THE MICHIGAN DAILY that the people are in too m uch of a. I ICI ptU Ut I harry. They have already been prom- ised independence as soon as they are OFFICIAL, tEWSVAPEUi OF THE fitted for it* and for' a long time politi- IVEl{SITY OF MICIGUAN cal control has been swinging gradual- Published every morn1inig except jMornday lY into their hands. Let the leaders of during the Uni versity year by thei Board in the Filipino people devote more of Control of Student Publicationxs. I. -------------- 3 I ()W)!ISTED OL Sj HERE' AR.E THE BEAUX AND THE ]BELLES? 0 ME:VIPPUST jCAMPUS OPINION I CLAIIS 4OPERA F0101 IS G~OD E~DITrOR OF 'THlE DAILY:, Allow me, I beg of youi, K1i) efthits~i- ;astic' echo of the editorial on U'nion I. ___._, Ii-e WHITNEY THEATER Al 2Othhannda Miembers of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titledf to the use for republication of all new4s dispatches credited to it "or not otherwise credited in this pai' and the local news pub.r lished therein. their energies to political arnd econoni- ic progress, and to education, rather than to futile efforts for an independ- once which is not only needless at the present time; b~ut which might prove a real danger to the well-being of their country. U REAIISS IEntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,w_ Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granitedl by Thzird Assistant Post- AMERICA'S ' WORtlD FLIGHT, master General. Subscription b3" carrier, $3.50; by mail, The world flight as planned °by the $4.00. O.ffices : Ann Arbor ;Press Building, MNay.- United States army air service has nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M ; Bwsi- started. A squad of three aeroplanes It I j !i 5 i i ';( of (( <;i 4 i , i -' { ' Signed communications, not cxeedin" 300E wrord st will be published in The D~afiy at the discretion of the Editor. Upon request. the identity of communicant will be re. garded as confidential.I Left Santa Monica., Coal., recently, en- route north, to %Aska, then west to Japan, to England. across the Atlantic to Montreal, Canada, and hack to the starting point. ,LAU~rnJ ~Rt1L IIn making the flight, certain definite Telephones, 24114 and 176-31 reasons have been set forth. j -- In the first, place, the exper'iencer MANAGN EDITOR American airmen will begie"pr- HARRYD. HEY Icularly in the supply problem con- News Edritoir..........Robt. B. Tarr nected therewith" cannot be overlook- CiEditor.........haim.....4. C. Garritus ed. Secondly, "the feasibility of es- C~t E iur . . . . .. J .G rln h ueNight Editors tablishing a com m ercial airw ay I . 1H. Ailes A. B.. Connable, Jr. around the world" will be demonstrat- Iar C.Clark 1.T. E.Fi;ke1 aryC P. M. Wagner ed And lastly, it will gain for the Torts Editor ..............Ptalph \, ,hvers(United States the supreme position 'ofjl Wment's Edtr..,,......... inoria' Hilhhardlpatclaitonad"h oo f Sunday .Magazine Editor........i'. I,.. Tilden patclaito n tehnro Muisic Editor ............. .Ruthi A. 11owell being the first nation to encircle en- Assistant city EdIitor.K.Ienlneth C. KeliaI IDirc,:tor Mlichigyan Ni'_ws Buireau. k~. G. ian-sav tirely. the globe by air." Dramtic .E ito .RoertB. Hndeson The above mentioned reasons:. for'. Pau EnstinEditorial Board Herman Vs flight, may be combined into .one of Andrew Propil er t een more signifigance Uponi thisf Assistants fItrip lhinges developments which. itreal- J. N. lleijoniin I?. C. Mack: Norma 1iclknell verena Mloran i zed may cause us to embark upon a Ilernian Boxer 1 larold Moore Helen 'Brown cai 1 )hlinacher per'iod which will revolutionize RcradeteCote ii ydle Perce 'orieo itnepreto G. W.Davis Atudrew 1.roppcr oriesofdsac'preto larold Ehr~lih l~e;ina lbee ilin almnost' as cinpietely as did ' the in- T. P). Ienry Edrar "Schratd-:r ;ManninTIoueuyhC. :.StTti rue, our planes are as yet inferior to Emily IIine "l. !. .8tounmau the standard they wotild have to reach Dorothy lKainiin Marie Tl'IPAiJAT FILPINO'S When the UTnited States took over. the control of the Philippine islandIs directly after the Spanish-American war, the natives were assured that they would be granted complete in- dependence as soon as the reins of government could safely be