20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' . : t r - ° 5-. FLU Organizes Women In Labor Party at the university there and at the London School of Econoni ics where rshe took' the degree of doctor of science. Read Th-4,. Daily Ca Z .a.d..= ..~,a.a n m , v r,...- - i , . _ t Mhe (YV fMeiji unmversity, situated in the heart of Tokyo, suffered heaviest of' Rall the colleges and universities af- fected by the earthquake in Septemn- ber. Their library, containing sixy thousand volumes in all languages 'was completely lost. An appeal is being made by the tin- ilversity in her extremity to friends in foreign countries. "Already your country and people have given us freely and miost generously a wonder- ful aid," writes T. Fujimori, the librar- ian. "We do not wish to allow our- selves to take undue advantage of your magnanimity. However, face to face with a situation such as above stated, we fell justified to appeal once more to your generosity and material Is Official Envoy tern ational organization, will make all of the _responses. The United States Marine band will provide the rausic for the opening night eremronial which will tale place in t? e Mlemorial Cxntinental hall. Thse ..condl evening of tfie coriven- tionis;1 wil b ,ue;'otedl to pusic, the third to the interests of the Cotincil's rep- resentiing the Fanj-Arc ric n }countries, while, on the fourth- eveniijg the am- baslsadi'rs of all count ries represented in the council will be formally rec- eivedl by their constituent members from these countries., The convention w~ill lie fina iced by contr butions from. the 20,C0() o rgan- ization:; that exist tbroug;hout t:.e count ry. l T ., l _ it a -, 3 1 When You see. Sign if you want to make a hit with each mnem- ber of the family, take Oh Henry: home. A Fine Candy, ,.1C Everywhere III( A 9 A 'w-y nttcr'n I i~nber-hip GenC' i We Membership for the Y. W. C. A. wall be open to all women this week upi to Satur'day at 1 o'clock. All those! interested in joIning arec urged to do so tis week as the mnembership will be closed during the time of election of newm officers.I Po-.,n to Ralph 11. CGault, '19, '21JL' andl Aileen Pierson Gault, '21, a son, William, David. on M'onday, Marcbh 17. D.Dr. MariPhlip s h chief woman officer of England's labor party. Her job is to organize and imarshal the woman members of the organization. She is credited with [playing a major part in the electionI of. Ramsay McDonald, the new laborI E premier. Dr. Phillips was born in. Melbourne,i Australia in 1881.; She; was educated' I SAMPLES P'rn7; nently on DisplT)ay at Ann Arbor, Mich. Designed by %BROADWAY AT 4Q0hSTREET t k'WET42N STRET' MtTkOpOUTAN' OPRA tiOu Su S-L " KNICIiAOCKER BIVLDING NNW YORK' ow o-i~.z1 aid" It is suggested (1) that each indi- vidual contribute froni his librry one or more books that he feels would be welcome, such as works on history, political science, economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, sciences, law, rhetoric, "and standard works of lit- . erature collee tet books will be most welcome) ; and (2) pass this an- nouncement on to some friend who Vill be interested enough to contri- Bute: Any books contributed should be ient by parcel -post to Meiji university library, Tokyo, signifying from whom they come. -No one package must' weigh more than four and one-half pounds. The postage is twoi ounces for one cent. No cutoms papers are necessary if the package is marked "books only." The earthquake sufferers are try- lng to resume as quickly as possible their normal activities toward cultur- al progress. NotWices1 The Girls' Mandolin club will Hold 4 regular wekly' meeting today 9, o'clock in Newberry hal. "Senior and jurii:or x Zen iterest 4 't in the indoor track meet will prt- efrom 4 o'clock on today in Bar- ngymnasium. ~ k Miss Mary Ross', bible cA s'11N 9 "t at 4 o'clock Fiday