THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - - .- _ ____ _- - . .-_ .,_ Missouri Politically Torn Asuader In Contest For Convention DlerTates ,ALL DISTFICT'L 1. , t EC1DE) AS TO PRESIDENTTAL CAN)IDATI St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 17.-(By AF)- Missouri is being p9licitally torr asunder in the contest for delegates to the Democratic National convention with United States Senator James A Reecd, fighting the MeAdoo force., a every turn. The state convention where the delegates t large are chosen, will be held on April 15 a! Springfield. The district de:egates will be chos 1n at conventions held in each con, rossional district The fight be tRwem eed and McAdoo has been car- ried into every district. :Senator Reed has been touring the rtate, and making speeches in Ewhich be attacked the fermer secretary of the treasury on his record with thr' Doheny oil interests, while at the Chicago "get together" meeting of Mc Adoo's friends. Reed was referred to as a "renegade Republican" by mem- b}rfs of the Missouri delegation. Tie McAdoo organization in the Wate is headed by Frank Parris, chair man of the l)emocratic state com mittee, while the Reed forces are be- ing led by Ed Glenn and Bennett Coolidge Selects Califoria Judge Naval Secretary . . . . . . . SPEAK AT BANQUE T Chair man Of ATAeri:'F1n BapoVt st 1ion To Be (aiest O(i Local Stndent 6u1d WELL KNOWN FOR LITERARY MA)RKS ON VlHIA'S PROBLETS Rev. Frank W. Padelford, D. D., au- thor, student of political science, and chairman of the American Baptist Educational board, will be the guest of honor at the eighteenth annual ban- quet of the Baptist Student guild, which is to be held at 7 o'clock Fri- day night at the Baptist Church. Rev. Padelford was a member of ac? mmnIitteo1 four who secured the commission form of government for Lynn, Mass., while pastor of the 1lap- tist church of that city. lie also act- el as secretary of the American com- mittee which investigated educational problems in China in i1905. The re- port of this committee was published in book form. Ile has had several other books published since that time. Tickets for the banquet can be ob- tained at the Baptist Guild house on East Huron street. The banquet will be held in the church parlors. Evanston, Ill., Mar. 17.-Dr. Alex- ander Meiklejohn, former president of Amherst college has begun a series of six lectures at Northwestern uni- versity. The general theme of his lectures -is "Education and Demo- cracy." Patronize Daily Advertisers.-A dv. DRY _ -' f J 1 , ® :.} M F . 4 i / ' C." y'[ F1 G E ' r (Cash and C;arry) White Swan is honestly endeavoring to give you absolutely the maximum in Cleaning Serv- ice. GurdYou Votn * * * * Few fireworks on the Republcar side have been reported as yet, but this campaign is expected to open up about the time of the Republican con- gressioal conventions. At the pres- enit time the, Coolidge frces are dis- plaing a cala confide ce and saying little, while Senator . ohnson is ex- pected to enter the state sometime i.during March nd make his plea for Ssupport." The Republioau state convention te Het delegates at'large will also be held at 'Springfield and will be or April 29. There is a rather, warn contest on for Republican natona1 committeeman to take the place o ,Jaob Babler, who is not a candidate The race at present has simmered t ongressman L. C. Dyer and DrR. B Cents, chai'rman of the Republica State ommittee. The rational corn- mitteeman in Missouri is chosen b' the delegates to the national conven With the state nrimarv schedule, for August the gubernatorial contes has not even Ieun to eet warm. i announcement of candidates of both parties is expected to'be o de short- IVykefore the state conenti bb 'o United States senator s elect- ed in Missouri this year. MVUSIC AND MUSICIANS Appearing as soloist with the Uni- versity band, Mr. Samuel Lockwo& played to a large, interested audience in Hill auditorium Sunday afternoon He played with the band Weber's Con- certstuck, No. 79.- Mr. Lockwood's playing is charact erjzed by a precise touch; he con- stantly has control of his movements ' h l~the number hie played, he dis; played a dexterous command of bot the fortissimo and the contrasting ,assages. Throughout, his execution mas musically and technically excell- ept. His audience was always pleased by his playing. The arrangement of the number for paiao and band was made by Captain z Wfred Wilson, director of the band It was a musical oddity, but the scor ing was excellent, and exhibited Cap tain Wilson's familiarity with band in- struments. What with the changing personnel of the band, Captain Wilsor has complished wonders. To him al credit for the success of th bandl to due. As for the performance of the band itself, it was never unusual, but occa- sionally quite good. On the whole, the .band