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March 18, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-18

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Ago- a

n u~an



XXIV. No. 124







l i

Leaves To Speak,
On Pacific Coast

Pr) f. Sckorling Discusses Problems
Confronting Secondary

Announcement was made yes-
Sterday by Marry D.lloey, Manag-
injg Editor of The Daily, F. L.
Tilden, editor of the Sunday
magazine and his assistant Don-
I ald E. L. Snyder, that the pub-
lication of this part of The Daily
I would be suspended with the
issue of March 16.
This action was taken by the
editors because of -the difficulty
Cin securing satisfactory material
with which to fill the columns of
the magazine and because they
feel that the interests served by
the magazine are adequately ser-
ved by other publications on the




Johnston Reflected To Athletic Board;
Bates, Patterson, Anderson To
Union Directors
A resolution decrying "the growv ,g
professional character of the Michigan
Union Opera" was passed by the Uni-
versity Senate at its third meeting
of the current academic year, held
last night in room C of the Law build-
ing. The text of the resolution fol-
"Resolved, That the Senate instruct
the Senate members of the board of
directors of the Michigan Union that
the University Senate views with con-
cern the growing professional char-
acter of the Michigan Union opera,
with the greatly increased costs of
production; That it urges Senate mem-
bers to exert their influence to simpli-
fy the production and make the per-
formance nore truly'representative of
University life."
The Senate adopted a resolution ap-
proving the action taken by the Senate
committee on student affairs, the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions and the University committee on'
discipline on recent disciplinary cases.
Prof. Claren~ce T. Johnston of the
geodesy and surveying department was
reelected to the Board in Control of
Athletics for a term of four years
until June, 1928. Dean Henry M
Bates of the Law school, Assistant
Dean George W. Patterson of the en-
gineering college and Prof. Henry C.
Anderson of the engineering college
were reelected to the board of direct-
ors of the Union.
InfTrnI Brid1ini niinr ii

)ean Alfred IL Lloyd
Dean of the Graduate school who
leaves this afternoon for Berkeley,
Cal., where he will attend the inaug-I
uration ceremonies for Dr. William W.
Campbell who becomes president of
the University of California on Sat-
urday. Dean Lloyd will go straight
to Berkeley and will return after thel
new president is installed.
Former Faculty Member Becomes Head
of University of California
1, :K° 'T C01W :ANDI)111;. GORE
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Gradu-
ate school will leave this afternoon
for Berkeley, Cal., where he will at-
tend the inauguration ceremonies for
William W. Carmpbell, '86E, who will'
become president of the University of
California next Saturday.E
Along with Shirley W. Smith and
Mrs. Smith who are now in California
and .tof~cl ictor M. Gore a116d-Mrs!
Gory of Penton Harbor, Dean Lloyd
will act as a representative of the
Dr. Campbell was to have been of-
ficially inaugurated last fall but on
account of the Berkeley fire the inaug-
uration was postpfned. March 22 is
Charter lay for f~the UJ niversity ofj
California and this date was chosen'
for that reason.
The new president was for a time an
instructor in astronomy at the Univer-
sity of Michigan. He later became di-
rector of Lick Observatory, which posi-"
tion he filled for many years. He re-{
ceived honorary degrees in the Uni-I
versity in 1899 and 1905.

Nationally uown Instructors To Bli
Secured; To-Linilt Student
Body to 200)
"Although more complex, the laws
of learning are just as definite as the
laws of chemistry or physics," declared
Prof. Raleigh Schorling, principal of
the University high school, in an ad-
dress on "The University High School"
last night at a dinner of the Exchange
club at the Union. "The uncovering
of these laws is the purpose of the
University high school," he said.
"High school methods of today are
merie guesses," Professor Schorling
said. "The reason for this is that
high, school budgets are so limited that
the instructors are forced to hold
classes 32 hours a week in addition to
keeping up with their community at-
fairs so that they have no time to at-
tack the problems of educational psy-
chology. 'This the University high
school instructors can do because they
will have only 15 hours a week of
"Instead of the quiz method of re-
citing, each recitation will be a learn-
ing period, that is, each recitation will
be somewhat like a laboratory period.
Specific problems in educational psy-
chology will be picked for study and'
they will be mastered. Men like W. L.
Carr, demonstration teacher of Latin
at Oberlin college, and Doctor Curtis
of Columbia university, will be secured
as Instructors.
The number of students will be
limited to 200 or possibly 150 at the
etart. They will be a normal group
of students and will be selected a-c-
cording to their previous school record
and by tests of ability. The high
school will not be only for the easily
( learning students.
"Two sections each in the seventh,
ieighth, and ninth grades and one in
the tenth grade will be the program I
for the first year. The students of
these sections will be put through the
whole high school course. Tuition has
been set at $15 a semester."

