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March 16, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-16

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.__._ r


Secret Passages, Compartments
Reported In 'Mystery House'


pubilcan National Committee States
That "Nothing Discreditable"
Has Yet Developed
Washington, March 15--(By A.P.)-
w and surprising allegations of
als, frame-ups, of projected viola-
ns of the law and of money pay--,
ants for protection were tumbled
ross the committee table in the sen-
Swhirlwind investigation of attor-
yr general Daugherty and the de-
rtment of justice.
Gun running, bootlegging and un-
vtul circulation of prize fight films
re the subjects around which the
timony centered throughout an!
ur committee session, scarcely less
orful than those which have pre-



Secret passages were built in theI The skeleton which was found be-.
mystery house on East William street. tween l)artitions of the house and
according to Sam Green, a former previously thought to be thrown in
owner. Unsuccessful attempts were a cistern at the rear of the building
made yesterday to locate the skele- is now believed to be under eight feet
ton which was found between parti- of debris in the basement. Although
tions and it was admitted that the heretofore it has been stoutly main-
workmen did not know whether the tamed that the skeleton was that of
bones were those of a human being a cat, it was admitted yesterday for
or not. It was also definitely ascer- the first time, that it may have been
tamed yesterday that the money found that of a baby, as first reported.
in the house three years ago was de- The mystery of the money found in
livered to Mrs. Alexander Clark. These the old safe three years ago as re-
three facts developed yesterday in the vealed by Mr. Deco Van Horn, was
mystery case. cleared up yesterday by Daily re-
Ample means of concealment were porters when it was discovered that
afforded by hidden passageways and the money which was explained as
compartments in various parts of the paving disappeared, had been placed
house, said Mr. Green, now manager in the hands of the lawful heir, Mrs.
of the Washington theater. One in Clark. This fact developed in an in-
particular he believes runs from the terview with Mr. Green who stated
rear cellar wall about six feet un- that he took the money to Potr, Ails-
derground to a point somewhere be- house, and Richards, real estate
neath a tennis court on the rear of agents, representing Mrs. Clark who
the lot. Signs of such a passageway, inwturn gave it to their client. This
through now walled in by stones, was verified by Mr. Potter; yesterday.
were seen by investigators yesterday. The identity of the woman who Mr.
The sliding panel leading from the Van Horn said accompanied Mr. Green
dining roon to an adjoining room was when the safe was first opened three
also described by Mr. Green who saidj years ago has been established. She
hat the panel gave all appearances is a Miss Groffe, daughter of the pur-
)f a solid wall. Mr. Green said that chaser of the safe, who, as Mr. Van
here was a hidden push button be- Horn stated, did remove the money
neath the carpet in the dining room from the safe but later gave it to Mr.
which sounded a bell throughout the Green vho disposed of its as set.
house. forth above.

Guai, President of League of Nations.
Reviews Acconiplisiments of :
March MeetIng
Geneva, March 15.-In a statement
tonight reviewing the work of the
counsel of the League of Nations, Al-
verto M. Guani, of Uruguay, its presi-
dent, says. that the March session
which adjourned today was one of the
best in the history of the league so
far as it concerns th achievement of
pru.ctical results. .-e bElieved that
tl:: interpretation of the covenart pre-
sented by the special commission of
jurists appointed for the purpose has
(;iven the organization new force. Al.-
luding to the jurists report on the
right to employ, coercive measures, he
asserted that political considerations
did not, permit a me~re precise solu-.
.min at present. Nevertheless Presi-
(lent Guan declares the salient fact
is that all have recognized the coun-
se's competency to act in internation-
al difficulties endangering peace;.
hence the moral and political influ-l
ence, of the League will be greater
and more decisive in the future. s
Navy Official
Again A ttacked

