THE MICHIGAN DAILY SPAPER OF THE OF MICHIGAN orning except Monday year by the Board in i ications. rnConference Editorial iated PIr IS ex cusiefyg ' e fo tr& blici h4,,~ l e w; is paper and the a l es ub- econd cla e 'j5 eiairate anted by Third Assistant Post- ., Lby carrier, $3.5o0; by mail,t es: Ann Arbor Press Building, :reet, es: Editoria1, 2414 and 176-M; May- Busi- of the council to have this privilege is es'tablished by their past action on disciplinarycasestand this concession to self-government in an institution' composed of adult citizens of a demo- cratic national government is the least that might be allowed. The petition should not be allowed to gather dust on the shelves of the administrative offices. TD iminatio and consistency are not rcncila ehere. A middle course is intolerable. OFESSI AIS A4ND THE I' OPERA The University Senate Views with deep concern the growing professional character of ' the Michigan Union opera. It desires to simplify the pro- duction and make it more representa- tive of university life. Having suffered for years with so- termed athletic professionalism, one wonders if that bane of undergraduate life is now to enter the field of drama- tics. Can a dancer or an opera be too professional, to be presented by a university, and continue to come un- der the head of amateur theatricals? Evidently, the University Senate thinks so. In this day and age, enterprises are carried out on a large scale. Univer- sity activities have grown with the unversity; tl'er scope has widened as the influence of the university has spread. Now many of the productions .of' un'der araduate activity rival larg e communications, not exceeding 300 ill be published in The aily at tion of the Editor. Upon request, ity of communicant will be re- confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF lephlones, 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR HARRY D. HOEY tor ................. Robt. 11. Tarr Board Chairman.. . . R. C. Morarity >r...............J. C. Garlinghouse Night Editors es A. B. Connable r Clark T. F. Fiske ' P. M. Wagner litor...............Ralph N. Byers Editor............Winona Hibbard Iagazine Editor........F. L. Tilden itor............... Ruth A. H1owell City Editor..... Kenneth C. Kellar dichigan News Pureau.R. G. Ramsay Editor...RobertIB. IHenderson i stein Editorial Board Andrew Propper Herman Wise kman cknell oxer own eCote 3vis hrlich iry -Iosewo Assistants E. C. Mack Verena Moran Hlarold Moore Carl Ohlmacher Hyvde Perce Andrew Pro pper Regina Reichmann Edmarie Schrind-r rth C. A. Stevens W. H. Stoneman Marie Reed N. R. Thai W. J. Walthour aann Herman Wise Kruger -th' Ijeberm .uanslield BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVROT ..... ..... ... F. L. Dunn j .... ..Perry M. Tadei ................W . Roesser n .................... W. IK. Scher;er .......... T. T,. Hale -...-- ... . C P 1'u . . ... ....... Lawrence Pierce Asi:tants pbell eland ^n l1 LirJ 'I^A.fMarlke pion('n a" er II. E. Rose exter A. J. Seidnan inn Geo. A. Stracke x CWill W teise _lt C. F. Wliite nd R. C. Winter- -11 ESDAY, MARCH 19, 1924 4' i ft Titor-ROBT. G. RAMSAY THE STUDENT'S CASE at is student government? Is it ight of a delegated student body range pep meetings and tug-of- or is it embodying in the stu- themselves the prerogative in al and disciplinary cases which ve fellow students? When the nts have the right of self trial it would seem that they have a nment by the students. A stu- body that elects a group of rep- tatives to merely set dates is elf governing. It is only organ- inning with the age of twelve in the public grade schools and nuing through the public high )s where student control. of stu- problems is widely advocated and iced as a training in good citizen- boys and girls determine for selves the culpability of their fel- students in breaking the social ards. Michigan is a university. tudents are for the most part s ranging in age from sixteen to twenty-seven with probably erage age of twenty-one. Presi- Burton in his Convocation speech nized the relatively mature age e student body when he em- zed the fact that the administra- of the school 'was dealing with not boys. At the age of twenty- every individual in the United s is considered legally capable iderstanding the responsibilities izens of the United States, sub- o certain Constitutional qualifica- In spite of all this, however, the aistration of the University, re- to allow the elected representa-' of the student body to even re- evidence and make recommenda- in cases where infractions of >cial standard by students is con- d. a recent case hindled by the. nt council in which recommenda- were made to the University Dis- e committee, the action of the nt governing body was recog- as worthy by the faculty com- . Yet these cases are allowed view by the