it ia
VOL. XXXIV. No. 126
. r+ .
LEAD; LAFO LIETTE ~~~ii~ny;ae the inspiatZin ftheIT3eattie) sings her loe song: as the'T IV ES MO Y D PLC TA CT
ticindr e d ilmusic. 150 i(onie'1nomu ct I sgoadteinterpret- I
huPn dre nd' f Iftjgrs, alM i incaming. iss Beattie again T
# ~~gan women, and as strictly collegiate dispays her very pleasing voice'! *
*~r"AOAjO Et MKN atmnosphere are the elemental. qual when she sings during the Egyptian Im, 11TEC1115, ANID WHISK 1LINS FORK FOR FIT4Ii OVERI
NOREEiTH OTW OT''0ES AK stties° which characterize the annual ance. tievVoice is of admirable ('OfM IN FOR SHARE OF CLAUSE ON INSURANCE PASSED)
IN 'Rt1IIARIES production now playing at the Whit quality. "The World of Make Be-! ATTENTION BY OTHER B1
Mlarking the spot 'where stood
the elm tree planted by the class
of '69. which was torn flown to
hake room for the new literary
bttilding will be a bronze plate
hearing the 'inscription, "M1ore
Than Half a Century Mere Stood
the Class Tree of '69 Growing to
a Mighty Elm."
The tablet, a donation by
Charles F. Brush.,'69, of Cleve-
lanld, will -te placed in the
ground floor of the building ex-
actly over the shot where the
elan formerly' stood. It has now
arrived in the office of the sup-
ervisor of building plans and will
be inserted in the floor when it
is ready.
Harding Quoted As Saying, "Fall
kido s NQ."O opcO
McAdoo Amasses Huge Lead In Geor-
gia ffith Underwood Forces )tak.-
lug Poor Showig
Fargo, North 'Dakota, March 19.-
(By AP)-With President Coolidge
maintaining the lead in the Republi-
can indorsement race in yesterday's
primary in North Dakota, late returns1
today showed Senator Robert LaFoll-
ette reckoning to displace. Johnson
from second place. When 733 of the
state's 2508 had been heard from the
President had a plurality of more than
11,500, the count standing; Coolidge
27,527, Johnson 15,973 and La Follette
Rural Results Slow
The first scattered returns were
mostly from cities .and towns in; 35
of the~ state's 53 counties. Mlost of the
rural precincts remain to be heard
The 'totals of Mr. Johnson and Mr.
LaFollette' were swelled as the rural
precincts began to report and John-r
son' headquarters' here expressed
confidence that more complete figur-
es would swing the tide in his favor.
Nevertheless, Coolidge supporters
declared that the President wottld
Dave a plurality when the final figur-
es w ere in, although not so great as
the initial report., would indicate.
The vote polled by Mr. La Follette
was noted with~ satisfaction. by hits
hackers, especially in view,,,of the fact.
that his name was withheld from the
ballot.- at his request. Stickers 'were.
pasted on the ballots by his adher-
] cAdoo Uniopposed
William. GC! ufMt A~,oo a nnoe
ney theater.
All of the details alppeared and
sounded well from the vantage point
of the balcony, sort of ani ethereal
touch. you know. The gowns appear-(
ed well, the make-up seemed 'smooth.
and the voiles were just feminine
enought to mnake the whole affair l
interesting. Some disappointment is
expericenced in the first few mo-
mnents, but these are more than justi-'
fled as the thread of the "plot" is 'un-
wound.° The dancers become 'mor'e
3enthused, the scenery is better, the j
leads seem more assured of their pro-.
Iper position on the stage. The second
'act is unqualifiedly good.
' One of the high points of the play
is -reached when Ming Toy (Lillias j
lieve" justifiably received most
hearty ap~plause.
No comparison with' other campus"
productimis is possible when one at-
tempts to review the performance of
the evening.. Indeed, such a compari-
s on would be more or less 6f a sacri-
lege, as its were. Professional spirit
is entirety lacking, and it is a com-n-
mendation for the "play" to make site
an observation. Memories of some-
iwhose heels slipped on a rose lpetal
mingle themselves with a delight in
the "cossack" who flirted deliciously
with the man on the front row,
Slight masculine figures with a mark-
nish swagger, a certain fat policeman
adAopWhml.Othsnot escape the discerning observer.