Coach Sullivan's ProtegesI
Fast Work Throughout


Heads Production
In-estigatIon To Resume Full Force.
I Following Three Day
1t Recess
ew Witnesses Will Report On Oilf
Dealiigs And Daugherty
i Tras tIons
Washington, March 17.-(By A. P.)-
With the oil committee getting under
way again after a three day recess,'
- the major line of senatorial inquiry
will develop tomorrow into a double.
barrelled affair.
Both the Daugherty and the oil in-
quiry will be on in full blast at thek
same time, something that has not
happened in many years in proceed-
ings with such spectacular character- Prof. John L. Bruntm
istics. Professor Brumm has been in
The oil investigators will go first charge of producing the Juniors Girls' -
lay into the record showing dealings in play for many years, and in this cap-
Sinclair oil stock by government offi- acity has created some remarkable
cials after Teapot Dome was leased successes. The annual production
- to Harry F. Sinclair by Albert B. Fall, has gradually expanded, and although3
then secretary of the interior, formerly restricted to playing before
A Lewis D. Bond, an exlwrt account- women only, is now open to the pub-
ant of the federal trade commission lic. The high calibre of the play this,
etr who examined the books of the broker- year is due in large measure to Mr.
age firms,is to be called first and it Brumm's efforts,
ere is understood that he will report that
red he has found such transactions only
an- by attorney general Daugherty and
m- Senator Elkins, Republican, West
Virginia, both of whom have issued U aS AIRMEN START
10 public statements regarding their
he dealings."
ers Price McKinney, of Cleveland, also OF
is to be called tomorrow. He will be'
questioned about testimony of E. L.
lli I Dohenynindicating thmt Fall had Three Planes Hop Off at Santa Monica
ors planned to borrow $100,000 from Mec- To Establish Aerial Route
of Kinney before the former secretary 1
of sought the loan from the California Around Globe
am oil magnate.
of Henry Woodhouse, of New York, DELAYED PILOT TO FOLLOW
wo also will be on hand and he may be COMRADES FROII SANTIAGOt
rk- called during the day. He has writ-
aw ten a number of articles in which he S
or- has charged that British oil inter-
'ol ests have contracted with the Doheny --Three U. S. army aviators started
as company for much of the oil output around the world from here today be-
of of the California Reserve number 1. ginning the first globe-encircling air-
en The personnel of the oil committee way. Eyes of 213 nations will be on the I
was completed today by the election
he; by the senate of Senator Spencer, I kles between n&w and Auast as the
wo Missouri, to succeed Senator Lenroot, ! American filers wing their way on the
ie, Republican, Wisconsin, who recently 30,000 mile voyage in an effort to ac-
in resigned both as chairman and mem- i complish what Frerfth and British
rd her of the committee because of ill 1 airmen failed to do. The flight started
on)- health. Senator Lenroot expects to at 9:32 o'clock when Major Martin, of

'1925 GIRLS'
Performance Starts at 8
Ticket Sale Cotth
at Box Ofice
"Thank You, Madam," tl
annual Junior Girls' Pla:
five-day run at 8:15 o'cloc
the Whitney theatre. In h
tradition the performance
is given by the class of Il
of the senior women who
in a body wearing thei
gowns. Tomorrow night's.I:
and the others following o
Friday, and Saturday nig
urday afterneon will be
general public according tc
established Last year. Tic
play are on sale at the N
At the final dress r
"Thank You, Madam" het
afternoon and evening at
Theatre, the details of the
were perfected. With th<
the scenery designed and
O. S. Davis of Detroit, and
ed costumes from Fritz, S
company of Chicago, the re
a counterpart of what th
be tonight.
The production this yea
ed to contain even more
and allusions than usual in
to refute the idea that pub
ances tend to take away
atmosphere of the underta
Special stress will also
the chorus and solo dancin