night j on x fHelen Newberry res"','ce. Mrs. Louis Bredvold will explain a plan for the minageoent ofthe Pa-, lty Woienscubhouse it an inform,. "tea to be held by the organization Jt :30W o'clock this afternoo. Iota Sigma Pi will meet at. :30 0'-, dlock tonight at the Delta Delta Delta house.I New, Plate Set For Freshmai Debate New~ plans have been made for the freshman womens debate between the Athena and Portia literary soci- eties. It will be hed April 24 instead of Aprit 3, and the subject for debate will be, "Resolved: that the United' States should adopt further restrict-, oso mirto. icigan TDames (Wye Party lMiclwign. Dames gave a St. Pat- ricks .,day party for ;members and fither friends Tuesday evening at the Fg'aculty women's club louse.. FifteenI tables of bridge and mah jongg were 'In u,play. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. ' II t - ~Screen-Today, 'I Arcade-Jacqueline Logan and Antoio Mrenoin "Flaming IMajestic-"Her Man" '~IWuerth-~The Destroying Ang-I < I El" and "Columbus." (. .Orpheum-J. B. Warner in "The I S Lone Fighter." Stage-Tds Week Whitney -- Today through Sat- j urday - 20th annual produ- S tion of Junior Girls' play, I "Thank You, Madam" f 'Garrick-Ina la in li"rounds, I for Divorce." A Setura if H, e c~in~ a...' Patronize Daily- Arlvrtisers.--'Adv. Senora Maria CieCon~'S*~~ao ote I ;..........,...... - .,...... ..- ......... of Don deloster ' ~ ---- 'oe Cor onado, of the Col- moms~- - - - -~ umbian Ilegation at Washingt' o, was NOW P1Ay~IN', an official envoy from the president of e Columbia to 'this country. I'er mis- , a F lion was to gather material on educa- 11tr . tional topics and to su bmit reports to .... hm from time to' time.I eres aHig Gered-" M elodramna and Rib- PRO INET ~ f1:j i Tickling Comedy ADDRESSCO MNVEIONI)! Flamfing President Calvin 0. Coolidge, Charl-II es Evans Hughes, cccretary of state,!, 5 and Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook, presijF dent general of the Daughters of the,1 American Revolution, are three of the f e e? uih important speakers scheduled to ad-; ef dross the lpte national Cosine.I of wo- I JACQ T i 4 1N 0GA A enat the 'opening nigh ,:£,ftheir * AN TO (i0 1 OE, I quinquennial donvention w~h h his to WAT II°,, be lcd i, asig~oD. C =in May._______________ Plan for .the 'yeat, project; are to be ; p~~. -I- the Cotic b~~iiwill bp iheid IRe'eteatn ntninn.7 W I~Ial',BE GXitRL$W I '~1RA Clpnhg n , pt iark, ea l in the ;F I.t trin r .TWho WroD te spring. .i'BILLY $ I YA ! RAV' IW IIEIIS The Council has asked . Philip 41 . ;; I's r l,,ra[ An Other Racing PIcItures ~~~j 'orth Moore, president oft hle Na-~ vi 'tional Council, to introduce tVi speak- d I(3 I'p ors of the various meet ip , while - 'Lady Aberdeen, president of the In- ............... Ii.-. 'u resa.e ... .." NOW ! Here i;the tensely tlrillingb t ystory of men who go down to ter ,set m shipsarid; tie s WI ' 'I'dri1s and hlearn dabs m a sweep that NAY BRKE P1roduiction / ,. , r, . "5' ' ~: I WOME N WHO GIV-,E j :, f+ G } 8aset oUR "CAPE COD I Adapteaji r; Sae of Sample Line of 31.1 i i \ FOLICS'> By Sarah P.- McLean Green Bernard McConzvilie and JI G. Hawks Scenario by A. P. Youger WITH AWCAST* THAT INCLUDES BARARA BEDFORD FRANK KEENAN, RENEE ADE E RBERT FRAZER E F qw emu* Wanpw4lkkS (K ... fl : 'N I Thursday - riday -Saturday This sale of a sample line of furs frg'm one of rthe b'est known New York furriers will enable -every College wozhan to r ealize her desire for Furs ! Now is the time to choose a fur coat for another winter. Scarfs and chafkers will be.,included in this sale. Prices ~area remarka~y lAw. Core in today or to- morrow and make your selection. THE -W THE STGE- e- Prices are at the minismum. Buy now.! Presentation "DANCE FOOLERIES"' With Clarles Hlickey, formerly of'HIClil:BRFhER IU Mode Shoppe (SECOND FLOOR) s Coning ,, j I POLAI I I m