students only in rare metropolitan industries. Does that mean that ,hey are "professional?' If such is considered to be true, The Michigan Daily is open to such a ehh ,for,.it is a far larger and more expensie publication than many small town newRapers. The Gagoyle has J'assed' f t ieyo d the sope of a purely local humor sheet. The Stu- dent Christian Association, the Orator- ical association, the band-all have progressed until they are far from being amateurish in aspect. Is this a fault to be corrected, or is it a sign of growth and an indication of progress?; The University Senate thinks that the opera should be curtailed, that ex- penses should be cut down, that it should assume once more its prely local chara t r of bygone days. put be ;r ec onary, w 0' the watch- word of the age is progress; why re- ,g# $ tptpe past, wheh't e future holds 5 dfrieus A) prospectii- AN IRfTNT DEFUSI9N , n impdrtntdecslion rests with the United States. I ~ tric dientiss annou'nch, te discovery of a new process which will cffet tp, p rmanept unionpof eni I4t nitog n toms. eThe discovery, it is claimed, will produce its. :It ivJil give T he ,atre'dSt tes c6nda o an exposve force that -ocience. has never before ,ual ta fexIAbe7 4t010( as tong as anything yet found. And it will give American farmers a fertilizer cheaper and better than anything yet produced, a fertilizer that will greatly enrich the soil and increase its pro- ductivity. To which phase will this country give the greatest attention? Will it expend its money for the development of this new discovery into an explosive and neglect its use as a fertilizer; or will it prefer to increase the country's productive power? The qustion is an important one. There is no doubt about what con- tinental European nations would do with the process. They would spend every cent for the utilization of sci- ence and scientific brains to extend military power. But history has taught this country that it is giot always well to follow European examples; and, on the other hand, history has also given us a few costly lessons in military preparadness. Apparently the problem is as puzzl- ing as it is important. w tTwenty-Five Years; Ago AtMichigan From the Files of the U. of 3I. Daily, March 19, 1899 Col. Rolt. G. Ingersoll will lecture in the Athens Theater Monday night on "The Devil," The fame of "Bob" is so wide spread that this, his newest lecture, will attract wide attention. Prof. Scott will address the Peda- gogical Society on "Rhetoric in the High School." Room 4, Tappan Hall. In consequence of Mr. Stagg's at- titude as regards gate receipts, Michi- gan's annual Thanksgiving Day game with Chicago will not take place. In- stead, Wisconsin and Michigan will meet on that day, the game to be played in Chicago. Prof. A. A. Stanley sailed Wednes- (lay for Enroe and will return next DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY WAS ST. PATRICK'S The current bill atthe Ma in- volves an Ape Comedy, than which1 here Ia nothing mote soiur. These {tpes wea costumes and do a lot of things that they have been trained to dog but iey do all their things as if Par dodying Sam Johnson, we pro- nounce this verdict: An ape acting in the movies is like a dog walking on his hind legs: it is not done well, but we are surprised to see it done at all. THE ROVER BOYS' VENGENCE, No. 11 Throughout all their adventures, the intrepid Rovers had faced no such problem as now faced them. How to eat the exquisite boiled asparagus, for which Silas Marner had provided them no fork, was the thought upper- most in each mind as they gazed long-" ingly at the tempting repast spread be- fore-them. Suddenly Prof. Snodgrass started. "We are saved" he exulted. "These are not asparagus butts, but the fam- ots Mexican papicus tamalius, better known as the tongue scorcher, which bears a great semblance to the Ameri- can weed." "But" put in Sam, "are you sure it is proper to eat them with the fingers." "My dear boy," suavely answered the Professor, "the Mexican natives do nothhig' else." Promptly the captives set upon the choice morsels. "How succulent" thought Dick as he munched a delicious tip. "Fit for a king" remarked Tom, spit- ting out a stray seed. "Babies cry for it" facetiously apos- trophized the runt Sam, grapping an- other. Meanwhile, Alcibiades Rover made futile attempts to edge in toward the tray, for he too was hungry, but the boys were too strong for him, and he sat down on a nail keg. fminally the last of the edibles disappeared. "My dear sons," Alcibiades stroked ;hg4s lcng beard, ''andl you too, Prof. Snodgrass, are faced by a critical sit- uation. Silas Marer and Lopez An- dalusca are this momet .fiendishly planning your end." 4W1hat" excli.ed the grouip inter- esterly. "Yes, it is only too true, Liuke Warm arried. but a nomenT ago, a4 the final link of their scheme is welded. They will feed you hot tamales until you' burst fr om the eatt.'"I. "Hot tamales" exclaimed the cap- tives. 