Thirty rounds of the best amat
boxing ever seen in Ann Arbor w
presented by the pupils of Coach T
Sullivan participating in the second<
nual boxing show in Waterman gy
nasium last night. Every one of the
three-round bouts was fast from t
opening bell and most of the box(
displayed considerable ability.
!Two bouts in which pupils of Sul
van met Detroit City College boxe
featured the program. In the first
the two main attractions Hart
Michigan took a fast bout away fr(
"Red" Meyers, 135 pound champion
City College, winning the first ti
rounds. In the second feature Ma
owitz of Michigan fought to a dr
with Michaels, for two years feath(
weight king of the Detroit scho
The performance of Markowitz w
all the more noteworthy because
'the short time in which he has be
wilder Sullivan's guidance.
One of the biggest surprises of t
evening came when Smyser took t
out of three rounds from McKechn
one of the flashiest middleweights
the University. Smyser, using a ha
right cross, solved his veteran oppc


Practically all invitations for the
Gridiron banquet to be held in the
Michigan Union April 1 by Sigma Del-
ta Chi, national professional journal-
istic fraternity, have been mailed and
acceptances already are coming in.
Included in the list of men who have
agreed to come to the banquet are:
State Attorney General Andrew B.j
Dougherty; Assistant Attorney Gen-
eral 0. L. Smith; Speaker George W.
Welch of the house of representatives
and other prominent state officials.
Hyde Perce, '26, is chairman of the
invitation committee for the banquet.
Other committeemen include: Pro-
gram, Paul Einstein, '25; epitaph,
Thomas Fiske, '25; publicity, Martin
Codel, '24; entertanment, Philip
Wagner, '25; location, Robert Tarr,
Carnival To Give
Out Ten Billions.
Seattle, Wash., Mar. 17--Ten billion
dollars worth of German money, at
pre-war value, is to be distributed for
use at a huge party to be given
March 28 in the armory of the Univer-
sity of Washington. The party is to
be a huge carnival, under a tent with
booths for concessions, fide shows and
freak exhibitions operating all even-
ing. The German bills are to he us-
ed for entrance to the sideshows andj
for all the necessary accompaniments
of a regular circus.
RIvenue Total Shows 6,211n
Reports were compiled at the treas-
ury today from all of the 65 revenue
districts, showing that the revenue
collectors had actually received and
deposited $256,507,516, and had re-
ceived but been unable to deposit, be-
cause of the last minute rush, an ad-

be di
Th1 '


New York, March 17.-Grover Cleve-1
land lBergdoll, convicted during the
war as a draft evader has agreed to
return to Aierica to serve his old'
sentence in a federal prison it was
announced tonight by Norman iHap-
good, editor of Hearst International
Bergdoll will return at the invita-I
tion of the American Legion which,
through John Quinn, national con-
mander, issued a statement tonight
declaring the legion had been accused
of attempting' to kcidniap ierg-doll and
it was time to "sb-ow the world that
the organization stood for law and
New York, March 17.-The New
York Herald published by Frank &
Munsey has been sold to Ogden Reid
and will be combined with the NewI
York Tribune on Wednesday morning,
Mr. Reid announced tonight. Th-e pur-
chase also included the European e-
dition of the Herald published in Paris
Masques, women's dramatic soc-
iety, will present two plays on March
26, for the benefit of the Student
Friend ship drive. "Aria Da Capo"
and "Helena's Husband" will be given.
Masques is one of the many campus
organizations that is supporting the
drive and pushing the total towards
the $5,000 goal.

