k OrTE MICHIGAN DAILY GLEEMEN TO SING'' WITHOHIOSTATE! W I H U 10Thirty-Three -Nen Fro in Or fiamnlzatimi To Slug At Cleveland Affair With oldo Sate "CAMPILUS REVUE" T4 BE GIVEN UJNDER BIG TES' CLUB AUSPICES Returns Today LU SOIDDHISPANICA TO -HOLD D E ANtEHAPRIL La Sociedad Hfispanica will hold an informal dance on the evening of Fri- day, April 4, in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. Tickets will be $1.25 perI couple. Due to the limited capacity of the parlors, members of the Socied- ad will be given ticket preference un- til March 25. There will be an exhibi-. tion of several Spanish dances. Hfarvard Figures EIJuetion Costs $4.05 Per hour mand for increased wages. The pre- l n n mier announced that strikers would U from the military. He charged the SLOGO B i strike was political. Irv'i\aquette Msarch 20-Dogfs WEEK5CRUIE F cites of 'oi rruette, Islpeminr TWO ~E1M uj~jautiue, and ailnost all of the :la liii! 'EDcount , and part of laraga WRAL ESERVE PLANK E aveolbeen placed untler a stric AE 5of the ig, ?deg- arquette county ct quar- Thirty-three selected men 'from ... . the U'niversity glee club, will take part in the "Oani~us jt~eyie'" tog-eth- or with thea club from Ohio, State 'ni- versit.The concert will be gander }.:.* *'~ the ausipces of the Big Ton University club of that city. Five ther Pglee club concerts art- scheduled for this sprinag in Cleveland.' This recital is exphected to surpass ;any of the othier concerts to -be given, by the other schools. R. Winfield Adams, baritone soloist of the local club, will sing several selections. The Varsity quartet and Booth 's orchestra will also be featured on the program. A dance at the Masonic ball rooms will follow the concert. .IIrof. W. J. Hu'-ey The following ,program will be gi a-IpL' oessor Hussey returns today en by the Michigan Club: froma ti oSuhArc.hr Onrit th ....... .........Buc he as been engaged in an effort to On te Se +... ,, , IsceI find a suitable site for a University of MVlorning Hymn ...... ... Henschel1~flA~ A r t i Plans were mIlef last nFight, at the nzetit? of the; United States Naval -Reserve corps, for a tw4' weeks cruiseI starting Junec fif'tecnth. with Duluth' as its IproOabhe (destination.' Coromandr Eroadhead of Detroit was the officeer it ccharge of .the, per- son~i i insnectioli. He also rev-I-Nee the drill .maneuvcrs. The 'Regulatio Naval l'ecture Was given 'by Ensign Lee. Meetings are held every We dues- (ay night 'and all interested are in- vited to attend, Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. antine by the Michigan commissioner of agriculture, as the result of tho tests conducted by the research de-i p artment of the Unive rsity. of Michi- gan hospital definitely sh~wing thiati thle heads of the two dogs they ex aminr-l ed showed both animals b'ad rabies. kAn epidemic of rabies -has been1 raging in the upper peninulna among the canines for 'mor'e than -a month.- Ihazy HIN"'W~ha Ainttr The distinction of being Italy's first wo)nian aviator belong to Si'-nora M'imi' Fint", vwife of the aetive fas- istal mi,1ister, who is~ both homse sec- retary, .anxl head of the air depart- Students of the Graduate school of Business Administration in Harvard have figured out that their education costs themn each $4.05 per clan§-roomL hour. The figure is based upon the cost of tuition, living expenses and. the value of a student's timne if hie were in outside employment, estimat-; ed iat $30 per week. The students undertook tom, om- pile these figures after it had ~e en announced that the cost of operating the Business 'school is being met sole- ly from its income like any sound: business. It is the opinion of some of the faculty. that the knowledge on the; part of the students that their i~struc- tion is, costing. each one of them- $4,05 anl.-hour'results in a serious determin- ation toward their work not otherwise Sword of Farrata.......... BullardI University of Michigan Glee .ClubI Pale AMoon ............. ....Logan' The Bells of St. Marys...... Adams Varsity Quartet-U. of K. Selections .................... Booth's Instrumental Quartet Lungi del Caro Bone ......... Seechi Look Down, Dear Eyes . Anonymous Marcheta ............ SchertazingerI R. Winfield AdamsI My Little Banjo ..........Dichmont On the toad to Mandalay .... SpeaksI University of Michigan Glee Club The Maize and the, blue .:. Michigan Star Spangled Banner... ....... Combined Glee Clubs DEMLA WILL TAKE 15R IN INITIATIQN CEREMION Fifteen students will become mein- b ers of the Order of Do Malay, junior Masonic order at a semi-annual con- vocation - at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in the Masonic temple. The halls of the temple will be elaborately decorated, for the ceremony, for which it is expected man~y members, will, be, present, I' V Plans 'for the ' N6Xl~ba c ~an~ce;' which is to be held April 26 in the Packard dance roon, .,axe .being .push- ed forward lt "a: rapid,