'Hot tamales!" "So I have planned your' escape" continued Alcibiades. "The door is open. Go, 4nd my fortun, be with you." His gray head sank upon his breast. "But you, dear father," said Dick with tears of gratitude shining in his eyes, "we cannot leave you here." "I shall stay and take the conse- quences," said the ancient firmly. The others glanced at each dismay. -Washington. Do the Rovers escape The Motor Boys to the rescue. HISTORICAL FICTION This is to be part of a new program to make the Rolls educational as well as frightfully entertaining. The idea, we confess, is an old one, having been used with telling effect by Henty, who wrote the Henty looks, as well as other famous fellows. The idea is to give a little piece of history pleas- antly mixed with a thrilling narative. so that the young folks read it for the story, and are all ChM time learning history without knowing it. Awfully ingenious, isn't it? Louis XIV was playing billiards' with his favorite opponent, the Duc de Lisle. Lisle was about two points behind when suddenly the King missed and left the balls in the corner. Bending down over the table, Lisle aimed once more, fiddled long shot- and miscued. "Confound it!" he said in an aggravated voice. "Your shot, Quatorze." The King chalked up and ran seven, leaving the balls in opposite corners of the table. "Try and make one," he smiled genialy at his courier. Lisle, with a beautiful round tlable shot, neatly gathered the spheroids in one corner. "Laugh that off, Louie," he rallied. And he proceeded to click off seven points, shooting perfect bil- liards. lie missed an easy one on the eighth leaving the balls together. The King missed. Lisle missed also. The King made two. Lisle made two. The King missed. Lisle missed. The King j made four. Lisle made four. The' King then ran out, and the Duc said courteously congratulated him. "Guess I ain't in your class, Sire," he says. "Guess not," says the King. "Wish I could scare up some competition KLEAGLES AT CORNELL (CORNELL DAILY SUN) Rental or a box at the Ithaca post- of'ice,rdissemination of radical litera- ture and frequent fu~ry crosses onI neighboring hill tops are seemingly'l substantial evidences of either the rapid formation or existence of a local Ku Klux Klan. Whether Sat- I urday evening's performance on the Library slope was an actual ceremon- ial of the Klan, or merely a burlesque on the part of students, with the Klan( as the object of thir ridicule cannot be stated with any certainty. Unfor- tunately the large amount of Klan literature at the base of the cross, however, would seem to indicate aj more or less serious motive on the part of the perpetrators. Cornell apparently has kept off the the beaten path of these ignominious twentieth century Crusadors Ylith theirj splendidly stated ideals, which, when put into practice result in murder," rapine and crimes too horrible to enumerate. The possiblity of their being received within the walls of the University slould be greeted by general alarm. The disgrace accruing- to names of colleges and universities throughout the country which have been unable to cut away this ulcerous growth sounds a warning to be heeded well by Cornell. We find the following statement in' a booklet distributed by local agents of the Klan. "This is a white man's organization; this is a gentile organ-" ization; it is an American organiza- tion; it is a Protestant organization." Each one of these ideals, so-called, is aimed at a substantial part of the country's population, while the total number of these various classes makes up approximately 40 per cent of the population of the United States. Any society which aims at the suppression of these classes by what it deems to be a higher type of American can hardly claim the right to call itself an American organization. The prin- ciples of the Klan are built on pre- judices; its methods savour of the Middle Ages, and where therte' isi need' of better law enforcement, legitimate reform is prop r. DETROIT UNITED LIKES EAST BOUND Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and every two hours to 9:10 D. . Express: 7 a. m., 8 a, tn. and evv y two hours to 8 p. m. Locals: # a. m., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 8:55 p. m., 11 p. M. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4G p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m. WEST BOUND Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. m. Express (making local stops): 9:50 a. mn. and every two hours to 9:50 p. tn. Ltocals: 7:50 a. m., 12:10 a. tn. 0- - MARCH t AL t If V T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. 