THE- MICHIGAN DAILY . ® r C '. C. w. ..,., s N.. GOLDUE-, FLEECE Li~, RIZESNotices LiclNeb., Mar. S.-Litre than __________________ h,0rc aired student~Sr ,waulty mileml- hrs ndout of town guests, attended; All freshmen women interested in the 1924 coimpe tition of the Golden the class pageant are requested to Fleece which. was heldl recently at the:1 attend a meeting to be held at 5 o'-j University of Nebr aska. At .l lunch-! clock today in Sarah Caswell Angelr eon riven by the Golden Flecec prizes1 hall.' N ATTEND Lt AFFAIR The Stroller Passes By WOMN'SINOOR MEET TO E BEHL PRIL 8J. Final plans have been completcd for the all-campus women's indoor meet1 Daffodils, blue candles, and the yel- w candle-light carried out a blue d maize color scheme to the Senior pper last night at Barbour gymnas- 1f, offset by the sombre black caps id gowns worn by the senior women r the first time. M~ore. than 450 women were seatedi the 13 long tables which o'ccupied e entire gymnasium, while at the served table at the head were seat- the members of Mortarboard and nior society, the members of the nior social committee, senior class cers, and officers of the Y. W. C. A. d its caibinet. Dean Jean Hamilton, s. Amy S. Hobart, Dr. Margaret Bell, ss Ethel McCormick, Mrs. John L. ummn, Mrs. John R. Effinger, Miss non Blood and Miss Mildred -Sher- Ln were the guests of the senior ass. The lyrics from last year's nior Girls' play and Michigan songs, d. othiei( songs 'of undergraduate r5 were sung between courses. 'fter the supper, which ter'minated' 7 o'clock, the ,seniors formed a line march to the Whitney theater, ere they were the guests of the for class at the premiere of "Thiank i, Madam." I Wegot a "D" on an Ec blue book todav. -Nell..11 an~y's sim shouild ex- Ot a.I4 V * T .&A , a .JLgatA. &A..6 1 1 :lv l , h- .. ,...~.Au ,,.,.,- - a - ,7 coned his grasp, they say. to be held at 4 o'clock Tu«esdlay, Aprili 8, in Barbour gymnasium under the The University high school hasI auspices of the Womeirs Athletic as-j proyed a life saver to us many times. j sociation. When iwe are late to class we gasp I The meet will consist of nine special "U. H. S." in a breathy tone and itj events in which the various classes goes over like a tent. We would ad- j and houses on the campus will be vise Nagainst using it at 8 o'clock, how- represented. Class and individual ever, honors will be awarded' for qualifica- tion and first, second and third place The new lit building is our idea C in the meet.' The special hours whichI of a skeleton. But we can't conceiveI have been assigned the classes for ~of its being in anyone's family. AndC track practice and coaching in the it's a cinch it wouldn't go into any- gymnasium are as follows: Fresh- one's closet. I men, Monday at 4 o'clock; sophomores, Ti wa wete ha bou t Tuesday at 4:15. o'clock; juniors and1 This wam we oewheeledrordhtseniors, Thursday at 4:15 o'clock.i everything from a oeweldFr These hours will remain the same! to a Stutz with two spares into circu-' every week until the meet.I lation. The aforementioned Ford' Women who are interested in enter- pursued us with malicious intent the ing the meet are requested to sign other dlay and spattered mud all over up in Barbour gymnasium as soon as our roommate's skirt. W~e'hadn't ask- possible and take advantage of the ed her if we, could swear it, ,either. s pecial coaching offered to the women each week. Berkeley, Calif., March 18.