THE MICHICAN V.1; 4 I ICOLUMN AT 3 P.Y4. Eight Rooms-A highly improved lot, 150 ft. frontage. First floor, study, hall, living room, large sun room, dining room, pantry, kitchen. Four bedrooms up. Vapor steam heat. Strictly residential location.I Read the Want Ads $23,000 - T RTISING WE HELP BUILD Eight Rooms-Washtenaw district, study, living room, pantry, kitchen. Four bedrooms up. Attic. Lot Highly improved. Price $17,000. dining room,} size 94x 166.1 Seven Rooms--And sun parlor. East of Washtenaw. This house will please the most discriminating. Price $16,500. I home, 7 rooms, campus, 50 ft. Owner leaving Box No. 6. ble size, fumed in Haller, 112 C RSC---Order NOW -TY CASE-$3.75 rfumes, $3 oz. sh Clothes and Large, beautiful lots with city improvements Near Washtenaw Ave. on Devonshire Road and Melrose' Fratrnity or Sorority. $3,000 down. Fourteen room house located in S. E. part of city, very large lot, about 70x160. House is in excellent condition. Will accommodate about twenty, and possibilities of enlarging Seven rooms-Out Geddes. All city conveniences. over the river. Price, $12,500. Fine outlook We have some excellent fraternity propositions. Ask us. Ave. at a very small expense. We believe the POTTER, ALLSHOUSE & RICHARDS, Inc. UARE-DEAL" Specialty Shoppe :n 7-9 p. in. Phone 1044.- 306 Spring St. WANTED TYPE WRITING ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown 516 E. Williams. 601-4 First Natl Bank Bldg. Tel. 2072 We sell on contract and take sec- and nortgage for three fourths of lot value when you build. best way to describe this property Club or New Fraternity We are offering for sale the furniture of one of the best furnished houses in Ann Arbor, sufficient to care for thirty men. This includes complete kitchen, dining room, and living room equipment. May be purchased on easy terms. Also a number of houses well adapted for fraternities, in the best section. showig it, which I will do at your conven- L. D. CARR & ience. is by 2. I A IA %,A 17 A. A. C. J. TREMMEL Sav. Bank Bldg. .1 1 T71 MRS. ADA GUSTINE 716 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. XPERIENCED CHEFf or the mer months at summer resort. Mich. Daily, Box 9. sum- T-'1 r Car MINp ~ Phone 441- I +va a v WILL ACCEPT any typewriter de as part payment for a Reming- n Portable. Call Black 1809. SSMAKING and all kinds of ildren's sewing done. Reason-, le. 203 14th Street or phone 73J. ARGE ROOM OR SMALL SUITE middle aged woman in clean, ll-lighted house, South of campus efered. Phone 2579-M.- pr FOR RENT ;I:GLE OR DOUBLE room on sec- ond floor for business people or students. 422 Hamilton Place. 50.00 monthly. Unfurnished, heated, light-housekeeping rooms, first floor near High School. Will partly furnish for extra nominal charge. Ralph T. Swezey, Phone 158. ARAGE FOR ONE car at 119 Four- teenth St. Near University1Hospi- tal and campus. Phone 1551-J. 5.00 weekly. Single toms for busi- ness women. Ralph T.Swezey, 509 Thompson St. 2970-W. FOUNTAIN PEN INK INK is the life blood of your Foun- ain-Pen. One filling of vicious Ink ill spoil the flow of your pen per- anently. Take no chances, get a ottle of our special formula Diamond, Vriting Fluid. We guarantee it the 'YPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHI promptly and neatly done. Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 ;Nickels' Arcade, COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSISI ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE By appointment only Phone 1167-R. MONEY TO F NISH SCHOOL1 THIS SPRING $0.00 Spring Vacation Call 233-J and We WMlt Tell You How L. B. ABBOTT R. J. CHICK 336 So. Division REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10 room house furnished. New 6 room house on west side. Store] lots on South State street one-half block from campus. Call on J. W. DWYER 508 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Property Service Company 701-2 Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 418-W Building Sites We have some splendid values in building sites in all sections of the city at moderate prices. 'Choice building site on Ferdon Road, exclusive residence section. Price $2,800.00 This beautiful home on 1245 Ferdon Road, Ann Arbor, for sale. THIS HOME Twenty large rooms, sun parlor, large den in basement, complete servant's quarters, five tiled built-in baths, two car grag<, garden- er's house, complete telephone serviue to all major rooms and servants quart(rs. Four acres beautifully landscaped; grown timber surrounding house. full_ attractive building lot on White Street. Price $1,800.00. Improvements all in. Frontage business site. on Packard Street suitable for either residence or Price $2,500.00. Terms. For further information or for an appointment to see this property, com- municate with our office; we have a complete set of blue prints and specifica- tions for your inspection. Call MR. NEWTON with CHARLES L. BROOKS Real Estate and Insurance HARKINS & SON Realtors 110 E. Liberty Street Evenings 2496-J Tel. 345 Phone 315 215 First Nat' IBank Evenings 2064-J RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. For a house located on one of the best streets i nAnn Arbor, between mpus and down