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March 21, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-21

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I_______ I

VOL. XXXIV. No. 127





Jap Becomes Interesrting Flgur
tkroughi Failure to Take
Stand in Senate Quiz
Washington, March 20.-Four reels
of the famous fight films "deal" were
run off today before the Dai~gherty
investigating comnmittee by Tex Rick-
ard the promotor and Thomas G. Spell-
acy, a former department of justice
Their testimony partly corroborated
and partly conflicted with previous
stories told the committee. In his
nightly .statement summing up the
day's development, Attorney General
Daugherty declared that Rickard had
eurteimexhibtions" ad th1at Spell-
acy's-testimony was "hearsay."
Rickard Testifies
Rickard in two lively hours on the
stand told of his part in the contract
for wide spread exhibition of the Dem-
psey-Carpentier fight films in 1921
'but said he had been 'bunked" by his
associates, had. made little money,
and had been twice fined for his part
in the exhibition.
Spellacy confirmed generally the
statement .Gerald o. Holbridge another
former department of justice agent
Muan it inolvm om Mr
Daugherty, Edward B. McLean, the
Washlngton piublisher, and others.
He- quoted as -saying Daugherty sug-
gested -that Muma should get a "cut"
in the prafits 9f the exhibition, but dis-
elaimed. Hoibridge's version that the
attorney general suggested a 50 per-
cent ciut," :.
Muna beqcame even a more interest--
Ing figuro tonight through futile ef-
f0Tts of ,the ,comnmittee to locate him.
-He failed to respond today when his
namo was called, although Senator
Wheeler in charge of the testimony
said Muma'alawyer had promised+ his
appearade9 - P-ro(ess setvors now are
on a fresh hunt fer him, and Senater
Wheeler expects him before the com-
nmittee .shortly. .
aWould Withhold Law
Rickard said that Muma, telling of
"influence" In Washingtoti, auggested
showing of the fight films dn assur-
ance that the law would be withheld
forthwith, making their exhibition
safe .
Rickard said he was assured, but
on this as wiell as on other promises

Debate Here Tonight

Bloemfontemi, British . South Africa,
)Jost Favorable~ Situation
For Huge Lens
Prof. W. J. Hussey, director of the
observatory, who has been conducting
an astronomical expeditlon in South
Africa during the last year, will ar-
rive here this morniing on the Wolver-
ine from New York, according to a
telegram received by Prof. R. H. Cur-
tiss, assistant director of the obser-
vatory yesterday. -
The purpose of the expedition was
to locate a site for the new 27-inch
refracting telescope presented to the
U niversity by Robert P. Lament, 91E,
of Chicago. Professor -Hussey has
been conducting an extensive investi-
gation in South Africa with the use
of a 10-inch telescope, which he has
mounted on several possible sites in
order to ascertain the conditions In
different parts of the country.
Bloemfoutern Favored
Bloemfontem, British South Africa,

People Honor Charles
Eliot On His 9O0
Cambridge, Mass., March 20.-The certain dep
duty of educated men lies in their the gift bei
service to their country in peace as in "recogn
well as in war, said Charles William life."
Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard Judge Ed
university who received in Sanders i ville Tenn
Theater here today the salutation of Harvard A
the American people on this 90th birth Inounced th
Id(ay. Chief Justice William H. Taft, tion of th
as the personal representative of book fund 1
President Coolidge bore the message yard univ
of "love, gratitude, and respect for fields as Pi
one whose long life has been full of nate.
constant and eminent usefulness The greet
in promoting the welfare of his ada were e
countrymen." from Premi
Bishop William Lawrence, of Bos- In respon
ton announced that friends of Mr. to his life
Eliot had made gifts amounting to lected 'joy -
$1,250,000 for the better support of a very larg

th Birthday
artments of the university,
hg, Bishop Lawrence said,
ition of your illustrious
ward T. Sanford of Knox-
essee,. president of the
lumni associations an-
e creation by the associa-
e Charles William Eliot
to buy books for the Har-
ersity library in such
resident Eliot shall desig-
ings of the people of Can-
xpressed through a letter
ier W. L. McKenzie King.
ding to the many tributes
and qualities Dr. Eliot Se-
in work' as the source of
e part of his life.