-With an enrollment of 67 enthusiasts, fencing 1 Berkeley, Calif., March 18.-Seniors is demanding recognition: as one of the revived old California songs at their! fastest growing sports at the Univer- recent singing meet at whic~h they sity of Ca l iforn ia practiced songs and yells. were awarded to the woman t~iving, the' reddest hair, the mnost fascinating bob, the most scintillating goldfen glow, the most attractive, freckles, the most fascinating -green eyes, or the most _devilishi dark eyes, etc. The Golden Fleece was organized inI 19117 by Miss Eva 1 Miller, and has steadily increased both in memmbership and in the number of prizes offeredl annually. Y W, C 1A Me'-tership .d)Open Membership in the Y. Wl. C. A. is open to all women until the aunounce- xment of the date of nominations forl the coming year and will be closed t from that date until after the selec- tiont are madte. rWomen wishing to settle questionsE about their athletic points should see MNary Hays, 2 to 4 today, at Barbour{ g;y mnasium. Anyone failing to report th:is week will not receive points 40r past work. Kappa Phi club 'will meet at 7:20 o'clIock today at Wesley' hall.; The Girls' Mandolin club will hold a regular weekly meeting tomorrow at 5 o'clock in Newberry hall. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly.-Adv. Fs1eultY Winen fo i ve Tea An nftrm l;!tea will'be given he- at the Faculty Women s cliuhou e. Mrs. William G. Smieaton, Mrs. Detlev W. Bronk, and Mrs. Eugene H. Leslie will be the hostesses. :Mrs. Edwin C. Goddard will pour. Tea will be serv- ed at 4 o'clock. Xrs. Bred-vold to Leadl Club hrs. Louis Bredvold will have charge of th~e next meeting of the: club leaders' training course at 7 o'- clock Thursday in the Y. W. C. A.. The program wifl cnsist of song lead- ing for clubs and training in the in- struction of games for the younger girl. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Read the Wa nt Ad- Europe, Orka4t Etc. ! To gett Viabatter rehervations, it will he wvery necessary that You rrange youer plan soon. BOOK EARLY~ailing Lst Ratesrlst, t ~2nd. Cabin or 3rd Class ALL STEAMSHIP LIES, TOURS AND CRUSES A small deposit secures space. Drlay no l i ong 138 E.G. KEBLER Ann ArborMicl1. Lcensed ahd Bonded Steam~ship and lnsu, nre cAr".i WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INGURAP CE Mode Shoppe 11I NoRIIT N Above Areade Street and Afternoon Gowns roid Blouses For All Occasions Aiso Hemnst itching l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - k .w IRVING WARMITJS, D. S. C. Chiropodist and Orthoped ist 1 07 !north Unlveralty' Phone 2652 r , ,. i 's Bus 111 S. MAIN IllsI 5 D. A. R TO MEET Sarah Caswell Ang'ell chapter of the ] aughters of the American Revoln- 'n will hold a regular March meet- gat 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon the home of Mrs. Charles Millen, 5 Lawrence street. Mrs. William glis will present a paper on "Colon- I 1 Gardens." Mrs. Henry G. Berger, regent of the apter wishes all miembers to attend- e showing of the film at the: Natur- Science auditorium at 4:15' o'clock day. The film is loaned by the tary clubs of th.e state and depicts e life; of aboy atthe Citie's nil- ary t 4ining camp at Carhp Custer. he sh , i~ of. the film w- b pre d t by a al by C p ai .R o -l nited !tates cavlry 'Jimrj t he adtaker" sells anything ickly;-dv. IFOB the student or