} THE MICHIGANDAILY ______ f Ny. p+w..w+. +r.X.""n +n+rfiawWn'," T,." KP1 a.na.>«: w. 1JUOSE SEE~S PERIL'. IN TOO MANY LAWS'' Deport Slcvcnson ~Ie. (.. oIloi'k o !:1i;i~ais I ederiil (Courti 1eccrits Lot ; of Pcir~olta A N, V A fI 1, ahRI ciurtailmnent of th;e rights of indliviu- I. -1 -imr'1, -to 11wich-it wouldt J* re ouo ,i lIful.,cit ens qj~gi s;~ cronsiderrationi, it was stated her(e by Federald Judge J .C. Pollock, of IKan- .as City, Kan., a formepr justice of the .upr.eme cou't of 1 ansasl. "he dowvnfall'~ of every. demiocr cy Tf, nd pI i- L( , h l isto ry i a ' Been du e . fto legislative invasioni of individual right, hie declared. To show howv rapidly the tendency ltoward excessive legislation was (IC- -eloping, he pointedl out that over 75 percent of the criminal lawes on the gfederal statute 1toks today have been tenacte~dl wsithin the last 25 years. l "TI have the highest regard for the ?conistitution,"-liho said, "and T he- lieve t he men who f nined that docu- ' mient pos.=elsed greater knowledge of the-c)5: eiice of government than any o;cf tbeir successors. k "Of hte years, i oweveri many re- nwn7h~rt.' 'bhAly th60'p~nfs&meanx welenoulh, beIt they fail to compre- ni r'tTe Afizfaienaii"princV{iple ,onr Y 'hich our1' PvQrnment is based----indi- J thisc~ountry. We ca.n have one as iasily as thev (did in Russia." .. .w 1 W13'rd'ATT77%A T Pt"TT tir The race for intesr rprup t}rti-c""y i ber will he the regular isue fi PatronizeDilAvetsr. Adv. Dal IAII R norc 'and e~im- c 10 'Y coc-ted ', roitp} two twe Daily It do Suplemnt n1ms and ten hiip; I it'd xvii h :26f) 'oniclse1lcions. The stat ion 1broad-I rn~ iiiPTIfhI1while gr u ) ! furceingth m hard +ca t ,pi"at c 1n r wvelngthl. - - -_______ ___.______ ___ ___-_____ W ~f~lIb~it h 253 t~j tI dt2"credit. rrl,, -iu -*- -,--__... -- are gaLined by victoxrie's in thl tic Daily &assfied for real re sults. Contests.I F:1 1 linui groups, which have b.hoc - '4 s aineet.tii at the Union, will combine I WCIBC Iro dctt LEARN THE in a tgie~erlmeeting which will be1 ,rga n T ~ ih N E T E T1 held at 7:30J o'clock next Wednesday , acr o ih U I E SIi . night in the IUnion assembly roomi. - w .o .( ai- Uu c~ i~!l~pjkt tPt1. . Ill; eniley of the philosophy ist-i j a vi. V(fl( =11 broad a-.i it,, I I ('to IP Uthe Bond Bs ios department will talk on "Differences ;i i ~I ' ~ Iri u eid P h(>(tw'e~p the 1-1,h S cliool~ and Univer- Id1 Plx)d mdihtNp'in1 er:-on to M\r. Kinsley., -lty itutu ilea." At this imleting nmcd- ,a£ li r ' Vhitl''Eda V ;:litIOt.S ,,3PA1YDROP C) P "P ANDI will1we;riven out to the cjmampiol- thle iinlediato Ii; .nd c i WV'i'.11 :rtl1j Shaw& ' I 11 hi{ Ios ii-g toeam. >Fllow ing the c ,e1er1 ecretalx < ttoeAlui Bli Ivtt1I t S 'iSSL J . S general meetingthe seciral groups is octition, ' ~ o ini chtarge 1n Dim ii ii k IBtldg. O r 27 .T X l :de will mee41t to elect baseball and ten- - ebeaes " SaAIdrO lyt-vit Main 8X11 nis t)?e.nis. m it' ii..l ..r I .ho as-_ . ., ... ., ,.u ..t.e clas!ifled for real results, II a i i !c i i j:, ! 1)L ' l 1 1I 1 ( I , ?rgj , l jj k sf \ i ~ ~ y Il. 6etn - 'a- R obert W Stevenson, cous~in of the famous ant hor', Robert Lozi s Steven- sonl is returning to Glasgow, Sootiaiid, his horde, hitter in, his (lenti iation of Anierica, Lecautse of the act ion of the imigration authorities' in order- ing. him deported a-s an t.nde irable. Hie came to the U. 1,. to sell some of his literary offerings but publisihers Sand editors did not rank there vwith his cousin's "Treasure Island" and other 1works. Tickets. On Sale ForPia.no®Recital -.Vxmmwal * lk- 1 T -0090 Aff Imw Aff 0 UT B U. IT YNE V 4, a, .K r_ ..I N . - , rA . ol tI a II Rip \Vanj1Winl e pt !Iweny yae.,rs.- Rii) w:as a pikcer. Therec are thousandsI Hat have doubled tiat record and are still going strong. Vain Winkl(e advetised his record h~ anapeahint; in a long beard and clothes; that were out of style. The pr,, cni' r" c-)rrl-holders, may shavf- daily a wati(ir the latest models, bhit --just .I erg so a nan isn't in beld is niot mroor that bn's awake. 