ElineiSahlinan, '25, Leo J. Nowi chi, '25E, Iieinef h C. Wigle, '21

Varsity affirmative debaters who will
question of the Chicago drainage proj
torium. Admission will he free.

meet the Illinois negatives on the
ect at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-

Jun~rior Girls QCAI
Will Appear
3 ore fTmesi FO

Meeting Phizis TJ1 Circulate Pel1i ion
Asking Viiiversily Aid

lI epiiblican s Rail y (o Mellon's Flag,
While Deins Look for Some-
Ting~ To Eight About

Waahngt -,-a.inoffers the most favorable site of any
Action was taken at a mneoting forth Wshnigfn ac co.-ittees con that Professor H-ussey; has found ac-
all varsity swimmers and those in- tsieat of teenceilltred o coring to reports. In 1903 he spent
terested in the sier inofth -vnu b trndsome time in astronomical work in
m t e-- sport at te ,iOni (ast again st today to the approaching'tergo about tetw fOag,
might that all present would further fight on the income tax rates after jin the Blue Mountains of south east-
a petition requesting University aid the committee had agreed to some emn Australia, the tua Plata region
in providing .a suitable place to prac- iUther treasury provision on technic Iwas also investigated and now Pro-
tice. It was urged that the Union pool aid' administrative details in the bill fessor Hussey has completed his in-
would be satisfactory. if a plan wouldi aoproved by the house. vestigation in South' Africa.
be arranged whereby the Union could Deort drew up some prospec- Naval Hill, located , two and a half
be enabled to complete its pool, hatertv ae today an umte hmmiles outside Bloemfontem~ is located
repaying th~e University. Geor'ge E. to liscal experts to determine- their within easy reach of the city by a good
Little, director of minor sprs hed probable revenue yield, while Re- road which leads to the top. This
ed the meeting. publicans continued apparently to would make accessible supplies and
The pet tion will pass through tiie hold to a plan to stand by the Mellon equipmetit which wvill be necessary
hands of Fielding IL. Yost, director of r -ates Ladopteh by th house ways and ifor the erection of the new observat-
athletics, and then. he presented toJ means committee, but displaced by cry where the telescope will be loc
lPresidlept Marion L. -Burton for Final the kIouse for- the Longworth com- atd In athe opinon of officials at the
cosdeaio.PromIise. odeato w he e md s ote
Fighlt Aaiii ()de - 1 -Meanwhiile, attentixn was centered -ia Nocatoion~wl madhen e setor h
"hsyear only pine men hoe the j- 11 : stimt1IeS, -as to the Pxobable final latior the tawih oeaor
-burden of representipg Michuan in amount -of reVenue-t& be requirdi by hmi fe the daletan hic Prfesusts
monfergave swmmn mets a( t es9hpgovernnIent nextear nAe~- ot his- investigation have been gone
nde gefort. -tigt of t< ( m winte t tei ontn&tteauy-d&- over by those in: charge of the expiedi-
sond eturn. shld b own hc $1e hl dary Wtion the trseasry dnIt tiQn at the Universityi -
s2hni.' rerit4n-shiuti nvishown th1 n 1< patm .t 1-ho id hlraiy in -t . The entire - heavens, with the.:x-
thteff AO-ap-)ar ttO tJ'AILS .-~ ,Att.

"Thank You, Madam", twentieth an-
nual Junior Girl's Play, will be repeat-
ed tonight and tomorrow eevning. A
matinee performance will also be giv-
en Saturday.
This year's production has been en-
joying a most enthusiastic reception
before satsifactory aifdiences. Inas-
much as the performance is more el-
aborate ,and amlitious than those of
previous years, its success is particul-
arly gratifying.
A .few desirable seats are left for the
remaining performances at the Whit-
ney Theatre box office. The prices
range from one dollar to two and a
Spring Plowin
Detains Cooley
"Down On Farms"
Preparations for spring farming
and other business duties have de-
layed Dean Mortiner E. Cooley of
the engineering college, at his fu-
ture home 'at Canandagua, N. Y., and
he has wired that he will tiot return
here before the first of the week.
Dean Cooley left here one week
ago expe~Zting to be gpne only a few
days and this is ther second time
word has been received stating that
the-'coming of spring demanded his
attention to the farm, orchardt and I
:berry' bushes. He is at present plan-
ning the planting of a large number

aviore than 20 candidlates for the
Varsity tennis team met at 7:30
o'clock last night in room 306 of the
Union, in a movement which inaugur-
ated the 1924 conference tennis sea-
The meeting was presided over by
Assistant Coach George Little, who
gave a brief talk concerning the
status of tennis on the various cam-
puses of the conference universities,
and of the value'#of training for the]
sport, saying that "to be a good man
in any branch of athletics requires
strict adherence to the ordinary rules
of correct litring." He also pressed
the increasing importance of tennis
as a major sport, and traced the de-
velopment of the game at Michigan
since its inception here some years
ago. ..
John Rorich '24D, captain of this
year's Varsity team, also spoke, and
gave a short resume of the activities
of the squad last year.
Playing will start at once, and the
concrete courts are already in con--
ditlon for the preliminaries, it Is
hoped that all interested in trying
out for the Varsity will preen
themselves either to Coach Little or
Rorick. The first game on the sched-
ule is at Indiana, on April 19.