town. Eight nice larg erooms, two, baths,- good heating nt and a very nice place to live. Can be handled with $3,000: This is a d buy and worth investigation . MABEL A. TOLFORD 712 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones 1516--2387-R-467-J Twenty-two Rooms This desarble property is located close to the Campus on a good :. Large and pleasant porch. Large reception hall with vestibule. ouble living rooms with built in book cases and beautiful fireplace. irge dining room with kitchen and three bedrooms on the first floor. en rooms and big bath roof 1 on the second floor. Five very large oms on the third floor; also bath. Hardwood floors throughout. oilet and laundry in the basement. This place is a very desirable" oming house, or good home for a fraternity. New student furniture d bedding goes with the house. Owner will accept any reasonable wn payment. GORTON REAL ESTATE AGENCY Room 3, Wuerth Arcade hone 2438 Evenings 661-W or 617 For Sale One of the finest five family apartments in the city. Built by e owner as an investment for himself but owing to the condition of health it will be necessary for him to leave this climate and is ing offered at a price that will make it a wonderful investment. >mplete in all details-built in baths and shower-tile floors- eaking tubes-telephone connections-artificial refrigeration andj e last word in heating with thermostatic control-basement laundry. separate lockers. Will gladly furnish full information. Granger AVenue We mend your clothes and darn your socks.G Ner Aenu - ~New Listing Just like mother did. Free of charge. - e are pleased to offer this excel TROJAN LAUNDRY tionally well planned house for you 514 E. William . consid'eration. PhE W afirst Floor-Vestibule, center hal Phone 1981 with coat closet, very large living WE CALL AND DELIVER room, sun parlor, dining room anti kitchen, toilet and lavatory on first floor, and large service porch in rear. LOOK Second floor-Twe vary large bed- + rooms, equal almost in to two ordinary We have just received a fresh shipment of b- drooms in size and one smaller bed= G1LJER T'S HIGH GRADE CHOCOLA TES room; ver yfine bathroom with built- t in tub and composition floor; linen We also carry a complete line of closet and especially large closets off ,. the bedrooms. Tobacco, Cigars and Milano Pipes Basement - Trac vapor steam plant, electric water lift, playroom or AMERICAN CIGAR STORE 'storage laundry room with tubs, dust- 51"EstWllam gpoof coal bin and ash pit. 514 lEast Williams Lot is extra large with two car = garage and nicely developed lawn. . =Price $17,000-$2,500 Down " """""1""""""l""""""""""""""" """ VlMr. Konold with C. LOUIS,ANDREWS One of the Many McClure Homes Ik Highland Park Residence To Exchange for Ann $1,500 Down $200 a Month Will Buy You FRATERNITY MEN Arbor Property a Home Will take in trade for the above good; building lot or lots in the south east section of Ann Arbor. Home is well located in Detroit, of eight rooms and in excellent con- dition. At this time and for a few days o we are able to ofer a 20 room hat in an excellent location on terms tl any Fraternity or House Club c handle. C. LOUIS ANDREWS Realtor MR. JOSSELYN with 512 First Nat'l Bank C. LOUIS ANDREWS Tel. 30 Rooming Houses 26 ROOMS, two blocks from Campus, steam heat, waterlift, double garage, fire place, 2 shower baths, five basins, four lavatories, large ice room, an ideal income proposition. Price $18,000 with easy down payment. .<: , 18 Rooms Here is a house close to the campus wiith practically unlimited income possibilities, that can be bought very reasonable. This is a league house and the present roomers are very anxious to remain there. There are eight rooms on the first floor, six on the second, four J. FRED RINSEY NELLIE M. HEBLER on the third, with a large dormitory, two large size bath rooms, big sleeping porch, three at- tics, full basement, in fact this house has all the requirements that a rooming house needs. 4-R 413 E. Liberty St. Cost Estimating No Longer A 10 Rooms THE BEST ONE IN TOWN For Sorority or Fraternity e owners of this beautiful property are spending the greater part of me away from Ann Arbor, and have placed their home in our hands ;osal. The size of the house and the lot, and its exceptional locatio make it an ideal home for a Sorority or a Fraternity. erooms on the first floor are large and well planned. the eonnd finor there are twelve large sleening rooms. and three well Problem Here is a 10 room house close to campus in excellent condition, that can be bought very reasonable. There are five rooms on first floor, five on the second, and large dormitory. GUESSWORK in arriving at construction cost has been eliminated by carefully standardized plans and specifications furnished by the McClure Company enables the builder to know in the beginning what his home is going to cost in the end. Every McClure home has been designed to use standard doors and win- The floors are oak downhand above. Finish is oak and has two car garage, large fire place, laundry. 2 lavatories, full basement and the lot is 50x 132. Price of this house is $14,000, with a small down payment. For further information call Ii , I I - inm.~ma~mum a . .