CH IC AGO 30-14
Western Conference Basket Ball Race
Results in Triple Tie For
First Place
Madison, March 15.-The western
conference basketball race ended in
a triple tie between Chicago, Illinois;
and Wisconsin tonight when Wiscon-
sin defeated Chicago, 30-14, in the fin-
al game of the season.
The Badgers outplayed the Ma-
roons throughout the game. Practic-
ally all the points of both teams were
made from long shots, many from be-
yond mid-floor. Chicago was forced
into long shooting by Badger guard-
ing. Chicago took the lead in the first
five minutes of the game and had an
edge of 7-3 which Wisconsin over-
came before the first half was well
under way.
The Badgers then took the lead and
were never in any great danger. The,
half ended 17-7 in favor of Wiscon-
sin. In the second halt Chicago made
only one field goal.
The last part of the game was fast
and furious. In the last few minutes
of play Captain Gibson of Wisconsin,
playing his last game for the Badgers'
was put out for too many personal
fouls. Dickson starred for Chicago
while Wickmann, Gibson and Farwell
made 8 points for Wisconsin.

The Week's News
In Brief
The Senate committee charged with
the investigationeof the official acts
of Attorney-General Daugherty heard!
startling testimony from Miss Roxie
Stinson, divorced wife of Jesse Smith,
a confidant of Daugherty and from
Gaston B. Means, a private detective
who is possessed of a most checker-
ed career. They both made sensa-,
tional charges of graft and corruption
during President Harding's adminis-
Mr. Daugherty continued to deny all
charges almost as fast as they were
Acting Secretary of the Navy Roose-
velt was asked why he allowed mar-
ines to go into the Teapot Dome area.
'to eject alleged trespassers, shortly:
after the lands were leased to Sin-
Federal action to secure the' can-
cellation of the Teapot Dome leases
was started in Wyoming. A tempor-
ary injunction was granted stopping
production of oil on the reserves
during the course of the trial.
President Coolidge sent a message
to Congress requesting an income
tax cut of 25 percent on this year's
taxes, to be enacted before March
15. The House read his message, and
then adjourned without discussing it.
No action was taken. It is believed.
however, that the special cut will be
authorized before the second install-r

RhLnke Takes Half Mile Rui
ell Lowers World's Indoor
in Pole Vault
By Ralph N. Byer
Evanston, March 15.-P
Varsity track team was for(
linquish its championship of
ference here tonight when
ois took first honors in the
indoor meet by a score of
The Wolverines won seci
in the meet by counting 1
most of which came from se
third places. Outstanding a
feats of the Maize and Blue
those of Reinke, who won
mile, and Smith who forced:
Chicago to six feet three it
Wolverine takingsecond pla
high jump with a leap of
7-8 inches.
World's Record llrok
All world's indoor recorc
pole vault were shattered

Daugherty Strikes Uack
rom his office at the other end of
hington, Mr. Daugherty again'
ck back tonight at his accusers.m
reserved until a later time, the de-
d statements he is preparing in
tation of insinuations made against'
on the witness stands and con-j
ed himself with a brief announce-
t that he "would advise the pub-
>f the influence behind these mali-
s and scandalous attack and thel
acter of the tools that are being
in this cowardly manner by myl



Wasington, N
ation of Theod
tant secretary
ed in the hobs
ative Stevens
The demand