President Marion L. Burton, accom-I
panied by Mrs. Burton, leaves AnnI
Arbor this afternoon for a trip tc]
lPhiladelphia and Washington, D. C.
which will occupy him for about a
Tomorrow night President Burton
will address a gathering of Michigan'
alumni at the Bellevue-Stratford hotel
in Philadelphia. Thursday night he
will speak before the Michigan alumni
of Washington, D. C. Friday noon
the President will be the guest of
honor at a luncheon to be given by
Walter S. Penfield, '00, a prominent'
W ashington attorney. That afternoon
President Burton and Mrs. Burton will
attend a reception to be given by
the Michigan alumnae of Washington'
They plan to leave the capital Fri-3
cday night returning home via Culver
j Ind. where they will assist their son
I who is in school there.

ent's style in the first round and had l return this week from Solthern Pines,
things his way for th.e rest of the bout. North Carolina, where he has been re-
",Chin" Small and Dickinson, light- cuperating.
heavyweights, - also furnished the j
spectators a number of thrills in onej
of the setni-finals, which Small tookC
by a shade, the first and last rounds I IINUU IU CREATES
being draws. Hartson had littleR
trouble in his bout with Yott, taking T
all three periods. Kamintamed Bloom
in two out of three rounds- in another
155 pound match. Three through-traffic streets in Ann
Handy and Walker, both light- I Arbor were created last night by anI
weights, gave the fans their first really ordinance passed by the city council{
fast exhibition of the evening in the at its regular meeting. The streets
third encounter on the program. The at which 'all vehicles must come to a
men fought hard and Handy's jolting1 deadl stop before crossing are Huron
left was the only thing that saved the ! street from the city limits to 12th
bout from being a draw. Nagy and I street, Main street from the city limits
Sklar,- another pair of 135 pounders,t to Packard street, and Packard street
kept even throughout the first twol from the city limits to Main street
I rounds, Sklar winning by a slight mar- Stop signs will be erected at the inter -
gin in the third. Hall won fromIsections of the three streets in the
Slusser on a foul in the second round; near future.
of a featherweight bout. Slusser had The ordinance further provided that
the edge during the first round. The J it is unlawful for more than three
first preliminary bout consisted of persons to be seated in the front seat{
three one-minute rounds between Pa- I of automobiles. Other clauses in'the

Chanute field, Rantoul, Illinois, left j
the ;ground. He was followed by Lieu-I
tenant Smith and Lieutenant Wade
A score of army and civilian planes
followed as an escort and soon disap-
peared in the clouds to the northward
The fourth world cruiser, delayed inI
delivery by the manufacturer here, to-
day was in Santiago. Lieutenant Erik
Nelson, pilot, hopes to take off to-
morrow. He wil: join the others at
Portland or Seattle. -
From Seattle the cruisers will take
a route over British Columbia, over
-outhwestern Alaka and the Aleutian
Islands, and down to Japan. Thence'
they will fly to Seoul, Korea, down
the Chinese coast to India, over Cal-
cutta and through Persia to Turkey
over the Balkans to Austria and Ger-
many, up through Iceland and Green-
land and over Canada down to Wash-
ington, D. C., and across the country
back to Clover Field here.
The trip will take about four months
It is not a race against time, 'but a
flight to determine the physical pract-
icability of an around-the-world air
route, with leavier-than-air machines
of present development.

e L t IMI-JL.A 1'j I. JJ 1
Ind., at the meeting of
Press-club to be held at
night at the Green Tree
The Elkhart Daily Tru
to compete with the pap
Bend for a time, but th
forts of Mr. Keene the c
been increased until th
11,000 subscrIbers from
of 25,000. The Daily Tr
ered as one of the mo
smaller journals in this
Mr. Keene is an auth
planning and at presen
with the city officials i:
for zoning the city of -
paper is taking an activ
campaign. Mr. Keene is
other political affairs i
Elkhart, and it is expecte
talk about some of hise
relation to these problem
has been working recen1
This meeting is open
of the faculty and stud
interested in city plannin
as well as those interest

n nt f Ai 0 t d.

trela andm Pierce, a pair of u pounu
Lansing,'March 17.-Discussion of a
specific plan for increasing the enroll-
ment of the college was the program
carried out at the convocation last
Wednesday at Michigan Agricultural

ordinance established new parking
regulations. Copies of the ordinance
will be printed and distributed by the
city clerk.
No action was taken by the council
on the ordinance providing that all
taxi cabs in the city be taxed. The
remainder of the meeting was given
over to routine business.