1hiugherty In vestigtlng Cloniiiaittee
Has Quiet D~ay At
wa shin gtou
Washington. March 19.-(.By AP) -
In comparison with the unusual whirl-
wind sessions, the Daugherty investi-
gating committee had an easy time
today. Senator Wheeler, the comn-
mittee prosecutor was absent with a.
cold, and Paul Howland, chief of coon~
sel for the attorney general improved
the opportunity to bring out testi-i
Imony favorable to him. Tex Rickard,
the prize fight promotor, is summoned i
D~emiocrats Appear' Ready to Ctarry on
Battle for Full Cash
Payment Option
Washington, March 19.--(By A. P.')
-As lines formed in the Senate today
for the fight on the soldier bonus bill,
reported from the house, sentiment
indicated 'that it would displace the
tax reduction bil for immedli to con- ;
. I
Negtive Teami Sets Out For Madison,
To l.nI',t A Mrfiv -.r,L,n.
! Clearing Reserye
Washington, March 19.-(By A. P.)
--.After lifting the lid of another box
of rumors those having to do with
"oil deal" at the Chicago Republican
convention in 1920, the oil committee
turned back today, to the lease of
Teapot Dome to H-arry F. Sinclair
and the efforts of 'its tenants" to
enforce claims there. The gossip
sideration in the finance committee.I
The paid up insurance bill pawsed;
by ti he house mt with zener~l favor f
for the' Dengcatic presidential 'pre-
Mee ger returns gave Harrison .Gar-l
nett, of St. Thomas, a Coolidge ad-
herent, a 2 to 1 lead for Republican.!~
national committeeman.- " For 'Dem9'
cratfc vuational committeema'n ''1. R
Perry had a narrow margin over R.
B. Mtuvphy.:
Atlanta, Geoi:;ia, March 19.- The
mnajor'ity "6ofXV.'. Mc'Adoo over OscdrI
W. Under'wood for the 2R Georgia' de-f
legates' to the Democratic national
convention continued to mount. as re-
turns came in from, the ,primary hold
At nine o'clock tonight newspa ner
returns' indicated tha4McAdoo had 250
convention votes to 64 for tUnderwood.
Two hundred and seven votes are nec-
essary for a majority.I
Iunting toi, West Va., March,1.-j
(By A. P.)--Fire raging 'In the, lumi-
ber yards and mxills of the Minter.
P-onies corporation Here: caused dam-
age tonight estimated° at $150,000 and
was threatening destruction of fesi-
ecdntial property in ,the vincinity.
The 'entire, city was thrown into
darkness at. nightfall when the.
flame severed , the high-tension wires
of the Con solidated Light and Power
compalY. All the electric: power
lines running into the city were also.
Literary Magazine
Will Appear Today
Wtimnsies. campus literary mag-
azine, will appear today. Numerous
short stories and poems are included
in the issu~e, among which is featured
the short story by Irene McFadden
Kingston, '12 "For 'They Shall Inherit
the Earth." Acceptance of an article
by a graduate marks a departure from
Whimsies' established policy.
Among the more lengthy articles
contained in the issue are'"'West In-
dian Devil Legend", A poem by Eloise
W. Street, "Nothing", 'a short story by,
M. A. ButThart, '26, and editorial com-
meiit by Lawrence=Conrad, '23.
Boy-Bobbed Brunette, snap-
ping, satisfying brown eyes,
painted, peach pink cheeks, de-
licious, delerlous red lips anti
" as tomorrow's witness to tell what le " 44G A -~''" u"c ALWL ccalcvti x rc u a~tiu iv rinA I about the Chicago convention was e -
knows about the alleged "deal" where among the Republicans but Demo- " 'i sconISI aldt h eaeivsiaosb
CA l[RNINSP SSDY O T IE ~by the Carpentier-Dempsey fight films crats were apparently ready to carry RM _ Tu~~ioiffien ofior, d ay supprtr' of
wRF N N P I S0 Y U U 1 1N W Tere shown in 1922 ,with guarantees -- .IIG IGIAATI Tiftafinio, adp utyserery of
__of no prosecution. Senator Wheeler fihRoIhergruMnahjS~ tRiI or-General Leonard Wood in 'the-
iRf lis expected back tomorrow and the In- house for a full cash payment op--:194capHg.Ie stated" frankly
II fli~~~i i I ii r ~~~vestigation probably will return to tion. Senator Simmons of North Car-' Vasity d e ba t ers who willjtathhdnofrthdifrmin
I__.. IVIv 'a 1LL 1iNt~S ULh~ga. ddntciet crss hm:'rankngDmoca on the an- n h nnhabout the gossip' with' which he s-
--at omtedcaein againsrWis-,sorted the atmosphere at Chicago eas
Attempt to Exclude All Aliens Having I DeamiElect of Business Admin istration examine William A. rr, former sec- cousin tmro ev Ann Arbor!I surcharged."
