HEM1CHIGAN DAILY TUSAM !BS PrtRFAc TONIGHT LEA VE FOR DEBA TE TODA Y was not sche~duled to start -until March 1, but was 'practically complete by that time. The completion of the work Of laying the stone on the front will ,be (lone as soony as the graniteF steps arrive. Plasterin g hlar Been started by Bry- ant aridl(' in, of Detroit, upon theI og round floor, while tie tile work of { Wokupon the power plant is po- gressing according to schedule. MUSIC AND f : M U.jSICI jiVJ Rikenb~vlier 1Re~trc .entative to Opei Lecture Setries Sponsored 1313. Fn teralty ADERVISINC AS NIOFlESSOON', QJ'I?4NM S'ILJFCT 4WOFSERIESk,; l Increasing, the Value of Telephone Service E. L~eRoy Pelletier, at presont wvith the Rickehbacker -Motor comnpany of Dletroit, will open the series of lect-' ures on advertising sponsored by Al- pha Delta S n honorary adverti7- ing society, at 7:';G0 o'clock tonight in y thle Nat'pv1ai Science auditorium. lI-Its subject il be "Advertising as a Pro- fes sio." M1'r. Pelletier i." one of the outstand- in iuo i h nrhramof advertising, and will address thae "alr Pear, ',?1; 1). 0.(Cook, '24; Betraiw Sibley, '415 convention of the Advertising Club ofp the World in London in June. H=ej Michigan 's Varsity negative dlei ating team, which will leave for MIad- weas for six years employed as sales ison this morning to mneet the Wiscon sin affirmative trio on the question of manager of the Ford Motor com~pany, the Chicago, Drainage project tomlorr ow nipht. Th1ee, will be accompanied from which position he went to tice by G. E.- Densmore of the public speaking dlepartment. Studebaker company. H-e later w ork-I at the Reo plant he established the A advertising policy to which that con- 1 gres S o cern adheres at the present time. The meeting, to which the general 1Mkst Studets BIldz gf Progress public, particularly" those interestedo in advertising, is invited, will be pre- ceded by a banquet in Mr. Pelletier sAK al _ _____________ honor. This banquiet will be held atj 6:15 o'clock in the Union, mnembers ofI Sixty-eight percent of the stud(Ints -the large4 single order of =radi- Alpha Delta Sigma, Dean W. R. Mini- ofteUvcit elltirIu'yaP frp h. nirsysneb- plueys, Pr'of. H. F. Adams, and Prof I if+re the war is now being filled by E. E. Day attending. I heme, accordi o ttiti made by the Am1< icanu Radiator' com~pany. th e iaTa ilv husiness nffice'o l nyf~rI ivn nrrY"1,i~r . ,.- nSz'-:. unleIwy Palmer Christian, University or- -~ ganist, returning after an absence of MedcalI< l~ing-_Adancs several weeks, was accorded a warmi )f~i~i Buldig AIvawes welcome yesterday afternoon inUHi Concrete has all been laid in, the auditoriuim in the eleventh' concert new Mltiedicaf building and all indict?- Iof the Twilight organ series by an ex- tions point to its beian finished ac ! ceptionally large audience. ecording tio schiedule foi next Febru;-! The1 program was a delightful mos- a ry. The br ick, work is well under aic of many different composers, vary- ~a y, andis; almn-ost all an on the counti gn' in character from the "Mtarche l side of the bulildiing. Funebrey et Chant Seraphique" by I Contracts for thie remainder of th'e''Guilmnant . to 'the "Gav ottee" from inside work 'on the structure will 11e -mhgnon" by Thomas. Met very soon, it was announced. Zl far the zmos.t ii ipressive nxumzber I _. o~f the aftern'oon was the aforemnen-' The addlitional office room that is tioned 'MaLfrch 'uneire et. Chant sera- heing rvddfrtesafo r phiqlue". Characterized by solemn g prvidd fo th staf o nrand religious statelines's which creat-'I George A. MAay, director of, Waterman edailotmdea topee gymnasih;., will be ready for occdlp-;around it. Mr. Christian imnparted his, ancyr in about two r.onths, it was es-; artistic temperamnent and technical tiatod yesterday. 