Poincare ('abiuet Hais Closest
Since Its Formation; Vote


How the Dempsey-Carpentier prize Is l11.1
fight films swere exhibited with pro-
fits of $125,000 in 22 to 25 states, with I1FE OF PARTY STAKED ON
an "understanding" against depart- QUESTION OF 1DISCIPLINE
ment of justice interference despite
the law, was related on the witness Paris, March 15.-(By AP)-Premier
stand today by red C. Quinby, New Raymond Poincare today had the ad-
York' producer of the film. In many vantage of a vote of confidence, given
particulars his story followed the pre- by the Senate last night on the ques-
vious .testiiony of Jaston Means, and tion of granting the government auth-
Miss Roxie Stinson, the fourth wife ority to issue decrees, but it was the
of Jesse Smith, dead'friend of Mr. closest call that the Poincare cabinet'
Daugherty. Both of these witnesses had suffered since 'it assumed power
testified that Smith was interested fi in January,.1922:-' The vote was' 154
nancially in the film deal. to 141.
Other Charge Made The Senate also adopted article 1
Other witnesses today made charges of the fiscal measures of the prem-
of direlection's in prosecuting gun- ier giving him power to decree econ'-
running bootleggers and Texas oil: omics measures by -a vote of 14 to
stock promoters. Friends of Secre- p139.
tary Fall and prominent Texas Repuib M. Poincare staked the life of. his
licans were named in this connection government on the'rejection of six'
and federal district attorneys Henry little words inserted by 'the finance
Zweifel and John D. Hartman were! committee of the Senate into article
charged with the delay and failures 1 of his fiscal measures as voted by
of prosecution. One witness said he the Chamber of Deputies,, asking au-
"believed" Zweidel was involved in thority for the government to pro-
a blackmail against oil stock promot- mulgate laws affecting measures of
ers. Attorney-general Daugherty was esonomy by simple governmental de-
not directly implicated by today's tes-I cree.
timony but it oftened trailed to the l The insistence of the premier that
door of his office, to his friend Jesse I the Senate approve the bill as it left
Smith and subordinate officials. | the House, without the slightest modi-
While the committee was in session fication, was more a matter of disci-
Chairman Adams of the Republican pline than a test vote, becaue several
national committee issued a state- compromises offered by the opposition
ment that "nothing discreditable" to would have been acceptable to the-
Mr. Daugherty had yet been develop- government under different circun-
ed but Republican leaders' in the sen- stances.
ate were known to be studying the de- The finance committee insisted that=
velopments closely with the view of decrees must be made, "witlhin the
possible renewal of pressure upon the I scope of existing laws." The preipier
administration for action. stubbornly contended that his governn
ment could not achieve then ecessary.
Ba dT t measures of econonics if it had to be-
Band To Play A thampered by red tape and machinery
T lght Concert of the present laws.
An example of unique musical in- ] FNER [E IllIC MAN
strumentation will be offered at the;
Faculty twIlight concert at 4:15 o'- SUS TOM OROW
clock this afternoon in Hill auditor- L L I I
ium wlien Albert Lockwood, pianist.'
of the School of Music faculty, will Seniors in business administration
courses, and other senior students
play Weber's Concertstuck, Opus 79, in the literary college who desire to
with the University band acting as a enter the b'usiness training courses
symphonic accompaniment. The offered by the General Electric com-
number has been arranged for this pany will have an oppcrtunity to dis-
combination by Captain Wilson, lead- cuss this matter tomorrow.
er of the band. Few numbers have Robert F. Wieneke, '22, of the staff
ever been arranged this way, and the of the Auditor of Disbursements, will
result will doubtless prove interest- he in Ann Arbor for two days to in-j
ing. The four other numbers on the terview seniors in non-technical
program will be offered by the'band courses who desire to go into work]
alone. The entire program follows: which will give them a.practical work-
Festive Mai'ch "The Governor". .Buys ing knowledge of modern business.,
Overture "King Mides" Elilenberg The General Electric business train-
Caprice n and .is obby ing courses offer classes in various-
Caprice 'Danny and Isis lHobby- .brnhs contncrrain
Horse".................Pryor branches of accounting.ncorpo'ation
Ballet" Music from Faust, Suite finnce industrial management,. anti
business law. Students in these cours-
I ....................Gounod 4es go to class. two nights a week,
University Band classes being held from 5:30 o'clock
Concertstuck Opus 79........Weber to 7:30.o'clock. These classes supple-
Albert Lockwood and the University ment the work done during the day in.
Band the various sections of the accounting

Council Arranges For Reorganization bate on the n
Of Present System To Take and was imm
Effect At Once fense of Mr. R
atlve Longwort
New methods for the selection of a