No C(hanty to Become Citizens" School Explins ,Purposs retary'to former gove nor Whitman of; such a proposal although generally this morning. The team is composed I ae .Grefin ftelt
When AdmittedI At Smioker Ne okwoh~be EstiY g on a straight out insurance bil with OfWle er 2,BrrmSbe President Harding,' and a man of
about the' fight film deal" and aso ch a ntove-125, and D. 0. Cook, 124, with W. C.
--el ndt~cmite e an option for cahpymett ee varied experience in the world of
"ONLY TOICAL SOII'TI0WN" ;APPLICANTS MU1STP !ASS 90 w~hiskey dabend comtbusiness Dcko, 4,atenaand'wil e Or politicsral.casno ettldtotoldhn of usnssan oltvainllo vi
OF,ASIA. IPIOBLEI'HP~ELAN HOURS OF LIT SCHOOL WORtK rgsbet orac.rn ntette omoeta 5,Dcopned'24 .leate'nd willo
re~co tew a prvidd i te husemeaur. ro pbaccm p ea ing 0.epartentr. ofefforts on himself and assoiate to
Td, a's tnTsses wer wa o te asproids ed pithe heomue hpbiipekn eprmn. establish right in the Wyoming re-
Wasingon D.C; Mach19.--B y Medu n .0Day, etofhear rf em ctcotn ihgn licontends the deparuent of justice of the insurance provisions. Chair- nois and Wisconsin will debate on theisuetawith Pvrsidnsardnthc
A. .P)-Plans to secure enactument of EdudEia, edo h economics' had been remiss in prsecuting alleg- man Smoot of the finance conmittee legitimacy of the Chico Draina e ct otaryPralln ttorngneS
the Immnigration bill prop~osal for ex- department and dean-elect of the new ed lottery schemes, and Thomas D. Introduced a bill providing for in-!-prjctinteohreunvray ia tie aryg al, ndAttrny nra
Dawkins, aTxspost of 'einspect-,suacpoiispoetIthtreunvstyiisDugry
cuinoalalesieiibefrschool of business administration, ex-eas ofce s 1ac olce payable only at death f
cuinoalalesielgbefror, alled in connection of reiosan anoce hewld otsp tomorow night. The local contest will Digaln ndvgru rs
poa-nbeginatu8co'cock inuHll auditoium, exaingaongbyanaviorouWaish o'
citizenship were. discussedI today' at plain h purposes and proposed wrk testimony of Captain, Baldwin of r the hous provision r h os for 20 year bei'a 'lc nHl uioin xmnainbySnto as-Pa
ings o the nw schol las nightat Texs rangrs, JMichigan's afirmativ em ncld
a conferentce attended, by the ,Call- i: itene collstngta Txsrnes endowment policies carrying the; ome 1 j ontana,Conpitte Prosecutor Gar-
the economics smocker in the assem- 'onpiiee.I ng Kenneth C. Wigle, 24, Leo J. e utdPeidn adn'a
'orindelegation in congress. For- 1 ~yroom of'the Union. 'His subject la riiee. Nowicki, '25E, Elmer Sazman, '25,as
Sfor Sna orPhean of that state and y ,. Nwcoo o1 10lillf ieSenator Curtis "of Kansas, a Re- Mwct,2E)leerS H. - 2, having said Fall is kind of T N;., T
wase SenatorShoo of us[nss'with. ilr T ro, 4 lent,
V. ;. MeClatchy of Sacreinento, who 01niit0tin",usnss14ilV1"FOR I publican member of the committee'tro,~atrae, on the subject of cleam ig the reurge.