1-tor aresomeor the sleers: . Thie man iWltl o]bs haicc1hug h lf, ilhales, deehly';pau$ 04(-U d s a' Tjie wide wo rld i isii;t'arget. Wa~plk(; around himo(gn tiptoe--w'ay around--I lest-hc 1he oaaened 1If he ever is, iS first que. c t#i-~ilh-H~~i0 I heard of thk':i bl-,l( )i r'Mniii& h.fii blownviup?''", Tihe man w n ut-eumurs about "wild oaf 5" and "boy>s will he b s pear gently. TTlisnot saying Anything: lie's 01nly'talking An-il'hi-s sleek. The yl~rreC ti'io s " i-'; ,11l>e ron shall leave every'thing tlilat we miss-d"-and aren't ex\actly sure as to iiust what it was they Vissed. "Asr a result the cehildre pjdoiy' nisi any-j t h i n ; ; . S? ,.W' " ' - - - 'tphe faddist who irecommiends a hrsnd-nI1@W medicine i ch "Takes off weighl't, n'o watter whalt youea. Thle employor who doe ''t consider the health of his help.j The man Who thinks vaccination is al "bunk" and isn't afraid of contag- ions disease. All -.re sleeplers and all are living-" at leisft iher- hearts stitllbe, t-ex-l ,i nples 'ofRhp - Van Winkle's shatter- e0 record: That's why the public health of to-+ day and for many,- many 'tomorrowsy will deal largely, with waking ups sleliers--moi>eits -,of bewdiderment. That *bt is meant bv,"ed uation of the- lic in privatesh'althi.*1 Ad oi4nal pic tures *were vecenitly1 placed ;in "The Ball of Famie" nof theI Union. The gallery -of famous 9iA mlla up of famous alumni. It Is--lo- cited in the lobby of the third floor or th le building. .\-T [sic for the next Union opera is soon to be taken care of by a coifn'- n4tee as soon as the book for the next opera is chosen. Daily classilfied, for real results. , Tickets are now on sale a~' all the State street bookstores and" at the 1School of Music for 6s-sip Cabr~lowit-' schi's piano recital which will be given 1Moinly night, Marchi 31., in i'attengill auditoriumn. Mir. Gabrilow ftsf-b will at this tnim ake his only appearance1 as a pianist in Ann Arbor IHis" yeaX. This is to hbe the last ccoacert of any Jimpwrtance in Ann Arbor before theI May Festival and this fact, in add'tioen to Mr.. frc-liowitsch's eminence, a ;a a !r> r mecndous,,redu-ctionIS. ;" aa -~ - a a - ,.aak a r a, ti , 'I - a- 1-a ,.:: ,aa. f a a 12:45 [?. 11. -;45 P.mt. aJA. H. EL} !OTT, Adroprietor- P1~honWe 26_M a a A]ian. Mich~. _____________________________ r $ : ; ...,.f" 7r , - 1 t.aa aaa, - . _, a . - 16 I Fo ro a' t a, 5 a -- -. - - *'--"y f)r~ . j S' 3 5: , i ; ,. i , ., ----------------- 4 QF b 4 f 0 y :a.a! -z 1.- u i) a .3i !] i} ' S i ? .'if " t a a ii; :'fi-r S ( . a a a amap h 1'/ 6' , , a a ; a ?{1 i. rialaace of Our Enthre 'Bostonian:Shoes,- pair. Practically All Sizes and Widths Left Ardsley,; Biglow and Auburn Shoes Will Be Sold at $7.00 Per Pair. I a - ,a a a - . ,a On all Caps, ats and Straw Hats ow d of our Fine Assfo-rtment of 15g 1 ;' 1A5 ., N ;ti . T lFE'; fntiire smano'. o thge family Who ih now playin~g abuI)t in ' yollr -bhlie want10, to loos: ,well. 1Buy3'-' is shits hi'ere awlI Pri~od' him with the he:'t.-al lo x'e'. - prices. - 'EviCan fr-i I 11 Phoniels A3Rcade Xa a- Stiff Coas;; 'glrPritce, 20c Each, Spc i alar2 for -2' a ASSfRTMFl'RNT NO. '1 fi, i - aa Vici Kid -louse Slippers, Oxfords :and- ,,Choice, 1~ajr $2.00J i Enietcko theicad no Aratex Collars, 4 for . si......$1.a Soft Collars, 3 for.. ..........25c Van Heusen 50c Collars, 4 for.. 's'$10 ASSORTMENT NO. 2 Shoes. and Oxfordsa,. pair a1. .: ......$3.00 aBack and Tan Neat Dress Oxfords, hpice - a Pr ...... ... ,..$4.35 Wear at .. ......... Choice Assortment of 1 ,0, $1.25and $1.50j"Neckties ... ...... Silk shirts «..., 1-2 OFF ASSORTMENT NO. 3 ~.50c 4+uait s aoe istnstifcin " AM s e s " Y ! e i Assortment of Size 14 to Size 17 Shirts 1-2 OFF Full Dress Shirts 1-2 OFF House Slippers, Choice Assortment at, pair $1.5C Shoe Trees, pair .. .......... ....... . .$1.00 Basket Ball Shoes .. .$3.00 LokfrteBgSgn, Summer and Winter Pajams.c"'..... 1-2 Off $1 .50 Silk Socks, pair.......... .$1.00 $1.00 Silk Socks, pair........... 75e 75L Silk .So rks, pair ..... ... . . 50c Sizes 7 t-4, 7 1-2 and 7 3-4 LDress Entire Stock of 2-Piece-and Union Sw imming" Suits at, Going Out Bus. ,. .iness 1-2 OF F 1-2 'OFF A- complete line- of cuff l inka, initial buckles and collar buttonas- r... .