. W~e nevecr could quite understand t ,; s e r;ion "March hares." We s row nw the spelling has always " T-: +"L'd" 75k:n:B' 'laI:CB:. ::d37: Y" :II k 'Y+diC4.'liGpYR3 4 C 0N 3S A4r>]l '.R 1u :: 7 l ",frv ..._i:"u . .rL : -C~ w1".5+:';C3.'4 . t r. ~ c Miss Mary Ross', bible cla~ss will meet at 7 o'clock tonight in room 403 pf H~elen Newberry residence.' i . 71*1 1 (3 Dr. Bell has been called 'out of and 'will not' be In her office further notice. town un til AT THE THEATIRS i i# Screen--Today Arcade--Jacqueline_ Logan and ;Antonio Moreno in "Flaming Barriers." f.. i Majestic-"omen Who Give.' Wuert#--"The Destroying An, el" and "Columnbus." rpheum- "After a Million, and "Haunted Valley." rf 1 1' 1~ I . ' If#~en Brbwvn Jeane Briggs Helen Brown, '25, and Jeane lBriggs, '25, are the chairman and the Ebusiness manager, respectively, of the .1924 Junior Girls' play, "Thank You', Madam,"- which gave' its initial engagement Tuesday night at the Whit- ney theater. _ .Y Ia - C1; K-UO-PS III 3I- Go t,5. THE CLAR EAN TOURS ate.B Phone'8$ I' K:' !C r tIimplicity, Originality and Taste Make' up the Correct Design for Flowers 4 S . J fN . f, , .,. rr'. i The New Chic Hats Just the thing for those windy. spring days, when comfort _and util- ity go hand in hand for practical purpoases. An, ideal hat for. the shingle bob. We have these in varied assortments . Stage--This 'Week Whitney '-?'dlaythrogh 'St- urday - 20th' annual produc- "Thantk'You, Madam." Garrick--Ina Cla ire in "Grounds for Divorce?'" . I ' 00I "lomLOR0AIVA: DanaRic'hardso '.15EATL) rT ShE @t tr S '.r4k 1P '+1'.v dk Q.{ # b > i 4 ' 3t,¥r'V. ., e'je?.ry , d , ;: :'. f F 'i ; A L p c , .:,Si .'r °b f,: y. i. 4 o- STATE or WABASH-_ .Between MADISON and WASHINGTON3 ,CHICAGO In troducing Stves'College irApparel (I'-AS. A. STEVENS & BROS. one of the leading Women's Specialty Shops' in America has ,opened a ColegeBur~eau,' in order to offer apparel which will be, particularly adaptable to the college girl. We plan to bring our apparel to you so that you can make selections on the campus. Wonderful sports clothes, wonderful tailored clothes, adorable dance frocks--dainty lingerie and smart accessories. Watih for 'Date of Sxkibit, F "' .060. .March. Winds-- ... Are ColdI .andRougeh. Use Esco \Velvet Skin It soothes, heals and protects the skit, and complexion 4 45cBottles 4i 200-.204 E. LIBERTY ST. ti r -; 2 rIAADD ~~bSAT. -- - . - .. ( d .rte a . 3.30.&/ PRICES 8-1 .. ,° ~The comedy mce'od:ramna ' at. - /f. . . . .. . ., . d ~1dMM -k - - * .tltl nan 1.,u Oi I I~ % ~ds ~ -M " -M A. -rc of.tr - -IOI --R;N Fmu nt~ro ay. -y 'I w i':e sa eatorw owat F- Akekrio oder-'FamingBar Tirs asTOrec ordspe nwindoinguorof 'uinedy adstrls anmcngHat. - "GI#LS WILL B~E GI LS" Featuring Bil1ly Sullivan - Sunday-Betty Compson and Richard DMx In "TIDE WrRANGUER," . 9 :_ { ,b,;r Y'r ' r n if-'-lift; WITHI I JOHN MBOWERS ' k LEAII BAIRD FORD STERLING j The Yle. Universlty Press Presenits PAUL PARROT in t The Reginald Barker' Prod ction ii6t/ol 4 VV io/ea Cast lincludes BARBARA BEDFORD FRANK KEENAN RENEE ADOREE ROBERT FRAZER I I, ON THLE STAGE 11