Adiisrton as l d~da ilcariglni will meet the negative Illinois team___________
recently appeared 'before''he" senate "The aims of the. schoolar three- as Vod. alil arin ni- here. The affirmat ive IInois team is
ialfifgrati"ohnsaio,"mitteetonivbehalfl of fold," herue said.r t"Firtofthttommgiveilprofes- U l onbi OIclERRseRYsimilart ttonethate of that I05
After the meeting a approvtoemetbtheeonhinseam FOODO F MED ENSI
steetwash pies of business management. Se. .accrigtth i-etdbt
issued sa in that exclusion of aliens, 1o dly, to give training. in the -appli- ..Pan aska Oka,, arch 1 -BY 7dP uinsethsi .a il ealoe
Who 'anrnot hope to become citizens, cto f ft,-5fO~i~ ~ ~~ 1 e id n s1 iue or .contm'mctive .peecles tip, 4 ,,, iJE sKY BL
offers alogicalsimple practical and ti a (t ientific analys' 'nt Isoutio 93Q trlaeso sg hin'and '
efetge'ayulnof l }etrt o mriaj. and at- the clos 'f this'yer autction, 'ton re five' for rebttal. .l cials r}! : ?""7r";t frNi '"
efett~e ~tonof'd4enir Aia, f n A ii l yY }t he contest will he anznouncdt o-~hntonD. , Mrch 1 '..--
tic immiagrati'Ow'p(Hoblebii. It has ai to freduce otime men in tie r la ionkii s Ihere late today. fo mrethnI - tl niv rsies '' "' " n ar+ a floo of DD , rt1l'BY'
ged1 that the cgeemeans, agc e '. t 1 d , 1 i, s Five .bids U were i o.~ ;;:i ,1t' I)amendments prevent-
mm ir ,;.,11Prof. L. , Eich ,with the assstanc~ iua einiitehuetd'o
oen no"n'oc'wthTn~h'~ tthre commtiitv as a' wrole as rep-1 million d(lars- each.'Mdlaid' -Oil' ofMr.seiinoe, bthtfP hs="bho" ' " .'' -
farapSate ah,1lio1.Hg paig eatethspe Ieiled to' accom lish''its 'pui'ptse a, dresented either 1by public or b r- company created the,:greatest sensa Ph -' e~Sk~bid
,huda w ffz"sel f' ~agencies." ~'t' " charge theaytesams.lAdmissionerto'
shudPr ~ytY 1P'6f~~Iiofessor Day rthen 'eani hasized the :(O00 .r* ratna- ymm schoilastie ist~nding rare not exactly ; hageof teta' . msi~,icd tore'vent u-ezf teimail and otlr.
r, elso pla; 'ct that the new' school. Will -not bethe mst tatha, ve ben. idfo a hindmance if information Inl the ps- 'thle debate iii Hill audtrim 'll be er sede~f iiesn crilniei
1 a tae-schoopl. of' collegiate grade. aqatrleo i h isoy~ sesion of, Ueau'Jkmes Gould of "thee free, it was announcedk" etasport-lhg'°i'd "promtmtfng thd ale'
Ilns'esid IwilnbethalmofthetieOsage sale Phhilips teti'oieiim , ve sity -of 'Was hington s-any' = '' "~ f wrhless securities.
ehool to teach the technical details iidtiow TnUie tte rsw naennetlee
Stir Frenchm'en"o(ithviua tads rJnds ir.;on~ i dn1g.&%fo tac fi eits have been members of Phi Beta jlV QIW P[ hl~etaive Lavitt, Republican, Montana,
indiviuchdtaltmaydetes r taugh y____ apacodn osatc etirs .I13111Ufh11UBII J to eliminate a section eempting from
Su dtiis m ybmetrt u h. yIK p a c o~i g to saitc etbte, trades or industires thmiselves. ra by rDean Gould to tie Personnel Oi- the bill securities listed on stock ex-
IParis, March 1$,--Bec ause Franmce PIo Sress General Principles 44 Lose Lives AS J'pcm committee. I NIII!IL UUIELUTYcIanges in cities of more than half
has been arepubhic such a short time "'h;masso ntuto ilMnwohvebenhnrdwt IIfi IUJL11 a million population and doing busi'
as rhcompar'ed with Its logbetrya a10placed at all times upon the' gen- !Submarine AHits "f'te iget fic her ontyha -H ess for' 20 years was carried. ep-
-° Ittfee ofrfphaesdespisiessafmliiltatiions--with the One of the most prosperous eas eetai ]enio, Republican,
tenedoprcamgthnreui-having a wide *and iimpotnt appicah-, eo aan ac 9-Tet fe' ds t flhaims-'Ilinois, author of the bill, In urging
canism frequently and loudly. At it ad na f~' opo 0-o umrn 3 fteJpn honorary 'liberal arts scholastic frat- -In the history of the city is now being it adoption told the house "we want
present they are much conicerne ie this sort of instruction the ad- ese Navy collided today with the;' ernity, are: John Quincy Adams, Mar- experienced by Ann Arbor, accoiding a bill with teeth in it but we must
about the growing practice of sons or i ;tnVnBrn rnln Pecno nec ih'eiiaemsin reqiementsof the school waiship Tatsuta, (luring roinr ma-tnVnBrn Fakiire to a statement issued by the First noerfrwihlgtimate bus-
rltvsinheriting seast in pam'ia ,lce ai'a m i mvesmd l4Rather Hayes, James (Garfield, ess."