Prof., Ibsuperb 'VENUS oat- rivals Vll for perfect pencil work. 17 DIac degrees and. 3 copying. M EN -anxious to rise to positions of re- sponsibilty in business should investi-: gate the one year intensive training course o±tfred at Babson Institute. Classes are conducted on the conference plan. The instructors are experienced busi- ness mnen, successful in their own lines. You work on actual cases-not hypothetical prob- lems. You are shown how to solve the sainm kfind of 'problems that will confront youil actual business .practice. Sed Write for, Booklet! Sedfor booklet "Traininig for Business Leadership." Describes the courses in detail. a ind gives complete informiation about the facilities of B~abson institute and shows howe men .are trained for executive roles. Write today. No obligation. ' S [An Endowed Babson Institute M u .i.. I 31$ * nshigton Ave. Bab a1k s l Wf) lMasi. t Our. MarchSale' t i Sugsvoey e tig GRAF~ets~adnws otnaeil htsol rn Plain ses nepse llend ,of he its ualitieest intall r therlaspring shodbrAlg b1~ck and navy.- j ~Dainly wash fabrics, voiles; linens, 'organdies, siisses, and satijns in ,a varied d ssortment of 11c aatfernis. a r "~An Unusual ,Event!f.Seasonable fabrics; at tohe unusually lowv price of $13 40-Inch Pure Silk Canton Crepes 36-Inch Changeable, Tafea 40-Inch All-Silk Real Flat Crepes 36-Inch Washable Tub Silk~s 40-Inch All-Silk Gown Crepes 32-Inch Striped Tub Silks "36-Inch XWashable Silks 40-Inch All-Silk Radiums t 40-Incii All-Silk Stin CGarmeuse ...... . 3(-finch131:3 ckSatin Duchess, Yard..., ... .. 36-Inch All-Silk Dress Satin, Yard . $1.31; I I. i I LAST TODAY I :.M. LAST TIMES STODYAY 11 rmU on'f erfr ances For The Student Friendship Fund On The Stage-- LIO E .M - STAR OF "CO'1TONl STOCKINGS" GENEBUC an C1FF LLE k On~ The Screen- -- PIPDET1IOI ' SIOWING OF. il U{ AN) A SPLENDID CAST I Sik WITH JACK PICK'FORD -ADDED FEATU'bRE- LA Rwc'Y, SMN 500 Yards of Genuine All-Silk Japanese Pongee vv 11 "l u! e,.I T i-,rn.u (it. jres- s TafeaYar .. ....O.U1 jfhII rs ilIL~hr~I1.3597 36-Incii BlAAck l- Crepe de Chine, Yard..,......... 36-Inch Black Lustrous Chiffon D ]res Taffeta, hard,..1.3. 36-Inch Black All-Silk Crepe de .Chine, yar~d......... ..$1.33) 3.-Inch Blank Satin Nessaline, Yard................. .$1.S9 36-Inch Black Satin, Ya~rd ..... ..... ...........$1.39 36-Inch Black Wash Satin, Yard.......... ..... ...$1.39 40-Inch Black All-Silk Crepe de Chl~ne, Yard......:...,.. $1.39. 36-Inch Fine Lustrous Satin, Yard..... ............. .t 36-Inch Rich Satin Duchess, Yard......... ...... . .$139 36-Iiich Soft Chiffon Taffeta, Light and Dark Slbades, Yard $1,i;' 40-Inch Crepe de Chhie, All Sh~ides, Yard............$13 36-Inch Kimono Silks, Choice, Patterns, Yard........... $1.39 36-Inch Fine Printed Satin, in Paisley Designs....:... .$1.39 36-Inch All-Silk Crepe de Cline, in New Paisley Pattemns. .$1.39 $9.00 Black Chiffon Taffeta.................$1.39 40-Inch Plain Heavy All-Silk Crepe de Chine............ y $139 IN\4 "TLIGHTNI G LOVE"19 $1.00 Yard NEWS PRESS "TolL CAN'T 6I II, 9 See the Window Display of Silks More Than 500 Yards Alone of Black Silks, Seven Different Weaves in This Sale at Per Yard $1.39 Beautiful Silks, All.A"Yard Wide in Satins, Wash Silks, Taffetas, Messalines, Youir Choice, yd., $1.00 il !T\ t # a s w w s a 1 A 1 dt o% «qw-r. '4mr" a ism 7° ie^+w -wr--ft. -mr--a i/mftYa +o' M E j 'T3 I&ArA#%,14 I -& -