E MICHIGAN D SNeatly combed, well kept hair is a business and social asset. CSTACOMIB makes the hair stay combed in any style you like event after it has just been washed. , fe til ue STACOAMB-the original -has beer' sed for years by stars of stage and screen-leaders of style. kWrite today { for feetraltue. ( STubes-35c '9Jars= 75c ' ! 4i =a ) "T Sr iing aCal!io You Howl . B. ABBOTT R. J. CHICK AN EXPERIENCED insuran3.ce solic- itor. Reply stating. phone number for appointment. Box 4. ENORAVINi CALL4ING CADS, Wedding Announce- ments, etc. Orders given prompt. attention. BIDJLUES HO OD STORE "misplaced eye-br'ow." The funniest. of them all is the "basketball" n7 s-j tache-five on each side. y DAVIS TO ATTEND I COLLEGE MEETIN114G Prof. C. 0. Davis, of the secondary education department, left yesterday for Chicago to attend the annual con-! vention of the North Central Associa-! tion of Colleges and Secondary schools. which takes place this week in Chica- go. Professor :Davis will talk on "'The IRIw;4N~i WARflOLIS, Dv S. C. iropodisl and Orthopedist 73J7 N'Jarth U ilv ra 4# Phone 2652 (Wit hout 1::reakfast) FOUR DOLLARS 81Fi-EAST WAShYiNGTO'N Near Lane aI"ll 302- I e &, home Of ste ~XLT "VIasr'pt n l . wc: runuY 11 I L D J . . .' i , ,x x f g . _ ti ,, ' , ' ' '+a, . r -- ( ( qrd Ct Vim..:, :\ (_ All Nakes 1 II I. P~en and InYSpecait Alway s Satisfied Read The Daily i K " c i 9 t f -, lu n s ii Nou 11. Nickels Arcade.! REAL ESTATE 9KR RYT S1K I H-OME TA will accommodate (l a~ h1 twenty-five. Three baths. Price 9T ECONOMICSU SMOKER reasonable with only $3,000 down. ____ Monthly_ payments low. For ap- pointment call Mrs. Burnett, 315 Prof. DeWitt H. Parker, of the Phil- or 2781. osophy department, will give a short address at the University Chamber of IHISICAL Commerce slnolier, .to be held at 7:301 A. SMALL' $25.00 'VICTlROLA on o'clock tomorrow n~ight in the as- yourf sembly hall of the Union.. Professor i study desk for a little recreation is5 Parker is to take the place of Mr. justthethig. ee Shaeerl & Carl F. Brand, of the English history Son, 110 S. Main St. department, who had previously been TED RI-OADES orchestra presents engaged for the talk. Jfoe Sweeney and his five-piece or- Prof. Edmund E. Day, of the Econ- chestra. omics department will also give an ad-1 dress. Hie has announced as the sub- 14ISCE I.AN OiFs ject for his talk, "The New School of _____________________________Business Administration." ..There are: RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned, also to be several features of a uni-} Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. clue nature, arid music-will be furn- Phone 50. ished by the "Michigan Troubadours". Although an all campus affair it is' Tiet Place W1here Youill Be Satisfied designed principally. for students of II SITA SUPLYCO. Economics and business administr- HOSPTALSUPPY C. aionandtickts illbe available (e.Gizlir, Mg r.tI om a all memberssor atei ailds Makers and Dealers in of the Union.I Surgicl nd u Surgical Inwt1,uments Abit ~~il Belts, Artificial Limbis Wenley.To Speak Bracs, Trus--ses, Arch Supports# Experimental Work of All Kinds Before Institute3 licrotonme Kniives Ground and Other ! Fie Grinding Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the do-j Plating and Repair 'X',rk ! partmlent of philosophy, is to be the "I UOujq [ A J principal speaker at a meeting of the I~I?9t6 eulita ,, Institute of Religious Education' at. 7:30 o'clock tonight at Lane Hall, un- _____________________________der the auspices 'of the Student; Christ- PANTS TO 1iIA1CIL YOUR COAT ian Association. AND I-EST. Chas. Doukas, 901 N. Professor Wenley has chosen as the University.! subject for his talk "Some Aspects of -.-.. .- ..Piety,% and it is thought that he will SHOES R~EPAIRED while you wait, be able to give some interesting and Full soles a 'specialty. 0. G. Andres educational facts concerning the pre-a 222 S5. State. sent day religious situation. The Imeeting will be open to everyone. at EtUNIVERSITY of M,,ICHI\ EAU "San- i Lgtd A IY ('SK--Na'IN Tuttle's ILunen iRoom 338 Maynard St., South of Majiestic # iII1M11 -,;![l 1i1I11111ill I I11111 lIII1I IIIII i111i~I1li aIIiIIII III 1111111111 1111111 1 - - am TieService - Fo'r 19 years our lenses - have marked the growth of Michigan customs and -tradition. Surely timfe- service is a endorsment. AYABLISIH 190O5. =:II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111#11111111111I I 10Ilil1l1lilll III liii I I Il W11 . M1 In11111 "Th t I~a s Pc'~ i tatt"-too-, ai \ IIL 404-L1 W TV-1Tn15 M;:r 1--11l0mo Zdz Safeand1-lady or h'lzitoem o Nuser ()p~'n 'veungi74) ~ i. ~2~* iuttd PhJIC 10-14 I' ! "1