havnte,- beehigharetha n o.t ofins ihooso nd40vers nd ink26fthm4 offictae' ste; rhr r rCeead National bank, on the volume of 1bak Opstoit h il-'a e
,ielaetcaecfrfotst a h uinersa mstatoimitme hos f-snd0 men utide26Satsebo at er, ooevetclearings made by local banks during euicn
The latst cass of eforts 'o hand"side 'Theodprg osvet Wiiaui oward Itie onths of February an,.Jnuay Iflpresentative'Ramseyer,epbla'
down seats are tiose of Philippe' Bam seakr: Tatt, and Woodrow Wilson.h iue eelta aur,12 Iowa, wilt)declaied that if "we enact
r , so of t clate M-mirice-Barrm - ixryaccordingto the s- oe F ral hours later the ,navy 'office as- ' P i ea Kap.w s f un e T hewith rea tot al f $341at 4.8Jiancuare isaio ik1hi9th2ais3il b
~eautoadAni Professor Day explained that applfi- ,'certained that while -attempts a ePiBea a- a fudda ih a oalo'$341,3,rI n la - lgsainlk hi hmlswl ,e
teato;adAmrlJaumresbroh 'cn o dmsin t h e sho ecewoepoednteewsWilliam -amid:- Mary college In 1776. ;ings surpassed the marks of last- Dec- glated byevery state of the union.
1 ~' f th .Socalis leadr wh. tist- pr'esent a certificate showing little hope t nywud be foud I was originaly.-a social fraternity, ember and October supposed ~~tmeHe)dcae h il a oni h
asasntdam-hbgnustofte lefrs ftantr'oe r nzdaftermatho.wrhsei. ,_
war. Both ar'e candidates for the t0g they have completed satisfactor'ily live. -i 'to'htntr vrogaze. biggest banking months of the 'ear: i-of*ahytr.-
chme tte oigeetos I90 semester hours of work in the lit- Tmesbmriewet lwn s=d "Bank clearing figures 'can usually-'
Younb rr te, whon'eecdto-tolIEi&y college. Among the euiits prOe t afeim.oiimi -m t a be depended upon to act as an accur ff
" emtd mut'b -thteintb'Tha3,cosrutdewore -stheI AVUIcolatlpleinthscmunt'sprsn.I
fingarsteoo,'-wahotenetyedi geointingaaelwo Lr~ UEOSE IiU AWAisRDin1 MILLIONnst
lwhsfather's footsteps in politics pmca-tsef.eo ..cs''ccutiIple"said an e of icofthesFrst1P
and literaturehasrecently published aid ttstcl methods, emntf Iago, is the- secoumd underwater'craft Natonal ank yesterday morning 011
his_ __ ___f__irs' nd pscbook, T e. e ub ec s as s ve on hs a ot erenty,"; SI G IB E andeLLli-I R l S S T O IT,
paeoo lnSegr 'tltiqal science., commrieal .g~gegr' of the Japanese Navy lost-in- the, n the volume of clearings 'record l~Iif
« I at required. he stated, because the ( ukofKbIls uut that plenty of money is changing
ALdel hi Chooses nt w metods of bsns adminis -- Constantinople, March 19.-The hands in Ann Arbor, and that peopleI London, March 9.-After several
I ~~~~tation require a cloercoiunialo Turkish cabinet at Angora has closed , are spending it freely." Clearings forI years of litigation in Glasgow courts,
Freshman Team.l betwein business and public policy. LVLTONSTF T LL tihe American school at the Mediter- February 1924 surpassed those of the1 a Byzantine cross, incrusted in Je -
______ Inclostig, rofesoi'Day sid, We ranean seaport of Mersina, on the same month last year by more than ohes and valued at more than $;0,
thtwilrersntte omen ationeandtur of vso.I ~ground that the principal taught the 'u ont hbliondsars.Toeareord to0,the ashnpdrietoberchurinte
I chose the team thatofllrepresetitahies owatrie of wciton brad th ryof vson i B L .S N BRI ible to Mosie m i students. an one hf bili d la r st h ere s- 00.ras b en or er d o be reur e
'sceyi ieana dlh-l~aIthought. It is not hard to place such I___ heAgr governument takes the breaker as' thus far March has been province of Aquila, Italy, to .which