'rhe ent.rance to skill whole-hxeartedliy into it. this new unit will he upon East Qni-; The playing by the organist of tlut versity avenuie. !masterpiece of orchestral literature, i No delay .hias been encountered in tje Prelude toq" Lohengrin" by Wag-# getting material anal the -work is pro-:i ner, was full of artistic and colorful greasing .satisfactorily. registration and executed with warni; ;entinient, losing none of its beauty' The new Physics building has been ; h ad ftepromr turnd oer fom he andsof he~ Mr. Cbristian executed the massive building department to the University an} ehbeat1Peld aduu proper, signifying that the final con-'o ah yLst wt xrodnr funyand vigor:' This comnposition! struction W'ok is complete. The phiys- is vibrant, withx exha3!andl's leciti4 struceture may be finished as soon as 4 -o ~tha~n, odinai-jinterest attach= 3pos,jlble.. The second floor will bej1,61 t6 -f11 chool of Music concert last concretod this 'week, it is expected. (Continu( d ont Page Eight)} 0 1, The Michigan :Bell Telephone Comn' pany always is building--always ex-. pandlin g its service in order to efficiently serve the growing needs of Michigan. Last] year the Michigan Bell Tele- phone Cozmpa ny's expansion was one of. the greatest in Michigan's telephone historyw-and that program is being continued. 108984 miles of new telephone wires were. installed during i1923; 98,501 miles to give additional local service; 10,483 mile's of toll and long distance wires. 1,110,369 .miles 'of wire novv con~nect the telephones of this Company's subscribers. 96;805 new telephones were connected, with the ;switchboards of this Company, for. a net. gain. of 36,117, duiring i 2 49,686 were added through the pnurchase of another company, both factors .greatly' increasing the value-of the service to every telephone user in Michigan. More than 437,000 telephones are served& by this Company over its own switch- hoards; its connecting co.mparkies in Michigan serve 112,049 more; 14,000,- 000 others can be reached elsewhere in the country. ,$10,320,380 represents the total increase of telephone plant made by this Company in Michigan last year. i I 41 Pro fessors.Loan Javanese Batiks For fExhiAb~i Qn The exhibition of plates of Javan- ese batiks at the main library has been suipplemented by the valuablel addition of some real Batik fabrics loaned for the occasion by Prof. Har- ley H. Bartlett angd by Prof. Joseph' 1. Hayden, who "collected many speci-j mens of native work during their travels i ; the Far Eastern tropics. The batiks' loaned. by Prof. Bartlett.J were executed, in Java by Monsieur' Pirngadie under the personal' dlec-' tion of Minnie Frost Rands 'and theyr show, among other motifs, a design whv~ich 'illutrates, ' everal charact rs from he ayngplays.. ''"noig', ba iloanepd by Profe- the'chef atk .city of Jaa.This pater, wihblnds soft Ibrown& adLlues with, cr'eam; is of the ia- cases with h e original fabrcs4and presentinmuch additional information on batik manufacture and design. Kalaw To Address Filipinos Tonight DeanM, M. Kalaw, of the College of Liberal Artsof 'the University of the Philippines, will speak at the first; meeting of the Philippitie-Americani round table to be held at 8 o'cloclc tonight in Lane hall. MrritrGn dus,, of the Studenut Christian associa- tion, and J. A. Enriquez, '261'1, presi-' (lent of the Phlilippine-Michigan cGlib, are the "'sponsors' of the roulnd table,j ..-.-+---------4.y .--ih.- Li'.N r~-IV't o,1Ie yorMedial an c it-, a local lauin4ry. The average time' in- Isys'tem(' inLtenw Tlla adLL volvedi in the nmails is six and one- half dJay's gid th osi age bhills aver-I age '30 cents. lnvestigaion into comnplaints which w ere viAde against the local launridri es showed ha 48 peorcent were on serv- ice, 18 pccent on shrinking, P per- l cent 'on' expense, an,-d 0 percent ont such thinigs as'b-uttons tern off, shirts5 torn, and collars starched.I VARSITY MEN SELECTED0 TI SING AT CLEVELANDI erary bu-ildings and the hospitaf have, iregupn to arrive in Ainn Arbor. sThese .-*e being taken directly to tihe 1)ulding's as soon as they arrive-. MO)'s thai '2,000 have already 'been :,toted in the hosprital until the- - can be installed. Work on other parts of the hospital has beeni progressing rapidly andl it is hoped that the entire str~ucture will be- complete in a year, and ready for occupancy. Eighty per-} cent of the, windows, about 2,000' in number, have been installed to (late. The elevators are also now being purt in th.