in~ the Bulletin Ii7 iozaiructive notleto ail merukerssof [te. Copy received b' try 4saitu~nI tutL(, 1 - rxt uxtil (11:341a. im. Satiiz~ ____ ____ ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY March Pith at S8'I. Il. in the histological Laboratory. The following papers !vIll be presented: '"P.our Mctlhods of Crimologic~Inquiry" by 'Professor A. F. Wood.' "action between Colloids and Electrolytes" by Professor A. L. Ferguson. The Conc:il will nmeet at 7:30 p.,im. T. 11. Hildebranidt, Skretary. UI vriyo icigi aii Speciaul rehearsal todlay at 2 p. mn., Hill Auditorium. Concert today at 4 o'clo(-k. Full dress uniform, no capes. LUnlegs excused beforehand any elan absent will be requested to turn in his uniform. W1lliam V raul I;, ,Jr., :Manager. ~WHlAT'S GOING ONl house smoker and Division $ l ; D:AV, Mi. lt d5 4l1, 1921. Nu1111wcr1.23 1 will be no conference of the IDeanm on _e~e~ ,M arch 1f. .l .lni tWN~eneke., '22, of the General Electric Company, Sclieiiuctadyv, N.' at the Michigan Union M7onday and Tiuesdayv, March 17 and 1s. to seniors only, regarding the business training course oiffered by al Electric Co. ('. 1. Rcebbiins. 'aceulty Neetiig: eglrMarch meeting of the Litemary Fa cuity will be held Monday, at 4 p. mn. in the west lecture room of the L'.brary, to consider ing matters: le special order relating to changes in the Forestry curriculum; statement from Professor A. E. Wood concerning the training now for social service workers. Arthtur G. Hall, Registrar. Senate: Mtrd regular meeting of thec University Senate for the year 1923- e held in Room C, Law Building, on the evening of Monday, March clock. of Business: ection of one member of the Board in Control of Athletics. {lection of three miemblers of the Board of Directors of the Michigan Proposed amendments to the Constitution' of the Vnivcr:ity Coin- toquetted report on the Functions of the Senate Council. John 'W. Bradshaw, Secretary. iley's, Classes: e6hnt of iliiems, Professor Tilley wvill be unable to meet his class- urther notice. C3. (Q= 1Vilgn,4. In.eer'$ ondyMarch 17th., there will b", a motion pictture :howiing the aciltif~ia f the Westinghouse Company t 4 p,. m., Natural Scienace R.All those itnteresed are invikteo )coicl. 1t, 1'. fang. Chairman, Student Branch of A. 1. E. E. ectriclah WI. Chieey, Electrical ingineer of the :Ali-("'huliners l1lfg. Comn- xaukee, Wisconsin will be in Room 274 Engineering Building on td Tuesday, March 17 and 183 for the purpose of interviewing I.Lose iterestefi in position on the Student's G radua te Course of his comn- Joseph IL11. Vmiiion., eaklmg for Enin~beers: Ilowinrg men will appear on the program forrfTuesd~ay, 7 :10 p. in' Ropom 348 West Eng. Bldg-.: Byradley Ch;Idrian, and 'Ve.srs. Jad- Myers, Palmer, Rich, S,'adlow ki, Swigert, Updeg;rafif, Dyni. C. i. Schm~idt, Chairman of A,;enblies.. 'Wednesday, Malirch 19, at I:i.1 Room 1 3173, N. S. Bildin . Lois S.: Ehlers, Lewxis and (Clrk T:xpeditiosn, 180 4-iSUG. 13 . U 1)i Is. (es imeo Tuesiday at eight in room I106 Ml. 1i rof.Sellar. w~ill a and Science. 0. N. Boall, nm. tseniol' .echniwai Efgineers: Mr. Olds of the Westinghiouse Company will be in roomt 221 Monday the 17th and would like to interview all those. interested in work with this cornpany. H. C. Anderson. k ction of the Board in ('oitrol of Stuilent Pub Iica tts The Board in Control of Student Publications met on Mlarch 7, to con- sider the publication' of an indecentl-y suggestive advertisement, prepared by the Clii 'Psi fraternity, which had appeared in a recent issue of The Michi- gan .Daily.. Thomas B. Wheatley, who brought in the advertisement. F. L. }Dunne, who received it for The .Daily, and Laurence Favrot, who, as busi- ness manager, accepted it for publicaft,* e each called before the Board I and examined. The Board found that neither Mr. Favrot nor Mr. Dunne were guilty of any moral dereliction, but had committed a serious error in 1 judgment, and both men were therefore reprimanded by the Board.' On March 15 the Board held another meeting at which were taken up the cases of five men' employed on student publications, Ray A. Billing- ton, Lisle A. Rose, Bernard G. Baetcke, Albert F. Koepeke, and Harold R. Stone, who, participated in the editorial preparation of the "'Clarion", in- tended for distribution at the, Union Fair. The Board had before it the find- ings of fact made by the. Committee on- Discipline relative to the con- nection of each\ of these, maen with the matter which appeared in that publi- cation, and upon the basis of ;those findings voted that Messrs. Billington, R"ore, Baeteke, and Koepcke, be at once rempoved from all connection:i with tih e student. publications, and that Mr. Stone be .suspended from partiicipation in student publication work. .