INu freshimani debate at its regular meninl business. positions." After his Sa SlvdrMrc 19-AtrpsiothtaeiguscolhsI
talk Pofesso Day asweredques- Theme' were two claimants to the
weekly meeting Tuesday night. The'toiondfentpasofhewr three days of fierce fighting between no place in a lay republic. In a pmro prty, aim Italian icecream sho
mselected were S. S. Bonello,'27, losscdfern hool. o Ue ork (p'lI
roesx 2,ad0 . ysro ie~Ievolutionists and the loyal troops note in answer to a French govern- II AM assistant of Glasgow named~ Attila
N. C. reeker Speaksd .-O Dystr, Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras, net inquiry, the Angora governmentMLLO LEFT FracendtepietoMheprs
I' 4 W. I. J n on '2 , w s c o e I r C d n Pro e sr Dy's t lk'F r L L- a qchea.d the re tos theap parsh
as4 W T a thnat n,.'27,,waCrccker last night still was in the hands of served notice,- that religious schools
Last'l fyteapblicspek-pheiorcenofthedefcto ovenmet, ustconform to lay princpals and - [;f f~T V romte hrcIi'11 adwa~o
an tercpn hia ~asuoitt iv n atetsoeon"h 'n ttwasreported here. - doermette practices of other- schools or O.R CIT I ST, techrh i 11EadwaRo
Laut -vaiepAdlphminon tpmkeirot TheIUnLfjtheardHIof;until May, ,19 wy1, when
'i'h u ~ii wsdnae tyt eckneI Revolutionary forces under 'Gen. ~;close. '-Franchme.offered it fr sale in Ghisow
Itth .prthe ,datge o theim ls. -°Ge I o w evera anGn.Tuur .Time order is' expected to! have a !Chicago, March 19.-Since last year[Franlche's story. as thathelt t,
,guage-. and re pcttoeirvn ,'sros effect on nummerous schools aohr ilo people left the fams i h un fhs fanil~tycte or
manent property of testicity 'winn4 .o h city -and have completely surr-h atqae, tepoe s oto agaeI and -misstons maintained by 'Amer- for the city,- Sears .Roebuck agricul t ;,arhuae at Msia h
E Ing fqtur out of seven of t'hese annu laino-thedpro.em' us of theirlanguage!
is a-businesproposition.,-., Ironddt.Datn,-Tulel an cucea elastoeoV.rlfunainrpre oay d-lorHweedntsea
debates. The debate t'his year - will ~- Yoro have fallen into the hands -fteia hrhs a ela s oftitualondtoirpnedtdyad cort, howvert-edieanot see antin
bheld on Friday, April. 25. Smiley nd Wiley", fencing expertsj rbls. othiem countries: ' ing that the population heas'increased -m omn ihte atquk n
-__-- of Waternman gymnasiunm. gave a few p _______;___ duing the same time 1,400,000 wihich Itie jeweled cross.- ~
exhibition of their art and N. D. Smith, 1 Ien ht hr ae240,0 i~e
2, jytified the' assembly with °111IIPT I'I~fR 1~I people to feed and a million less 'rio- ;r iig'nAuni-o et nerl
RIh i~u uig-vt,& - ew i -o-madtri reeig BRYAN IUVV V UII fIR fRducers - to do the feeding. -' Former students and facultyme
sI ~fh n rc s rg dn 0 !Fi h i s S 2 0 M rg a the Michigan Troubad- fI m n(n1( "This'- condition" the report said,' hers of the University of W ashington
___oumrs, -gstudent orchestra, played. INON LN UIIL UNLB warrants industrial and commercial! ae invited to attend the first annua'
Vancouver, Washimmgton, March 19aer.oigsoetig eintead asintn'dnnr a 63 lp 1nove, ahigon Mrh 9
-(By A. P.)-The 'three rountd the° New Nava head concrete to help the farmer get on his Wednesday, March 26, at the Unio
world fliers who started from here j Lincoln, Nob., March 19.-Wi- East Lansing, Mich., March 19.-On-; feet" League club, 35 West Grand Rive
early this afternooni for Seattle re- S or I-ffce ham Jennings Bryan, 64 eas llvn iywilb iie ti pig avenue, Detroit. Arthur R Priest