March 15--The resign-
ore Roosevelt as assis-4
of navy was demand-
se today by Represent-
on, Democrat, North
was made during de-
aval appropriations bill
ediately met by a de-
oosevelt by Represent-
th, Ohio, and other Re-

11 U L I I U 11 ment is due (on June 15). Brownell of Illinois when 1
the bar at 13 feet 5-8 inches.
George Wyman. secretary of a of Michigan took second w
"Bryan-for-President" .movement, re-j of 12 feet 9 and '1-2 inches.
ceived a letter from Mr. Bryan saying Michigan failed to place i
~that he was not a presidential candi- put, the event going to Scld
Expect lull To Be DIefeated At VOle I date. If this is true, it will. mark the I Illinois.
Tuesday 1it AmendInenti beginning of a new epoch in American Although Hubbard won li
Prohibited politics. from the Illinois flash, h
---- able to come through in the
WAYS AND MCANS CO MITTEE Curtis D. Wilbur, chief justice of the Higgins failed to qualify in
O REDRAFT FOR ChANGES California supreme court and a grad--( being compelled, to run in
-~~ iuate of the United States Naval Aca- heat with Hubbard and Ay

Varsity cheerleadering squadnd .t LLWashington. March 15.-- Advocates denmy, was chosen to succeed Edwin . Illinois took first and sec9n
Varsity chelae gsquad and a i iih oueoxh lr~sl oicr
m n the house of theproposal to incor- Denby as secretary of the Navy. He in the high hurdles in an' un
complete outline as to organization porate the full cash payment option was chosen because of his experi- pretty race, Kinsey winning'jus
and personnel are included in a re- FOR Lin the soldiers' bonus bill received as- ence in both legal and naval affairs. ahead of Rehm, his team mate
port approved by the Student council- surance from some senate leaders to- bard appeared to be off form
for use next year. The report was According to a'recent announce- lay that fttyorable consideration would Secretary of the Treasury Mellon event. While.Brookins, wo a
w p Jam Ri '24 cluair nent,.members.of the national cam be given to such a scheme when the said that if the tax bill as passed al- pion of:the low hurdles, w
man of the Student council heelead paign committee for the University of bill eaches that body. Meanwhile ready by the house, were made law qualified for knockiggcown t
AMichigan League building fund include the opposition to the paid up life in- there would be a federal deficit of dies, Aubrey of Michigan fa
er committee which' handled the yell t Dean Jean Hamilton, acting chairman surance 'bonus bill to be reported to $55,000,000 in 1925 uai in th4ials
leaders this year. It will go in effect President Marion L: Burton; honorary the house ,oppeared unbroken tonight. _ -Hall of Illinois ran a nice
immedilately. chairman, Mrs. William F. Brawn. 'Under the agreement reached yea Dr. Straton, Baptist minister, charg- t he iyl when he broke the ledi
The report was submitted by the Miss Mary'Farnsworth, Mrs..John D terday, the bonus bill will come up for ed the American Museum of Natural ; erencc record by three fifth
committee in an attemtp to improve MacKay, Mrs 'Edwin L. Miller, Miss a vote Tuesday in the house with History with treason against God and second.. He was closely folio
upon the previous system in use as Claire Sanders, Mrs. Edsel Ford,IMrls .amendments prohibited. In view of libel on the Shuman race. The cause Wykoff of ,Ohio State.
based upon the experience of the past Edward Dwight Pomeroy, Mrs. Clay- thsh procedure, considerable opposition of this rather violent denunciation is Michigan supporters were
Syear. In brief it reads as follows: ton Spaulding, Miss 'Edna Theuner, to the measure had deVeloped among the fact that the museum has arrang- surprisein the two mile grin
Six Regular Meembers' Mrs. Orison S. White, Mrs. Charles iVeterans of the house today, particul- ed exhibits to show the evolutionary ! none of tfre Wolverines placed
"The ideal squad should consist of Deibridge, Mr. Harry C. Buckley and arly on the Democratic side and a descent of man-and thereby suggests came in just outside of the mo