- building as well as' the water and stea~m mains. Yes, it does cost more to mitke VELVET Tobacco and for this reason-- It's the best Kentucky Burley tobacco money can buy and then it's aged in wood. All harshness and bitterness are removed. It's mild and mellow. You'. will readily ,( 4 k i i c ff1 f I F ; " j " I notice the differen .e. -- L nboraiteries A l-rd Thirty-three meon selected from the Several alterations anal changs -are, L nriv Glee Club i:wil mlake :the ,ow~n; e in the C heistiy hr in trig<<; lan.d con' S~rt~rttay O Ofl s' a ,tist fi of 'tli(,ch~emnicauyengince " i'izaiin tic "All Cam'nus Re- mvn noter'g ulig ino hirn" b~i~i 'wf ithi the Q Ij( : 4't Q )c IN u Lr yrt;o : 2 wjeh fni-eriiywal4'the the OAKSi% of he K i~'Tcn Nahubof ndvaii ced quantitative aayis kbor- tyiat Mdtyj As isthn first time lthat 'aory has been r geethe wvest tjhe local ll) ha errappkreQ W. I ftM lh 'udlei4 )is ad jiysis Wt plcoiiere ice school in a dual, laboratory. The np' A ;end o ,the cb thrjlis type . flusir floor has hbetli. ad 4 o a bem - nu$i l ! l nd:r c A t( 1"csi'o m ai(.a 11;yid cal ( }cr7- 1.. s rxtil t (nsf ? l zye~~t and chop uS stryT lboratory. 1lereto'fg e the jlhys; Singipng.xwill be feapir'ed en the pryo- ical clwepnistry teaten hshd an. vair th 'zbei1 le-ccess t olyeight is~on. When~ velc~p (dirnig te ening as the rep- { the eWqdelng~isP rpletdt 18 roins res~ntative 'cl^ iwlfl "ofr a group 111 be at their dispiosal. Tin addition ; of baritone selections. to these shft variousoffices and y" Trhe clu will stay at the Wvinton lilvate laboratoriesar to be n'ovd. hoGTe over Saburday nig;ht au.c4'wiM return to An Arbor on Sunday.' - ': Iet $iiing Readjr in Svuitemr~r' 2' a And an organization of 10,279 loyal itelehone ;orke s fl9W eryes Mich- igan.; It) is, their. unanimous desire to,# 4 give "thespop~e of our state 'th J I Tighe possible grade of telephon : servic. ~'c .ix { t ' , .ti ' 2- 1 coo .f z ".i ' ;' .... : ..::'7 I 4,. N '.' ,, 6 4:,.. ;I '. j i -: i " f - C fl '' ', ~ i -I TELEPHONE CO3MPANY ___________________V Wrn' weather has speeded up the Ini ordier to further flw or thk' work; all along the line inrh building g eneral reunion of the medical classes , }rog;ram, even though all the struc-- of '01,03'0,, and '04 to, be meld June ture_,'.Wre rising almost as rapidly 123, a general medical banquet w-th a sil urn heclrmots }aulymhen aq guests will be held'i soon.. Dr. W. H. Veenzboer of Graned The new literary building is now far- Rlapidis is working on the plans. ° ahead of its schedule and its com- ______________pletion by next September is prac- tically assured for all of the building Two hundred and fifty tickets hayb been sold for the Frosh Frolic, which except the lo bby where a special Tra- is tobn hed March 2 in the ball verine brick from Italy will be laid. LXGGFE.r &cd4YEnB TOBACCO CO. '"~ 'p i -.- . kRRICK.Ft.mt60.t620 Wd"at.60cto S$1.50! INA CLAIR JT .: . UJ -IIf nIu1U U. _I- toe.. P)1~urose ofwmen. i Lae Le r i ' cvtL +ci <-"--------v "II" '- - - v~ fraternal 'r~ations letwcien the room of the Union. rhe tickets weret This will no doubt. hold up the final i Y the Most Brilliant ofComedies Philippine Islands and the United . sold at $ each. The Frolic is the I ccmnpletioxi for some time. "Grouinds for Divorce" Sttsd nu. oml(ance of th-:lirst year Stone work is now all laid except -W i th i- ____________ien. on tile front. This part of the work Bruce NIclhe and II. Reeves-Sith _______________________________________ In the first match game of baseball ISA TN O A e'er played in New England# whiC°;, ST RTNGTO A took place in Boston Common, Sept.!IO0 N E E IG Ilea5 the home team was defeated' t:T bry a team m Portland, Maine, by a i. 'IIJ. aa s1''ele secre of 47 to 42. .,B S ld hiundreds of seniors have 'already G E Y"pSan xvihesI, T~-Vd'"their nameos upon the tables; I, t;. . In'thetlno'tap roomn. The UnionH O' has 7 ~placedi one large table in the tap -.o . L ' n S e v c 'rfoonI 'f~r thiA purpose. 4300 1e v Fresh Shipnent f Nunually's Southiern Candy I "mmethe adtaker" sells anything. 80E BRV quickly. -Ada.u.k I d, -e e - . - r<- Wel hudthem! ~~." LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE 4~ _ Witl P ~ r~f ..a m.l'O li) STkI'G L, ~tI .iW) and JOII'N BOW$El The x'cr l1ae in,$ringStyIles, wth prices that 'D ED'4ET R are reasonable ^::: . The Yale Univerity Press prese -Come in and see them Today c 6u - f ,~ ALSOJ A NEW SHIPMENT OF SPRINGf HATS AND CAPS ' WITH AN ALL STAR CAST.'1 - .-ALSO- TT 0T fAX/C TnI TDA1117AT s k , OIt'