I Ilinois, 3Michigan, and WisconsIn
Train Tehms For Ninth
Annual -Encounter
, Michigan's Varsity debaters will
-meet representatives of Illinois and
Wisconsin universities in the ninth
annual Mid-West debate at 8 o'clock
tonight to discuss the question:
Resolved, That the drainage pro-
pect of the Chicago Sanitary commis-
sion insofar as it involves the diver-
sion from Lake Michigan of snfficient
water to provide adequate sanitation
for the City of Chicago, should be per-
manently guaranteed. (International
rights waived.).
Will Meet Illini
The Univierslty affirmative team
wil meet te Illinois negative trio
in Hill auditorium; while the negate
ives will meet the Wisconsin affirmat-
ive team at the same time at Madison.-
Thues Varsity affirmative2 tam in-
Nowicki, '25E, and Kenneth C. Wigle,
'24, with Millard H. Pryor, '25, alter-
nate. They will compete with P. W.
Bronson, J. W. Speakman, and K. E.
Oberbolver of Illinois.
Gardner S. Williams, '89, author of
several books, and consulting -engin-
eel', and a resident of this city- will
preside in Hill auditorium. Judge of
debate will be Prof. J. S.. Gaylord, of
the public - speakIng dlepartment .at
Northwestern university..
The negative teany wihich ileft :yes-
terday for Madison, Is com'posed of:
D. 0. Cook, '24, Bvrton Sibley, '25, and
Walter Pear? '24, with W. C. Dick-
son, '24, alternate. iThe negatilve
division of the Wisconsin team, whos&
affirmative they Will meet, journeys-
frm ative trio from Illinois.ee th
All of tme- mcii speadng here ton
night have disthnguished themselie
as orators. orunusual ability, ac 'trd
ing to -menmbers of the public speak-
ing department, and if advance relytttse
are correct, will meet men of the sahne"'
calibre from Illinoise.-W4glwis a nlm-
ber of A delphi, and Sal zgrn a. forper
president, "o Alp1a, Num as well as
alternate iti the "Ctiftral league d~
bate least year. Pryor is speaker in -
Adeip hi.
'Left Yesterday
The Michigan teams have been un-
der the charge of Prof. L. M. Eich with
th assistance of G. E. Densmore, both
of the public speaking department.
Mr. Denjsmore accompanied the neg-
ative team to Madison yesterday.-
The question tis onedof thet prom
prese1 stime. Chicago Sanitary of fi-
cials claim that failure to-grant them
the needed amount of water will mean
te -ultimate ruinTof the great Amer-
supply will, it has been asserted, le-
come polluted and typhoid .and other ~
contagious . diseases will ravage the:
population of more than three and a
half million people. Canadian offi-
cials, on tle other hand, claim that
the diversion is taking power froni
their electric plants, while some shdpd
pers fe'ar that .a lowered lake jevel
will result, hindering transportation.
Admission to the debate will be free.s-

With the completion ,of the alter-
ations now being made at Waterman
gymnasium, the old offices of Dr.
George May will be transformed into
lecture rooms for athletic courses;-
and his offices will be moved into the
Athletic clubrooms for the faculty
will be provided when the remodeling
of the former Varsity rooms is come.
pleted. A squashracquet court, hand-
ball, and volley ball court3 have- een
provided for faculty use. Pul~jey
Iweights, other gymnastic apparatus,
and showers will also be installed.
Windows are being put in the south
side of the building to provide better
light and air for the locker rooma
in the basement.