- Boaird in Control of Student Public'ations, Akction of sena te Cornmtte$ on sItudent Affairs: After an investigation of the circumstances, leading to the publication of an ob ectioanable advertisement in the Michigan Daily the local chapter of Clbii Psi fraternity 'was placed on probation for the remainder of the semestor on account of its negligence in failing to prevent an action by its Union Fair conjmittee detrimental to the best interest, of the IUnlveriity. The Senate Comimittee on Studteent Arffairs. 9:30-- iveri-ty Henl', Bible class' meets at Lane hall. 10:15-"Tue Plastic Age" )0il be dis- cussed by the muinister, Congrega- tional church. 12 :00- le iten open f o rum, (ongrega. tional church. j12:00-Suecial si ulerts' class tweets at Lane hall. 3:01-ve lMolay Sojourners' club t meets in room 306, Union. 4:1 --,aculty recital, 11M audllorini.' : :30--Stridlents' 'hour, Conigregational! church.I 6I:00-- Stu den ts' supper. Harris ball., j t:30-"Mlracles," a talk; by T. 31,, Iden. Lane hall. 6 ;.30-les C. A. Brauer sleakis on "A True Philosophy of Life," 420 West Liberty street. 6:30-OTleGospel According to Em. erson." K._ 0. Myrick,' leader, Uni- tarian parlors. 7:34-"Thie Daughter of the Dawn," a motion picture, , Congregational' church. MOND)AY 12 :00t-Journal club luncheon, Unioni. #4 ;3(,--Feshmen Girls' Glee club meet in Barbour gymnasium. S:0-Exli ange club dinner, rooms Patronize Dailyv Advertisers.-Adv. and your ,best ft your fountain U-NOTIC]" .1 6:4aarn. Applications for tIckA,. to the iourth : 1:45 P. m. annual military ball will be given JA H. l*ELLIOT out Tuesday, Miar. 1$, from 2 to 5 Phone 926-M o'clock, at the lobby of the Union. Patronize Daily A will find help in time of need at Rider's Pen Shop 302 te S t. Home Of the "N'asterPon" R{epairing All Mfakes TUESDAY 4 :30--fnhverslty Girls" Glee meets at Barbour gymnasium. 12 :O-Barrlsters' lunch Union. 8:.00- Tiglits of Columbus club' Patronize Daily Advertse s.-Ady'.;." I P~en and Ink Specialists h. . ... . /7 1Action of UIiiversit~y('uniceo hili: The matter of the advertisemeont of the Chi Psi booth. at the Union Fairi jwhich appeared in The Mlichigan Daily of Margh G, having been referred to 1tle University Committee on Discipline, the Comimittee found that the adlver- tisement was intentionally vulgar and indecent and that it was".written and offered for publication by Thomas B. Wheatley. The Commnittee therefore voted that Mr. Wheatley be suspended from the University, for the remain- dier of the current semester. in regard to the responsibility. of Laurence Tll. Favrot, a'ndl Eugene L. Duanne, the committee concurred in the finding of the Board in Control of St~udent ,Publications and tooks no further action. The Serrate Committee on Student Affairs, having Acted in respect to the Clii 'si fraternity .a-s an or-gani'a-tion,. thc Committee too~k no action against hiis niembers as individual. '" ' . In respect to the' attelnpte~d luhlication of the Union (County Clarion, the Cunmittee found that Ray. A.' iBilini~dor); i'ernard G'. ietcke, Harold R. 1Sit one, Lisle Rose, and Albert F. Koepeke were iresponsible foir the content of the ,reading matter appearing therein and, that tht matter was hig11ly 01)- jecio .:II lto r. r r i ltcn ih . c Com itee,'therefore, voted tat Messrs. illng on zan 'Ropebe expelfie- rom'.e TIi crrs .v,; ?i t ' 1%tte li e sus.penided indefinitely; that 1'r. Koepcle e he upemmdedl for the remainder of the semester; and i that Mr. Stone be id iced on -probation in- de~finitely. Featured by request for Sunday dinner:. Tender young roast turkey with tasty dressing and cran- berry sauce. Special, 5.5c UpIstairs, Nickels Arcade -4licbigate Cq-f#tr .144 Vast Liberty Street Of- the Research Ctlub w11ill ehed on "We,61es The s'ivteryif t omittee on DiscIplim e. .1oll11 K:IT-lWite. Ch'dman. . .,.._ _. , ik'amomww 1CAlt('1 18 19 TE f S I Ci 7 S 13 141 11 20 21 22 21 2 2 The Constitutional,.Development ,of, the University,. of Michigan.,.Some' Paternalistic Principles 'and Practices -by ' 'JOHN E. KIRKPATRICK, PH. D. 'Thie several acts of the legislature and thie (emu4titutional provisions for the gov~l-nmtent of ,tbe171i-. versity ar "ereviewed in the lig-ht of political principles and lpractices. Thle vniversity is regarded ai a pioneer in the niovenit for state institutions of higher learning and as showing. tFendlencies towardls paternalistic prac'tices in the g;overnment of the Amlerican college and univerity. In the interest of a~ more democraitic practice it is suggested that a part of the hoard of regents shod;. b elected by the alumni, students and faculty