six r'egular members and one alter- Mr. Franz C. Kuhn. All of the com- plan was under consideration to de- that man was not a direct creation of ing beaten by Bourke of Chica
nate. It should be a permanent or- mittee members are from Detroit, with feat the bill and attempt then to bring God. sprint for fourth place.
ganization from the beginning of the the exception of Mrs. Pomeroy, chair- out from the ways and means com- _ Mielir Breaks Record
first Conference game until the end man of the Alumnae council, who re- mittee a measure providing for a full The House waxed wrathy because Miehr broke the conference
of the school year. At this time the sides in Chicago. cash payment option. the department of justice refused to for the run by four fifths of a
members of the squad should recom- The work of the campaign will be give the names of two congressmen I making the time of 9:41 fiat ai
mend in a preferential vote three men carried on through the national head-nn Twho have been involved in bribery ing out Phelps of Iowa by a
to the council who they consider the quarters which have recently been ; ILK 1 charges. Finally the House appointed sprint.
best fitted for Varsity cheerleader the established at Detroit. This change 'l an investigating committee to find Michigan, handicapped by
following year. These men should has been made because Detroit is the out who the two men are, and to as- the sixth lane, failed to place
be preferably seniors. . bomne of by far the largest number of L certain the exact charges against mile relay, the event going to
"The Student council will then sel- alumnae of any city in the country, them. Summaary-.50 yard dash-1
oct. two or more candidates for the and in addition is an important met- Ayres, Illinois; second, V
spring election ballot when they will ropolitan center. Discusson o "TIThe government confiscated the Michigan; third, Hubbard, ivf
be voted upon by the entire campus BusTnaest Administratipn4" by Prof. Royal Mail Steam Packet-liner Orduna fourth,. Evans, Ilhinis. Time,
for the position of 'Varsity cheerlead- uEdmund E Day a "jiuitsu act, and as the result of a narcotic and liquor Equals the indoor conference
or. Imemediatey after the election a xhibition of fencing, and . music by raid in which $16,000 worth of contra- One mile run-Won by HS
notice for tryouts should be issued. t"the "Michigan Troubadors," a well-! band was seized. It is claimed that nois; second, Wyckoff, Ohio
At this tryout meeting a list of those ,fknown Ann Arbor dance orchestra, the boat has been instrumental in the third, Brown, - Minnesota;
desiring to be on the squad should be ' IiiU 19M wl will be features of the University smuggling of over $100,000 worth of Martin, Northwestern. Tim
obtained by the Varsity cheerleader ~ " ~ ~ -Chamber of Commerce smoker to be! goods since prohibition was establish, 3-5. Breaks conference recqrc
oleader and each man should have an held at :30 o'clock next Wednesday ed. The department of justice is said son of Illinois, 4:24 flat made
opportunityto demonstrate his ability Application blanks for tickets. to the' night in the assembly hall of the Un- to be contemplating other seizures 440 yard dash-Won byMc
bofore those present. Military ball, which will be held April in the near future. of Chicago; second, Coonz,
To I'ssue Tryout Call 25 in Waterman and Barbour gym -Although an all-campus smoker, it. third, Coulter, .Iowa; fourth,
"Very early after the beginnig of nasia, wll be given out from2 to 5 will be designe primarily for stu- The House passed a bill authorizing Illinois. Time, :52 2-5.
school in the fall another call for o'clock tomorrow~'attenooninthewSt he sale of the Muscle Shoals nitrate 60 yard high hurdles-Won
tryouts should be issued. At this I main lobby of the Union. Tickets are dents of economics and undergradu- plant to Henry Ford. A good fight sey, Illinois; second, Herm,
meeting the Varsity cheerleader, and to cost $5.00 each. ates who may be planning on entering is expected in the Senate. third, Brickman, Chicago;
Iteewchol Tousieser, in-Minnesota. Time, :
those members of the previous year's More than 800 applications have7 the new School of Business Admin -rs .T ,