a decent ph ce tt pr cjiyd Nuld~ Mily.
.,be ?ight,' said Coach Little in an in-
Sterview. "Oth~er schiools lhaye~ admir- -
able facilities for swirmming, and de~-
spite this fact Michigan's small group
fought to second place in the recent
Big Ten swimming meet. .
I Our men believe that a good swim-
mning tam will reflect a great deal of
credit on Michigan, and consistently

which wonhd' be- collected fnext yea
and ei' 'whi-ch' i- figured~ the surplus
a'Vaihabe -fer aKreduTtioli; haW used
tha lower 'figulles - on - two diff~rent
estimates. -
If the maximum estimates had been
used, it showed that $88,415,000 more
wo~uld be collected in the fiscal yeai'
1924 and $248,413,000 more in- the

ceptofe tof, the region in the~ extrem~
south, hauyebeen. surveyed and- mapp-
e, The expedition -which,'-Professor
l-useey has-just comifleted is auiother-
step in. the- process of mapping the
s outhern heavens, for the purpose of
making a study of the double stars
which appear as single to the naked
eye, but are revealed as double
through the telescope.

lie was "bunked".
Rickard sid he had nothing to do,
exet receiving his share of the pro-
fits with the film exhibition outside
of New York and Illinois where he
wsfined, $1,000 and $500 respectively.
He denied ay"cosiracy in the
ageement",ut presented two con-
tracts corroborating the agreemient
previously testified to. I-e and Fred
C. Guimby, New York film producer,
were the parties on one side. with
Muma, Ik'e M. Martin and Will A. Orr,

on the other slde, each group
ing 50 percent of the proceeds.


Washtenaw County Medical society
will hold a meeting on March 26 at the
Chamber of Commerce Inn. There
will be a business meeting following
0:30 o'cock. D. Joh Su ndwel will
present a paper on "Modern Medicine
as the Medicine Man Sees It", and
"A Mad World Full of Hamlets" will
be the subject of a paper delivered by
M. W. Bingay, managing Editor of the
Detroit News.
Members of other professional or-
ganizations of the county are to be
present and the members of the 'soc-
iety are going to bring guests who are
interested in hearing a discussion ol
modern medicine and its aims.
On page seven and see the

goodl teams are an impossibility wih fiscal year 1925 than under the figures IFind Double Stars
out a suitable place for praeti'e. accepted by the treasury. The trea- Professor H-ussey in company with
This year's team was coached by l\Ttt- sury had figured, on the basis of the jProf. R. G. Aiken, made an extensive
Mann, of Detroit, and J. T. Barnes, lower estimates, that a surplus of study at the Lick Observatory in
Iwho received only a very nominal $329,000,000 would be available in the 1900 of the double stars. Up to the
sum f or their services. Swimming fiscsi year 1924 and $395,000,000 in time that Professor H-ussey left the
-was given a great boost when it wa-s the following year, the first in which Lick Observatory, they discovered
made a varsity spor't. last year, and tihe new revenue law would apply.. 1,350 new double sta-rs. With the
this shows its importance, even I : completition of' the survey carried On i
though fapilities for its furtherance -tteLc bevtr oe-hn
are lacking. Other schols, moreover"," nw.'de'er icoee.
jBhave rules that keel from. graduatio.Hu LLIL UIU'LDuring an 18 months stay at the ob- -
any senior who (loesu not know how sraoyi aPaa retn e-
,to swim." u in 1911, Professor Hussey-con-|
rhoisrfgsedl to grd iX Six sl- tributed more than 300 to the number. O
iors last yeal' because of their faiilurc Year - fieso - -Westerner'-s IConnected with this- expedition Is the
'to learn how to swim. - -- ub Yer~leofh d st f ht:ta e tale of the slow growth of the big I
"A goo4 - pool ol otii-t uhar meeting of that o:-ganization. te ewc site.-whe mone forthe tele
'A neghbrood pof $40,000d os," m h The newsofiiers are: President, L. L.I sdpe was made available by Mr. La-
I inedhr.oo Litle $4The Uonlrs han- Henry, '25M; vice. president, Louise mont's gift in 1911:. and after 13 years
plned ar $50,000 pool ano lray Tirner, '27, tr-easbrer, M. Halley, Iof work .it is expected that it will
hlasnd $31 0 ,00 wr t o mpletnon.]r'ady secretary, Katherine Booth, Ibe completed in May, by the McDowell
It would be per'fectly satisfactory if '26 Opia-omayo itsug
the University would formulate som
would be able to compilete itsh pon in WIIIIIsLCs Offers Variety Of -
-mediately, enabling the varsity swim- W r In Is 1 ird Nun'ber1
mers to lpractice, and have the UnionO
repay this amount at some later date.--
Tom Robinson, coach of the North-
western swimming squad, was shown Unusual stories and a var'iety of character of the story from the des-
ear.,nd statedoo tha vit has a verse are presented in the third num- Ierted theatre into the light of the af-
i earoat, and wuld bea ieal hner of Whimsies proves again its right troo.
idea loatio, ad wuld e iealTi-eating the fear and. superstition
also for the Big Ten annual meets, -to be called "Michigan's Liter ary. -fteIda nth Ws-nin
although its cahpacity for spoctat.ors Magazine." To -thiosc interested inDevil Legend", Eloise W. Street re-
is limited. Robinson has coached amateur writing, th-is issue can but tells in verse a story told to her by
eight championship teams in the past prove a pileasiug exatinlie of some of Chiief Qu-hilasertan -Sepas, of the Goat
-11 years. the w/riting which is being- done by Tb, na style and rh-ythm marking I
]\icjbigan students and gra(Iuates. -it as a poem truly representative of
minul riiin lepar-ting firom its usual policy, Ithe .character of the American- Indian
r'nruui'Whimusies lpresents a story by a grad-j which can come only through intimate
ua o the Universty, rene Mcriad- association with this people. -
nflnittinhni fl~~fT~f lin igston, '1,entitled, TrThey~ For lovers of bird life the diary of
UN riurii~. ~ J~I ~1Shall Inherit The Earth." Thi~s story "E. C." .telling about the family ol.
is realistic in that it presents the the tomtits, exhibits an -understanding
deadly monotony andl burden of the of natural life and an observation
Dean M. H. Kalaw, exchange profes- -repressed existence of an overworked, which only a lover of nature can ex-
sor romthe University of the Phil- uder-appreciated (laughter forbidden press.
ippinesaddressed the round table ly her circumstances the joys of wo- Topped by an editorial on art and
a-ct~if 1- m t v~liinnn C'lii inst niabti mankind. It shows an appreciation criticism by Lawrence Conirad of the