entrusted to them, Since that time,, although military dictatorship was necessary during the first few years, the Ph~ilip- pine government has been placed more and more in native hands until at the present time there are only two Americas-the Governor General, amd the Commissioner of education-who are in positions of real1 authority. Anti even the power of these 'officials has been greatly curbed during the past few years. This transition of political power from the United States 'to. the Filipinos themselves has been con- tinuous, and has been characterized by a liberality and sympathy which is all too rare in dealings between mo-1 ther countries and their dependencies. -But through the whole period, from the acquisition of the islands to the present dlay, the Filipinos have kept up a cry for immediate and unconditional independence. Their agitation for in- dependence is laudable in that it shows a strong and unanimous na- tionalistic feeling; but an examination into the political and economic con- ditions in the islands must showv the inadvisability of such a step at the present time. In the first place, the Filipinos have repeatedly shown themselves unfitted to take over the entire task of rtin- ning their government. Politically, they bave not yet caught up with the rest of the world.- ,> econdly, the people have not reached a high enough plane of socials development to make a -thoroughgoing democracy practicable. To be sur'e, th~ere are large urban areas in which the people, 'socially, are on a -par with tbose of the western world. But large; sectins of the country are still in a; primitive stage of civilization. Mani- festly the work' of running, a govern- nnent could not be entrusted to such- people.' And again, the islandls are echnomi- er advantages to the world than any g Rped in; dislmrayi -- { the director, which assures to a large of the dangers which naturally go "What" ejaculated Lopez. "And all number of people what the names B3el- Iwith such expeditions. Purely, the of thIe good hot tamales are wasted.,"I asco does to the New Yorker-if such chances for. success are,- wortx he , io.tamaes?, sni d,la. " hat j -.=1 1 amp zsofl d e ,uQ.Ap ar.,, risk. The benefits the world would a tre hot tamales when thh cdauntless ridiculous. That is, to a cei'tain an- ganshould it yield the desired profit Itovers arat large?" .nrji . njdienee a, play under the supervision Iare too -far.;reachng and of enougiv '_r~hi thme 1bmldinh' to cdll-is, faithful ;bof Mr. Nel , s pa5 a tz: ei~ imnportance not to be lost-tohumanity. troops to the pursuit. and was soon ; nii~nce will n o yL e --- - o, °ttY~it=- fr4sheiinptr :xDisk. iqlked artistically n rt4but h ;the '- 1- ' JiOEnl1'T . LW'AYS Vo iiLa around. - ing will be of th~e hh at :U4m mu 1""tling on aW ve it now,', -he-grit- -duality. -, I n~~~ TQI ted, as the sea shore hove into sight. Somehow he -manages tc- ra riVit" lndina.Truh, as eenin he ew - "Hul'rhy" shouted' the1' ,runt Sanm.! to, his casts the boundless gusto andj paper game for seventeen years and ' There' is the matchless submarine ofs enthusiasm for the piece at hand that h ed hnisit from the inside out He the Motor Boys.Weaesed"Adhhielawysfestoheupr satdhscareer in California in the pluniging into the icy surf, they heard lative degree. There is always a cer- dlay when most newspapers were j the sound of guns overhead. ami freshness, even. syncopation to trouledby fw ehic andsom by "Yes," said the Motor Boys, as the his work; in short, it is truly inter- s hoe tall.s nthath tyalofalife, dripping fugitives climbed aboard, 'esting. A sieteasipe hadisunkpinctheoPalife.i"We saw you comning in our new fish j Beginning with a production of ;The' x Astemshp hd. un inthePacfic Ieye telescope and fired a little at your; Magic Carpet" for the cosmopolitan not far from a certain small California pursuers. Silas Marner will dog yours Club, his subsequent repertoire, as town. The City Editor had a good 'footsteps no more."