$377,848,840, augmented
in the mails and by oth-
t in, is expected to
proximately $475,000,000
with total payments
received last year 'up

Justice Marvin L. Rosenberry, 98L ,
of the supreme court of Wisconsin,
Ewill come to Ann Arbor April 25 to'
deliver an address at the initiation
of thirteen senior law students into
the Order of the Coif.
Justice Rosenberry's speech will be
given in the afternoon and the initi-]
ation ceremonies will be followed by:
a banquet at the Union that evening.
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
school, president of the Order, will
preside at the banquet., -
Election to the Order of the CoifI
is the highest scholastic honor at-
tainable by law students in the Uni-
versity, the men being chosen from
the highest tenth in the graduating
Sclass. Those to be initiated are:
John C. Clark. John ,P. Dawson, Del-
mar W. Doddridge, Allard W. Frog-
ner, Beecher W. Hungerford, Fred G.
Krivonos, Norman D. Lattin, Paul A.
Leidy, Glenn A. McCleary, Ronald M~.
Ryan, Bowen E. Schumacher, Carl H.
Smith and Yates G. Smith.I

Featuring the Junior Girls' play,
the March Chimes will make its ap-
pearance on the campus this morning.l
The cover, drawn by Ruby Hart,
'26, is the picture of one of the chor-
us girls dressed as a bell-hop. Rob-
ert Henderson, '26, and Dorothy Cam-
pbell, '24, depict in their articles the
play as seen through a man's and a
woman's eyes respectively.
The Chimes attempts to present
the liquor problem of the campus not
es it appears at the University of
Michigan particularly but as it ap-
pears in college communities through-
out the country. Jack Conrad, '26,
in "The Campus Liquor Problem" re-
views the recent referendum vote on
the prohibition question, reviewing

of the needs in the business world and
points out the way in which the busi-
ness administration schools in the
country can provide trained executiv-
es for this need.
"Are They Lost Years?", an article
written by Prof. R. M. Wenley of the
philosophy department endeavors to
answer the question of whether the
years spent in college unduly retard
entrance upon life. Professor Wen-
ley deals with the American colleges
and their system of education.
The sport of the season, track,. Is
reviewed in - an article entitled "In-
door Track," by Egbert R. Isbell, '26L,
who was a star on the track team last
year. The possibilities of this year's
track team and its present need for

March Chimes Features "Thank
You, Madam" And Prohibition
S- --

The White.Swan Iaundry companyl
has opened a new service station on
the first, floor of the Press building in
tine offices formerly occupied by the{
Athletic 'association.N
According to Mr. Gray, the manager!
of the company, they are now in ay
position to give faster and -betteri
service to the public in drycleaning,)
pressing, and laundering. With the ;
opening of the new station, special
one day service will be featured in
dry cleaning, two hour service in
pressing, and one day service in laund-
ering will he available upon request
A substantial reduction of prices will
accompany the "Cash and -Carry"
Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of the
highway engineering and transport
department will leave tomorrow on a
two day speaking tour under the aus-

Draper Seat Sa
Blanks Ava
Mail orders for the progra
Inal Character Sketches tci
sented by Ruth Draper, inter
famous artist, are now bein
by. Mrs. Edson R. Sunderl
Cambridge Road and filled i
The performance is beir
under the auspices of the -
Branch of the American Ass
University Women Monday,
the Whitney theatre. Ti
priced at $2.00, $1.50, and
Ruth Draper appeared in -
last spring with unusual su
it is expected that her pr(
gram, which contains ent
numbers, will draw a sim'
thusiastic audience.
Tickets to the Frosh I
annual formal dance of the
to be held March 28 at the 1
be sold from 2 to 5 this af
the -Union lobby. Two hu

That sing in the Spring, Tra-
Lvi, have nothing to do with the
M~~-- - ----4rf rn- -I in.


1 Bloomnington, Indiana, March17.-


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