squad still in school, should inform been given out for the dance, which istrator next fall. Professor Day who President Ebert dissovled the Ger- uals world's and conference re
the new tryouts of Michigan yells and is to be given especially for the mili- next fall will assume his duties as dean man Reichstag. This is due to the this event.
something of the technique of giving tary men of the Univeroity. The order of the school will explain its aims " insistence on the part of the social- Two mile run-Won by Mie
them. Several tryout meetings of this of preference in the acceptance of tick- and functions and describe the new ists to revise a number of emergency nois; second, Phelps, Iowa;
nature should be held before the open- ets follows: service men, R. O. T. C building in which it will be housed. ordinances which were promulgated Russell, Ohio; fourth, Bourke
ing footabl game. These meetings members, faculty, and students. The jiu-jitsu and fencing acts will be while the government was function- go. Time, 9:41 flat. Break
would be in the nature of cheerleading original. In addition, Mr. Carl E. ing without a parliament last October. of 9:41 4-5 made by Wharton
classes. Ames;Brandt will give a short humorous . Half mile run-won by
"Then as soon as possible before To I'speech. ! The entire Chinese province of Michigan; second, Calhoun,
the first Conference game a-gene'al At Wuerth Today Tickets may be obtained from meni- Kiangsi, containing a population of western; third, Kahn, North'
call for tryouts will be held at which --bers cr at the main desk of the Un- 25,000,000 has been opened for the Fourth, Hattendorf, Michiga
time the Student council committee Lionel E. Aimes '4 of opera fame' ion. production and sale of opium. The 2:00 2-5d
should select a permanent squad of C ' an E n production will be entirely legal, and -won y
six members. These men already Clifford W. Allen'25, amd Eugene $400,000 worth of the drug will be ois; second, Gross, Minnesota
having the advantage of several weeks K.. Buck, 26D, will present several Wisconsin Drops pduced each month. The industry Dauber, Iowa; fourth, DamE
drill should then work together con- stunts at .the Wuerh theater begin- has been encouraged by military offici- distance 42 feet 5- 1-2 inches.
stamntly so as to form ani efficient ning tday 'ohlateral- to the regular 338 From Schooltals in order to raise funds for their' Pole Vult-won by Browi
uniforn( appearance at the first big film of "The Hill-Billy" which stars 'armies. - inois; second, Brooker, M
game "'Jack Pickford. This program will Madison, Wis., March 15.-A total ---- . third, Boyles, Iowa; fourth,
It was also recommended in the re- be given at both showings today and of 338 students of all classes were After 13 days of incessant diplo- tween Wunsley, Illinois, I
port- that the- Student council aid in at night performances through Wed- dropped from the College of Letters natic effort, when an agreement on Northwestern, and Hamman,
gaining' admittance to the Managers nesday. Through the courtesy of the and Science of the University of Wis- the Tutankhamen tomb concession had sin. Height 13 feet' 5-8 inche:
M club for the Varsity cheerleader as Wuerth management, one third of the consin at the end of the first semes- almost been reached, all negotiations (New World's Record)
soon-as they feel that said office mer- proceeds of these performances will ter this year, according to figures an- fell through because one of Howard Mile relay-won by Iowa,
its such distinction. be turned over to the Student Friend- nounced by Dean G. C. Sellery. This Carter's atorneys inadvertently called Ohio; third, Wisconsin; fourth
ship drive total represents about 6 per cent of the Egyptian government "bandit." western. Time 3:33 1-5.
Professor Morris P. Tilley of the A... ;of~ , o... . w ., n, ,,, ao the 5.458 students enrolled in the col- High Jumip-won by Russe


Eugene, Oregon, March 15.-Alumni
f the University of Oregon are fos-

During his present visit to Ann Ar-
hor Wieneke will merely interview

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