23 24 25 2 6 27 2S 29 30 3 t . SPRI KNATS READY Save a Dollar or More at Our Store High Class Work in Cleaning and Re locking FACTORY HAT STORE 017 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) i '1 - - - -4-r.. . I i EDITORIAL COMMENT 1 WHITNEY THEATER OthhAnnual Juno "THANK you MADA O r oris' TUj1AILi TIE BII. THE JUNIOR GIRLS PLAY (Continued from Page one.) Finally, the' gieatest credit should' be given to Professor J. L: Brumm as the general director. , Ohly , 4e] o'ie considers the almost impossible task of managing some one hundred and fifty excitable girls, of quelling the numerous fits of temperament that al- ways arise, and of bringing from the general chaos a satisfactory musical comedy, can one appreciate the real accomplishment. To porduce a modern revue of any kind seems a tremendous. undertaking, but to turn out an all- girl production . . . the man must be a genius, a vertiable genius, "TIHE CHANGELINGS," a review by Robert Henderson. The success of such plays as "The Changehings" is one of the most hop's- ful' signs of the American theatre: In it Lee Wilson Dodd, the author, has punctured holes through the host of our modern "isms"-Sophisticated ex- March 19-20-21-22 Saturday Matinee I IAN-ANN ARRi BUS LINE I Central Time (Slaw ITimne) Leave Chaprher of Commerce WcekDays Sundays 6:45 'a. rni., 6 45 A. m- 12:45 p. m. r45 p. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor PhoNW, 92-M Adrian. Mich. }4 a Exra Credits on Cool Lake Shore' The ehae' and so necessary t,everyone are here idealycoj~bined'wt superior opportunity for ea- I ocational advancement. Boating, swimming, tennis. concerts,hdramatic rfiruances, inspiring lectures, SUMMER ON LAKI? I SESSION . U. MICHIGAN Organi~d xcutsions to'l in'cu 'Iial., financial and art centers of Chicago. Course covering full year's work in General Chemistry. Twelve courses in Department of Religious Education. Summer Session opens June 23, 1921 and Includes: Graduate 3choo1 Law enoo College of Liberal Arts School of Music School of Commerce School of Speech Gehool of Education School of Journalism r-- -BOOKLET REQUEST---1 [failf the courses of NORTHWESTERN UiNIVERSITY I !! U MER SESSIONI and other advantages. recreational Peas s me 'duatn Plu Recato R deib and educational.-_________ Nam Bull Address I JddressWALTER DILL ScOrr,President NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY X504 University Hall Evanston, Ill.' I Play .. 0 There is room and need for capable men in all the allied activities of big business. But nowhere is there greater need or greater opportunity than in that very essential service to all business - Insurance (Fire, Marine and Casualty). Insurance, as a profession, affords con- tact with the most vital activities of the commercial and industrial world. k The Insurance Company of North America, the oldest American Fire and Marine Insurance Company, has been an integral part of big business since 1792 and the earliest beginning of national affairs. Out of this long experience it urges those who are about to choose a calling to con- sider the world-wide influence of the insurance field. Insurance Company of North America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insurance Company of North America write practically every form of insurance except life eFR EPNiG OUT BRN WATE4l RP-QFCLOTHING 'i tiN ' a Siy licke (YELLOW OR .OLIVE) (YELLOW OR OLIVE x l A.J.TOWER CO, BOSTON; R ead The Daily "Classified" Column fB i y business needs N f j . 'irus isrnr rrr r4r w e aeresrwr IIiMIif M l ludl l cuses, it almost seems, for explaining 1 happy immoralt3-. It is a thoroughly delightful comedy of manners-after the English school, although its scene is laid in America-dramatically in- teresting, and of definite literary qual- ity. The curtain rises on a chatting household resting after a magnificient dinner. The women are gossiping in confused whispers, and the men are discusing their wine and cigars. Sud- denly the message comes that the mar- ried daughter has decamped with a famous author, leaving her husband high and very dry and bewildered. This is the situation, and from it develops consequences at once amus- ing and magic. At the end of the third act, of course, the erring wife "finds herself in her husband's arms, cling- ing close to him" in the words of the manuscript, and' everything is quite normal. To this, however, is added an epite- gue that luckily pulls the plot from the usual sentiment and leaves one with that inexpressable satisfaction always felt in the presence of true talent. Nothing important happens- the household is dinning together again, and once more they chat over their after-dinner coffee-but it rounds out the picture with a completeness so generally lacking in the theatre: It represents the turn in the eternal n r l r - - li- uc .:. A * ITS Nlarchl 18, 19, 20, 21,'22' 2oth Annual JUN10) _.h PLAY' TH ANIK