# director o AMasques and Comedy C'~ub, story, hut no picture. So he procured And sure enough, a huddled group has included Barrie's "Quality Street." a- nice-looking steamship with four of soldiers solemnly carried a limp (by all cdlds, his }rest performance), sinake stacks, tacked the proper name boyfonte .fit.Jerom~e's "Fannie and the Serv~a~it,, on it, and ran it as the lost steamer. boyfoth ofit IsSia 1are really dead?An 'blm" aris"lceSty-h In a few days he received a genuine Siasl-prnrAng Polen.karis"AiLS- ys 1 does Alcibiades sur~vive his icy lunge? l Fir, Shaw's . y gmalion"-it wasn't- picture of the -ship-and it had two ,ae hw4al uti a odpo So the true state of things may be -Washington. dcinadOcrWles"Lz u portance of Being Earnest." hidden, seemingly forever, but some The delightful Rtover Boys are, you r Last year hie presented "Mr. Pim trace is always left behind. Some will agree with us, entirely too short.; Passes By" by A. A. Milne, which, ac- one will always know the truth and Much too short. Just Like all good Cording to all reports, was most satis- expose any attempt .to run through a things. , factory, and a tremend us per-for- bluff. And many an attempt to "get - mance of Beaumont and Fletcher's' by" has been detected because a In the. Union the other day we were "The Knight of the Burning Pestle." steamship has two smokestacks and 'msn on the tragedy of mussenng This fall he offeredi a colorful pro- not four.! and suddenly had concrete, evidenceI duction of Percy Mackeye's anemic "A of it thrown in our face. There on Thousand Years Ago," and now I say - } the Tap room table in plain view, was again, he is preparing "Captain Apple- Twenty-Five Y as this, cared into the immortal oak: jack." It is sure-fire theatre, blood 1Y a sARTHUR BA j and thunder melodrama,, fantasy, sa- Ago Atlllfichiga n Indubitably, we decided, a set of uin- t ire and burlesque all rolled into one.1 finished intials. Nothing else. And You will like it. think of the poor lad that spent may-, From thle Files of the'U. of Xi Daily, be two Hours, carving most ornatelyt RUTH DRAPE~R, as you should Nardi ;t? his fir'st name, and equally ornately know by now, is to appear at the the first two letters of his last! Con- !Whitney theater April 7 in a program wnvs al r-.r. ,. Zv-t° .- ht ,,rr +i in-t R ider' the numbier of times he must{ of her original char'acter sketche.. Will Improve the Actikp Theiul~iri Fountain Posb" -ft is a source of pyiice and1 atii fa tjon that d iy of ter 'Iday. -particular persons :speak Iiiglly cf 'C -Hatmony as a ac to eat. You,'Loci; will enjoy the food and service hecre; A vai ed and ttemptig menu await,,, you today.- fai3iA your frienids ja d eat 'the Harmony - ay. " ' . f "TheHamn Cafeteria' Hid' 1:.WILLIAM .114 q. I j i I i ! I 4 f I i - " March18, 19,20,212 Satu rday Fateinee 2th Annual JUNIOR r GJIRLS' PLAY ' r r Clever Song Hits-Unique Dancing i annual indootr meet, held in Waterman (GTymnasiunt Saturday. 'There were abotut 500 people present in the eve- luig and 200 in the, afternoon. The U. of M. Band was present and its se- lections added to the enthusiasm of the occasion.j A mass meeting 'of all the students of the lJn versity will be held tonight in Univers ity H-all at 7 o'clock. The object of the meeting is to lay before the students the situation that has recently developed in western athle- ties.I 1 1- 1 havei eaten in 'the Tap 4Roomu to geti Miss Draper--and evei'yone who so uch of it done! The dimes he I has seen her holds the same jepfnion must have spent on hot hams! -Is really' one of the most original But he didn't finish. Makes you feelJ and originally distinguished actresses kinda blue , doesn't it? Yessir, kinda oni the modern stage. She ,posseses to. :blue. ° ,. - --. a marked degree a keen Irish wit ' ___________combined with the powerful Gallic IVHO IS PADE:LFORD? intensity that made Yvette Guilbert so Y"qu must all -ha-V een the signs. reinark'able. She appear's on the stagea - oter os 'u~cAlst Te ireyaoe nie y'ete you, too, must have read on and make-up, settings, or properties, but learned that this Padelford is: i she creates, 'literally out of the thin Author of "Cominonwvealth and air, portraits of the greatest dramatic Kingdonm;" interest. Whether she pictures a silly Secretary of the Baptist Board of debutante oi' a Dalmatian peasant or Education; ! a Scotch immigrant she compels at- 'U Am " tally dependent upon the United f I f I