*id wiJ h~av *flen to*** eatwitS* Announcement was made recently at
bird ll have frent toseatwitouto the S. C. A. of the appointment of
makng1to.- reqen viitaios t IDon Chubb, '24, as chairman of the I
his orchard and other crops. arrangements now being made for the
Michigan State Y. M. C. A. Leaders
Freshn'an MIixers conference, to be held in this city
April 25 to 27, inclusive. The confer-
Should Go, Says ence is for the purpose of training the
Leagueewly elected leaders of the various
Women's I a uestate organizations to be better able
to .carry on the work in the institu-
The University of Michigan Wo tions throughout the state. l
A special program has been arrang- I
man's league has presented to the ed, which includes three of the fore- I
deans of the university a statement most speakers obtainable on those
recommending that the freshman dates. There are to be more than 100
mixers be discontinued "in view of leaders in the city at that tfnme, and
-the fact that it is difficult to conduct meetings and discussions are being -
these social affairs in such a large planned as a means for cartying out
university in the manner in which the purpose. of the meet.
they should be conducted." The deans I_______
have referred the matter to the coin-
mittee oil student affairs. ANESN T E PSO
--The league also stated that it was
undertaking a plan whereby differ -rn
ent l.eague houses on the campus
would be allowed to hold parties in *IS TE AN CU H
Barbour gymnasium. It is thought Riev. - Merle H. Anderson, of Phil-
that this would provide a means for Iadelphia, has accepted a call from the
freshmen men and women to become First Presbyterian church of this city,
acquainted. -and will take up his duties as pastor
here about the first of May. He will
Dart outh Clusucceed Dr. Leonard A. Barrett who
QfffgQMresigned recently.
Urges Formation Dr. Andersni a prominent wok
Oi Labor Party1 fild secretary for the EasternDi-
_____ Itrict in the New Era work of the

Hanover, N. H. March 20.-The
Dartmouth club for Independent Pol-
itical Action has just released "An
Open Letter to College Students" for
publication in magazines and, news-
papers. The club desires to bring
about co-operation between labor and
learning for the organization. of an
American Labor party modelled along
the -lines of the British Labor party.
Burtos Guests
Of White House
Washington, Mar. 20.-Dr. -M. L.
Burton, president of the University of
Michigan and Mrs. Burton arrived at
the white house today to spend sever-

church. He has held pastorates in
Dayton, Ohio, St. Louis Missouri, and
Dr. Barrett will remain in Ann Ar-
her, until the close of the school year
wvhen he will leave with his family
for Wooster, Ohio; where lie plans to
devote some years to religious and
philosophical writing. -
Pashawar, British India, March 20.
diers have been killed and six sol-
diers wounded in an ambush of a
picket by tribesmen near Chagmalai
in northern India near the Afghan
In order that all seniors will

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