seemed to lack the coordination which it exhibits on the football field Only in Pryor's caprice, and severa' niotifs from the Faust Ballet Music did it play with any great degree of enthusiasm. Of especial interest wa the playing of the wood-wind section; It was able to display some good play- ing in the King Midas Overture. Nev- ertheless, the band performed quite creditably, and another concert is awaited with interest. Captain Wilson deserves more co- operation than he has been getting from members of the band. Only witi' that can the University produce a real band that will be without doubt the hest in the Conference. W. B. The American Society of Mechan- ial Engineers will hold a business meeting and discussiqn at 7:30 o'clock toight in room 229 West Engineering building, Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the Eng- iNh department is ill t his home at 1001 Cambridge Road with a slight attack of la grippe. Daily classified for real results. Let WRIGLEY'S be the guardian of your mouth and throat. It will combat trouble of various kinds. It helps to keep the teeth free from food par- ticles that ferment and cause So we established an uptown office in the Press Building, across from the "Majestic". * * * * Si rvlatry Corti; illbqr Curtis Wilbur f )rer fedrel judge in California h~ s been appointed by Pres. Cooldge-a se-,retary of the Navy to succeed Edwvn 1eniy. Sec- retary Wilbur is now on hi. way to Washington from his home to take Tharge of the naval post. Revision of the forestry curriculum was brought about yesterday afternoon when the faculty of the literary col- lege met and approved of a special order relating to changes i tis -e- partment. It was decide thai trequirements 'or the degree of bachelor of science (in forestmy) be .adopted as follows: First, that the candidate sha'l earn 130 hours and an equal number ofy points, and second, that the candidateI shall complete the course as listed in the new revised curriculum. Prof. A. E. Wood. of the sociology; department, gave a talk before the faculty groin concerning the training now organized for social service work- ,ers and the University's part in this work. DAILY C LSSIFIED BRiNG ITT .RES .LTS- O 11 LTE INVESTMENT decay. It has an antiseptic effect. -e give you ONE DAY SERVICE, not prom- ises of such. Bring us your clothes by 9:00 A, M. We'll dry clean and press them perfectly for you by 5:30. It re- lieves acid mouth and thus not only prevents harm to the teeth, but serves to sweeten the stomach. It stimulates digestion and helps to prevent the forming of gas that causes dyspepsia. Read from a widely known medi- cal work: "Chewing gum aids tooth nutrition and the cleansing action is a defi- nite benefit-it prevents dyspepsia. Good chewing gum is excellent for bad digestion. * * * * We lowered the price to $1.00. That's for the best dry cleaning in Ann Arbor. Guaranteed i every way. Incidentally it's the lowest price in ffe country for dry cleaning. Four brands- different flavors - allmade from best ingredients obtainable Sealed in its purity package - fresh, clean and fou- flavored *;y lyt. e E14 So we say, after every meal So toe, we're kecping our new o''ic optn from 7:00 in the morning until 8:00 at night. No nced to rush around to et it here on time. Just bring your clothes whenever you are down town. ,, r, f i s i " xj , L } ,Y ! ..'S n ' 1. r.Zl': SI . .. ' Y t d1 ", * * * * We're main it possible for you to save 15 per cent on your laundry bills, too. Bring your laundry when you bring your dry cleaning or pressing. We'll give One Day Service on Laun- drV if you want it. See Europe- * * * * "Foreign travel, by college students as an education, is to be encouraged and I heartily commend it to every undergraduate as the culmination of a college career." -President Farrand of Cornell University Cunard "College 3rd Cabin" S. S. Saxonia Sailing June 21st. Round Trip to England $160 With White Swan the watchword is Service. Brig us your work. We'll prove it to you. * * * * TELEPHONES Uptown Office 3238 Min Office S165 Eastbound $85 Westbound $75 The entire third class accommodations of the Cunarder, "Saxonia" are reserved exclusively for college men going abroad this summer. They will be assured of I excellent service, the best of cuisine, agreeable and congenial fellow travelers, and accommodations which are superior to the second class of but a few years ago. Think of it, your companions will be men from the leading colleges and universities. Man, what a trip it will be! Sub- stantial and complete, yet not luxurious service; wholesome British food; a steady ship; special conveniences and amuse- ments strictly for college reservation. Good ventilation, Library, and Deck Games. You can spend two and a half months in the ,' principal countries, of Europe for $500 and * * * * I A'/ a I 14V w m w t .